Goderich Signal Star, 2017-01-11, Page 2526 Signal Star • Wednesday, January 11.2017
Huron Wild win 2017's Goderich
Men's Rec Hockey Tournament
It was a full day of hockey
at the Goderich Memorial
Arena Saturday, Jan. 7, that
saw a total of nine teams bat-
tle it out to claim the cham-
pionship at the annual
Goderich Men's Rec l-
Teams came from as far as
Stratford to fight for the hon-
our, but it all came down to
Elma Logan, from Central
Perth County, and Huron
Wild, from Exeter and Perth.
They were the two teams to
make it to the final.
At 9:30 p.m., the puck
dropped before a spattering
of fans, who were mostly
warming themselves with
libations and central heating
from the hall overlooking the
sheet of ice.
The game was fast paced
but one-sided with Huron
controlling much of the
action during the two
20 -minute period game.
And when the final buzzer
had gone after the 40 min-
utes, Huron had planked
Elora Logan 5-0.
Following the game, the
two teams shook hands and
came together for a group
photo before hurrying to get
out of their gear and into
their cars before the storm
outside worsened.
The two teams, Elma Logan in black and Huron Wild in Red, pose for a photo following the game.
A player from Elma Logan looks to move the puck up the ice towards the opposition's goal
An Elma Logan player tries to protect the puck.
The Elma Logan goalie makes a mad dive to try and thwart a Huron Wild scoring chance.
A Huron Wild player tries to tie up the stick of an opposing forward.
A Huron Wild player carries the puck up the ice.