The Huron Expositor, 1997-04-16, Page 5Gel a complete education in pool cam at our
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Dentistry For inkg WhAte�F'anra<a<•!�/
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Abe PAW 401$ &dor 61004$ ANKOilitit
Ibreatblet pqq y
1•• w tie AWN
Rpected Minkler shows lighter side
A Globe amid Mud story in
Ilse 1ttYht)'s told et a group of
men who were trying to
clump the lace of educauul i
in Ontario , and indeed in
Canada, ono of them was the
highly respected Director of
Education for North York..
Dr. Frederick Minkler.
The group altos dubbed lite
Pussycats" byflarry ZwiCker.
education owner for the •
Globe. who won a newspaper
award fir the story. -He sntg-
geMed they were moving
stealthily -behind the scenes
of academia -outflanking the
More reserved and cunsrrva-
tiveoductators who leaned to
the humanities and who felt
that training people •was sin-
ful, Education minds was the
only true mission of the
department of education.
Jt. was made up ofaeade-
miCS including Dr. R.W.13.
leek/ion. founding Director of
O.1.S.£.. William Davis: •
Minister of Edueatiun, Arthur
Tremblay. renowned academ
is and Quebec's first Deputy
Mtnisterof Education, Dr.
John Deuieh of Queen's.and
a number of sonior movers
and shakers Froin Air Canada._
WM.and other large Corpora-
tions. Exet;autives who were,
and would join a work force
that was expanding. They -
•needed to know the graduates
of our institutions were able
• to meet the more sophistical-
edrequirements of a rapidly
changing; business and 'nodus:
trial sixaet\
Minkler was there beu unae
he ryas known to -be a doer.
And gutsy and outspoken -
advocate of change - and -turd
pioneered many new end
innovative things in North
York. He also -had an "oft: the
watt" sense of humour and
often shauered his staid and
stately appearance by saying
or doing something absolute-
iy ridicutous...just for the
Hell of it.
In. the mid -1960's, members
of this grout) visited
Hillsborough County in
Florida to inspect areas of
mutual interest relating to •
school financing and con-
struction. .teacher -education
and data processing. -
- Oti the last day ot the three-
day trip the Canadian visitors
headed by Minister Davis
took the Florida group for
lunch as away of thanking
them for their husplt.ahy. '17tc:
both jar a pang of 12 was
behlytt ono of die most
famous restaurants in the
south located in Ybor City.
an area nh limp known for
itsjpanish architecture sad
excellent loud. los tiled mots
and freshly washed cobble-
stone streets sparkled in MSC
late muirhiilg sun. Tube
scenery was rnattaalby:t
menu of mduidie waterixg
Spanish dishes al ticzpesive
even by 19('sis.
'As lunch winds down cot -
fee is•served.aad includes
the ntuat of cigars all 'round
Ntesern from a-rumidor con-
taming every grape and
kigth, both strung aai mild.
As the gr up rose to go out
yeti► the cobblestone street to
enjoy the afternoon sun and
puff away on their Tampa -
made stogies. Kosl Davis and
liven! at the: cash register
ready to pay the bill with the
usual green plastic.
The targe lady behind the •
desk at the door was nn
Spanish dress and may well
have been the wife of the
.owner. Everyone by now was
outside except -Mr. Davis and
roc and Fred Minkler..
Fred had been his formal
.and respectable self through
lunch. in fact he had been the
perfect gentlemanly aicadem- .
is for three days. which was
probably difficult and likely a
.record for hint.
I'm sure the devilish spirit
that we all..knew was inside
him was lighting haul to get
mit...aruf it did.
As Mr. Davis was cies**
the bill banded him by the
lady cashier, Freer pitsked up a
toothpick from a small round
glass dish by the cash regis-
ter. He their rather vigorously
wurktxl away on his teeth tor
three or torr seconds, no
doubt meaning to attract our
Then while we were. all
watching, he put therewith -
pick he used bask iliac gins
crnuainer and looked ['laxity
At the lady saying, ''1'I fhet
you have 4101 of trouble with
haunts wlsoskeep those little
• wooden things.-
hins .'
And with dtathe walked
out almost ready toexplude
front iaughing - which he did
as suet as he hit tate cobble-
stune the rai•tadxd
Minister anti 1 steed there
wanting to nay up and get out
as Fast as possible. Fred was
slapping his sides telling Bob
Jackson what he had.doee..
