The Huron Expositor, 1997-07-09, Page 1liigmondvllle woman
.auxilwtty nor mtitttion.
See .pagt,
Ctt►itbratittg local
\Grade 13 and
:high achoul grads.
'See pages 11-13
Srsttortil Attila
it, guest curator
fc�r 'Hen Glass'
Set Page 20
Your Community Newspaper Since IMO Sgaiorth, brio
Doctor, •c#hildren
escape SetiouS
injury .in accident
bots, vehicles were demol-
ished tit a cutlisiun.•-from
which police sa) charges ere
pending. that involved it van
:arising hts lour small chil-
utcn driven by Ur_ Robert
Shepherd of Seaforth last
The Huron County detach-
ment of the Ontario
Piovtncial Police says
Sliepherci. 3(. and children
ranging 111 age from four to
11 year.. were taken to
Clinton hospital with ininor
injuries and lar observation
following the erash at about
• 11:30 in the morning. in
C;uderich Township on
Highway 8 at Huron County
Road 31.
-The van "burst into flames
sometime later" and was
extinguished.hy Clinton fire-
Police say a car driven by
b0-year7old•Robert Tordiff of
London "was -in collision"
with the Shepherd vehicle.
Turdifl and passenger.
Gerry Diane Tordiff. 5(. also
pf Lola Street in London
Were taken to (ioclerich hos-
pital "with non -lice threaten-
ing injuries."
Jacket -smith man
:collides with bridge
A Tuckersmith Township
Mall was hurt when he hit a
concrete -bridge in a pickup
truck early last Tuesday
morning. •
Police say 39 -year-old John
;Janrnaat "was taker- to
Seaford] hospital with serious
injuries." and "the vehicle
.was severely datnaged.'.
it happened at about 5":20
i.itl. on July 1. on Conc.
12113 of McKillop -township.
east of Huron County :Road
"The vehicle- came to rest
the roadway on the dri-
Yer's side." atcurdine to the
OPP press release.
Mao kilted au
inotwyele 'twit
weariug helmet
A 29 -year-old man was
killed riding a din bike with-
out a helmet in -Stephen
"Township on June 27.
Ontario .Provincial .Potiec
say .Rodney :Parent of .RR 3
Dashwood "collided.with a
culvert of a iprivate Janeway
and lust control."
"He was thrown from -tire
motorcycle ftntl.tantles on the
paved -roadway." and flied Of
head injuries at a ;1.otn4ipn
hospitalthe following day
iFivniftr Myron
A former warden ,of Huron
county and ,Hcnsall town
t:011nclllQr ft* IIlt .scars has
W.Alxln ilcortlialte. 40,4i41
salt ..f pAttfloy, 11N 11 ,al
,9�ycp4NtlltllB At
Ale .0Ai Ye,Of&Wltf9r
fight Ie,Ats,a4►d'HitiRlt'a *W-
Itin 1053. Most 1ec41}l
lived at jran¢ c
14141e.;tify.C(0001 nd
.duly 9., Il 997 — 51 AVadlt GST
Bolton receives highest
honour from seed growers
Pilostis-av iaAvro ttpOYT
THANKS fon lee -TRACTOR, RUT WHICH 00E4 - The .winter of fhe atorth Ag
Society's Tractor Elimirmation Draw, Thomas Allison of ,Woodslee, :4ntatio, .wasn't on nand
Saturday night to claim his prize but his elated family took the stage 'for congratulations
from Ag Society president Paul Doti$. Allison's niece, Donnie Softer, said a Jaw words of
acceptance for the 'family. As of press time, society members had not yet heard .which .cif
the three makes of tractors, pictured below, the winner wanted :to Claim. T•tie sangria prise
winner - of a lawn tractor - was Shawn Rowland of eherkston, Ontario. Third pritae winners
of a set of Royal Doulton dishes from Seaforth ,Jewellers are Hohn pnd it!tryyllis ftaetRan dirt
RR -5 Goderioh.
