Goderich Signal Star, 2017-06-14, Page 3032 Signal Star • Wednesday, June 14, 2017 Service Carpet/Flooring Carpet/Flooring t;lHewater Carpet S Tile ��� 299 BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH 1-519-524-6141 —COMMERCIAL — — RESIDENTIAL — 1-IERE! Gardening Landscaping Services Gardening Landscaping Services EARL'S PLUS Mini Excavator for hire. 6.6' wide on rubber tracks, vary powerful. 25 years experience, reliable ser- vice, tandem dump truck, tractor and chipper and more. Phone 519-955-2920 Plumbing Plumbing APPLIANCES • REPAIRS Service to All Makes Gas & Electric Authorized Service Centre for • Inglis •Whirlptwl • Admiral • Hotpoint • Speed Queen • Simplicity • taectrotxm t •Ait Conditioner, • 1 itlon Mictow j' e, HOFFMEYER APPLIANCES Sales & Service . 55 Kingston St., Goderich 524-7861 Call These BusinL For All Your Service Needs! 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