The Huron Expositor, 1997-09-17, Page 44sT11W 1111110Ktt1101Igit'T11111, tib- n,'lttla7
Wevivisiwrftiase MUD
€RRIAYNrt DALE • Gtaraer+ui Maraattgsr
& 464vettosIng Monaper
-alai ARMES • Office Moncige'
.DIANNE McGRA3H Subsatphon,
6 Uossiheds
24101.8:0 4216icir
. i�pttr+.r
A fisosssPubligherstawalunity Newspaper
a [drat kali ibLWtr]C L •. 32.41114 war, in ostaicc, ph,t218.G S T
tagliS_ • 31 ORo year, vsaseence Masa 2.10 0.5.1
t1$A how. 4e o pens in adroeai,*078-00 prow. Ca.TatorOPI
rl,beehed venni •17ySignaFSatPublishingof lWMwn•& oSookoth Viddlotlian
agwrwon talo. 069d,bid of Seeiarth, t3etano. +,tdmr`rgg teaouptaden
cone,annIhatbviesiontakaippootopkboolbrvor , thammitortimiteevan etxrpird
.by the acesorss,con,tpgedter+ridOowowrobieallorstsareioroproitae,sdtea
k charged. botb.balatee of the adrstrwaem ri1 lesaxe'for okraopphcalsi
me in /banner et a ypogltopteoot env,. adrswash I or omega eta
arreng.pose.taaatis or .a.nws espy not be ark Acherba to , s ,esw,rentdirrdo
aN, and nay iewahhti,wm t>t pay tone 'thebaron Eapatbr ii rsotwepowbi_ lw
Otte lass or among of waalKred maowmpes. ph/lessor other ,Oarereals used her
,oprooucbon f,urposas Chonges of addreu. anion for aubocroboasand oc ie4r
arob,e carers ate to be rent to The Moron Ewamor
Wodomosietwametematoirr 17, 1tttv7
Editorial odd aoni.rae Olboos - iOoa l.irt•irodJoidorth
•tiippbean aryl 327421110 fox awl 327411te
Mefnoer at the Canorkon T,.cnenen ty Merepape,
AasoaahonOnion Caresterneyhaerapapers Associabon
and the Osman° Press count,!
Views expresitail en our opinion page(s) don't
necessarily -reproaent ,those of tits -Huron
Expositor or Vomits 42.ttlalishers. The -Huron:
Expositor reservers -the •right 'to edit letters to the
editor orto rehorecpubli anion.
Labour batks' with
inonopoiieis never, fair
The following is a column written by .Diane Francis,.eduwr
of the Financial Past (,Scor Media).
The right of government employees to strike must -be
• removed.
. As a teachers' strike looms in Ontario end A-posial stoppage
nait.ionalty, it's time 10 exramine this outdated bed inappropriate
bargaining .weapon.
A strike is desigtled to interrupt the -normal -flow of goods
and WIN ie es that a company produces or -handles. The workers
use the strike:ts.Iheir wain welipun.
•-While.stnikesArelf a in the prisate hector. they are decided-
ly unjust in the-public.sectur. Pubic sector organizations ;re
monopolies And the goods and services interrupted by a strike
are unavailable elsewhere.
in the private sector. • there, is competition, so .workers who
strike risk the possibility their employers allay -permanently
lose business tb rivatsanot-pipguectby A striking workforce.
And monopolies should,eot-be-,pllowed to mike -because of
tlx: damage inflicted on innocent members of • the -public, or
Take a teachers' .strike. The ripple -effect on the economy.
and on children <s welfare, is wormoits, if net iuc akulable.
Single parents arc -pa rticularly.Mtitl ltit if•tbey work becta►tse
they're forded to hire sotmeoge:to bthySit their youngsters .or
else stay -home from .woe*. Absenere-MAY or shay not:be
acceptable to their employers. They may -have to forego
income during their days off.
Worst of .41, they nanny uot• truce any time off ,orad risk leav-
ing their. children unattended.
So innocent third parties ,are damaged -by a public sector
strike. These people should be able to collect damages from
the teachers awl their unions.
That's only fair.
However, it's. lAttnily.practical, which is why I think monop-
olies and their workers must, in return for die privilege of hav-
ing a monopoly: forfeit the right to strike.
The postal. strike is aeMier case in -point.
Serious financial damage will result from.aa work -stoppage.
despite the use of fauces and electronic cats-irstt;fers anti -pri-
vate .[sector courier services. The publisahing and advertising
industries are profuuudly affected, their,prodocts limbic to get
into the hands of customers.