Support for more tourism signs
SSP -News Staff
Huron County ha.s decided
to support a sign initiative
which will hopefully direct
more people to this:part of the
. At their regular monthly
meeting July 3. Huron,County
Council put its rubber stamp
on a provincial tourism sig-
nage program now .being put
in place un provincial high-
The action arises tram a
recent decision by the provin-
cial government to privatize
the .responsibility for tourism
signage 'on province. A firm
called as Canadian TOLS
Limited is now approaching
Ontario's counties and regions
to sec if they arc interested In-
nthe program. end the ,Huron
County Council decision was
-needed locally before Abe sign
company can place signs on
county road allowanecs.
What the decision means is
that the way is now clear for
any tourism business to have
signs on highways .to direot
•business their way.
Prior to ibis program. only
large tourist attrautiatts :(with
visitor :numbers more than
30,000) were able to place
direnhOnal ,sk ps Oh 91.9vim;ial
highwtSow, any size
WNW'.ou page 3
CouWy vowel ram hooves
problem ist .
c4?4iK44Qt 1t1>e Flfit a furl$- It4iYi•IYA)4Ccrif:rfliC**14irt��' i tl' ►If' UN a as : 4ft'NMcd 'by e44aOO .141g Ina i lit
P;1 wsS1aff ICul44 i1;i 1. tillf0)ltiPOW Sffttlitiftit;'' OW
tcdtflfli 4110111101t49 iii'WMPi fllttg,lhe>p tbsl iia
lthaV1t 41100*- NSW yvlhy dike .Afigli11i$ti h AO 40* .olid it r i -
+,PS ` ihii ,' ' 4i#4Pt 41 AP tiitf t44 t�1t►,g +1414 *Tit+ 6 tttgiil
trig ")ljt►y $ at t1c 111 i1'_:'' lttrtet�latutqt• APAK901!� •
NOW* 41►eoliAS Mf prom ,,�i31 4f Now t tl1P• 1R11t ti/)�
1yt il• i ' 111Wf1d• 40441C14411141041 .11 1
1 11te 111011 119 ji��•,�p
AMP. 'lrffill rC111l41110hi34n :44f � mot AO ¢414kt >c4441 t1t4s
t#tagii 'l p• 411:1 the alias -the pill.. "14 K i;t 1r Aite.4tWtt 4sdoN4Ss41 sws mot
~1,00 itW9 1pu Pais :a01i4 11m4 **di . p A�
rc ec lay tfrt?in . �,,,le ;e c<cs- ,pct tillMINSI <Afi FIs R d tit,is i 0filt141lt Mil
;itig:c0f , . • t,1c t0P111- *ble•r11t14ifl air i44RP 149
t# :s At',Hurrflail► Allow OrAOcAk t Alf MON) *419
31he l.int41109r1 *Of hnilliMcAtgr t title ,e9t41CA AO
R4109140:44141 (Cathy rt.aaillAig`. Ito \WOW 1i Rkc9lff
O t+ii>>!t1 di %IW I4 v asn't ,4lignod 1444 t! S' M5y. ,,�•
itfKORt, t t ,, 6*t Anne because Mist JM!41o6 ijogken Altrlr' 11t i11er4 49
- - l . ,, . s11t5 ��t iihe ipc iot0 it11tWit 1f Air 4 • ltd
ity�41° IP'f':"A44• RR�41IUiQfl ,,ce. ip;resl. , tsc MAW # Witt .-t4t441
l9lir sew fiNin ill i OP 14 Ar ' , " 41 Ott d!"a4t
irt 101,4401A. ' ti t Mkt a t t tr , � , ,° ! ' 4
.�}� : , •. We '�ear ter 4W,As ��
t140 . re rtlpany: lw
_ ( `. �t 111Vft. v
iikVicaKtici 11/904100,p0410
$916/2, a.service =!t-10000 400 :4{t
.1 44
.*.tt Bolton :uf 1Jubl[in has
won the thigheat :honour
awarded by .the Canadian
Beed !Growers' Association
The Robertson Associate
Award is mitred .after lames
W. ROhtntson. *thefirst'pasti-
dent•of the assoeiatiun, and is
.pt+.esented to individuals who
'!have had 15 years .or inure
of outstanding pedigtued seed
production... (and) :haws
demonstrated outstanding
leadership in ..the interests of
better farming and improved
"Art has done so much
work .in the industry both on
a personal and -political .level
that 1.can't think of a more
worthy person for the hon-
aur,"- incoming •CSGA .prem-
dent;Lorne Johnston says in .e
press -release.
ffirtfl WO' SAS
After getting his ;B.S.A
from the Ontario .Agricultural
•College at ,the University of
Toronto, ;Belton began work-
ing :for -the Srtttcnsion branch
.of ;rite tQntario Department of
P gciettituw.
