The Huron Expositor, 1995-05-17, Page 66 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, May 17, 1995 Class communicates with world BY TIM CUMMING Expositor Editor Some pupils at Seaforth Public School are talking to the world. Grade four and five students are talking by computer with other schools from Germany and the United States. Seaforth is the only Canadian school on a team of about 12 schools. The computer project, relying on electronic mail, is part of a computer network called National Geographic Kids' Network. Two hundred and ninety schools around the world are joined as part of the network. "The main purpose of it is to connect with the world," said teacher Helen Bieman. "We're seeing where they live in the world by following the latitude and longitude of each of our connecting schools." This is the first time the Seaforth school has taken part in this project. The facility had to apply to become part of the program. The local pupils are part of a 'team', called Corvus 5. As part of the computer system the Seaforth students have been receiving up-to-date reports from a current Arctic expedition, the International Arctic Project. The U.S. schools include facilities in California, Texas, Florida and two from Virginia. The pupils have mapped out where the connecting schools are located. Students from the other schools have sent information about themselves such as how many pets they have. Ladies' TALKING TO THE WORLD - These pupils from Seaforth Public School are among those young people who have been using computers to talk to schools from around the world. They are (kneeling) Katie Thomas, grade five and Jamie Dale, grade four and standing, Lindsey McClure, grade five and Barry Young, grade four. 111 The pupils find out if people in Germany and the United States have the same types of pets as those people in Canada, said Bieman. The local children learned, for instance, that children in California keep Hermit Crabs and Geckos. 111 Seaforth Public School only Canadian school on computer team The computer networking aux ary names The Friendship Circle of the Hensall United Church held its May meeting, on May 1. Helen MacLean chaired the meeting and welcomed 14 members and two guests. Helen read a poem on Mother's Day. Mary Brintnell led the devo- tional and opened with the hymn 'The Glory of Spring, How Sweet'. Mary then read a Mother's Day article and closed with prayer. The Bale will be packed June 5. Also the Friendship Circle will be looking after Bingo at Queensway each Monday in May. The guest speaker for the evening was Sharon Wurm, who gave a humorous talk on Mother's Day and Motherhood. Prayer closed the meeting. Beatrice Richardson and Lorna Spencer served lunch and a time of fellowship was enjoyed. Look after your dog To the editor, Along with moving to this area and into our own house came something I have always wanted and was never allowed to have as a child nor would have when I was working full- time and living in an apartment. A dog. Definitely a part of the family and definitely a responsibility. Our responsibility. I find it frustrating when I go outside to stoop and scoop our little one's poop I have to scoop his 'friends' poop as well. I know it's his 'friends' calling cards I'm scooping as we keep our pct tied up. No trouble or hindrance to anyone but me when I head out with my little pail and shovel. A sure bet that this one doesn't belong to our guy as it's twice as big and outside his 30 ft. lead. If I, as an animal lover and dog owncr find this so irritating, I can only imagine a non -dog owner must feel when neighbouring residents let their pets run. It's a sad thing when your family pct accidentally breaks from his lead and you have spent an upsetting night looking for him to find you can get him back only after you have paid a stiff fine for letting him runt What about the ones that always run? If not just for the responsibility of cleaning up after your pct and ensuring his/her safety from traffic accidents and non -animal lovers, then for the consideration and safety of your neighbours, please, look after your dog, it's not fair to everyone else. Thank you Ellen Smith Egmondvillc Hensall by Liz Sangster 262-2715 Hensall Legion Ladies Aux- iliary held their meeting on May 3. President Iva Reid, presided. Plans were finalized for the Penny Sale to start May 23. Nominations and elections were held. Officers for 1995/96 are: President Iva Reid; First vice-president Donna Smale; Treasurer Lillian Beer; Sgt. -At - Arms Joyce Willert; Sports Officer Iva Reid; Executive Committee: Bea Uyl, Vera Smale, Martha Rooseboom, Winnie Skea. The President informed the members a Joint Installation of officers is to be held May 26 by Blyth Legion and the Aux- , wary tnstalttng team. Marlene Bell opened the May meeting of the Carmel Presby- terian Church Women with a Mother's Day poem. Helen McKay conducted the worship service with Mother's Day as her theme. Helen stressed what an important role a mother plays in all our lives. Edith Bell was the pianist for the evening. In the absence of Secretary Dorothy Taylor, Marg Varley read the minutes. The roll call was answered by a donation for the Bosnia project. Marilyn Campbell gave the treasurer's report. Cathy Bell reported on the cards and treats. The kit- chen report was given by Winnie Skea. Thank -you notes were read. The Atwood ladies accepted the invitation to visit June 5. Anyone wishing to donate flowers in memory of family of We goat ealtity 44 in axle mid titeet anal* md144, awl we alae lad o peesawaae vied (rogue dam uta darer. 