The Huron Expositor, 1995-05-17, Page 28til m rrvrvrrl"•,., VT -4-TT 'T rTrT A Meeting the Entire Spectrum of Student Needs All Huron Public Secondary Schools offer a wide range of programs geared to the spedal educational needs of their students. The following Is a brief listing of some of the programs available. As always, contact your local High School Prindpal for more Information. School To Work Transition A Huron County collaboration of education and community living agencies, this program is teaching independent living skills and creating employability for developmentally challenged students. C.O. P E. (Co-operative Opportunities Providing Education) This is a re-entry program for students who have recently "dropped out" of the regular school system. 1t combines in -school classes and co-op placements. There is continuous entry with up to twelve months and ten credits of education. START CO-OP A program for Grade 10 and 11 students who have found difficulty in traditional classes, START gives them both work experience and employability skills. The Literacy Project Volunteer tutors are matched with students wishing to improve their language and math skills on an individualized program basis. Connections Program This program offers opportunities for younger students (Grades 7 through 9) to connect with older peer mentors in the secondary schools who offer support, guidance and positive role models.