Soon he sot up his ,vw:n
farm and seed business.
He has been on mann dif-
ferent boards and associa-
tions, among them the
Ontario Seed Growers'
Assoeiatiun as president and
the Huron Cao le me
Now he .is a national direc-
tor of the CSGA and return-
ing officer for the "electoral
district of Huron -Bruce. •
"When he's nut sitting on
committees or perfecting #tis
seed 'business. Bolton enjoys
his time sailing and flying
with his •w(fe Marie and their
two .children.,. says the seed
association's press i►ease.
Seaforth hospital
supportive of rural policy
Despite the leek of specifics
for ;the :etght .,district hospi-
ttals, 'Seafurth Community
}Hospital is in favour of the
recently announced rural and
t orthocn care frame-
worlk by ;tete Ministry of
"The .rural health policy
does recognize .tile unigpe-
aess .of ;rural ;health clue
needs versus urban.," com-
mented 'hosipital C.jEQ Ail
Thibert. "It s different .in
Will area 'based ,on .distance
froth hospitals and .weather
'factors. etc."
Over the coming weeks. Abe
iiiurun ;Perth DSC "antici-
pates ftptther direction frutti
the ministry regarding Abe
policy and lattntt,g that wilt
:be ,required A041110411 ;k us-
pl1a1 notwodis," aeen ding :to
.the IDkfiC. Right now, tube
rttral health plan :is shoat on
New chair, board
t .doesn't talk about dos-
ings. ti ;taUcs .about the twin -
tering role for northern and
Aural hospitals. it's very sup-
portive of what we've done
,in $ucctn-Perth (DAC- study
and hospital option). Je terms
of specifics. we're still .await
ing them," says Thibcrt.
tQnee •t;his information is
released. the local J>HC will
work with the eight district
hospitals "so planning can
proceed cooperatively."
'One of the most important
neat Steps is to being to bring
clinieians .together across the
district to plan hcattb pro -
grates On .a�s�Y stent-W;i4e
basis." stated 4 4Chair Deb
Campbell in a recent press
The 11MC also plans ,to
work •.Witt► il.ondon ,hospitals.
tt))0,49, and comitionity,basod
seirAccs ;tn ,Moron and Verdi
"10 aniline ,all itcattb a:r ryices
wotlt :togalber in the heat way
fo isibk."
members for hospta1
wwit4ir 1PAli19r
A !hell Award eith'if' arca
th."1.44fle4141 Ibottks
and .001,eiwirtglat 111Nr4440-
:ate AwiktisKOlostfAhe
recent tilW44
$9 Pilaf ,4114144141 I041
O4 fir,4t htil a I441; r i$19t-
19144terS1 t0449 ,twi A* N.4.
44w tikowit ,41(.90.
Pkvicto 0#41elge Akvoihip
t4tle fb9 saw MAW!
tIVIC44kilk » zed
..0441 n ,r cif tc$e�ie61 le it44al;
Itte< iP 443,11 idlte+d aP
(Witt* Aticitheir f91f t1t4e
i4P i�4 i44SK4419A AVy
Pair *YAWAkePlitt NMI
ifaVard member h 0I �iyuw,
+Moto served six years. is step-
ping dew n. " e hospital is
.00Yte ,of con -
lc( $.MIAlfe alta Kud
4t►ye dpa4c hospital
.9vgr Atte lours•
'>t',lb'u IV& ,ttuw4 ttne+autcrb
itIcAev00- ,e4le-
dlletk41 he,4401l prittcapitO
gAlit y 11 9t end Alwo,n-
01400 YiQlM n44rsic #.aQ e.
a 441N taws AO
Mike * 0*ye Acem rcap-
jRS4iw41 ti9 Awoke; qpy.
94f! F '
gainkto y• Dx c i,t;t tit
old 19r41M�•tttti4vt4i
19A4 P " ice pat -
*we a 0Atlf+0 FAtA4w t9iK444i'
#e,41' sy 5A 'a "JP
tf'Fi IOW010t9141 ow 3