The Huron Expositor, 1997-07-09, Page 3Volunteers praised at national a llf3 tDtt MU)'BCtf)IPI' b4poaitur hdttut \Volunteer • tnenthara .uf .hoer Inuit .attxiliatie s aurttai> ,the country waed S_c7•milliun in 19961ftm ' uadtan hospitdla. The ,vititte-ut‘volunteers was an impatient +fl deet ut the recant .Canadian Association ut ',Healthcare Auxiliaries (CMI) 'NJu)7 .annual .aun- certtiun :htlW an iHulifux, that -Frances Tinton) cut Iagmundville.attended. Teatteru, :Dirtetur of Student 'Volunteers fur the Hospital Auxiliaries Association of Ontario (HAAO), heard sev- eral ifl presssive-apeakirs over the .five..day-culventtun in luny. OL.cuurse, being en the Atlantic .wast, the food thrumghout the.entire convei • tion was "wonderful." she -said. Moat Man Nektateem -You riealtzc what u leader- ship rule Ontario takes. The statistics are interesting Ontario has the largest male group of volunteers in Canada at 3;8+42. The tutat ter the country is 5,193. 'B.C. has 199 mak volun- teers. Alberta has 29, Saskatchewan 19. Quebec 917 and PHI - one. Crud bless him. He was there. He sat with all the women and had u wonderful time.' iLetaef Morey Rained The $37 -million raised last year was actually up eight per cent from 1995. That money NtRASICIEE MATER!), DtQato► stager lteluttassir .tor Ihtletio camettrum.a tuWl Uf 741-atsx- iliarios in Canada with .a tonal nmenthurship .uf •87,37.E. "Ontario ilea 209 of those auxiliaries. Ontario raised 23 million of that .tutor. That's from volunteers. You .think about that. That's u Jut of money." she says. Teter') was invited by the lwspttal •asaus:tatiuns of two provinces, PEI end New Brunswick, tu.eunte and help organize their .telae .vUlunteer games. Pill•has.unty 20 tette volunteers in the ;ptov.inue and Nev. .Brunswick has 254. while Ontario has a .whop- ping 6.191 of the total 9.776 across the cuuntry. ".I see what a targe group 1 have," •sin says. "And I'm starting two ttew groups itt Otitartu." Teeter() hos bean wonting with students and .teens fur 18 years. "I like being with young people. They're your future and my future whether you ,want to take that iteritrtts- tly or not. 1 take salaams to a lhottpital netting +curt' tcTUIUs- 1M. They'ut .an .eateneion of %What'lEs. lil one 6i0110 gems ,on Huiltmtearti, f'W ibe thrilled." lbw imp People get hung up au elle 'tar thing" is pi,g u -ltdluntaar. '"A miluntnctr ram he my est tfnrm 112 u 112." 4.1hne airman tths attended With ,em 'hoopitd! dwwdatums. Seafuith'b foundation tib edla nicely new and meat Hammitt& aaruas the dourine 'haze hath an auxiliary or aeeturiation and a •foundation. 'In a amall .eume mitt' Bray need to thane an intngritted rile. The -big eat .diffnunu:r between.auaclharies and'fuen- dutiuns is that auxiliaries hold tundrnntw .and operate gilt -shops. eu:...and founda- tions du one annual i:antpatgtt and handle bequeaths and eurpurate vonsurships xn bigger centres." 111 general terms. 'teatime - liens are more interested in patient care and foundations are interested in purchasing new equipment and funding rwteart:h, she says. 'A corporation is less Bliley to :put murrey into betc:ks and mortar. They like to ltmd ape - odic equipment and support groups. They like to' have their name assuetuted with something." C Complementary wnmi particularly tine interested .in the Cumptontentury Medicine net ~hest asaPIMMTOOls Mall Se /MT -a iliary convention session mirk* teatittod a ,ntium Sauk tecta, home - path O.: doctor. tradibona) Chtncar doctor and avugwnc- .ture. She teas taken tete fait ilevetl therapeutic footle MUM. Sheer Aitrt,ia Kiesurb, htD. 'if etc ever appears `lesc:ailt3, I encourage people to po 'bear her epcal.,' says Tcaicw Kenny th an educator and phyt iclan vattir10 and 'heeler*cis money un die value of mol uneasier. "fie have a different attachment to the group were in olivnd with When you -uutunteet, you do it tura difcmmt =aeon (than paid'health care profession- als)." )." ferny .told tete timpani auxiliary nmethers. She had aid rules or values of patient carr she .shared with the audience. •'Resspectt fur dignity .of par - tenni. •wring wlatictteettip- • Protection ,of the manna - batty .u1 patients. • Service to (the commini gam. • -Stewardship of -health care teautt!Qesa. • Anda dimple ayes= (nut begged down by paperweritt. She also sty:lased preventa- tive medietne and keeping yourseilf healthy. The J3.lmourable Monique Begin spoke about the federal government's uomm►tanant to health care. 