The Huron Expositor, 1995-05-10, Page 18111-THI HURON EXPOSITOR. May 10, 111111 Timothy Findley to read at annual Blyth book sale Prominent Canadian writer Timothy Findley will be in Huron County early next month, rcuding at the Blvth FestivRI'Q annual book sale June 3. He wilt be reading from his just released new book, The Piano Man's D lighter. Findley wrote such award winning books as The Wars, Not Wanted On The Voyage and Fatuous Last Words, among thers, and is also an actor and Iaywright. Crafty Critters dry flowers BY CRISTA VANDEN HOVEN At the fourth meeting of the Crafty Critters members turned the clock back to February and Valentines Day, the day of hearts and flowers. The meeting was opened by president Barb with the 4-H pledge and the minutes were read by Rob Vanden Hoven. The roll call was answered by nam- ing a flower that can be dried. Gerda Vanden Hoven discussed various methods of flower drying and what to dry for the different colours. Then Jeanette Wynja explained the podging tech- nique for those wanting to learn that. They chose their forms from a selection of cats, swans and watering cans. Members enjoyed a relaxing time podging for the reminder of the meet- ing. Those wanting to learn to quilt chose their pauem and started by using a run- ning stitch to outline their design. Before they knew it was time for a snack to end the meeting. These crafts will be completed at the next meeting. HENSALL SHUFFLEBOARD May 2, 1995 High six game winners: Tom Williams (459); Lloyd Lovell (403); Alice Thiel (384); Gert Eagleson (366); Ethel McMurtry (367); Lorna Spencer (359); Jim Davis (359); Emma Campbell (359). GRIGOR F VAlPFF11 P{1<7I ST. COLUMBAN CONCERT - Last Wednesday night's finale of me St. Columban School Spring Concert played to a packed house. Grade 1 through 3 took part, with the opening concert Tuesday afternoon. Students, seniors make friends Pupils from Seaforth Public School are making new friends...and playing cards. A grade eight class from the school has been meeting with local senior citizens for euchre games and a chance to get to know each other. "I think the reason we went to the Legion was to get to know the seniors better," said grade eight student Brett Jewitt. "One of the seniors said to me...you can never stop learn- ing about euchre, each time you play you always learn more." Senior Games swing into full gear this month The Seaforth Senior Games will swing into full gear during the month of May. Keep an eye on my column and the Community Calendar for event dates and times. Next week's schedule is as follows: May 11 - 1:30 p.m. Snooker at Gordon Murray's. May 16 - 7:30 p.m. Euchre at the Legion. May 17 - 10:00 a.m. Horse- shoes at the Seaforth District Arena, 1:30 p.m. Softball Throw at the Seaforth District Arena, and 1:30 p.m. Crokinole at Maplewood Manor. Any Senior age 55 years or older is very welcome to par- ticipant in any or all of the events. For more information on the Senior Games call the Recreation Office at 527-0882. Last week's Senior Games Shuffleboard winners were Bruce and Audrey McLean. Bruce and Audrey will be travelling to Stratford to par- ticipate in the District Games. The Seaforth Hospital Auxili- ary would like to invite you to their annual Penny Sale. You still have a few days left before all draws are made. The sale will be held at 11 Main St., Seaforth which is located next to the Sewing Centre. (For- mally Campbell's Home Centre). Bring your pennies and help support our hospital. Draws will be held on May 13. Summer is rapidly approach- ing and with it Summer Active '95. This Canada wide program promotes the benefits of reg- ular physical activity and encourages Canadians, especially those who arc inac- tive, regardless of age, ability, or gender to choose an active, healthy lifestyle. I encourage you or your organization to participate in the celebration of physical activities. You will not be alone, the entire County of Huron will be buzzing with activity between May 15 - 31. So join in and get active. Seaforth's events will be as follows: May 15 - Sneaker Day - every- one is encouraged to wear your sneakers. May 21 - Child Find Walk a Thon beginning from the Arena at 10:00 a.m. May 27 - Youth Group's Wheel -a -thou. Times and loca- tion to be announced. r= motion pvw BY MARTY BEDARD May 28 = Kite Making and Flying beginning at 12 noon at the Arena. Admission is $4 for the Kites. June 7 - Dance for Heart at the Arena 7 - 10 pm. For more information on Sum- mer Active you can call 527- 0882. Any women interested in playing soccer this summer on Mondays or Wednesdays can call Lynn Devereaux 522-1942. The Annual Dance for Heart will be held once again at the Seaforth and District Commun- ity Centres on June 7 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Come enjoy aerobics, line dancing and be prepared to have fun. Pledge sheets arc available at the Recreation Office. The St. James Catholic Women's