309 Lorne Ave., Stratford 519-271-8620 will last six weeks. It started on April 17 and runs until May 26. The school has 120 minutes of telephone time. The grade four and five classes taking part are taught by Helen Bieman and Chrystal Jewitt. officers 1.Etich's Uiwpet NO TAX SALE SATURDAY, MAY 20 No P.S.T., No G.S.T. on all regular priced stock of carpet & vinyl flooring. CASH & CARRY • i Bring a Truck, Bring a Friend, Whatever you do Don't miss this event. •, �rtiitQi►iii• (!�.H6�Isie9�N 440.40,•-•12.N,t THI LARGEST S 1 CTIO O! CARPIT & VINYL IN. ROLLS & REMINANTS! HURRY! SALE ENDS AT 4 P.M. 150 LORNE AVE., WEST STRATFORD (ACROSS FROM CLEAVER BROOKS) Wick'u Lurpct STRATFORD J f Lours Ave. //`�f LJ CALL 273-7104 OPEN 9. 5:30 P.M. MON. TO THURS.; FRI.9. 9; SAT. 9. 4 ALSO LOCATED IN NORWICH, INGERSOL & TILLSONBURG. friends for Anniversary, contact Marlene Bell (263-6349) by May 12. Marlene closed the meeting with prayer. Edith Bell and Jean Snell served lunch. Rev. Henry Annen conducted the service at Hensall United Church, this past Sunday. The organist was Doug Klopp. The '50th anniversary Hymn' and 'O'Canada' were sung to commemorate V.E. Day. The greeter was Dorothy Corbett. The ushers were Randy Parker and Rick McGee. Flowers were placed in the sanctuary in memory of Sim Roobol, by his wife Mary. Flowers were also placed in the sanctuary in memory of Leonard Erb, by his family. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the fam- ily of the late Leonard Erb. 4 Doug Elliott B Math All Deposits Insured Within Limits Rates subject 1u Verif canon 5 YEAH ANNUAL tYwCoop . 3 V 7 SYell 660bttH Anginal RIAIF S.wi Annual Dap nues6mentGenfre Investment & Tax Planning Secure Investment Products ... from people you can trust SEAFORTH 96 Main St. 527-0420 NOTICE RE SPOT SPRAYING OF WEEDS This notice is to advise residents of the County of Huron that the County will be SPOT SPRAYING WEEDS in rural areas commencing June 5, 1995, for a period of approximately 12-14 weeks. Pesticides to be used are EASTAPROP, Registration No. 14803; AMITROL-T, Registration No. 16548, and DIPHENOPROP 700, Registration No. 15707. To be controlled are noxious weeds as per the Provincial Weed Control Act. This notice complies with regulation 914 of the Pesticides Act. For further information and for the locations of the roads to be treated, please call the Huron County Weed Inspector at 519-524-8394. Collect calls will be accepted. 4 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY WEEDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in possession of lands in the Municipalities in the County of Huron as follows: Clerk Town Clerk T. Andrew Clinton M. Jefferson J. Stewart Exeter F. Bell S.Vodden Godench L. McCabe B. Knight Seaforth 1. Crocker J. Zimmerman Wingham B. Adams M. E. Greb B. Shaddick M. McClure N. Michie Village Clerk A. Willert Bayfield I' Graham L. Brown Blyth J. Wheeler (Acting) J. McLachlan Brussels D. White D. Kelly Hensall L. Pharr S. Strang Zurich M. Simmons %V. Thompson J. Armstrong to all persons Township Ashfield Colborne Goderich Grey Hay Howick Hullett McKillop Morris Stanley Stephen Tuckersmith Tu rnbe rry Usborne E. Wawanosh W Wawanosh In accordance with the Weed Control Act, Statutes of Ontario, 1990, Chapter W5, Sections 3, 16 and 23, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands are destroyed by JUNE 5 1995 and throughout the Season, the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act. Velvet Leaf is named as a noxious weed in most municipalities, and Giant Cow Parsnip (Hogweed) in all County municipalities. The co-operation of all citizens is solicited. JOHN GIBSON Weed Inspector County of Huron 111 , s - '- Ali. \.fa.\ Ali. \*Ali. ..f\..1\At • �t Aatstsb..�all11..�11111..II�a,.�11, .- 4U 1,. ABM..R�>•k. � ssilwe.amtmu0msatssuamniasausiesaisma nae At©L-3at Greenhouse Plant Growers...Since 1973 MDGE AY 24 WEEKEND TIME TO PLANT! We have a Super Selection of • ANNUALS • PERENNIALS • ROSE BUSHES • TREES • EVERGREENS just waiting to beautify your home ...and all the accessories too! HOLIDAY WEEKEND SPECIAL Geraniums Reg. 99¢ ?�A eetee 3" Pot Sate , HglOV DIE ACME8 C4 RR 2 Zurich (519) 565-2122 Mon. - Fri. 8-8, Sat. 8-5, Sun. 1:30-5 1 1/2 m. W., then 31/2 m. North of Zurich, 21 South of Bayfield, Turn left on Stanley Rd. 15 & follow the signs.