Fuel had been the respected
Director of Education for
three days. But like the alco-
holic who needs a drink the
devil inside could not be held
in tiny -longer. -
The tunes since that I have
attended pert -vow es at
Minkler Auditorium at
Seneca College 1 can't help
thanking of Fred and Ybur
City and toothpicks. And I'm
sure that's the way. he would
Want. to -be remeinbered.
Young men played for enjoyment of garne
Dear Editor:
With the 1996/97 huckey
season quickly drawing to a
close,_ 1 wish to express- my
respect .and sincere -thanks to
the Seaforth Centenaires
hockey team for a most
enjoyable season of hockey.
It- warmed the heart to .watch
this.greup of take
to.the ice, -week . after week
ler. the ,sheer enjoyment and.
- love of the game.
Why else would this group
put up •with the -constant criti-
cism and undeserved con-,
meets cit;hed out by all of us
,at ante Moe .or .another during
the .season`' Why else would
these players travel so -many
kilometers to arenas. for
- practices and games. despite
bad weather and -miserable
road conditions'' Players on
this team attend schools sn
Hamilton.' Barrie: Waterloo,
London. -and - surrounding
cotnntunities. The last few
weeks of hockey season was
hectic for tans. Imagine try-
ing to juggle school. hockey.
injuries, travel and a little bit
of sleep for the past few
When times were tough
trying to gel as a team at the
beginning of the -season,
many of us questioned the
ability of this team, Not only.
did- they make playoffs. but
became division champs.
There was such a huge talent
pool On this 96/97 team and
every one of the team tneth-
bers contributed to their suc-
cess. Rather .than one or two
visible herds. this team was a
melting pot ot skill. dedica-
tion rand heart. From the
unbelievable- goaltending, to
the quiet coolness of .their
captain. ti+- each and every
player chipping in their part.
this team oozed class. They
didn't fall -prey to displaying
times of desperation. These
leen came to play huckey.
It was a weary and injured
team of players that left the
ice- in Mt. Brydges after
their season ended, more than
seven months after it began.
They closed out their season
with the respect and appreci-
ation of their faithful follow-
ing and many a new fan
recruited during playoffs.
The 1996197 Centenaires
have a lot Of heart. They
endured many obstacles this
season, but always did so
with a lot of class and spirit.
Congratulations to the -
Seaforth Centenaires for a
job well done! Thanks for the
Wendy Murray
R:R. a
Walton, Ont.
Dedicated volunteers at Huron Hospice
Dear Editor: •
i would like to recognise a
group of very -dedicated car-
ing individuals. They are the
volunteers of Huron }Hospit:e.
They provide many hours of
compassionate care for peo-
plelfamilies tracing a life
threatening' illness and indi-
viduals attempting to cope
with a toss. It is the vision of
ijuron Hospice that all indi-
viduals in our community
who are touched by illness
have free and convenient
access to relevant infurma-
tion resources and peer sup-
port, and benefit from the
ability of caring yet objective
volunteers devoted to helping
others "live through death".
Huron Hospice accepts refer-
rals from health care
providers., physicians,
sell/family members. and
Huron Huspiee is operated
by a volunteer board of direc-
tors, under the direction of
board chair Dr. Robert
Shepherd. This board spends
countless hours maintaining
the smooth operation of the
organization and struggling
with the many challenges of
managing a volunteer ser-
"Hats Olt' to. the Sealorth
volunteer co-ordinators -
Mary Catherine Lane and
Suzanne .Simpson. volunteers
- Nel (oven. Mary DoJong.
Inge -Lindeman. Patti
MacGregor. Janet Papple.
Marlene Roberton. Shirley
Stollen. Joan .Stewart.
Francs Teatero. Ruth Bauer:
board members - Chair Ur.
Robert Shepherd, Vice Chair
Christopher Smith. members
Yvonne Kitchen. Mary
Catherine Lane. Frances
Teatero; physician advisor -
Dr. Carotin Shepherd:
Without Ibc commitment of
these individuals this valu-
able service could not be pro-
vided in our community, hos-
pital ,arid nursing homes.
Yours truly.
