The Huron Expositor, 1997-06-25, Page 1Your Community f`alawpt Since 11.061) —' Seekeita, Oi it nio
'Clarification of
construction cost
The Seaturth Public Utility
Commission would like to
clarify the construction cost
of the new proposed elevated
water tower- The cost of con-
struction is approximately
SI,015,U0) The l'l'.C. at the
present time has appruxt-
matetS830,000 in reserve
and will continue to fund the
reserve. The project will be
completed over two years
with no increase in the pre-
sent wafer rates.
Mitchell lioniecut►ning
planning launches
Mitchell Homecoming '99
is officially launched this
Saturdanight with a dance
featuring Eddie and the
Easels. Proceeds of the dance
will finance start-up costs.
including printing and mail-
ing information.
Three men
arrested for
betZbitidt heist
Three males from London
were arrested and charged
with possession of stolen
property exceeding $5,00U
last Wednesday, in connec-
tion with the break-in.and
theft of herbicides from the
Exeter Co-operative
Fertiticer Plant in Stephen
Township on May 13, some-
time overnight .
To date, a total of 58 cases
of "Pursuit" herbicide have
been recovered with it value
of $77,000 an Ontario
Provincial Police press
release states.
Herbicides with a sales
value of $190,000 were
stolen m the early May inci-
dent. A steel outer wall was
removed to gain entry.
The original press release
from the Huron County
detachment of the OPP stated
"262 boxes of 'Pursuit' her-
bicide used for weed control
with soybeans was stolen.
Each box contains two 3.3L
jugs, and is enough product
to cover nearly 8,000 acres.
Also stolen were 40 packages
(400 gms.) of 'Ultisn' herbi-
cide used for weed control
with cum."
At that tiine:the,OI P pt$ed
anyone approached with u
'deal' on ,these products to
contact them.
The }idiom County ftiltl
Lcadecs Association Is hav-
ing its annual .battery ,recy-
cling blit! this month and
next, collecting used lead
acid 1?attcries.41,eipe �ditnes iifl
fc �nty,jpeIudillgtXtKeint
F4CliiXgltipment in $e,ttrwth.
,D(Witisin IFA4'm tI q qP
Mt ,!Neff ., oil said
regia Rip t11d
;Fu at 40t41P AOdseaf .t@tc, $h4r,911444lAP
*Iles (fearrt a thP414;j4P• t ile
t lleA,P440 ;IP ,c4cs• mItgiss,
plowilike,s 400Xour,
t AO MO sol
te#eci Y �kd+r stf4Is
,gess ,refuse• .. i1'hc 1
vi'libe,Retslfloilit0 IWO,
,cyerllis of iPtP,SWIls MI
Inflf Aunty
June 25, 1997 — $1.00 includes GST
OMAFRA crop update
Hot, humid weather
great for crops
ftkaXt0ii,Y;1gVtp 9POTr
d14tAW if - Tyier'Marion fields e •new balloonouetoro-roalietior tap Ay on -of Mie
clowns entartainittp at the $,'p,S. Early Y$ars :potluaK WOO is rparArits ani retards ,FnCiay
.ifltthe eaj ool ymnsawm. fr'bet'ayvastttte;lsett y sff jNtthoal for tarty YDS aitickeots•
Even with municipal restructuring,
taxes will increase, says report
ay UAV 1lU EMSA,*E
SSP News Staff
While restructuring will
help ease -the burden of
increased taxes. changes will
not be enough to overcome
provincial cuts and police
GUMS for rural -municipalities
in central Huron County. •
In fact, a report released
last week to the Central
-Huron Municipalities
Restructuring !Committee
showed that .with,Hle.glitni -
tion of tfarovineiiil geatitS,
along with the filet all Arcas
arc expected to 4iave ,to ;pay
for ,policing, unless uhat}gs
arc made tortes,.wl,l, e
for all ,seven ,mltilieypalitwa
involved in the study• .
;Representatives (from .the
seven municiPlities,Minton,
,Godcrich, Seaforth .and .the
Townships of 'Colborne,
liodcrieh. And
McKillop wetie , pelted ,to
attend an information session
last week to learn about the
ralcase of the restructuring
:Mort. titled "Qptiuns for -the
Future". ;Presenting the report
were Carolyn M. Kearns and
$psan C. Wright of The
Randolph +Group. and John
,Zangari .of .Future -Urban
;Research. .
(Committee chair 4►Ikition
4.4obb .reminded those gath-
ered that "tonight is not
meant to make any deci-
sions". but that .municipal
representatives were there to
near the report. gather infor-
,ntAtitin ;tv share with ra1epay
(00, ,and to clarify . py paints
(that might need chat)ging stn
'the rt. "We Wardle make
Sine ;Ow iitiforrnatiQp ,is :off
yKearns .ei4Plained that*
4pprpose,for the seven munigi-
palitics ,working together, and
comtttissioning :she consul -
{tants 40,510 -the restructuring
repgit, ihas .always ttGeP !the
same - to ;protide .,WOW
,Itifotraation on the sefrviccef
provide by the municipalities
and the costs involved, "and
44) •Ivok at -opportunities fur
&avings." •
She also .addressed the
ratiantile ;for change, noting.
