The Huron Expositor, 1995-05-17, Page 27Our Students Say it Best ... my Co-op experience in, auto mechanics helped ~get art, apprenticeship. boss's eyebrows went up- when, ke wuv- Co-op on, soy resin and when, it caste, up in, Tory interview J.R. I feet Co -11-gave site a wide range o fjobs with file, luutds-ow experience that r-uade Scefeet apart o f the working world. It helped kke, get yfoot in, the door so to speak, as welt as getting ante into the apprenticeslu p-proynow I'm, in,. M.T. Iry 1987-1988 I was uv a co-op-plow/suet in, WiKykaxti. Thi proved to be a very beneficial experienc& for s I followed up - k ty qrade 12 by attending Georgcaw College in, orillia far Dental Assisting. Today I wort, full till,, as a Preventative DentaG Assistant and a4sv very happy I had the ,glance to experience what it was like to work, in, a dentist's office before I istade rscy de allow to becotste aw assistant. C.K. guy sow couldn't get a.wapprenticeship right away so ke worked at the foundryfar ayear -Thew kis Auto teacher phoned to say that there was art, opening in, Winghsu . Begot his apprenticeskipautd the faurtdrygave, kis ayear's leave- to try it. TAM/ a CQui dance teacher from. Madillphoned toford out howthings were, going. I t a impressed./ 1f R. Working uv the Physiotherapy Duriscow at WI:gluts(' and District Naspitat has not only taught kste agreat dead about the uudiC.a' j€eld and rehabilitation, therapy, but has iiscprinted ow one invaluable lessons concerning people in, genera1.Co-operative. education, has provided rtice unit's/ a, learning experieuue I wild neverforget. JL