Goderich Signal Star, 2011-08-17, Page 16Wednesday, August 17, 2011 • Signal -Star 15 chell announces $50 million addition to beef program he Ontario Ministry of griculture, Food, and ural Affairs has nnounced it will add $50 illion to its Ontario eeder Cattle ,o -operative Program hleich Y tario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Affairs has announced it will add n to its Ontario Feeder Cattle Co - Program this fall, bringing the able money to $130 million. is the backbone of industry in unty and the backbone of agricul- er Ontario. We count on farmers food so farmers can count on their government when times are hard," said OMAFRA Minister and Huron -Bruce MPP Carol Mitchell at Steve Eby's farm, JSE Farms, on Thursday, Aug. 4 in Kincardine. The Ontario Feeder Cattle Co-operative Program (OFCCP) was formed in November 1990 and originally started with only $35 million in funding. The program provides competitive loans to members of the 19 co-operatives in Ontario. The additional money for the pro- gram will be drawn from the existing OMA - FRA budget, but is paid back over time by the farmers. "The program helps new and young pro- ducers to build up a base, allowing young farmers to enter the sector," said Mitchell. "We are in our 2I st year now and I think the co-operatives in all areas of the province should be recognized for their hard work. This program will help our sons and daugh- ters to get established in the industry," added Curtis Royal, President of the Ontario IE EMERALD ASH BORER (EAB) is killing ash frees throughout Ontario. Help protect our trees! as been detected in southern Ontario. The following counties are in the ted area: Essex (1), Chatham -Kent (2), Lombton (3), Middlesex (4), Elgin (5), f;6), Perth (7), Oxford (8), Norfolk (9), Wellington (10), Waterloo (11), Brant ialdimand (13), Hamilton (14), Niagara (15), Halton (16), Peel (17), Toronto 'ork (19), and Durham (20). EAB regulated area in southern Ontario a destructive insect that spreads to new areas when infested wood is moved. lerol Ministerial Order, anyone moving ash tree materials or firewood out of 20 counties without written permission from the Canadian Food Inspection y may be fined or prosecuted. DON'T MOVI FIRIW000 For more information, visit wwvidespectlims.r.ca/posts or call 1-S66-463-5017 Congdon Food errrdienn. Inspection Agency des aliments Canada Cattlemen's Association. Approximately 25 per cent of the program users are young farmers, well above the industry average. Members of the co-opera- tives can borrow up to a maximum of $250,000. Ross Jeffray, Chair of the OFCCP was pleased to hear the announcement. "We had to turn away a number of young farmers in the spring because we didn't have the funding. It will be great to call them up and let them know we can help them out now," he said. Allan Dales, who lives in Greenock Town- ship, is spending his summer working at the Eby farm. The 16 -year-old was glad to hear there will be a greater number of loans avail- able to young farmers from the government. "It's really hard for us young guys trying to get into farming, the money just isn't there. I grew up around here and my dad has cat- tle, if it wasn't for the help of my parents I wouldn't be able to become a farmer. This new loan money is great news," said Dales. Dales will be entering Grade 12 this fall and intends to become a beef cattle farmer after he graduates. Mitchell told the assembled crowd the new addition to the program is part of a number of packages which OMAFRA has worked to bring forward this year, including the new Risk Management Program announced earlier this summer. The Risk Management Program will work "hand in hand" with the OFCCP, according to Jeffray. "The OMAFRA stab' deserve a lot of credit, they've worked really hard to get a lot done," said Mitchell. Goderich ,S�na1-Star L'AGRILE DU FRENE est en train de tuer des f renes d'un bout a 1'autre de 1'Ontario. Aidez-nous a proteger ces arbres! La presence de I'agrile du frene a ate detectee dans le sud de ('Ontario. Cette zone reglementee englobe les comtes suivants : Essex (1); Chatham -Kent (2); Lambton (3); Middlesex (4); Elgin (5); Huron (6); Perth (7); Oxford (8); Norfolk (9); Wellington (10); Waterloo (11); Brant (12); Haldimand (13); Hamilton (14);- Niagara (15); Halton (16); Peel (1.7); Toronto (18); York (19); Durham (20). Zone reglementee du sud de ('Ontario L'ogrile du frene est un insecte nuisible qui se propage dans de nouvelles regions par le transport de bois infeste. En vertu d'un arrete ministeriel federal, toute personne deplacant des produits du frene ou du bois de chauffage 6 partir de ces 20 comtes, 6 moins de permission ecrite de I'Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments, est passible d'une omende ou s'expose 6 des poursuites judicioires. NI DPLACEZ PAS/1 11011 /1 CNAUEPMI Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez le site www.lispftitiol.b...s/phytoravvegeers . ou composez le 1-116411-463-1141117 1144011 canad*nn. Cans i Food des . ,est. In.pi Ion Agency CanadW