At the Financial .Post, ashore we mail , tens of thoµsaus s of
copies of our weekend edition: to Rannle,portioi s of the coon -
try. we must,gu to Mtge expense 10 get o r,A!stse.peo-
pk by croons, Weans. tlf, that, is, ipaposasibk, ,loath ,soiuetitues it, is,
iKt1vertisors LOW fat ,apJ'Wes because their inevicages.- rWe,r h -
Mg fewer peaople.
This represents -real finlaucial damage and;periwdicals and
others -.from paper comperes • io;printem - siMuld •bye able tp
.sue die pasties, for {ant es. in cokn•
Union spokespvrsoris.wojiJ 1(gAte:ijl►atiNIPP.Yitlgtie,rjghtto
strike will spte 1,yp,tlteiprivale,sector.tlRM4fhat's joinpotttine.
There 1s PP v.lye iMiOn*Ptlf Or•tk00109$*NW singlelb4Grausc
inupCent parties-,aferbdttiltarikeft•
:Rann»g Pollee.air rtiAffle.cootrol.fors, !fire li •or health
wgrkers•fmm striking isajsocessentialbecanse,iideccuption of
their services es bra life wile,* situation.
Unionists,,argue in favour of vacs tli ase ltltis apnpr
employers., are also; monopolies and sap. tj ppe,Itieiliff0-
iiut that-'sMkt ll rr?Jih1 1P Y1rlke,flaollld tbe 4000
another. bettor .wetppcin-,arbil stlh.A!Pd,fAeliORlt-
:Thcsc Iwo, Ae9400fitiersAeigiefi APOARO 4140 re(piioce
(tie grjkc ben,it,99400lp 1pc•, IttrtiaRPMr'rR0>Pt#4gewent
ton " ' 4109P•!f , ffflfPQst4Oe,two sifbs,to try,t0
Nirceetocaot- Mitipie4rAphjiip top: power, to impose a
oirbiga Niccf fiQ4tii/OPOita1'• ArcreRp o
tlPrilif FRIw a9P sl iAt lt#b'h�t�a
arbittA,ln 4111Y public
hp,pmpose41 iegislatively
Ota( alreaaly said'fFnefkiin,t4
rr!$lat . ict Sae, 49ttttiliMrilfit,lh
p 1ssrf t fookkic (ffRft) 0101-
,t $-
9 C>!'�i7�ti7acj�(w•}awe
Aliew Scott books will be a treat to read
Illiellasti4naeu areal stimik
(12tiltivae1II.vdi,oif ly
YJMii: it.yp tstltltundiiittas.e
(fly tsars ti..;(�iorsy,lllm's different. (At
14otttllnicant getting marked).
'his'how/ ';bouk, Monier is
*bout 4 ymaas t gounttaoee
ilea tblishtdisyttlae<s ottartf his
.tiatsghtertKntte frodll,.asadil in
�Bteaftbsr,rwllhteenr Itthdill
[lashes ikessidentstethmatl -ass
Nvedl I ss:the other:uacseasted
reisnuseripts whieh.aee
ipistreedi othecauttinthodit
:tune ir aettime.
Mintier[ issa I l ptgesoft-
droetsrm7 aywitl fief
..eolou fllkslhansetassand.a
.teeTP.' ,!anaelttssuigglptot-
EInmy,evm•,wo+ciis: "Murder
.wath.fiagene fPltai,in;the
room " dote tl,ntade s, can
so(v,e; marterieu...matdhing
settings,iwHw boalkrtaactuail
locations.- Rhode .w,ate,my
ioas.afbmteaditg ithe
Imok: for the first time (and
Itv)y ,Dave Scott
somehow.[ eYcandadowcon
the buakaovnq).
The motttiltrpnttmutthirgsin
frevtewrrlgtarniudienny s nasi'
14wtthat,we Ilntuw td,at
.antl4thepting [font, Q.can hell
t(#xltmitttuoinw Ii,urdt
warder[ i t ytae s tmyststiv) •
therdistthisrtt3k grunptf o1n a
; lactekedlkdtiSt.tPauiltst(Whisth
ink the.a:loc al, town,or arity -
!but tlsatt!t;tdll you;thttt)..And
asatt'rtcll you -the name.of
ftfte:gmupdsut Llancttdll•you
ttlattttlteay,driere ariumdtuwm
;amdfutbitthatilhoante. And
dhM' 1111sw as a laud lintel
Ipaaaitity aaaenittk an existing
Uhl in `Seaford,).
