The Huron Expositor, 1995-10-04, Page 1212 -THS HURON EXPOSITOR, October 4, 1995
High School held its annual Commencement Friday night. These
students have left SDHS and received Ontario Secondary School
Diplomas. Front row from left: Chris Heinrich, Dave Lewington, Robert
Lostell, Luke McMillan, Adam Agar, Mark Bachert, Jason Elliott, Chad
Lamont, Steve Bachert. Second row: Jane Bennett, Melissa Blake,
Trish Smith, Karen Bernard, Lisa Wynja, Tracy Janmaat, Lisa
Marks reflect preparedness at SDHS
Continued from page 9
prepared. At Seaforth we
would always expect our marks
to accurately reflect our level
of preparedness upon comple-
tion of courses.
In conclusion 1 would like to
share an experience. During the
first week of classes all the
professors arc loading on the
work, telling stories of stagger-
ing failure rates, and basically
doing what they euphemisti-
cally refer to as "preparing and
warning" new students, all I
did was look them in the eye
and say, "I've taken a Mr. Ball
OAC course, the rest is
anticlimactic." '
Board of education
looking for possible cuts
SSP News Staff
The Huron County Board of
Education has begun looking at
possible cutbacks for its 1996
budget, with the knowledge
that a possible 10 per cent
increase in the mill rate will be
due to provincial government
"The Huron County Board of
Education (HCBE) has been
successful in reducing costs,"
said Director of Education Paul
Carroll. "But taxes continue to
go up."
The increase in the board's
budget is caused by provincial-
ly imposed changes that arc
beyond the board of
education's control, stated
Carroll in a presentation to the
board at its Oct. 2 meeting.
The previous minister of
finance introduced the new
Assessment Equalization Fac-
tors for education property tax
payment purposes which
automatically raise the mill rate
by over .20 per cent, to be
phased in over five years.
"Thc impact will raisc the
mill rate by five to six per cent
in 1996 alone," said Carroll. "1t
has already happened; it's over,
it's finished."
Carroll also noted that the
Ministry of Education will
likely continue the trend which
requires the minimum property
tax share of per pupil grants be
increased. In recent years, this
increase has averaged about six
per cent. This increase, along
with the Assessment E-
qualization Factors, may result
in a possible 9.6 per cent
increase on tax rates with
lower spending from the
HCBE, said Carroll.
Current provincial revenues
for the operation of the HCBE
arc about $30 million annually,
said a statement from the direc-
tor. An additional 10 per cent
reduction would require expen-
diture reductions of $3 million
annually beyond the tax burden
down -shifted to the property
tax base.
Carroll urged the board to
begin looking at ways to
reduce spending immediately,
as a motion was passed to
present 1996 budget updates to
the board monthly until the
mill rates are set. "It's big
money we have to look at...we
have to look at this lin-
mediately," he said to use
board trustees as he presented
a list of possible reductions in
spending of $3 million. "These
arc starting points for discus-
"Most importantly, we're
taking nothing out of the
classroom and that's our main
purpose," said Trustee Don
McDonald of the list of pos-
sible reductions.
Two teenage pedestrians
injured in Mitchell collision
Two 13 -year-old
pedestrians were injured in
Mitchell a week ago Mon-
day when a station wagon
involved in a collision
careened into them after
Mitchell police say Sally
Pridham received facial in-
juries and a broken pelvis,
and Krista Horan got
various cuts and bruises.
Both girls arc from
Both vehicles were
demolished, but drivers
received only minor injuries,
in the 4:15 p.m. collision at
the comer of Waterloo and
Wellington Streets
Chief claims Lake Huron for natives
Saugeen Chief Richard
Kaghee invoked his Ojibwa
band's sovereign status
under international law to
claim Lake Huron, from
Goderich north to Georgian
Bay and Point Vail, at a
recent meeting of the Inter-
national Joint Commission
in Duluth, Minn.
Thompson, Matt Lee. Third row: Colleen Collins, Darren Hiemingway,
Andrea Gingerich, Sarah Johnston, Yvette Haney, Chris Stevenson,
Wayne Schoonderwoerd, Carrie McLlwain, Brad Moore, Karen Skea.
Back row: Derek Hoggarth, Kendra Shortreed, Brad Pryce, Josh
Chalmers, Summer Hodgins, Christina Van Poucke, Shannon Craig,
Sharon Godkin, Angel Watson, Tonya Beaver, Carrie Bradley, Tricia
Zehr, Christine Heinrich.
Former Cents
player making
impact with
London team
Last year's most valuable
player on the Seaforth
Centenaires is making an
impact with his new club - the
London Nationals of the
Western Junior B Hockey
Steve Geiger of Zurich
deflected home the winning
goal in overtime Monday night
as the Nationals beat
Leamington 5-4 to extend their
season opening undefeated
streak to six games.
Town &
Bowling Scores
Team names and standings:
Eagles -7, Vultures -9, Hawks -
,17, Blue Jays -7, Do Drops(in)-
11, RoseBuds-12.
Men's High Average, John
Staffen-237; Ladies' High
Average, Sue Stokes -179;
Men's High Single, George
Johnston -270; Ladies' High
Single, Sue Stokes -257; Men's
High Triple, George Johnston -
696; Ladies High Triple, Sue
Stokes -661.