'NBhc gut a stand- ing ovation. S.he's a very warm person. - Elizabeth M. Davies. KMS. New Huron -Perth public school board files first report , DY OREGOR CAMPBELL .Expositor Staff A committee of the new district public school board for our area of Huron and Perth Counties (District School -Board 8) filed an interim report, its first, with Ontario's education improve- wentvommissionlest week. This Local Education Improvement Committee' (LBIC), co-i:haired by current chair of the Huron board Allan Carter of Harpuncey, has met four, times and "reviewed the merits of junior kindergarten programs. connections with the child- care community: food and nutrition policies and excel- lence in education ventures.' according to the press release. It has "commenced the sys- tematic discussion of those qualities sten to be •part of an ideal school system. At each meeting, two or three aspects of such a school system are discussed. Where there is agreement, a -recommenda- tion is made to be carried for- ward for consideration by the new District School Board." . The mandate of All work and sub -groups established .by the committee is to seek "District School ;Board" solu- tions tor all matters under review. Their.prolintinAr reports are to be 'filed with diruetors,by early Scptcinbcr, "for further -review and refinement .as necessity," ,to be forwarded to the local • education improvement cum- mittec, Which .will allow a farther committee report before the $eptettther SO 'Depositor The kx-14:110; >t. - I "ft�►lt ftor -}1114 ' .....t:..o, t .- ..4d e$- 01416 a4 deadline set by the provincial government's education cum- tnittc 30151UUiCUR1TY The mandate of the human resources sub-cummittec. according to last week's press release. "is• to facilitate the transition of .employee .with .respeet anfl dignity from the misting boards ,to -e unified. .owltasiwea.effactiatit •antl.effee ttvc disitiet schuul.board" "Although mune degree of change in job .function and working conditions is inevitable. the sub -committee will be guided by the prinei- plc of job security in tormu- latiny specific recotnmundit- tic►ns , to the L.,ELC as required." • Wendy Anderson of the Perth board is the other eo- chair of the local education improvement cotnmiucc. Trustees are Roxanne .Brown and Doug Ciarniss of" the •Huron board. and ;Brenda Schely. - and 'Nancy McFaddcu•tFair for Porth. Huron and Perth boards have met on a more Or less regular basis since 1993, focussing on "cost -efficiency through the establishment of shared ventures and the eattwtsion of existing pariner- ships." .last .week's press; sclease states, with many of these meetings involving trustees and senior staff from the *tutt,n-Perth separate school board. • NM 11 MS When the government's Bill 104 (wheel board amal- gamation) was introdtieed "administrative and political dialogue began almost imme- diately on an intermit! basis. Later structure and composi- tion evolved and the eummit- tee says ''this format hos worked quite well. and has Otte prpvtieled .t#ts ,etitctiriittue Grum aditreaaitig ,dli:fditouir issues!" • - Lauth 'pubI ic. boards and LEIC '`have reviewed :the elex:toral population figures..• and hove -reached agre anon about the distribution of nine trustbes,"•according tv the press release. They have cu-spunsoted u student forum Jur appruavi- %natcly 200 secondary school students to discuss amalga- mation issues and concerns. The two county .boards •and lural education improvement • cotnmittee. along with teacher federations. "have enacted two elementary school administrator exchanges (one .printfpal at5d one vice-pgiactpal) as a. demonstrativeof commit- ment to the establi meet ,of the uew.entity." NNW YJ \\() j i F \(; spoke about the shift of heat* are systems. She tad tate ma/cave of 500 that our quality of lift depends os quality of oar Faders dad 'awe nobody else seems to be volitateeriag, it's up to yOil . If yore've ever bad dreams of leadership, how is ter unit, this is the place and you're it.' • Vies far Health System Davies ales had a fist of values for *thee* system. • Respect for 3 j,aleel. • Attitudes for caring and l orripa6aaCirl • Work to the (.:c+mmtruty • Auvuntntiiltt� • Learning • Ccxttptlittr cx • Partu=►Patwo • Shared Vision Ultimo talked with prose from all over the country and knead that mora provinces are poria through a revatmping of .their health care structures. "Ontario really takes health ChM seriously 1 talked to a woman from Alberta who was not entirely happy with all the changes there. 