The Huron Expositor, 1995-05-10, Page 8S -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, May 10, 10115 Prisoners of war return to Huron FROM THE PAGES OF THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 24, 1895 Robert Pringle, an old Seaforth boy, and now of Chi- cago stock exchange, has made 540.000 in the last two weeks speculating in wheat. MAY 21, 1920 Robert Higgins of Hensall had the misfortune to get his wrist broken while engaged in crank- ing the auto which he uses in collecting the cream. * * * Messrs. Austin and Charles Dexter of Constance each sport a new car. MAY 17, 1945 Lance Corporal William Robert Dalrymple, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dalrymple, of Brucefield, is now in England after having been a prisoner of war in Germany since 1942. L/C. Dalrymple enlisted with the Royal Canadian Engineers in June, 1940 going overseas in August of the same year, and in 1942 he was taken prisoner at Dieppe. * * * F/O. Stewart Bryans, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bryans, Morris Township, who has been a prisoner of war in Ger- many since August 19, 1944 has been freed, and his parents received word on Monday that J In the Years Agone he is safe in England. He enlisted May 19, 1942 at North Bay and had been stationed at toronto, Quebec City, Belleville and Crumlin, at which place he received his wings and com- mission in October, 1943. He was last heard of December 24, 1944 until the official word came on Monday. *** Wireless Air Gunner Jack Benneu, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennett, of Walton, also has been freed and is now in England. He enlisted in Toronto January 19, 1943, and trained at Toronto, Malton, Winnipeg and Paulson, Man., where he received his wings. He went overseas in April, 1944 and after twenty-six oper- ational flights was reported missing on April 4th of this year. He arrived back in Eng- land on May 8th. * * * On Thursday evening, May 10, about 150 gathered in the Armories to honour Don Dale, who recently returned from overseas. The evening was spent in dancing to music supplied by the Collins orches- tra. *** Warrant Officer First Class J. C. Cornish, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish, of Brucefield, who has been a prisoner of war in Germany since June 1943, has been released and is now safe in England. He enlisted in 1941 and posted with an Australian Squadron, was shot down over Germany, being the only sur- vivor in a crew of seven. * * * Three candidates will contest the Huron -Perth constituency in the pending federal election on June 11. They are George Alexander Cann, Exeter, feed merchant, C.C.F.; William Henry Golding, machinist, Seaforth, Liberal and Thomas Pryde, memorial craftsman, Exeter, Progressive Conserva- tive. The nomination was held in the Town Hall, Hensall. MAY 21, 1970 Bruce Elliott has graduated from the University of Guelph with honours and received his Bachelor of Arts Degree. He is a son of the late Lorne H. Elliott of McKillop Township and Mrs. Florence Elliott now residing in Varna. He attended S.S. 6 McKillop Township and Seaforth District High School. * * * The Ontario government is acting to defer action by the C.N.R. to discontinue passen- ger service to the Stratford- Goderich line, Hon. Chas. MacNaughton has advised the town. * ** Members of the Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion elected officers for the next year. Officers elected are: President, Cleave Coombs; Past President, Wm. Dalrymple; 1st Vice President, M. Melanson; 2nd Vice President, Gordon Scott; Secretary, J. Eisler; Treasurer, M. Storey; Sgt. -at - Arms, J. F. Flannery; Welfare, J. C. Cornish; Entertainment, G. Scott; Property, Les Leonhardt; House, Neil Bell; Membership, Bill O'Shea; Ways and means, B. McClure; Sports, Chas. Wood; Sick and Visiting, E. Rivers; Publicity, D. Sills; Special Events, B. D. Hays and Auditors, W. D. Stephenson and S. C. Campbell. * * * Dr. R. A. Whitman of Seaforth has been awarded the 1970 Upjohn Postgraduate Study Award, the College of Family Physicians has announced. SPECIAL GOSPEL MEETINGS Sunday 7:30 p.m. Monday to Friday 8 p.m. at Joseph St. Gospel Hall Clinton Speakers: Mr. A. Hull Bridgewater, Nova Scotia Mr. J. Dennison Westland, Michigan John 3:3... "Ye must be born again" All Welcome No collections Seaforth & District Ringette Association ANNUAL MEETING WEDNESDAY MAY 17, 1995 8:00 p.m. Seaforth and District Community Centres Everyone Welcome 1995 - 96 ICE SCHEDULING MEETING Wednesday, May 17, 1995 at 7:30 p.m Seaforth Arena All user groups and those hosting or wanting to book special events, tournaments, etc. PLEASE ATTEND QUALIFIED VOTERS Be Sure of YourVote JUNE 8th, 1995 You can help make sure YOUR NAME is on the NEW LIST of VOTERS for the Ontario Provincial Election. If you are eligible and wish to vote, it's up to you to make sure your name is on the NEW LIST of VOTERS. You must answer (or provide the information for someone else to answer) the questions the Enumerators will be asking. This will make sure your name does appear on the NEW LIST of VOTERS so that you can vote. CAN YOU VOTE ON JUNE 8th? These are the questions the Enumerators will ask: (1) On Election Day will you be 18 years of age or over? (2) On Election Day will you be a Canadian Citizen? (3) On Election Day will you have resided in Ontario for the preceding 6 months? (4) On Election Day will you be a resident at this address? They should also ask if there are other eligible voters resident at your address. The phone numbers for Electoral District Returning Offices are available from Directory Assistance. If you require information specific to your Electoral District, ask for "Elections Ontario" and then the Electoral District by name. If you have friends or relatives who have difficulty reading, please make them aware of the information in this notice. Published by the Office of the Chief Election Officer of Ontario Warren R. Bailie, CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ENUMERATION The two Enumerators who will soon be calling at your door should produce their appointment form and identify themselves and the purpose of their visit. If you are at home, or if someone else can answer their questions, the Enumerators will complete a Form °301 for you and for any other qualified members of the household. The names of all eligible voters should then appear on the NEW LIST of VOTERS. If they miss you on their first visit, they will he making other visits or "call backs". Please give them access in order to help make sure the NEW LIST of VOTERS is as complete as possible. FOR GENERAL ELECTION INFORMATION, CALL: TORONTO AREA 416 -754 -VOTE (8683) OUTSIDE TORONTO 1-800-668-2727 Elections f� Ontario A non-partisan Agency of the Legislative Assembly KEEPING YOU INFORMED Ern