The Huron Expositor, 1995-05-17, Page 22What Grade 8 Students Look Forward to ... MI/ lookingforward to Husking friends and having different teachers. S.K. 1 am, look ingforward to lots o f days o ff utd agood shop - a, biggym class. G.M. 1 am, look ingforward to the sports activities and having a longer larch period. T.D. I taw look ingforward to the sports activities adgood lookinggirls. K.M. I am look ingforward to having a locker in, Grad 9 and to be able- to get zy ltuuk at school. M.K. r arw lookingforward to meeting new -people with, suxilar interests as I QM. look ingfarward to being whit rieitds iw Gra.de 9 aid having "mote -days." E.R. G.G. The World Beyond Our Classrooms