The Huron Expositor, 1995-05-17, Page 20We're Involved Wide range of Co -instructional Activities to Satisfy All Interests Parents Speak Out ... Being a, fortster student, present employee, and parent of a, student, r am,gfad to b& a, part o f a, school where, olespit& cutbacks ... titer& are still top-quality students in, academics and, sports r believe it is due to a, staff that cares and sees the drea4us o f their students too. &P. 0 • / f4 Ike school has excellent 1. sc/waL also hockey teagr sports programs, suck as the m,. 7lte / offers a, d verslty o f cultures i and religions that wilt Itele\ our children, better adapt to i an, uwreasingly multicultural world. �. 8.D. - 2%