Shirley Dinsmore, Director
Huron Hospice
Volpnteer Service
Information evening planned for nurses by narveis
Dear Editor:
• Local nurses from hospi-
tals,.CCAC. and the Health
Unit are .working together to
provide an information
evening called "Nurses
-Caring for Nurses" for all
arca nurses to commemorate
Nurses Week. May I1 -18th.
The theme this year is
"Slotting the Health
-Challenge." Across the
province ,as• well ;as locally,
the past year ;and -the future
do indeed presenia challenge
for nurses. Nurses•,have faced
cutbacks. layoffs, -reduction
.lo hours, _ tcanafers and being
downsiued right out of a job.
Facing an uncertain future
and convinced that nursing
services as we know them
will continue to change. the
joint Nurses . Week Planning
Committee has put together
an evening to help area nurs-
es to network and support
each other,while learning and
Laughing together. Nurses
will also be :given the oppor-
tunity to express why they
-provide -positive and cost
effective health care. anti
what their concerns are for
the future of -lilt sere in
On Tuesday, May )3, arca
'nurses of all designations,
whetherworking not working
or retired arc invited to
Goderich Township;Hall in
Holnucsvilde, Tbe doors will
open at 5:30 p,rn. with
exhibits of interest fur coping
with career upheaval. These
will range frornfinane ial
planning to special interest
groups. ways to thrive and
the Canadian Nurses in
Independent Practice
(c NIP).:Fodlowing a fa p.m.
dinner, popular pest speaker,
pee Preikschas will provide
;an entertaipin}J talk on
humor. There will be addi•
tional tune for the exhibits
followed by draws for the
door prizes. Nurses wishing
to attend are invited to pur-
chase tickets from representa-
tives in their Jo al Hospital or
by calling -Linda L3alvert 1tt
52:4-524(L reaCAC at .482-
3411 or . 1.800-205-9l dr
the Health Unit .at 42-341f1
or 1,800-265-51494.
Thank yoo for helping its to
101 the message out to:Huron
,Masgue•tite Tkompis
js for successful 11994 Red itibbomegoinpaigit
4sl,0at OP have s{nttc
-corgi And time that 9910 `
wail s{pept in ,help' , us with
910r elettae.or ;Itch •W> iei-
.i Iifi. ,Q .abaverPri -
1ecrilkAae re,PlItOlgr ffe
,eshAllnikr Al (Q PAOY
('S 19) -00 12. our
si va paw �trppgtld help lf rf►f sofiLettic You
•;ori silafc driving,
Lynne Magee
Wingham, <)n.
CPeartstittor: the detection of impaicefttlifi-
*t:�►it) p. , luronli$rucC vers. school programs, wort
Chapter would like to thank monitoring, .victim serf! is
all those .who contributed to And .awareness projccfs.<,We
Our successful 1996 .Red WC Working hare) IP -4 .40
Ribbon Campaign. With the laws dr ktdri'M 8•
help of Jodie$ i i ividuals, ;LP .snP�QaeatfltP!-POed
businesses ,aind.ee3rvices,itt tjaisip obon ca lova) ;pike ,is
both counties as well as -Perth via l or injurer -by an
and Wellington, we raise¢ 411 iced driver agdrllp bring
over $3400 and tied rod rib- ;awareness to the public of die
bons onto many vehicles, sig- devastation canted?y;this
nifying sober driving. These terrible crime.
funds will go towards the 9µr .spring ,riot ,,Mmmer
purchase of equipment for profits We in the planning
polii:c services .to be used in . s-Q4W.Me 0111 partici-
pate in i the ,9otierich Vow
and Garden $hero, ,rift
,Aptique and. rllectur's-Car
mow in Godar ,,usr•tlfitfl
.annual M.A;PrP• Tig4f
Tournarnent at the WiRB�ggt
-Golf and CurlintCliub,,r )fie
18, and our scud `144itrof
Summer" carrp,y4in. ,g f
Hoard;ld'f ?fs s is; 14
of voNnyters f° {4aeri south
'Hitlff41311101041reel411tY 10
join,ns 4040;fight against
drunk drtltg•,We hold eight
evening meetings tout
the year in Wirt yt)f
1111-•8slrtctta t testa's
One Fee: i20.a
iNMc lip 1 detw ry evdhftln
4 Jahn st
1 416B•888•DO96