The Huron Expositor, 1995-05-17, Page 252 0 0 0 HURON COUNTY PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS TIMELINE 1 8 0 0 " ift A Nip 4tel/ "hi Vi / Atf a •F WINGHAM F. E. Madill Secondary School exists to help each student develop intellectually, physically, socially, culturally, emotionally and morally. This is a task shared with the student, parents or guardians, and the community. Madill has a long rich history and consequently has developed many traditions which continue today. A strong emphasis is placed on the traditional skills of literacy and numeracy. While maintaining the strengths developed in the past, the school and staff are looking at, and plan- ning for, the future so that students are being prepared to be successful in the world of tomorrow. Wayne Tessier, Principal Phone: 519-357-1800 1 9 0 0 1 .65.41;tivis.V. 111.4.6 "t'ilt3 NA. 1„,„"isNpote.s, ‘.\\N- -Nt 4ey,\. ),6,6:0„ 44 GODERICH Goderich District Collegiate Institute, through sharing partnerships with feeder schools, parents, service clubs and the community at large, stands for excellence in every sphere: academic, artistic, and athletic. Inter -cooperation is seen through various clubs, teams and programs such as Peer Tutoring where students help other students. Community volunteers bring their special talents to many aspects of curricular and co -curricular activities. With one foot rooted proudly in our tradition of excel- lence since 1841, our other foot is stepping confidently into the future with innovative programming and the best of modem technology. Bruce Shaw, Principal Phone: 519-524-7353 SEAFORTH At Huron County smallest regular secondary school, there is a sense of school spirit and belonging that is hard to dupli- cate in larger schools. More important is our sound academic reputation, built over the years, for which we are justifiably proud. Continuing this tradition, we offer a varied and complete curriculum and facilities, including three state-of-the-art computer labs and new Communications Technology courses for 1995-1996. Links with Seaforth and community have traditionally been the mainstay for our school, with generous financial grants to graduates and special programs and support for Co-operative Education, with over 75 area businesses actively involved in linking school theory with practical experience. Community support programs have also been developed in areas as diverse as special needs students, entrepreneurship, and childcare. As we move into the next century, school and community in Seaforth are taking on new shared relationships to equip our students for the 21st century. Jim Moore, Principal Phone: 519-527-0380 EXETER At South Huron we endeavour to provide a cooperative, collabora- tive and safe environment. Stu- dents are encouraged to acquire attitudes, knowledge, skills and values necessary to realize their individual potential, and to become willing and positive contributors to their community. Herb Murphy, Principal Phone: 519-235-0880 0