The Exeter Times, 1922-10-19, Page 3W a h tr AeThes Bey Scouts? o ? Y 5c u Any bo,,, of any nationality, of any y creed, twelve 3earsof ageor.1der , maybecome ' Y a Boy Scout if he hats the ermis szon ' �r p b. his parents � n binds.' •1 z is a d ba ds p hirir 6 1f e to $ee a the n' 1 Ito Sc ut Promise and ' Scout Last' andre ares himself .far P p< himple tests'on the a coiilpo'sition :and history of the Gaioii Jack; learns the Scout si `s ` and demonstrates '> bis h soil' at t to tie half a dozen knots. Phe Boy„ '` S co ut Movement is' in no aortae a 'secret organization.' The` plan is tosou a € p number of boys; (Preferably not .more; than 32 in ' any one "troop,” as they •are desig- nated) • under the :1'ea dersliiP of a " Scout nasi ca ,---,a • careful! ' y selected, • clean,> -intelligent, boy;ioving,: vokuriteer leader --always a man of stirling char- acter • and mature judgment; Each Trooet and Scoutmaster are" under the supekvision of d "Troy Committe " P o of; responaible `citizens; 'usue,Ily officials of.h t e. ,churc '. h . echoclub olw z• • i 4 with •awhioh'.the troop is -connected. • -Through such leadership d 'ship theboys of the troops are,leept interested—in a pro-' {.grime of play -activities that aro health -giving , and educational. They take long tram Ps, sud yang' nature in all its 'forthb, ` They; learnt woode/af t, and -how to take care of themselves in the open, .They have troop meetings each week for study, handicraft -ex- periments, deinonotrations, etc:, aand go into camp, every summer under trained directors. • In a hundred ways the boy's tiine is occupied. The programme is so varied and so fascinating ,to the .boy that simply hasn't time cr opportunity to trail with an idle gang. or to`turn into the evils that beset the path of the .idle boy. The Boy Scout is.. taught courtesy, honor, humanity, kindliness, chivalry, and service, and to exercise 'them: at- home, thome, in school and :•outsid'e,'and sn ''practical activities as first-aid, lit saving,; cooking, swimming; etc, The -Boy � Scout must do a goo turn" daily. There is no membership cost-oth than the sriiali fees each troop decide it needs' 'for its own local `purpose and the amount of these is fixed b resolution of the boys themselves. Tl Boy Scout is taught thrift. He ♦nus 'earn the money, for his owe Scot expenses. • City officials often, co-operate wi Scout- Ieaders; permitting the Scout to enjoy, as they do, the privilege o assisting in honorable, safe ways i connection with big demonstrations On sut);,occasions Scouts are respons ible-aids, whilerother•=boy3y in strikin o eoritrast; just" "hang around," gettin ina#Ile ;way if not actually into anis chief. It' becomes a first step in prac- tical civics. The vast majority of Canadians no understand pretty well. how 'practice and how beneficial is the Boy Scou movement •as an influence in the live of boys, and they applaud it. in unison They should not, forget that the move ment is what it is as a -builder of chs aster --as a builder ,of good citizens-= because of the magnificent service of men who are giving their time to the movement as volunteers. And every patriotic man who thinks about 'this : remarkable movement should think of it also --,indeed, he. sJlould think of it primarily -as a splendid and easy opportunity for him to do his -part 'toward improving the characters of the men of to -morrow: the mer' in whose hands will rest the fate of this nation and its ideals. Further particulars "'of • the Boy :Scout plait are contained in a: booklet, "What, Scouting Is and; Does," which Provincial Iieadquarters,' Bloor and alth Must be; Guarded as She Conies to � �OlYtlnli(Dt➢ii: Every z Y mother who calls 1., tomind xand Iter t:' wzz� ' grz•lllo0<1 knows• how urgently her b 3 a duh ten• g is