Themis•murder,,ttnigs and
,rank and roll.
'Somebody is'kallintI,w,ifoi-
ttunau$y -'but you =aft lave
,ainwrtiaranyi cry Mittman a
murder. !Loaning' tn11 grin elbow
disc &oily,is!found -lif's wane-
wtlestae tincara munti Qlhiiiris
Wrathy wVbinh, is l (and dins [part
lig MD same-atleast fntuany
m2=0E-ft prosentdfay Lone
Willa Alummcm aim
tridh fit. Wlioat- ((VOplhidit,is
caorramienNy Ih aamd somas
tone street tfmtn a lim asdl
!home Mbidb lI learnt !believe is
in !the thottk that a cthmtght it
II.dmention iit anyway).
'Miasma= animater atatam,
din g:addttsts, •ametgglers,
diateattiv>s, local mops, nada, anoopsand weirdoss.
linlute Maar swim1l ,
'1durttenis IFtellyiis aro:inter
cffi] ttingalljtutt!tlt.<uf1a111iM11•rttoku i
tt anatiaina 1}951i'`Land
(Bit as, tpattiedhady denied:in
:the Ilivi y and rrum}ilex lhar-
Materstthat:inhabit limier
'Maitland., alit l >tawns had
:their •share of as' entric per -
lion Iiuoa...There is the nosey
neighbour • the burtibling
pulicenum, the errantly lim-
ier and the unscrupulous
'tu sinessman froth tit: hag
And dieperson solving this
csimc.Os she IlrltrnnlrlftC,
,mipeccable, insightful invCs-
,tigatcrr, the one and ante
bygone E?hai 1, uvhu
tmenner eeactr.stdis
.theasad w ap man
'When this (lift danger.
11(like this quote cm page 55
wthidh autos up a hate
tllhait's dharaamr for :me -
'i�is mays get rets& 'tun be
pounces alike .a.n nr nwndo.'
rbate tis also a Fermi u the
'budk,F•htatno Magnum
aka dile 'Twill and
9tefiler sur their perrurttenc e
iftntuyta puhliahing-prohlnms
and nll,the [boat for 'future
:books. %We're looking Ica -
ward ty them all.
And speaking .orf murder
myly stBries...with the Truw..un
murder case nannies:ins to
Otte ,newt;. ,did .anyone -happen
to see his full name penned in
reeesnt -r pans?
Steven Murray Trusautt.
(hat's enough to ;make you
do itdouble-take).
Teachers need summer to recharge, take courses
Dear Editor:
and 'Training, Jobn!Stiebtaten,
early in Ibis mandate
mutilated "taareate a:cti1is in
Ontario ts roailie,atlueatisrn
system:" the tuts tpu waited
this "srtisis"'by initiating
unprecedented atttmwasand at
a pa= well tlaayead tthe uer-
:mal .capacity !for ,uitattge.
Teachers And •studmtts
Mooted ,to acohool _to.0,cli-
mate of uueectainty :and:tear.
nut knowing what:the tfutute
h4bJs►for. dam this autumn.
n Rune (3_1997, at _.Hie
.cllhttinatiun of ,the ,whorl
Vic. ,the ittiniforyy (ef
lfalmeation,intraaduso u'mow
curriculum" for !I.angutage
and *lath to AW implemented
al. the Mat Of' this 11441oo1 year.
Teachers certainly : re worn tae
• that a ,cane day :training ses-
sion in •Otte summer, Milli
attendance reattieted illy [the
•Ministry Mealy .a -handful of
teeuhers..was !totally ; Made-
quate and inappropriate to
ensure implementation,of as
new :curriculum in.otomen-
tary schools by -the -fall. So
far,41)ost teachers ''have:had
Letters to theEditor
no ,professional . development
,designed speeificaliy to help
!them meet the gavon1ment's
expire tit ioils . 'Nevertheless ,
Ike °Minister .in slate dust
made (11 political statement
.which implied that leachers
10i/edit) Stow rip:for•ttaining.
-Snobelen clearly saw this as
another chance to :put 'teach -
ars in.tcbatl light. to are them
uP furWhat:comesiteett.