League will be host- ing their annual Spring Fling once again this year on Wednesday, May 17 at the Seaforth Legion. Doors open at 7:15 p.m and you can come and enjoy entertainment, bake table, door prizes and draws. The Seaforth Recreation Department will be hosting a sign language program once again this summer. The pro- gram will begin on Monday, June 5. This will be a 10 -week program. If interested please call the Recreation Office at 527-0882. Watch the paper next week for more details. Senior Shuffleboard continues every Wednesday afternoon from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. All seniors arc welcome to enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellow- ship. The students describe the seniors as `funny,' 'competi- tive,' `enthusiastic,' `fun -to -be - with' and `wonderful.' Just as the students got a fresher, more positive percep- tion of the seniors, the seniors had a chance to find out more about the young people. "The seniors sometimes arc scared of young adults so by getting to know them better HOTEL 128 King St. 262-2314 HENSALL 1 FREE FLOWER FOR EVERY if OM. OPEN MON.-SAT. HOSPICE OF HURON %xtu, c to aan ANNUAL MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1995 7:30 PM CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL CONFERENCE ROOM For the purpose of electing a Board of Directors and the presentation of Annual Reports. 714444444Aicaidatel Fergus and Anne Kelly are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Mary Margaret to Sean Michael Whiteford they might not be scared of us," said Matt Elliott and Josh Brown. Happy 4th Birthday May 17 Brandon Weitzel Love, Your Bud Weicamg, Atafeauseestegt Piet and Lany Albers along with Bill and Marlene Harburn are proud to announce the marriage of their chil- dren Patricia Petronella and Christopher William The wedding will take place at 2 pm on Saturday, May 13, 1995 at St. Ambrose Roman Catholic Church, Brussels. ISN'T Mg NIFTY NOW HE'S 50! Tom Phillips May 11 son of Don and Kathy Campbell of Exeter. The wedding will take place at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday. May 20, 1995 at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin. Ontario. STEVENSON/OLEJNIK Ronald Stuart Stevenson and Nicole Alexandra were united in marriage on November 12, 1994 at Duffs United Church in Walton. Nicole is the daughter of Dianne & Joseph Olejnik of Thorndale. Ron is the son of Bev Stevenson of Walton. Rev. Randy Banks officiated the marriage ceremony. The pianist/soloist was Cheryl Ann St. Onge of Kippen. The candle lighters were Bradley & Ryan Barlow of Thomdale. The maid of honour was Lonnie Strohm of Cambridge, friend of the bride. The bridesmaids were Michelle Olejnik, of Thorndale, sister of the bride, Shelly Strohm of Camlachie, friend of the bride, Stacey Strohm of Ailsa Craig. friend of the bride. Theresa Yallop of Kippen, friend of the bride, and Lisa Cooper of Mt. Albert, friend of the bride. The flowergirl and ringbearer were Jennifer and Ryan Olejnik cousins of the bride. The bestman was Chris Datong of Cobourg, friend of the groom, Chris Stevenson, of Walton, brother of the groom, Shannon Beddows of Cannington, Curtis Hayes of London, Dan Upshall of Kippen, Mike Shaus of Clifford all friends of the groom. The reception was held at Brussels Community Centre. The couple is now residing in Walton. • ■ BUCK & DOE for Heather Alce John Steffler Friday, May 12, 1995 Lunch Provided Spm - lam $5.00 per person For more information or Tickets Call: 527-2821 or 527-2438 • ■ BUCK DOE FOR Scott Ducharme and Cheryl Campbell Friday May 12 Clinton Arena 9 pm to lam Age of Majority D.J. Neat Guys For Tickets call: 522-1021 482-7835 Forthcoming Marriage CAMPBELL - HOWSON Mr. & Mrs. Robert Campbell of Seaforth are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Diane Marie to Jeffrey Howson son of Mr. & Mrs. Doug Howson of Blyth The wedding will take place at 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 13, 1995 at Northside United Church Seaforth Open reception following at 9:00 p.m. at Seaforth Community Centre Mother's Day Buffet Sunday, May 14 11:30 am to 3:00 pm Adults `15.95 Children Under 12 57.00 "As delicious as ever Just for you, Mom" The Little Inn of Bayfield 565-2611 Main St.. Rayfield. Clinton Raceway INTERTRACK WAGERING SCHEDULE Sunday thru Thursday at Jonnymores Sun. Aft. Sun. Eve. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Hwy. 8 West, Clinton Woodhine(T) & Flamboro - Post tome 1 p.m Mohawk Sr Windsor - Post time 6:30 p.m. Mohawk - Post time 7:30 p.m. Mohawk • Post time 7:30 p.m - Meadowlands & Flamboro . Dost time 7:30 p.m - Windsor & Flamboro - Post time 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the Clinton Arena Friday - Meadowlands & Mohawk - Pest time 7:30 p.m. Sat. Aft. - Ft. Erie (T) & Woodbine (T) - Post time 1:01) p m. Sat. Eve.- Meadowlands & Mohawk - Post time 7:30 p.m. 1-4 ... FLAMBORO IS BACK?