7iure's been a lot of restructuring and a lot of s:kmwgs." Teattxry says beieg a volun- teer for more than 20 years. a worker at the hospital and a health Care wntUtner. Fives het throe different views of our health care system. "i sue chutnrea that }lave bora tom - tug. People are wrmfurtabk ,with the status quo. They dtto't waut w int gv • of what they have." Cadet drowns in Maitland waiter dig ' •A 15 -year-old youth, ma a camping trip with other army fie and NOW otter cadets Caidets from Lvndvu. west 1rssta$ air umatueaseb W drowned while crusting the carry equipment across the Maitland Eiver near rim to a eawpsite at *bout Benmilier un the Sunday of 3:15 part. on June 27 when it the Canada Day weekend. hilipened. Ontario Provincial Police An independent Armed say they are invest,igattng. An autopsy confirmed Dearw Anagnustuu .died by 'fresh Dangerous driving charges ,tpe,), ,of cine Oat also Psovithaal Yeslie;e says lefty Reiger has been,r ►teed with daingerovs operdtioe of a motor vehicle causing eleada, and dangerous driving of • to motor online causing injury. lit is scheduled to- appear An wort at Exeter July 1O. )Forces investigation is alai) expected; it nngeruus ining charges have +been field against .au 18 - year -old from Zurieb. hi the aftermath of an April acei- dent in Play •tuwns4rip iu which another Zurich 1.8 - year -old was killed- . 'Wayne hates a died A.priJ 10. The Huron County For ►.er Biue + r (offer charged (iartb Rate. 32. of Ciuden01i is scbedu1e.4 to appear in Ontario Court (Provincial Divisive) at Coodcracb on MY 2J. The major cases sec tine of tete O'1 's criminal inxctfiigd- rtue bureau began its wyeatt- gatiu n in Jauruary. A further cttrreutiuttal o#i car at the ,R.luewatcr 'Xoutl, Centre near 0e4erich etas been arrested by proviaetal police and charged with cute count of wmmutt'assault. after their investigation of .te inmate's allegation .of asaatdt during an incident there w May 1 994. CORRECTION NOTICE We wren to draw jrour ationso►t to the rolboang to our conal 75 rears Summar Lw'r►p F Pipe 1 - Motomaster Nand Cleaner. 38-1000-6. Copy should read: Save 34%. NOT 514%. Ppe s: Mop t Pail Wringer KS. 42-9652.4. Copy should reams Save 12%, NOT 23%. Paas 10:. iter' 6. Hook & Loop tonneau covers, 41- 2440x. Copy should read: Save 20.00 NOT Save 20%. WI Ence ery refd1 any inox tyres a we may have caus.d you a Huron County's Coutplete 13 13 13 Q VEHICLE RENTAL i Headquarters 1 1 brnall & Mid-a);ud (:ars 1 Pasenger 4c Cargo Vans. Pickup Took* 111aily. Weekly, Monthly 1 insurance Rentals & ti4ore 1Free Delivery CAR & TRmJ( swab LXVIS101.1 ut bWtquaeu Ford 500 Huron lid.. Cudaxx l; CAU.WM' tear 524-334? .15;41'�'Jf�l7Dlsle SEAFORT! Igo RA E BROKER LTD. f27.1610 t'4 Buss 16 fC)ur'Buaus' 9 MAW • • ,Auto PlAITh • Lee • :Ot,tt. Of PACOACX Towel inoulowe CaM Oar l&eimeerg 'today • Ken CmAlmo •livon netsgli 9 NO) Wilt , • Joanna Williamson Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company 60&100, ORO*? WO 161 (Eatau netted in 5876) Preview foil trteurrraca Cova+a9e (a . Farm Properties Nee ApptwAtioas air Welcomed • °RRECTORS & ADJUSTORS ,I 0ste.,AA settee 341874: POn Feacwr. AR 2 0410 3466•2t Lary 6afdrwf.RR 254, 346.261E Jed iiod9wl. Flit. 1 Won 1296%5i ttOus ccstaN.$la aGratsoo 225.264: tkOs Wiow6, PP 29 Pari 393444 AGENTS Were uredo. Elate 235-1915 John Berle, W n 345-2512 Wiac.1101 348.9012 liar 0W. Exaav 236440 A'OW fi Irvin syrplim WH$ 4afp40 (Ar ell pOpy 404- 9/1 109 9110111y, s/P An rlIC-A0 0010 0004 9t11ndlna 0113110a1011707 Olt 19_ W troy OW Pins dpi gag it Tete icieg At4ti9t* AW *CON §}far, lttice(a1!• Kft11;4WAVC,• i VAATr 1414r*6 . The ANYie kiaea'tf+tWii*PAY} 10)0!oriOX, ...•IOA4yieS.4rilldRtlti/.• `,e,., AIR.til .ail utak,40antsts•AMlimmke.octwittt4t 1443.11iteatasiVAPA OONFAII V rte HylOg44 Lf p4 10101019411 440rfWt414.491 4140440 111910#101 : WNW ii0414140 firfthe,deiller:0t10140)1A►!,Mil ji # ,W:40004f-40l9*** 490400 paw ogice $141001(0)19). Star Wits dish evetylMes es It TA It CHOlCL 1