The Huron Expositor, 1995-05-10, Page 27Sports Edition '95 -Page 7 TIM CUMMING PHOTO INDIVIDUAL WINNERS - Individual winners in the Seaforth-Egmondville Broomball League were (front row) high scorer Sandi Skinner, most improved player Bonnie O'Reilly, most valuable player Tracey Eckert, best goalie Patti Henderson, (back row) most sportsmanlike Dana Bean, best goalie Rob Dearing and MIP Jeff Hoelscher. TIM CUMMING PHOTO EASY RIDERS - The Easy Riders were league and playoff runners-up. The team is (front row) Lawrence Vink, Jim Butson, Terry Morely, Jeff Hoelscher, Jerry Zwep, Rob McGregor (back row) Bert Vorstenbosch, Ed Van Mittenburg, Darrel Eckert, Steve Eckert Jr., Steve Eckert, Rob Hunking and Chris Poland. TIM CUMMING PHOTO KINKORA KNIGHTS - The Knights broomball team is (front row) Steve Selves, Jeff Holman, Harold Hugill, Jeff Jackson, (back row) Jeff Campbell, Bill Ryan, Chris Weernink and Steve Hulshof. Not present in photo are Paul Nyenhuis, Jim Nyenhuis, Larry Baer, Larry Bertens, Mark Louwagie, Jody Durand and Paul Janmaat. Etue Insurance Like a good neighbour, State Farm is there. JAMES ETUE - Agent 32 Main St. Seaforth 527-0720 l.l•y CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL WHO L. McGRATH PLUMBING & HEATING INC. SEAFORTH 522-0493 CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL PARTICI PANTS Keep up the good work! FItENSALL (STRICT O.OPERATIVE Seaforth Store Elevator 527-0770 522-1000