likely to need ed h a Y l 1t1T e and Stl" eTl th g during ng t�h.e years between earlyc• .. clzo ` Y o days n ) a and womanhood. luanhoo <I. It is then that t a•o�vi , n._ri g it i, rls droopolid become.;bldodlese an cI ner`vous. ` Na- ture le calling' for mope ;irourishment than,. t<ae .blood-.can,sup rl and signs, 1 Y, of distress: are plainly, evident fn d' 11 eyes•. pallid 1? d the � ' etre; weal♦:_: and aching ig backs and'`' a 'dislike for 'proper food" lz p 'C`hos`e sins mean' , • that the blood '1s. weals and watery... The watchful mother 'takes Pro/ant,ste •s ,steps to give the new, rich blood her system calls for by givin - her g Dr. tiYlllfariis', Pink Pills, ' No o • the' me dieine• has ever er s ucceeded like them 'and thousands of mothers have proved their worth: Mrs. W.11. McIntyre, Gananoque, Ont, tells what tliese ills" have P a e done for both i herself and her daughter. `She sae:-" Y I have used Dr. Williams' Pink Piiis for litany 'ears " especially s ectal , p 1 in ' Y i times cif "` wee kn ass• add,. general `debility, and ,have found there. a moat satisfactory medicine: A•fter a severe attack of.,influenza• I • 'found • myself •• in a. nervous ;condition and resorted 'to my old tonic-Rinit Pills.- an d they did offail - me • I also" gave^them to my eldest dau hter "W was in a.serious, condi i' g towho t on due ail- me'nts.. of girls of her"age.; `--She born- plained of headaches and backaches, and would often grow hysterical; "'She began 'taking the pills and.. was soon on the road to health again. She'never complains now of headaches or hack aches; and I give the credit. to, Dr; h Williams' Pink Pins., Whenever I see e ch e- d er si Yj. Th t:. t. th; G w 1 r Sherbourne Street, Toronto, will glad- ly send to any address upon request. The Curse of Self -Pity, Self-pity," concentrating upon one's troubles and 'wrongs, is fatal to sus cess and personal devLlopment. In- dulgence in it has' brought many men and women to insanity and self -des truction. Some people concentrate "so much on` themselves that they •ulti ' mateiy become obsessed with'':the' be ,lief that they are injured creatures, and that. the world is in some Hwy re• apons,ible; for all: thein ,mishaps' and troulakes, Their Mental 'attitude makes then/ eas.yvictims of despondency and. lisoouragenent. If you want to be - happy, to grow mentally, to succeed in your work, you must get rid of• self-pity. And the only way to get rid of it, ,my suffering friend, is to:shit thinking, about your self and begin'to.' think about others. Stop coddlleg yourself; quit self-analy sis, and get Clown to work. The cure fon alk' forms. of. unhappi- rose a �l: discouragement is downright hardi-fvork. Cultivato an erlthuslaste for your work, a love for 'it', make it an art. Instead of merely working like an artisan, he an artist. Do ,,not take ;hold of your work with the ..tips `r of your fingers. Grip it with all the , cotittued/az resolution. and winning ole='; termination you can muster, Resolve i to be king lis your'lino—a specialist of the 'first order. Put your :pride;: your heart, you7• life, into your work, and you will have no time for concentrat- ing err yourself. You will find aleo a, growing joy and attractiou.iz the work which liberates you. --0, S.