Goderich Signal Star, 2011-08-03, Page 7t r► • • CIS Dual Star 32 HE0 WEEKLY — EST. 1860 al Star Publishing Huckins St. E3ox• 120 Goderich ON N7A 486 524-2614 . denchsignalstar. com SUN MEDIA A Qu tw or Media Company KES ter. IER ine Manager MOWN cls ere .T ecsl & Subsaiptorts BUTT • • PACIVOR ES y saIs . • sPbowesnet-com rtsebowesnet com .com ,hadsebowesnet corn • • 1 deadline Friday at 2 pm. PTIQN RATES ADVANCE $42 plus GST 39 plus GST $218.80 plus GST 5395.80 pIus GST copy $ 1 25 eluding GST s Affil Agreement 683 UNOELNEAABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES: TION DEPARTMENT .ktna St., P.0 Box 120 Goderich ON N7A 486 cfelivenes of delivery concerns 14-1814 EMAIL Qunewstribovresnet amp h Signal Star shall not be liable for failure an ad for typographl*al errors m publication A extent of the .cost Ili fist porton of the ad e for occurred The Goderlch Signal -Star right to reject cx edit any advertisement h Signal -Star is a proud member of the Ca• munity Newspapers Association (CCM) and ;community Newspapers Moor -lotion (OCN1). owletige.the financial support of the ism of Canada -through the Canadian t insf (ems for our publishing activities s Canadi 'Amber M sts CuA.J , CommurWy naMswlpepsr Assodiron and the Ontario Gnrnmui*y Nrownpors ti■aci.Mks+ editorial A nation's wish is good health for Jack No one who saw a shockingly frail -looking Jack Layton announced Monday that he was tempos stepping down as NDP leader to battle a new form of cancer, will either begrudge or question the wisdom of that decision. On behalf of our readers, we wish Layton good luck, good health and God speed. We hope he will, as he intends, be able to resume his duties when the House of Commons reconvenes Sept. 1 9, after its summer recess. There will be other days to assess the political ramifications of Layton's illness-- a new form of cancer separate from the prostate cancer he was diagnosed with last year; which he said Monday is now under control. This, with his wife, Olivia Chow, also a cancer survivor, by his side. Today, we pay tribute to a remarkable Cana- dian politician who, a few short months ago, led the NDP t its most successful election showing ever, elevating: his party for the first time to offi- cial opposition status, with more than 100 seats. While we disagree with Layton on many political issues, one would have to have .a heart of stone not to have been impressed by the energetic campaign he waged, while coping with prostate cancer and hip surgery, which meant he had to walk using a cane. Obviously, this new form of cancer Layton was recently diagnosed with at Toronto's Prin- cess Margaret Hospital - where he will be receiving treatment - is more severe. Indeed, with no disrespect to Layton, 61, in noting his frail appearance Monday caused so much concern precisely because he has always been so energetic and seemingly indestructible. For now, as Layton explained Monday, he's recommending Quebec MP and national cau- cus chair Nycole Thane!. (Hull -Aylmer) serve as interim party leader until he can resume his duties. Obviously, Layton and the NDP will have more leadership decisions to make should his prediction he will be able to resume his seat. in Parliament by early fall prove to be overly optimistic. For now, however, we hope we will soon see a healthy Layton back in Parliament, fighting the good fight for families, as he stated in his announcement, and also wotidng for Canadi- ans as official leader of the opposition, a posi- tion he has both earned and deserves. All the best to lack Layton in his biggest battle. ...DEBT cfAtSi $ www.gtxleriehsignaistar.cam letters to the editor Jail closure will affect people with fetal alcohol syndrome r ?b the Editor People with FASD will be gravely affected, if the Walkerton Jail closes! FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Dlsorder) Is an umbrella term used to describe anyneuro- logical, physical and behavioral effects that result from pre -natal exposure to alcohol. It lasts a lifetime and is not reversible. Preva- lence rate of FASD is 2 to 5% of live births. 95% of people with FASD also have a mental illness. Some key character- tics of FASO are; attention deficits, poor problem solving skills, difficulty learning form consequences, vul- nerability, naive, poor impulse control, poor judgment and pock. emotional regulation. Given all these characteristics, people affected by FASD, have a very good chance of ending up in the justice system. It is estimated that 66096 of people with FASD, over 12 years of age have been charged with or convicted of a crime. A jail can he a very dangerous place for peo- ple with FASD. They can become victims with in the jail population very easily. Sometimes they are difficult to place within the jail because they are not always easily accepted by their jail peers. In our community jail, these people are easily identified by staff and they are watched closely through out their incarceration, to keep them safe. Will this happen in a jail of 1,200 inmates? Or will they become loss in the masses and once again be come victims. People living with FASD need an integrated support system in their community that will reduce their involvement in the justice sys- tem. While in the,Walkerton Jail, these indi- viduals have continuous interaction with their community support workers such as CMHA. Prior to release, the community supports are put in place to help the inmate to re-enter into the conununity. If the Walkerton Jail closes, how will this be accomplished when the Inmate Is housed so. far from his community? Upon release, who will be there to bring this individual home? When released this individual will be put on a bus in Barrie. When he arrives in Toronto, he will need to change over to another bus to bring him to Walkerton. With poor problem solving skills and poor impulse control, how fly is it that he will get on the right bus or any bus at all? If he -makes the bus change over, he will arrive back in Walkerton at 9:00pm. Will there be a support system in place to -meet him? If not, he will breach his probation and end up hack in jail. How does this reduce reddivism? These are all concerns that our government has not taken into consideration when announcing the closure of the Walkerton Jail. Please support the innocent victims in our community who have been affected by F Don't let the Liberal Government close the Walkerton jail. Please call or e-mail Carol Mitchell. (1-866- 396-3007 or 1-800-668-9320) Cmitchell.mpp@liberal.ola.org Barb Ernest Save the Walkerton JiI Steering Committee LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Signal Star welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must include the writer's full name, address, daytime phone number and signature (for verification). Anonymous letters will not be published. We reserve the right to edit all editorial submissions including letters for clarification, style and length. Letters must be signed and be in good taste and follow the laws of libel and slander.