ITeitilhe s[faceda:summercof
tmadis :rstperts .and :rumors
.about the impending anti-
-terscher government k gi 1u -
tion which ..could dramatieral-
ily.ab ,the;ptraentmducation-
ai landscape. At tate end of
August ,all Rilernnntary
Teacher iFotlsratians([stat mith
government ittiPtUltirliitlike.s
19,411 iwsttllis,tmpandfftgilttg-
islation. The guatattftfneant
:then ,provided an .oxm'ytiew
and ,clarification . of ibis ipso-
.pcsl; legis tali an •
;[nate asipeet .of [the 1pmposal
is •to amend :the Education
Act to :allow ,people without
;teatihing :uertificatss to teach
in ;particular areas. This ''.dif-
ferentiated staffing" would
not :be auoreditud, regulated
and accountable ,tv -the
recently established t ntariv
College of iTetieliers. 'Will this
maintain. much less improve.
education in.Qntariv'!
Also being considered is
aemvvtittg ,Pr,inutpats and
>viee-principals . from
federations- 14Kntng
;Principals and 'Vice-prinui-
pals awaeyr Srum ,their roles as
"principal :teachers" and cur-
riculum 'leader-sin
ur-ticulum'leadurs:in the schools
and increasing -the manageri-
al/administrative side cif their
,roles will .not improve chil-
dron's .learning.
:Reducing the number of
,professional development
days. iu r+eacning`.thc length of
the sabot)) year and attacking
teachers' .preparation time as
also being eonsidered.
Teanhens use and need the
. summer tv recharge. Many
teachers take s;aurses tv
upgrade and enttanve their
skills in the classroom. Most
teachers are aback .in st'hoo)
preparing for the fall tem
intermittently [lumens Rate
mummer and at :leant a week
prior to the bead[[[ing of
classes. Talking away the -hone
teachers .use for ensuing ,pao-
fessionaii ..development wijl
definitely not have • a positive
affect on student achieve-
The proposed legislation
also threatens iv vvetrtr:ide
:[negotiated collective agree-
ments and suspend .our legal
and democratic right to
sink. Ileauhurs have had lite •
right tv strike since 1975
when the Tory government at
the time enac=ted $i;ll 1 Uri
(7'he School iavards .and
Teachers Coldeuti Ye
Negotiations Art)..* stdike is
a tetaehers" last resort in cql-
legtive bargaining. ;it can only
Abe used .when all other strate-
gies have not resulted ni an
CONT1bhUF.,D on ,page 5
Brea4prwes rise to 13 cents in Seaforth
. __ f...._ _ ,` detilohtrnat,t of two officers .is
1F1WM flttW IP+At S (OF
filktEAKIR4xa d R
. dNliRgq, 11 7
Mr. Wren. $Sillltry, of
Tuckorsmith. had a -[rococo
escape .from death while.tlri-
ving into,town on Monday
morning44k costae to the rail-
way [monk just as the manning
train 'from •tbc east .was com-
ing in and apparently :think-
ing : be ; had sufftciopl •time . to
crud jn :tient .of the !train.
'lathe acts -the •tribik• f#7ie
train .was glPsor, than * tiled
expected. rhowever, and ,the
.Ogit>e; d:tbettl flftthe
YligiRP- -AP AfilliPecr ming
the IOW the •PArs 'in. tbleW
the .whistle ;alto MOP tk48ht-
oRed the tbRraea ,and ttnRtle
Atom Only. tlhaAsi►tvg rMi'-
'$i11o'y off -the ,WWOm ,['Hid
,Nnf14r the whggl¢, aMhiHh
,ppAs0 yvcrihOrbal '•.
'fi4* !holzgoitsmotiowof tihnir
iffy tttell. 14,W o111lJt-
�a4ffltittMr. 141411P
40000 At OM"
ti [[telt Jan&5 ,dowf
m1Alffi (Mgr."j c .Rol lS
Ilf1 MKM'• W dot r . , iM
t"ott#�• il
Vs1P u w AultttflillRt. fir.
zILIt�iA11c s4P
alsp aemc
lbntised•tit was;indecti a par -
A; sfstr Sillccy as
titv4i ilrtsittY:Prfila .elf s cou-
lit t tf cMfhi4h laved
t *4400
die Years
!the ,following<eAttain clipped
from •Macl,can's weekly 'has
tuforonce tv the aiplcndid
achievement of a Seaford]
young,lagdy, a daughter.uf a(lr-
iRubort Acchibald, and a
.member of ,the staff ,of
?Maglaan's NMaga4ine ;pNbli-
;cations: "There timate ibuen
AMA( doings ,in >thc
StNsnogratphtc t4ttTlarttnant
rteQgfit$Y• ,At tfhf"Rftptla(ritittg
ARnt9Rt ,at [the 'ftetiwtto
►ithihaitQP itikAA MIA IR
4i.4hitla10 cctANle mot Afro tin
,11if ll>''
i><nf4[c114tt [Stoll tiAlym -
fitsitActinketr ikaint3 tete ,tskral
moo* .of a )$U41. [dale
riM1iM,Y im1gti?Rt lh#1 t44$fl lI
ilfl AMP tAittC9 1 tPltiti4441
.41 l Ped IMO
aat!4 tttl�Qc tlfll. lily
sgilatlt4iA1t AMC! Niff,
.6 �4 =lift is AMNIA* * NO.