-•3iarclen, 4► -- Tit bhe da -ekes♦ dens ke$.ris its good any ,of my, children ailing or in need of a blood ,tonic,. -1 give them these Pills andaiways with tie best results," You can get these pills theough any dealer in medicine" or by' mail at 60 cents a box or six` boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Resolution Harvest.... flello, John," said the nzan in the uggy, "Things are looking bright these days, aren't they; rust see those fipple trees 1'Iiey are bending dov;yn wrtli '" ,. fruit; I' xrevor saw brier aplrles. There will be a pod second cutting' of lniy, too, Everything is iz l 6 >, fine shape r ell , now , you a1 a .. right _ for th,, nil st •r:.' l.at ; 1 bu t n_ ulrn�' 3 7,5n Ot e• an g. t na g kr l.e more than two thirds of a croi And what t ba h tlz �r E, S nam most i t s that th fault, is a17 ai zrl With l Y, k myself, The a Pies s h I.e exeZ� aav ono not suff • ezod with th b i .i 1. t a g s,,tlzey ,have in so.nr v a.n Othe ,places; the make , 'they th® fruit . it frust withou Much attention fnarti anyone: - re. Y It ir, th °same with hay. 'But cern n ' ' 1atSt. 'have care'or i' C will' not amount to much.• hail °geed ` seed corn this year, oar anti have had t d a fairly good: season : , but hit" other; thing's keep ' me gut of field just. w '' o th hon it` needed the cilti' r vat ,or, The ground': became hard, and th weeds 'got a start.; The man Ingle ,bu . • rov ggY d. e,on. As he thought' of th ords ': of h' rs friend he' remembered another planting' of six or' seven: months' ♦before;' -•lie' hid' been wondering why thel,fruit was not More plentiful: "Perlia -s „ P he said to' him- self, 'Jelin 'hhs' iye m. g en me tile' an`''swer:. 1 am sure I hid good seed,'Th'� tion e resolu- tions s that ♦;,made •at• the,first'of the' year m s` th u ave' le ase P d .life `Lord, and I gym euro that it was to honor Hiin thgrt.1 planned abetter life; but it is; notI that hoped for •when I planted iny'resolutionsinmy heart; The trou ble:. ha s b- een that:I have, let, o'ther•!n- 'tar gists ,keep me out of••that-'particular field 'When T 'should. have b' sen putting extra time and special effort there. Like corn, resolutions will not .grow without cultivation, I am ,going, to make' a new resolution right now;, to put my best efforts into cultivating the planted seed in my life, and with the grace' and the blessing of the God of the Harvest I shall have a good Year." The Reward of toile. One tical eta /otter day a little ragged street''Arab stood with a gang of boys' watching a flock of sheep being driven: 1' lair' oz r e h the, street, When s W e U n t1 le sheep zc9t2. stopped at a watering trough to drink one of them seemed. so exhausted that it could not crowd with the others to u� ,n Iz' ' e q c zt th'1 t T' s n ^s , lme and again it had v Q. d ran i tried to push, Y i i� P r tsw , a to 'the he p, trough, and ,iinaily dropped to the e pa em v nt u• p e unable, tomove, a. 1 The bee; Y v - seeingx• > oil the 1 hanimal's di„tress,was moved' with o r pity,and'n taking l i off, g !I hi s old bat- ✓ tered hat,:fi filled ti' mos with. t water andto k it, ak to the 00 . poor half e fainting croature, The water quickly revived itand rnd� enabled it to go elong 1 with its' One of the b oys e- :comrades .then;b an gig, to twit 'him for 1 his kindne s s and asked if the, ,sheep e• said "Thank, you, 'papa." "1. didn't " , .. do hear_!t . said ,..., he, but there e, was .a light g7tt in the bay's faces, as one , ,who had.witnessed the incident re marked,..w'hich-; told 'the bystanders that hesfelt fe t the pleasure asure P that always comes from the performance of: a kind act. 1:.ove Is alwa a enc Y. generous _roue and i•epaya athu Dusan f d old:far any se . Y 'vice in its cause... Standing on your dignity is like walking on a tight rope; "impressive if you can do it, well, ridiculous if you can't. Those who make fair' promises should have good memories. f KITH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- ter&through this column. Address him at Spading House, Spadina W Crescent, Toronto. One of the greatest difficulties the alleviation or :disappearance of the Provincial Board of'- Health has to 1. active symptoms, .and while the pa -11 contend with in its campaign against tient is living in an atmosphere of P z patentr security