Goderich Signal Star, 2017-01-11, Page 66 Signal Star • Wednesday. January 11, 2017
Signal -Star
VOL. 26 – ISSUE 10
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Member of the Canadian Community
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Community Newspapers Assoaation
Cherish your suffering,
It cannot have escaped the attetr-
tion of many that Ontario is most
unsettled these days. That its
industries are anxious, its debt colos-
sal, its citizens not in a pleasant mood.
Ontario is in a lot of pain. But let me
assure readers outside Ontario that it
has not all been for nothing. There are
rewards. They are subtle, intangible,
but they are real. Let me explain.
Those who share the faith and
endorse the morality of global warming
derive very much the same satisfac-
tions that attended fidelity to the Less
demanding dogmas of earlier and less
ambitious creeds. The carbon regime,
tax hikes on gasoline, failed or failing
long-term contracts, fear and trembling
in the manufacturing sector, the gnash-
ing of teeth in poorer (and now colder)
households, Ontario Hydro's ever -
swelling levies, the despoliation of rural
vistas by towers ofwhirling, bird-bash-
ingwindmills: These, each in itself, and
all in combination are the acknowl-
edged costs of the Great Greening.
Those outside the faith, and mere
loitering agnostics, see nothing here
but a catalogue of burdens. Shackles
of an alien god. But to those within the
covenant, they are the way stations on
the hard and stonypath to delicious
rewards reserved for the elect. This is
ntario; Premier Wynne's green gods know of your sacrifice
Rex Murphy
the true chemistry of belief. \'Vhat
appear as obstacles to heretics, appear
to believers'as smooth escalators to a
higher state. Accepting, embracing
what must he done supplies them
with a sense of inner sanction, endows
them with that peace of mind which a
lesser scripture records, rather churl-
ishly, as passing all understanding.
It has always been thus. Think of •
those Lenten pilgrims of old scuttling
from hamlets all Europe to visit
Jerusalem for a glance at the bone
splinters of some of the lesser saints.
The "ways [were] deep and the
weather sharp" but the end trans-
muted the joumey into something
sweet and fine. So it is now.
I see the mages of Queen's Park,
shivering in the polls, stripped of their
popularity, the scom of so manywho
once strew palms on University Ave-
nue at their approach, I see them now
embracing all that misery. For the
cause is just and the cost therefore
simply cannot be too high. What is a
blizzard of swollen light bills and a
hash of inflated power contracts to
them? For is it not their pride to have
done their bit to defer an apocalypse?
And so, if they raise their eyes and
see that last year carbon dioxide mole-
cules were, s'ay, 387 parts per million
in the atmosphere of our planet, and
now - as a mere cost of billions and
utter depression in 'their electoral
prospects, it is, say, 386 or even 385
parts per million - Ontario, they cry,
has done its bit A bit, after all, being all
that Ontario can do.
What other gains for all that pain?
There is the near -irresistible rapture of
those who lead a government casting it
as a moral exemplar: In the early days of
the faith the apostle Dalton made no
pretense that Ontario's actions could in
anyway truly alter the balance of the
earth and atmosphere. Ifthisworldwas
heading toward a sweltering finale -
Ontario alone, whatever it could do,
would not save it. But that was never
the thought The burdens taken on so
gloriously by the green clerics of
Queens Park were not meant for effect
They were example only.
In his familiar Lincolnesque man-
ner McGuinty promoted the Green
Plan as "placing Ontario in the fore-
front as a leader in the fight against
global warming" Ms. Wynne, as faith-
futto the doctrine of the founder,
works out of the same catechism.
letters to the editor
`Stability and health of Canada is threatened by income inequality'
Dear Editor,
Toronto-based economist Hugh
Mackenzie, in collaboration with the
respected Canadian Center for Policy
Alternatives, recently presented
research which confirms the obscene
fact that the best paid executives in
Canada eam as much in a few hours
as the average Cariadian earns in an
entire year! Furtherinore, this gap in
income between the corporate elite
and the average working Canadian is
increasing on an ongoing basis,
according to Mackenzie's research
and the research of others. In part, it
is this marked income disparity and
social privilege of the elite that fueled
Donald Trump's success.