Personal best for other
bowlers: Lavern Hoegy-239,
Sheila Brooker -230, Louise
Dick -207, Mike Glousher-184,
Terry Smith -226, Greta Hoegy-
160, Dean Price -267, Carol
Johnston -222, Rob Rempel-
130, Hazel Beuerman-137,
Gordon Murray -217, Sharon
Evans -190, Joan Montgomery -
ONTARIO ACADEMIC CREDIT GRADE 13 (OAC) GRADS - These students receieved their OAC certificates at the annual
graduation ceremonies for Seaforth District High School Friday. Front row from left: Summer Hodgins, Shannon Craig, Julie
Medd, Erin Horbanuik, Nadia Khan. Back row: Brad Moore (valedictorian), Carrie McElwain, Luke McMillan, Sarah Johnston,
Nancy Stewart, Sarah Powell,'Sharon Godkin, Christina Van Pouke, Darren Hemingway.
Soccer tournament held at Walton school
Since most of the classes
have been learning some soccer
skills it was decided that on
Friday the school would have a
soccer tournament with the
Grade 4's taking on the Grade
2's and 3's. There were no
actual winners or losers, just
lots of fun and the experience
of playing the game.
The grade 4's are in full
swing in story writing. Maybe
some of the stories will make it
into the Walton School News.
In Mrs. Vivian's Grade 2
class Pumpkin, the Topp -cared
bunny, came to visit for a few
days. The bunny belongs to
Mrs. Vivian's oldest son. Her
class had their first math test
and she reported that the
children did very well.
Another couple of firsts
happened in Mrs. Scott's grade
3 class this week. They had
their first spelling dictation and
their first payday.
The grade 1's had their first
parent volunteer, Mrs. Dcwit,
come and help them with their
'tnc masks', The kids have also
begun to celebrate the Fall
by Patty Banks
season, by working with the
primary colours and mixing
them up to make other colours.
Ms. Elston's kindergartens
have continued working with
apples. They did a browning
experiment to see what
substances would make apples
turn brown and they found that
leaving them in the fresh air
rnade them brown the worst.
Making and eating apple sauce
was a highlight for the class as
The Walton UCW will meet
this Wednesday starting at 6:30
for a Thanksgiving meal.
Everyone is welcome to attend
the dinner and stay for the
meeting where guest speaker
Brian O'Reilly will talk about
relationships and how to meet
our needs responsibly.
• Leona McDonald greeted
worshippers at Duff's United
on Oct. 1 -World Communion
Sunday. Mark Wilbee started
the service by lighting the
Christ Candle. Rev. Banks
welcomed everyone and made
the following announcements:
Video Bible Study - 'The
Letters of John' Oct. 4, 11 and
18 at 8:00 p.m. in Bluevale.
For the Thanksgiving project
next Sunday, donations to the
Pueblito project will be
collected. People of the
congregation, arc to put in 10
cents for evcrytime they said
something negative during the
week. Next Sunday will also be
Baptism Sunday.
Rev. Banks spent time with
the children talking to them
about Lazarus and asking the
kids if they had ever seen
beggars in some of the cities.
He also asked what they
thought God wanted for these
While Holy Communion was
being served by Leona and
Ken McDonald and Heidi
McClure, the choir sang, 'Jesus
Gives the Bread'. Sunday
School came up to take part in
the communion as well. Rev.
Banks' sermon was called,
`The need at our gate'.
Well it's time to get back
into the swing of things in a
musical way this Friday at the
'Walton Hall where you can
dance to the music of the
Tiffins. The dance begins at
9:00 and a lunch will be served
later on.
Say `Happy Birthday' this
month to: Oct.2-Aaron Beriet-
Kuntz, Gerry Rijkoff; 4th -
Joshua Gowan, Adam
McKichan, Shauna Dewit; 6th -
Derek Fischer; 8th -Dianne
McCallum, Viola Kirkby; 18th -
Adam Dewit; 19th-Shaelyn
Ward; 22nd -Mrs. Vandendool;
25th -Sarah Johnston; 26th -
Tanner Banks, Laura Scott,
David McClory; 29th -Lindsay
Anniversaries: 7th -Ron &
Betty McCallum, Vera & Alvin
McDonald; 22nd -Doug &
Marjory Fraser; 24th -Paul &
Dianne McCallum; 28th -Ken &
Leona McDonald; 29th -Bill &•
Marie Coutts.
Seniors invited to awards potluck dinner
Last week's Senior
Shuffleboard winners were:
M. McMillan310
V. Sinclair 306
V. Preszcator 296
K. Presrcator 323
B. McLcan303
K. Lingclhach221
The Seaforth Senior Games
Committee would Tike to invite
all Seniors that participated in
the Senior Games to the
Awards Potluck. This Potluck
will be held at the Seaforth
Legion on Thursday, October
12, 1995 beginning at 5:30 pm.
Guests arc very welcome.
Cards will follow.
The Tri -County District Sen-
ior Games Committee would
like to invite everyone to their
EUCHRE -AMA Fundraiser.
This euchre-ama will be held at
the Dcleware Community
Centre on Wednesday, October
18 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Lunch is provided, prizes and
draws arc available. Admis-
sion is $4 per person.
Senior Shuffleboard continues
every Wednesday afternoon
from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. All
seniors are welcome to enjoy
an afternoon of fun and fellow-