the disease may gain 1 venereal disease is the nodi- false eine advertisement. The attention of; headway .and reach a stage when a b neve apeperxpro!prietors .is called to the permanent' cure'' becomes `excee d in 1 =. fact that thepublication. sd a g Y a t th of these•�ad � difficult to bring, about. vertisements is an offence under the • The family physician should .be con - w Venereal. Disease . Prevention Act, sideied the only reliable guide, coun- s punishable by a heavy fine. ' In spite: seller. and friend in= the treatment of s of this, these in!sddious advertisemeats venereal disease, but should' a .person; i are often displayed in the columns of net be able to pay for the: services' ofif some sporting paper, and usually set, the family physician he•can obtain forth in glowing words how to cure advice and treatment free of Charge; "blood poison," whi'cll is a:,generail through the local department of ri term usually understood by the public health, or at the nearest free clinic. o to mean venereal disease, particularly The. Provincial Board •of Health is fo syphilis. Some of these advertise- rapidly extending' those venerealclinics d ments are frankly positive in -their to important centres all :•over the ti claims to successfully treat sufferers, province, so- that the benefits of,first th and :the vendors' tell' the public that class 'laboratory diagnosis and the ti the medicine" they supply enables ' a latest and 'best methods` of •physicians person to treat himself with certain may be within the' reach of all. By ,ro .success; at any stage ,of the disease. systenlatic 'co-operation of the people ex One: can readily , see ,how much with the Provincial; Board of Health is trouble these' objectionable advertise- at its headquarters in Toronto and ments, may cause. •Whereas a person branches throughout the:"province an op who exposes himself or herself to iii- effective means is being devised' to la fection.should immediately consult the curtail- and reduce to a minimum the di family physician,�he is led to believe ravages of , venereal '' disease that th that he. can get cured secretly by send- otherwise will Sap the 'physical ' ing for some of` these quack,remedies, strength and make invalids of large o Den to rs province. evil as want of heart. e at. • GOOD EI CI E the daughter of the latter, whoha but recently returned from school in 'another town. • h R THE E 1s ,:yr Fort L.v ■ Her• Thousands "of frail, neryoua people and convalescents eyei•yvyhcre have testified iflo d t o the e •e � a z aria r n trio a v • er of 1 Ta lll ac in 1>z�inging' laauk Choir. health, strength, and working l an efli i eons K It y see ins nto quickly S lIr cl I k inva ` Y or to g a the conn st' t at t r ron and is . �. powerful foe of Weakness, , Mrs,' Emma Mlles, 120. Te cumeelr Ave.„ Lon don Ont., says: . 3s. „I suffered terribly , fz•oan stomach, trouble . headaches 'and . dizzy zzy attacks, and was, . so weak, n ervo us ;and., run down it was all T. could c u d do to get_about. •Since I'ye,taken Tani aq zny; stomach' Is in splendid order, the headaches' and other ;troubles' have left me 'and simply feeling fine." ig There is net a single 0 6 portion of the body that Is: apt benefited by the help7fn1 a ctlbn of` ' Tania ' c.. r It ens 1 t ., ea the b stomach' to turn the food into healthy blood, bone and muscle, purities the system and builds you liaok to normal weight. -Get a bottle th-dayat any Y good druggist. Advt. Simplicity. Mra. Casey Wag calling g n. Pyr Mrs. Callahan, and soon the talk turned to Nothing N can equal g Baby's a O Tablets aa', a medicine ,-for little on They,are'a lasative,'iniidbut thorough, in action, and never fail to relieve con- stipation, colic,, bolds and simple fevers. Once'a mother has used. them she will use nothing else. Concerning them Mra. SalustePelletier, St. Darras des Aulaines, Que., writes:—"I always keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house. They are the best medicine I know of for little. ones and I> would not be without them." The tablets are sold by medicine' dealers or by mall at. 2)ic a box from. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. L"IIJ� "Th ' lain P rl 2 or s gl said Y ore s a "' wit 'Mra ` ;, . Oalahan "absolutely ':, Y no `airs, in es.. spite of the fact that she has' been at a, finishing school 'Nothing stuck up about, . Mary. She's unanimous to everybody and never keeps a girl, friend waiting. „,.No, Mrs. Casey, she. Just runs down; non de plume as she is!" c ,' Objects to the Pants. • e Elizabeth, h, the Jealous. A•jealous woman . was Queen Eliza- beth. She 'had many good qualities, it is true, and easily holds her place among the great sovereigns of Eng- land. Nevertheless, there was, says Mr. R. Thurston Hopkins, a certain. meanness in her nature, and jealousy was a mania with her. She thought that no young cavalier ou h � t to marry for love, since every one was supposed to love only the queen. For that reason the Earl of Leicester had to keep his marriage with Amy Robsart secret; and when Sir Walter Raleigh dared to fall in ove with Elizabeth Throgmorton, Ell - abeth imprisoned. him in the Tower or a brief period and ♦lapelled his fair ride from the court.'•' "The story CT rile " s Aileen and the Windsor. carter shows ..that Elizabeth as also a whimsical woman. When he wanted;to go from -,Windsor to ome. other' place the carts and horses n •the neighborhood were impressed or the service. But she changed her mind constantly; The Windsor carter, who had been ordered to, provide car - age for part of the royal wardrobe, nee came to Windsor Castle and and that the queon had changed her ate of departure; he came a second me and found that she; had changed e date again. He came for the third me, and when he learned that his queen had once more changed her ayal mind he clapped' his thigh and claimed, "Now I see that the queen. a woman as well as niy wife!". Elizabeth, who was standing rt an en window,; heard him. "What v- il in la .this?" she asked, laughin and d rested the attendant to give ^him ree angels "to stop his mouth. Want of thought causes which sonietirnes 'cause °,a temporary numbers f l ' th' as;.npucli� i g c 1• d 3' 1a t ,r th 'VI '•e to 1' e i fl ho off %4.Jam' v6 .e AFpasese?re°,:-.• It's a fine thing tokeep out of : trouble--_ but it's a finer- thing to know how to get out of trouble after you have ,often into it. into Mantryou' ble peoplby loe thoughtleadingtasslypwith get heavy, ,itidi-gesfible foods which fail to supply the essential eleinents for repairing the dai y wear 011 their , nerves and body tissues,. It 'is well to know that Grape- Nuts w ithbood rich.milk isa highly nourishing food providing iilg;;all 'the necessary nutritive and mineral elements in proper form, for "There's s a Reason" 4• dor y Canadian Postutn Cereal Go.,Ltd45 - . s Fro: ready assimilation by the; systt n:, When you make Grape -Nuts ;:t siubstantial part of your.reguiai- daily diet, "Nature will quickly assert herself and build healthy .nerve cells and sound body tissues. Crisp and<•crunchy.Grape-Nuts, inside from 'wheat`and ialaltet barley, is a satisfying food forrr breakfast -a .welcome answerto the call of appetite. The farm. Jai 'Yell ' con - ,tains f, owp acict3b e on- ufns more nollrishrnent in less bulk than any other cereal food• —111E BODY BUIL BR, St,, li.