"obviously, municipalities
agrvss Ontario areMAtil wtpaciotx -
- g Mgtuficant .ohatlenges."
provtneial ,grants are
;Wing ;reduced, and .eventual-
ly eliminated. -municipalities
are also being asked to
assume more rctiponsibilittes,
such as ;payit4g for policing.
roads .antsocial services. At
the APAW,time, Inhere
AtiAtjg,1 tt9 fieie t14iS
reduattgn iP ti aye ,of go. n-
AkeIcteg tix, 1K,ear,;i6 �ciotP►4ii►
tkRd,• tlhe IiNF904itt1q 1 B9a'AriP-
tt»M1111140111‘110 ,K
te11�i4tgg Tttnic:ipai.LLies W
-restrocturc. To date, ,rade
pro vinee has processed
*moat 0 ,municipal ,Setikittc-
Aut;ittygproposals, she said.
l{P 44aR4{l6
ktIttattges ihat
,mistlt Villin J1Ks4h ,Nike rie.Y$41
it144t41c4pN4>t1��es., c4he a4�tdy
,CONTlc NUI on page 2
Manholes vandal:1ml near tracks
� t0lii+1111d�'l ) ,w, tt#1t1t1i140 ewit
tirSIAff 1 149 ,a { teat i44te r1Reident yip
41 "MT- 411~4 6 So5044I
I lit c i4444,te
iP t1 t4 m i41
imp ow 0 -
Eitpc iter Staff
Hall says, given that county
producers were already
switching from corn to soy -
The -unseaisunably August- beans, corn acreage is down
.like, hot and muggy weaethei 10 to 13 per trent on top of
with the udd torrential down- what they still intended to
pour thrown it► as spring plant because of the adverse
turned to svmmer here in
H4urutt County on the week-
end, may nut have been the
best fur sleeping but it was
great for our .crops to play
"eatctAup" says Briar !fall. The QMAFRA expert notes
`1Ate are about two weeks that the must recent figures
behind where we were last he has show that across
year on crop development. OMA -fit) there are now 2 1/2 -
soils and crops specialist Hall million acres in soybeans and
comtnente4 Monday after- 1 1/2anillton acres devoted
boon from the Clinton office, to corn, and it has only been
of the Ontario Ministry of w the past couple of years
Agriculture. Food and Rural that the former movtd past
Affairs •4:OMA RA). the latter in total acreage.
lie epees with officials of There- are about 350,000
the <Ontariv Soy.bean acres in winter wheat.
M+4anit`oW g Board who say it The soils and crops special-
w•as the coldest Ontario ist terms it "a climatic
spring in the past 80 years. itc a ease "
"We went .an eu4ire month . HO says a lot .of the wheat .
�w>i.I1 iu3 ,,a,vp pradtic!ton pltrnted in Heron last toll
nonce.,,. ;fibres 0~ 1(4 atrioboot didn't di ugto *maw
rain:" says. of this spring's *Tastier, and
he poor growing weather some :of this acreage also
this spring ,accelerated a wad went into soybeans.
to inure acres being devoted He says Huron still rwiks
,to soybeans here in Moron, second to Middlesex amongst
which is even more pro- Ontario's counties in corn
nounced when looked at production, and is now third
province -wide, it, the context ie soybeans, but stili.
of overall production figures accounts for approximately
fur c,gre and soybe tins as 10 per cent of Ontario's over -
recent as,twe yews ago, all agricultural production.
The two factors together
make the switch "signifi-
cant," he says
study to show size,
importance of
farming, tourism
>is AKipeed 444#ttk4e4v,c,sio
pts ,of a itchier guru* CusalkY
study by kla:iversit,y of
ASKS keke14i i rQK.• t4Y ly
AtinithOtiw x149,4 aMttltl
an accurate piockue of the 8iAe
and ,i,tutportance ,of ;W,u,sapP
and fareAkee fktere•
"At NY* ,ePtuutissiotted air
fit &mtuttd-threttAttg grAcoxing
lie st1
nom* 044l►',eeig
04,(4:4,41 1F-fderu4o; ,of
QgrAcMitiWe .and Jitke f{il4Na
Tour( m• iQ►O0041ti9#0;" Jag
we,Qk's pegs renew s ea.
"No pr e study ,P6
luu/Cedi at the impact 90'
tA4erd2;4n aaa Kuru.u, ii114
kottow-olAeo .w,iU fit Alas +,o)id•
4441.A41owei>r. Ar. ,Cu4tiNP
4atd ,graliN4te rodetIt i?oan
qesiloiumua su bed the iiwoet
,Pf V8r*tmki,uxe .old .a&'ateui-
tiMe-rell i b awe $ Al? the
,o*; ' • ,
Fallt10, hifih Nchlotol student
on b!! /ankinj team
4rcirnzit.i • *itt
tu40a71:4„,.. it
1.., ZCCAtel=g9
r$e ' tow,7=4%4
'`0 .. 4V 1
Fecc ei�Glt �f in
P ' 'f .
li tOn
K4iro,v, aosimeswkeir,g between
PO0000and 13400. are atuita•-
t4t *0 *IAA** vii0 value
14P 6,44 eigraer.eted 040414
P0Aitcw iV41 t14►,*
e "+> ?s that Mixon
c€S AQlore tow
8.4kke F r timmt tutor Ow
WAYOksef," the press reie.,e
, e iF their re&arclit .
04 monger,gumming* and
Morris will be sei4 a 4
414,e0iofinarre businpaa
,ow,uers wino deal *i
tvi4. TTlteir list iomite3
pvwJ';1h4Wb Prow a retail OW
l@ Ai<,e1,er 4,0 4 golf ,purse ! roril Rend: fr.opo 4
•y.41c440,941 fwi 034yfick$
49 4i 4144 -sta14u itp Scafortb;
fAopq a 4a[u t 18clgrave
40 * P.erlfy4 aw Myth; (nom
14awiing ,ceinxe in rxodeficii
iu?JO ',40 4' grA,eer $ *hone in
r sire kviA ' :
friW9 c • OR f g