The Huron Expositor, 1995-05-17, Page 29Off Bluewater Secondary A School With A Difference Bluewater was established as a full secondary school under the Huron Board's jurisdiction in 1985. The school provides a more normal approach to traditional secondary education than in other correctional units. Students attend regular classes with Huron County Secondary teachers, and, as the school is linked administratively with Goderich District Collegiate, there is also a rotation of teachers from there to Bluewater. Some students have successfully completed their Grade 12 in our system. The school also has a special in -school work experience program and is developing ties with the community to enable students to participate in gainful employment. • Innovative Programs Help Special Students Plot New Directions C.1 iEsvo S.P.A.C.E. (Students Preparing Activities Concerning Enrichment) Unique in Ontario, this committee of talented students from all the secondary schools prepares enrichment activities for Grades 9 through O.A.C. gifted students. The activities range from one day workshops to overnight confer- ences on topics of local or international concern. P.A.C.E, (Preparation And Counselling for Employment) This is a six week credit course which offers an opportunity to discover one's interests, skills and values, leading toa realistic occupational goal. P.A.C.E. is a one credit course In career planning with the possibility of an 8 week Coop placement. Project SCOOP (Special to -op) This is a new initiative which focuses on the needs of senior secondary students with disabilities who often have difficulty accessing the regular co-operative education program. e