In Canada, the Occupy Movement,
the Idle No More Movement and the
major protests seen at the last G20
meeting in Toronto are evidence that
there is a smouldering discontent in a
significant number of Canadians on
the issue of escalating income dispar-
ity. The stability and the health of
Canadian society is threatened if this
issue of pay equity is not dealt with in
an urgent and meaningful way. With-
out justice on this issue there can be
no lasting social peace in Canada.
By increasing the income tax on
the 1 per cent of financially privileged
Canadians, Mt: Trudeau has started
the process of addressing this critical
Ontario is merely, and this is no small
merely, leading the way. Ontario's
example shall - would I could find a
happier verb - fire the planet Energy
policy as moral contagion sums it up.
The dream was, I suppose, that the
Kazakhstanis, and Burundians, the
Chinese and Peruvians, all in their
several dominions, taking the morn-
ing beverage to begin the day, would
pause and remark to the neighbors,
"Those Ontarians. They're leading the
fight against global warming. What a
people:' Then, instantly, aworldwide
flight to turn off the space heaters,
shut down the factories, jail the coal
miners, and tum out the lights. In 24
hours the only place left on the planet
that still had the lights on would be a
mansion in Tennessee.
Because as we know, when Ontario
sets the pace, the world follows.
I suppose this to be the kind of con-
versation Ms. Wynne and Mr
McGuinty designed Ontario's energy
policy to provoke, in the McGuinty
case buming a billion dollars just to
shut down a gas plant to ensure.
So was all the pain worth it? Mr.
Trudeau thinks so. For he has the
same plan. And some of the same
planners. So far, though, that's the
whole parade.
issue. It is to be hoped that in the next
federal budget, the present govern-
ment will proceed with their election
promises and enact more progressive
changes in the tax structure, in order
to correct the escalating income dis-
parity that an increasing number of
Canadians endure.
Jim Hollingworth M.D.
Dear Editor,
Proceeds of more than S1,700
raised at the 8th Annual Cookie
Walk held by the WMS at Knox
Presbyterian Church, Goderich in
November are being divided
equally among local, national and
international projects as follows:
AM&G Hospital for priority heart
& stroke equipment, including Tel-
estroke services in Huron County;
Winnipeg Inner City Missions
(Anishinabe, Place of Hope) for
the work of the Rev. Margaret Mul-
lin with First Nations people; and
Presbyterian World Service &
Development for the building of a
household latrine to promote
better health in a Third World
Wishing everyone a Happy New
Joanne Walters,
WMS Secretary
To The Editor
Goderich Signal Star
We are nearly at the end of 2016
and what a year it has been. How
can human's beings do other
humans what we have seen in the
past few years? In 1955 Einstein
warned, "Political passions, once
they have been fanned into flame,
exact their vicitims. Man has
wihtin himself a lust for hatred and
destruction which occasSionally
yields to a collective psychosis':
Joseph Kraft a Free Press column-
ist worte in 1979 - "Einstein shared
an illusion with most of us that
somehow unseen hand, some
Providence, really wants peace
among men. The record shows
how truly hard it is to obtain
peace. Genius clearly is not
enough - nor goodwill - nor ther-
apy in it's various forms. A balance
of forces has to figure into the
equation, and a capacity, frought
with risk, for constant adjustment.
Even then there is no guarantees
for stability and order. The best
that can be done is to tilt the odds
against war." As we step into 2017
let us remember Kipling's words:
"Though all we know depart, The
old commandments stand; In
courage keep your heart, In
strength lift up your hand."
Mary Bere
Signal Star welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must include the writer's full name, address, daytime phone number and signature (for verifica-
tion). Anonymous letters will not be published. We reserve the right to edit all editorial submissions including letters for clarification, style and length. Let-
ters must be signed and be in good taste and follow the laws of libel and slander.