The Huron Expositor, 1995-05-17, Page 26u Real World Education in Our Comrnunities Local Employers Support Co-op For tke past sevewyears, Wescast Z tdastries Du. has been, a, proud spoitsor of tke Co-oe Education, Projra`w. Over tete years, WescaJt has been, able- to provide- apr0grasw t0 jive exposure far the student in, severaidifferent departwents. This year in, the Accounting Departs e tt, we currently k w& two stu,- dents The. students leave a, boards -ow opportunity to participate in, sorste of tke day-ta-dayf wtimts within, our departHa tt. Wesuut believes in, the, edacatiow 444 tke future o f our cowsta,- nity, and by sposnoring the Co-op- Education, Pro, yraiw we, cawpro- vide an, opportuitity far students to participate in, the, busistess world first 11444. Joanne Wei skar, Wescast Industries ! w..