Goderich Signal Star, 2017-03-08, Page 66 Signal Star • Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Signal_star March: Spring Cleaning For Golfers
VOL. 26 - ISSUE 10
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f 1 had .a dollar for every
time a male golfer came
into my Pro Shop browsing
the men's clothing selection
and said: "Oh man! My wife
will kill me if 1 come home
with another neveshirt." I
would be able to retire. I
often laugh after hearing this
or the fact that you have 30+
golf shirts at home. My ques-
tion is always how often do
you golf? Depending on their
response 1 can give them an
idea of how many golf shirts
they actually need in their
closet. For example if you
play 4=5 times a week a very
basic wardrobe of 12 golf
shirts over 20 weeks of golf is
an average of 7 wears per
1 have some good news.
You're going to be able to pur-
chase new shirts if you follow
my guidelines below for clean-
ing out your closet of golf
Step # 1: In order to .see what
letters to the editor
Ashley Gravett
we are dealing with you must
take out every piece of golf
clothing you own. So grab
those storage bins from down-
stairs because they count.
Step #2: This step is typically
difficult for people it's the: Love
it, Maybe and Nope.
If it's in the love it pile it's
because you would wear -it
right now and the fit is per-
fect. The maybe pile is typi-
cally sentimental value and
doesn't quite fit right now.
Nope. pile is for anything that
has stains, holes, buttons
missing etc. The nope pile is
very important because with
0 Canada — Let's Sing It!
With all the wonderful concerts,
plays and special events in Goder-
ich, I am frequently surprised and
disappointed that the singing of
our National Anthem is not part of
the program. In this our 150th
anniversary year, 1 am even more
taken aback as it would seem even
more appropriate to have it
1 feel extremely fortunate to be
a Canadian; l am very proud to
be a Canadian and I would like
to be able to express those .feel-
ings by singing our National
Anthem as often as possible,
shoulder to shoulder with my
fellow Canadians. At this time
golf clothes and the moisture
wicking fabric they don't last
and need to he thrown out
every two years. The other
reason the nope pile is
important is because of the
sun damage done to our golf
clothes after so many rounds.
of golf.
If your shirt has a certain
scent to it because you wore it
so much it needs to be thrown
out. If they are discoloured or
dull they go!
Step 3: Assess what's left in
your closet: your LOVE IT
clothes. I like to organize my
shirts so they are colour coor-
dinated. This way you can see
if you are missing any colours
or if you have 5 Tiger Wood
Sunday shirts. Take out your
bottoms which have really
changed over the last few
years and are full of plaid,
prints and multiple colours.
Place your bottoms in a row
and put all the shirts that ,
match with them on top. If
especially, with so much of the
world in chaos, I'd like us to
ramp up our nationalism and
express our appreciation for all
that is ours to enjoy.
So choir leaders, event planners,
artistic directors - 1 challenge you _
to make this part of your public
presentations this year and I
you have bottoms that don't
match any of your tops you
already have they must go.
Step 4: Hang all your golf
shirts with the hook facing in.
Once you wear them and wash
them hangthe hook facing
towards you and at the end of
the season you will see which
ones you didn't wear and those
are the first to go before next
Once you have gone
through the three steps above
make ¬e of what your golf
closet is lacking now. Golf is
like any fashion line out
there. New trends, colours
and patterns are always pop-
ping up from season to sea-
son. I
ea-son.1 think it's veryimpor-
tant to have a good selection
of your basics that can go
with any bottotn,s but to pick
a new patterned top or bot-
tom for the year and work
with what you already have in
your closet to match it. If you
look good, you feel good.
expect you will be met with enthu-
siastic response from your audi-
ences. Who knows, it might even
"go viral" and we will find our-
selves singing together long after
year end.
O Canada - Let's Hear 1t!
Monica Mason
Goderich resident frustrated with council's decision on maritime activity
Dear Editor:
It is regrettable that the Town
seems to be joining Huron. County
as its steps back from celebrating
its almost 200 -year history of
being a Lake Huron foundation for
maritime activity. Council, by
referring the future of the Marine
Museum to the Works Depart-
ment, without seeking any input
from the Heritage Committee, has
essentially sealed its fate. The
Huron County Museum (HCM)
has already de -accessioned some
marine displays in the last few
years. The Town will now join in
by demolishing the Marine
Museum. I cannot help but won-
der if the number one -ranked dis-
play (as per visitor survey) at the
HCM will continue to be the Great
Lakes Storm of 1913?
That in itself, should tell us
something about the tourism
potential for. enhancing commu-
nity marine heritage themes.
Paul Carroll
Signal Star welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must include the writer's full name, address, daytime phone number and signature (for verifica-
tionAnonymous letters will not be published. We reserve the right to edit all editorial submissions including letters for clarification, style and tength. Let-
ters must be signed and be in good taste and follow the laws of libel and slander.