Goderich Signal Star, 2011-08-17, Page 11Signal Star • Wednesday, August 17, 2011 commodation review could be in Colborne Central's future than one month from now, Colborne 1 students will be arriving at Victoria School in Goderich while their own g sits unoccupied. Mold discovered in one classroom about two months before the end of the school year turned out to be a larger problem, affecting six classrooms in all. On Wednesday, April 20, facilities staff at the school were notified about odor problems in one classroom. Mold was discovered and HEATING & COOLING INCENTIVE the classroom was closed to staff and stu- dents immediately, An initial cleanup was done by W.N. Smith Construction, and the AMDSB contracted T. Harris Environmental Management Inc. to check the rest of the school, with routine air testing for the remainder of the school year. T. Harris Environmental reported in May that six classrooms had structural problems with walls and windows that were replaced in 1993, leading to moisture problems within. Water was penetrating the building above the window line. Following this, it was decided a review of the entire building was in order - the last such review taking place in 2007/2008. Through the studies it was determined the mold growth was caused mainly by humidity and the six classrooms without ventilation were those with humidity problems. An architectural building science report recommended replacement of the wall sys- tem for the entire affected area, including both the exterior cladding and interior dry- wall, as well as replacement of all wood win- dows. Only three classrooms do not have wood windows. The report findings also rec- ornmend the roof over the school's east end be replaced. Correcting the moisture problem carries a heavy price tag - $ 1,095,500 - and; with the additional cost of other work needed to be done in the short term rises an additional $966,400. "The Immediate budget figure for remedi- ation cannot be taken in isolation, but must be considered in the context and knowledge of the overall work which will have to be addressed now or in the future," state the minutes of the Avon Maitland District School Board's July 28 special meeting. The board has stressed the school is not unsafe, and that it has been well maintained - the same designation given Victoria Public. School. However, Colborne's Facility Condition Index MCI) - a Ministry of Education meas- urement to determine repair costs compared to total building value- sits at 57 per cent, The threshold for prohibitive to repair sta- tus is 60 per cent. Again according to the AMDSB minutes: "Administration believes that considera- tion to establishing an Accommodation Review must be undertaken before spending 57% of a building's value to renew it. A rec- ommendation to begin a review will be pre- sented to the Board in September 2011, and as per Board Policy 15, the decision to begin such a review is made by Trustees." Meanwhile, transportation schedules for the 2011-12 school year are being put together and should be ready by the week of August 22. Information on transportation can be found at yourschools.ca/transitions/ colbornecentral. Any developments that happen will be made available at that site, and information request forms are available. Receive up to $65� when replacingyour old central heating and cooling systems. V1itti as much as 60% of your annual energy costs going towards heating and cooling your home, it makes sense 'to invest in energy-efficient central heating and cooling systems. 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'hltentrms ere tivedebie to «►stellelron dt etp.pte equipment compbeted between Jan 1 2011 and Uet 31 /V11. and Rigid be ntte retied no rates then tib t 1U1I tgUIpment arid be purameed true end eV/1Wbr a W+tr[ptttns connector Plaplacialtani turnouts neat be NO f *ewe y ankh *nth an al cuu*.a r ooeaattalad moor flat "Ants eMrtrtcrtlr asst sevmps WO esta+uted rated ft MO program esperw+n A rn ssrv+rgs nog van, tandad thr the °mann tower Atttonta and oHab,4 tar (odarlth * *o • reit a the Pr ,, re at °Mann pmhrt,rn intlettinieiten badamett taw OMNI ruder oultilamts • Mot or the °Mielete rAimrr 1!sedWes r«mos Goderich will be singing the blues once again .this Labour Day weekend, as the West Coast Bluesfest enters Into its sixth year. Bigger, better, bluesier - everything is upped for this year's festival. A large part of that is due to a new part- nership this year between West Coast Blues and Taste of Huron. The two popular events will merge into one this year, culminating Sunday with an all-new Blues Brunch fea- turing Bluesfest fan favourite, David Rotundo. Once again on Thursday, September 1, the BIA is sponsoring a free outdoor blues concert in Courthouse Park. On Friday, the Walkabout Blues takes over the downtown core, with eight local venues and eight different acts. One $10 wristband gives admission to all venues, and prior to the 8:30 p.m. start, there will be another free concert in the park. On Saturday, the main event takes place under the big top in the Livery parking lot. This year's blues headliners are Wild. T and the Spirit, Shakura S'Aida and the Johnny Max Band. Again, a free concert will also be held at the Courthouse Park bandstand fea- turing Chris Murphy and a seven -piece blues ensemble. On the tastier side of things, Saturday also plays host to the Taste of Huron Chef Chal- lenge, the Tasty Blues Cafe and on Sunday, the locavore brunch with Rotunda. While Bluesfest keeps music lovers busy for the Labour Day Weekend, Taste of Huron has more than 30 events spread around Huron County between August 29 -September 12. Culinary workshops, food for thought dinners, and a five -course gala dinner are all on the plate, and Jenna Ujiye, Tourism Coordinator for Huron. County, said getting to and from the events has never been easier. Bus services will be running throughout the two weeks and accommodation pack- ages are available for the out-of-town crowd. "Every year we try to partner with unique events that happen within Huron County," Ujiye said. "This year, WCB is a perfect fit and we hope we can do this every year. " Tickets for the main event are $25 and are available at Ernie King Music, Wuerth Shoes downtown and 104.9 the Beach on Sun - coast Drive or at www.westcoastblues.ca. Brunch tickets are $ 20 and are also avail- able at the Blyth Festival box office. A full schedule of Taste of Huron events can he found at tasteofhuron.ca.