,v ; 0410 Wows
-Mi* *VA- J'• !Sw,aft
itni111 And ;kV. Iii um", 411
10 daffy rt$rt9t44
dncs4 X11�
IOW ' ' cditghgl!.
1 4R
MOM .� tutu ro 1 isle root `iP
if3I1 t49, [[flat*
Stapleton, $eafurth, was
awarded :the grand Chanpi-
unsahip at the . ,regismal
Shorthorn show hold ;1n,cup
junotivn with the ',Stratford
fall Fair on ',Wednobday. it
,Wats handled in ,the AO :by
RWioihaard Acinrman. ut
lQtR4E.44DRttt?ES iW1StE -
I ices c:f ,bread :tri S`ca1Qcth
moat ,yypP I hW$daay mariniqg
tikam tthcoe +l9 [(Alts toi9ots ,l4
illtte withtthe ,iarowee
tlhcAatghunt -lgfldp• Ake kit
whi4h ifecmedy •ante ifw nine
Afr iW Mats ,is ,thaw sailing at
11.0 tcnns8. Mow dere ,wove
ataosimstitht �ttootetawo•
-ie ikitlelli, ,clicualbar olont
iial hc,ccit ,Af,almaat,csNttNa-
,ttQNs :R4t�laty ,dtttSitj ,a NY
ott'Qdootu(e ,&caaatlP • " ,stM--
4Ub4tt Acft4PGC, 'motto
rrt tat wits stoki AV ttottA!
certteil�A�p,.40', Wlceod
t gloy IOW -Phi Olt i t 41q 6
oto (w 1he�i(�MIK ,Meth aGi'
his4niaht :etnisht ,w4t�t-
j:0;4,itpd>llcmiilw• AteattRillics•
likespa gslfliiijY Alt t t R
,gslkNicgtslqstt ,iP w
*AO 49 llhe1041 Rqiice
'' itl+rl9
,tvwfni • .FAte lobo , 9r
Nt ,i►s ,a ,ieON4t tOf
,sltaSiQtt site tl9MP t%Alttl4 i ,gt
t rtileelMg ,P,4111�,s
U'Fflt 411Cli114t ,
,� 4 o
ine 1141.410 ,cQtfNttliice t►T
O kVtt4 4,11f9N4141
,Constable William Hodgson.
who was transferred here
from kilura who has -bum in
tbe•C)1YtP fur eight years and is
a veteran .of Wiurld War J. •
The second officer is
,Constable Gor.dun Craig.
who •its a native .01 .Clinton.
lie has been in police work
MIK(' ltis ;retirettaent froth the
art [tel R 38, &,fl
ahlingugb Ate jilurun ,County
P000tly tCuQlmtttec brought
in a :rec;um01.004 tion to tura,
the Ifurtnnr'itturon County jail
intv.aa,tntuseum.Af penology at
lest ttiridaty's cowling. ,mem-
ibers rot' 4Vtatn;il felt ;they need -
,e1/ >R11 aline and more loftar-
,ittAtlun dV dtiiike Auub ai
alun •
At ,woos weed that ,the
IPAIRCAV t0,10411i4kete attoold
,cellae ,t(,P ,w.,itb some aattetrttaate
ells ,tri ;tittle for Awn -
MAW ogotiq• c
,49aat , ,44 4414 fo. 499O Ifw
.Plikraittoos Oto s441e .tai f • s4rf
F6twfxe 014tei4e JWAtN%
iil�ll 49
tsedltaaisl� Ate1B , 00,1 441
4414 Alce9Y.ficr4 ,e;►,f tit 0
6e iY4Ps crittta ttr e�11etel9
MC e 4 Ailq�1 IC**
1iud ttlg 4II 4$ titW
� , �,ila ,Q !Mr. 4c141
.4. gen Stc:Wn/
gKt41 •Odletrf