The Huron Expositor, 1994-12-14, Page 39Merry Christmas December 21. 1994 - Vage tt'
41 Main St.
Here's an old-fashioned
greeting from all of us to all
our friends
From Don, Ken
Mane and Barb
Your In.urance Broker
NATIVITY RE-CREATED - Students at Seaforth Public School told the biblical story of Mary and Joseph
and created this Nativity scene during the school's Christmas Concert on Dec. 14.
Christmas chaos in Chicago
Beeep! Beeep! Beeep! Beeep!
Ohhhhhhhhh N0000000! It was
December 24, 8:30 a.m. 1994 and
John still hadn't done his Christmas
shopping! He got dressed and ran
alongside the morning joggers at
top speed. He ran all the way to the
mall. He was about to pay for his
little brother's handcuffs and key
when he remembered he forgot his
money. He put back the handcuffs
and ran back home to get his
money. He ran back to the mall.
John bought the handcuffs and a
bar of purple soap, a clock, some
popcorn, some socks, and five
venus fly traps. When he got home
he wrapped them when everybody
was asleep. When he was done he
had breakfast and went back to bed.
After Christmas John's family
went to Chicago. His little brother
Bruce the Moose brought his hand-
cuffs along. He said if a burglar
broke in he'd handcuff him. His big
sister Jane the Pain brought her
popcorn to eat. In the car Bruce put
his handcuffs on his feet and of
course he lost the key a i Dad had
to pry them off with a screwdriver.
When they were asleep in the hotel
a masked man crept in the window
a titled to steal the T.V. Jane got up
for a rnidnight snack. She popped
some popcorn on the stove. The
burglar jumped to the ground think-
ing he was geing shot at. The noise
woke up Bruce and he stuck his
handcuffs on the burglar. In the
morning they took him to the police
station and got a reward of two
thousand dollars each, but of course
they won't share! -
The End
Quentin Burgess
Age 10
Grade 5
Seaforth Public School
Katie enjoys 'Secret Christmas'
BY Katie Wood
Once there were 10 elves. Their
names were Alison, Jenny, Kelly,
Laura, Brooke, Jocelyn, Guy, Ryan,
Tait, and Nicky. Santa said that he
wasn't going to every house this
year. He said that he was going to
make a surprise visil to one house.
The house he was going to had a
little girl named Katie and last year
she was in the hospital. Santa said
that he left a note for her and said
that he was going to come to her
house and no one elses.
The next week came fast. It was
Christmas Eve. When he got to
Katie's house it • was dark. He
thought Katie was in the hospital
but he saw the car was still there.
He sneaked into the house. He put
a lot of presents under Katie's tree.
Katie heard him and came running
down the stairs but she tripped on
one of the skates and came tumbl-
ing down on her arm.
She screamed and her mom and
dad, came running down the stairs.
Christmas traditions of Danes
Christmas is the oldest of Nordic also have a Christmas calendar. It
festivals. Even in heathen times, may be a cardboard house with 24
midwinter festivals were held windows or a homemade tapestry
around the shortest day of the year: with 24 hooks to which are attached
gentleness, gifts and peace belonged 24 little parcels, one for each day.
to Yule even then. And to this day, This countdown takes place in the
some Christmas customs arc alto- morning, and therefore it causes no
gether not free from the influence problem to get the children out of
of both old hcalthen and early bed in the dark December morn -
Christian traditions. Ings.
Christmas preparations begin with In early December, decoration of
mailing of greeting cards and letters the home begins in earnest. Cut-out
for relatives and friends abroad to pixies and fairies fund their way attach the Christmas seal around the house peaking from
for the year. Each year a new behind picture frames and mirrors.
design is issued - a mini work of and in the dark winter nights, the
art. The revenue from these seas) whole family gathers around the
goes toward convalescence facilities dining room table with scissors,
for ailing children. Then, when all glue and coloured paper to fold, and
the mail is sent, you can look for- all the traditional figures for the
ward to all the nice greetings Christmas tree like cones, basket,
returning to you. angels, birds and hearts are pro -
On the first Sunday of advent duced.
(fourth Sunday before Christmas) A day or two before Christmas,
m,lny Danes hang up a wreath of it's time to get ,a tree. Many arc
pine tigs mounted with four candles abailable tither from one of the
and light one cantle for a short many stands or from the woods,
while after dusk. where you can chop down the tree
The following Sundays, the addi- that suits your taste. The Christmas
tional candles will be lit, till on hte tree as a symbol of Christmas is
last Sunday before Christmas, all relatively recent in Denmark. In
four candles are burning. Alsace, it was known as early as
Children begin the Christmas the 16th century. In Denmark and
countdown on December first. They in Sweden, the Christmas tree was
light their tall 24 -day candle once introduced in the early 19th centuy.
every day. Many Danish youngsters
It was Christmas nightmare
I had a dream it was really scary
it seemed. I had a dream that Santa
was really mean. 1 had a real fright
I dreamed that Santa never came at
Then 1 woke up. I was so relieved
that my dream was really only a
Luke Van Bakel
Grade 3
St. Columban
May the light of the holy
season fill your heart
throughout the holidays and
into the new year.
John, Bonnie and Staff
They asked Santa what happened.
He said she heard me and she
tripped on her skate, fell on her
arm. On the way to the hospital
Katie said that Santa needed to go
on a dict. He said that he would go
on a diet for her. He said that he
had to go back to Mrs. Claus
because she would be lonely. "Sec
you next year Katie."
•Katie is a grade 6 student at
Huron Centennial School
DUBLIN 345-2447
Hang up the holly...
String up those lights...
Wrap up the presents...
That are sure to delight...
Share the warm fire...
With someone you love,
And give thanks for these blessings.
To the good Lord above!
Merry Christmas from all of us.
Chairman - Jim Sills
Mayor - Irwin Johnston
Commissioner - Joe Steffler
Manager • Tom Phillips