The Huron Expositor, 1996-11-06, Page 1010.41411 HURON EXPOSITOR, November s, i..•
On Monday,- November 11
Take time to remember
They. Fought
Our Freedom
Your Insurance Broker
Main St., Seaforth 527-1610
Take Time to
remember the
men & women who
gave you liberty
WARTIME MEMORABILIA - This was the first showing of Legion wartime memorabilia to the public in the early 1960's at
Taylor Shoe Store on Main Street, Seaforth..Many of these items -are now on permanent display. at Branch 156. (photos
courtesy of the Seaforth Legion)
Stan Graham, the first bar
steward at th9 arena Legion
Hall, is pictured here being
presented with a pin.
Legion Hall used to be in post
office, Cardno's Hall and arena
Seaforth Branch 156 of the
then Canadian Legion of the
British Empire Service
League was organized at a
meeting held in the GWVA
hall on October 15, 1929, fol-
lowing informal discussions
that had hcen going on for
• some months.
A charter was issued to the
hranch on October 25, of the
• sarne year, the charter mem-
bers being S.W. Archibald,
Charles Adams, W.C.
Bennett, Di-. j.A. Munn; trea-
surer, G. -Scott; committee:
J.H. Earle, B.O. Muir and
C.F. Ngcly.
From its inception the
Branch assumed responsibili-
ty for all matters connected
with the Stfelfare of Veterans
and with perpetuating of the
memory of those Vctcrans
A Moment's
for a Lifetime
of Freedom
Town of Seaforth
MAYOR — Irwin Johnston
LEGION HALL AT OLD ARENA - Before moving to their
new location in the ,early 1960's, the Legion Hall was located
in the old Seaforth arena, which at one time was named,
"Memorial Arena and Community Centre." Prior Legion Halls
were located in Cardno's Hall, the Post Office and GWVA
Remembering those
who sacrificed
for us.
We must
all remember
Main St., Seaforth 527-1321
Main St., Seaforth 527-1950
who had paid the supreme
sacrifice. On of the first
activities of the Branch was
organizing a church parade
and Armistice Day program a
few weeks after -it had been
Throughout the thirties the
activities of.the Branch were
directed to assisting those
who found themselves in
need, and with the outbreak
of thc Second -World War in
1939, members spared no
effort to provide full support
on the home front. Branch
.156 participated throughout
the war years in a series of
events, alone or with other
organizations which pro-
duced thousands of dollars
for the war effort.
During this time accommo-
dation was made available in
the Post Office building.
However, as Second World
War Vctcrans began returning
it became necessary to seek
larger quarters, and for sever-
al years the branch made use
of rooms in Cardno's Hall.
while consideration was
given to provision •of a
Legion Hall. While consider-
ation was given to provision
of a Legion Hall.
In 1948 an agreement was
entered into with the Town of
Seaforth to use facilities
being provided in the new
Memorial Arena and
Community Centre, and this
served the hranch for 12
While the Branch was
assured of the long-term use
of the quarters in the
Community Centre, there
were many among the mem-
hers who looked to the day
when Branch 156 could
occupy its own building.
Discussions extending over
several years were translated
into action in 1959, when
construction of the Legion
Memorial Hall was begun
under the direction of a build-
ing committee including D.
Sills. Chairman; R.S. Box;
John Holland. Robert Smith
and Clayton Dennis and the
volunteer help of members
and citizens alike.
Construction proceeded
rapidly and it was possible to
occupy the new building
early in 1960.
50 years ago funds raised
AUGUST 2, 1946
Deciding to proceed with a
campaign for the purpose of
raising funds for the erection
of a war memorial building.
the Seaforth Branch of the
Canadian Legion at a meet-
ing Friday. and at a subse-
quent directors' meeting
Monday night. set up com-
mittees to handle a house-to-
house canvass in Seaforth
and McKillop and in that
portion of Tuckcrsmith cov-
ered by the Seaforth hranch.
The objective of the canvass
is $6,000. which. added 0)
municipal grants approved or
anticipated. will. it is estimat-
ed, provide for the construc-
tion and equipping of the
AUGUST 9, 1946
HALL - Designed to serve in
a dual capacity - that of a
memorial to those Seaforth
and district men who paid the
supreme sacrifice. and at the
same time provide a club
room for the hundreds of
returned men of the district.
the proposed Legion hall will
fill a long -telt want in the
community. it is pointed out
by officials of the Seaforth
hranch of the Canadian
The Legion has announced
a canvass of Seaforth.
McKillop and Tuckcrsmith,
commencing Monday. Aug.
19. The. objective of thc can-
vass - S6.000. together with
grants received and anticipat-
ed - will he employed for the
provision and equipping of a
suitable building.
• Legion President • B.J.'
Duncan. general chairman.
and District Chairmen
R.Box. Seaforth. W.C.
Bennett. Walton and
McKillop. and Harold
Finnigan. Egmondville and
Tuckcrsmith. arc'arranging
canvassing areas and appoint-
AUGUST 16, 1946
Seaforth council. at its
meeting Monday night.•
endorsed the proposed
Legion Memorial Hall and
authorized a grant of $5.000
to the building fund. payable
when construction com-
In times of peace,
remember those
who fought to
achieve it.
Kidz tCoZe
55 Main St. S. Seaforth