-, Toronto, Factory: Windsor, Onttariti' A horse owner was trying to sell a wind-broken horse, :and -was trotting him around for inspection. The owner stroked 'the horse's back and remark- ed to the prospective buyer. • "Hasn't he a 'lovely coat?" But the other noticed that the horse gvas short -win : d ed, . and answered "Ah, I. like his coat all right, but I don't like his pants." "Cascarets" cis11 Oc For Sluggish Liver or Constipated Bowels Clean your bowels! Feel fine! When you feel sick, :dizzy, upset, when your head is dull or aching, or your stomach is .sour orassy, g ., just take' one.' or«•two" Cas•careta to -relieve constipation. No griping—nicest laxa- tive -cathartic on earth for grown-ups and children, 10c a box. Taste like candy. -�f Kindhearted! "'Frederick, what became of that piece of cake that was left on the tray?" asked mother, Frederick looked up sweetly. "I gave it to a little boy who was awfully hungry, mother." "That was kind of you, Freely: Who was he?" "It was me, mother!" MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs, three cents,. --•; Useful Swain, "Darling g, my heart is on five 7vith. • love." "That's for .; -. o tenate. „ All " our furnace coal has run out." • Ask for Minard's and take no other, Up -t$ -Date. An aeroplane was flying over the English countryside, and the pilot Was ndulging•in a little stunting. Absent windedly he looped the loop, quite for- etting that he had on board a parcel ontaining •a pair -of boots., Naturally they 'dropped out, and ended just in front of an•old woman n cottage garden. The package burst open, and out oiled ti'e boots., mucin to her astonish= went. Picking them up, she bobbled in Dors, and called out to her husband:. " 'Ere you are, Large! They boots ou ordered 'ave come. What a wun- erful thing this wireless ' is! I, hough t I 'earl the buzz of 'om coming hrough the air." A Rare Bloom. A negress brought her gran•ctchild- en°' ftor herold mis,tre5sto see. The ree little` clarifies'stood inline, while andy.tailcod shout them. "And what are their names, Mancl3'? ;ked the mistress, "Dey's all got flower names missi'e," plied the grandmother, 'Ali 001118' ere maself, Ue bigges' one's name Giadiol, tend de uex' one we done 11 :heliotrope.." "Very pretty," wits fhe ~znistre,5S's iiiBr' ent "And whets the third Dire,. ".talower name again; 6 71ii,9?3ttt, She 111 '_l-r°trthflcial!" • The First Sten, "1 have 308211000:'elected Grluld•-Im ria1' Potentate of .nay lodge," "Congratuiatioils, Old'' men, That's "Well, it's t# beginning anyhow. I pe to getone 01' the really inipoi'tant Ices 'later on." LSSJE•'No. 41---'22,'. PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE ('Pa e's D, l a Cfa.s " In • . n, ws l Heln' � g tPlO Or for Sour .o?. tq 111 a ch e'eeeeeH Hd+lr H 't1MHeiai +6 P'Yt.'dd' A4¢'. H-/ FM Instantly! Stomach correoted! You never feel the sit •kites r t 3istre.,t, frtnnn lndz gestion or a sour, acid a,ss sto - $ Y m acih,;after you tat a tablet f r',. o Pipe's Diapepsin" The lncn i' a �t e1 t it reaches the stomach all sourness• iiatulenc ,. and e, heart -burn, gases,:pal palpitation 1 p d :pain.. disappear, Druggists let s guarantee each package to correct digestion at once. End your stomach trouble for 'few eente f w What DId He Mean? — Uauail Y when n - a -editor for '� makes °,re-' marks about a public official it is easy, to tell,whether they are favorable or unfavorable. But the following- para- graph in ayouth Carolina newspaper ...:. ewBpaper leaves the reader somewhat in doubt: Some malicious person' started a re- port o n then streets that there was somethirxg the matter with Mayor Snipe's head. We are glad to : an- nounce ae the t i i t s assound se ever it was, and that there is nothiag In it. The- system of i)enmark. is so perfect_ and 'papular that throughout the entire country there is n'ot. one illiterate family. YARMOUTH, N.S. Fishermen and - Campers, Quick Relief. PUT A BOTTLE IN YOUR OUTFIT COARSE SALT. LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS G. J. CLIFF - TORONTO azasysown me sermuse. ' Book on DOG DISEASES and Bow. to Feed. Mailed Free to any Ad. dream by the Author. Clay ctiover. Co, Ina, 129 West 24th Street New York. U.S.A.: e �ia isrri}`il Adv! ul>ITa Nil txSl S 3i"d.,1`*`I`& S) 2 k Ta. 00014e; t< C coio dtt:ti sehofll o it l aatotVeln 'aritit-ulares training 14 stzrgl �a anedieal and ubsletil(;a3 v.'orK; 14111 course of lecture,. Apply r;upea•intena- Cat,, Delft' tend ;hospital;, 3{i S, :ilo np v .. Chicago; 111., ,1,1,81. J h v1 'p kTT��IDOE1 Af,l'orse Street Toronto,tebletcre d .Pa Patent liGtornrye:arJ•roiree kcioltlet �q BE �fl FOR SALE U[BS �i BELTS Tts AND, SEC- TION tl ori e e eia new and used., rlc poll irlet;t to, approval at lowest xi A tice s Canada. a a. York' I3eltftr ;, g Co 1314 York` St, Toronto. pn t", "tierr 'X e. are x13 new�rrpa z's an T3e d fa1Lz+ ten ., e magazines in the United 4tates:,, :. owned and''direct d - ie lry'negmey: Mfnard s Llnlment for Distemper. pnr.. A boy can find as nzxznY'x+eason sfor buying a`p'Wp17Yasamanvan find forkeePiup his lodge c'ues. MOTHER! Your Child's Bowels v>x Need "California Fi Syrup" uP Hurry mother! Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" and it never fails to open. the bowels. A teaspoonful to -day may prevent a sick child to -morrow. If con- stipated, bilious, feverish, fretful, has cold, colic, er if stomach is sour, tongue coated, breath bad, remember a good cleansing of the little bowels is oftenall that is necessary. Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali- fornia Fig Syrup' which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle: Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. FOLLOWEO MOTHER'S ADVICE Took Lydia -M. Pinkham's- Vegetable Compound—Now En'o s Good Health y K e s s o c k, Saskatchewan — "My. mother has taken' Lydia E.Pinkham s Vegetable Com u Pound and up n. learning of my troubles advised nae to try it, as 1 seemed : all run, down after the flu, and had some trou- bles such as women are apt to have. I have ' taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- ta ble egetable Compound., Iand Lydia E. Pink ham's Blood' Medicine and used the Sanative Wash. Also Dr. Brown's Capsules and Prescription pilon and"stir: so, much' better in e very way. Ilam will- ing for you to use my letter as a. testimonial as I recommend your medicines."-/-Mas. IREvr:NrLSon Kes- sock, Saskatchewan. When backaches and e ' a d b eadach drive out: all ambition, when, that bearing -down sensation attacks you, when you aro nervous and blue, the one great help for such ailments is Lydia E. Pinkhan 's Vegetable Coins pound: Cuticura Quickly Soothes es Rashes arid tabEB , , o Hot baths with Cuticura Soap, by light applications ofPCuti Cuti- cura Ointment, afford immediate relief in most cases of rashes, irrita- tions, eczemas, etc. Cuticura Talcum is also excellent for the skin. Soep25e. Ointm;ut25and50e. Taicnm25c. Sold throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot: Lrman,, Limited, 344 St. 1 Paul St., w., Montreal. Cuticura.Soap shaves without mug. UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets Aspir in, which_ contains directions and dose worked out by physicians durin 22Yyearsand proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neurit s '1 Earache Pain, Pain • •Hartel Ila er" hos ic5 n ,f t� 1... �' S tabieis--also bottles.__. at 24 and. 100 J?lr�', �°ts nnttiael,i,r n C ste t S1h0nctext, "flints itt the i known that :1sp1rin mISTO 13aTa,r,- nahnt1tict�,re, to nsi.l$t 1h0 51111,c iygtn ,t: 1Ynitnitotis: the Tf.blefc ri' Llu.}ur 00-mi),Ittr 'hill be stamped With thOh" geau0a,. Lade murk, the r3ayer 05'dhti.'" 3r0 Lumbago Aspirin Is the trade Mari: (1'eghdeisC: in Canada) of 13a1er Manolsrtfue o;Y ,Mord,. s y y! A's St teat...tett