The Exeter Times, 1922-8-10, Page 4t4itt*.•4‘
wRsJ)xvAl.10'1•TST 10th, 1022 TKO EMMTEI; 'TOM
,oca s J.. Cole nlotored to NVY0millg last
a visit. Lower School Results
Track Horses
Mts0, of Rochester, wee, the latter'reillaill-illg
N. 'Y. is visiting at the home tat Mr. '1,\Ir. and iVirs. Jas. Qreech 'lave re -
turned to their .110 -tile in TtocheSter,
Miss Preszcator stent Civic
.divy In Loudon, mit, A, zPousor-
lVir and 1\1:v... and atter visiting with, relatives in Exeter.
family, motored to Acton for Sunday Mrs, BroWer tind daughter, of Ma,r-
.11v, Skelton lett AVednesdaY tor
St, Paul, Minn.
Dr, Rollins, of Ltnidan, 'visited i
town, on :Friday last,
Miss. 0111, of Foothill, is the gueSt
Mrs. Mollard, of town
Messrs Geo, Ford and P.U. Hicks
are holidaVing at Flint', Mich.
. The work on the new ditch on An-
d'rew St, was started. last 'week.
Mr. Walter Ounninghain is visiting
in LeaMington and other points.
Mrs. C. A. Southcott and Miss Stel-
la are holidaying at Grand :Bend.
,1r. 0. B. „ell haS the foundation
la for hi.s new house on Main St.
Civic Holiday was observed in
on Monday and passed off quietly.
Miss Ruby and Master 'Frank
Creech are holidaying in Stratford,
Mr. Earl Hutchinson and lady friend
of London, spent Monday in town.
Hoskins and Mrs, W.
are ylsiting in Brantford and. Humid -
Mrs. H. Colerick, of London, visit-
ed -with Mr,s. B. Knight Smiclay and
IVIr, and Mrs. Bayley, of London,
visited with Mrs. John Snell over the
week -end.
Mr. Spencer and family, of town
spent the holiday with Mr, C, Spencer
of: Sinicoe.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward. of London, are
visiting with their son, Dr, Ward, of
town. "
Miss Luella Stanlake, of Stephen,
spent a few days in London, this
and, Monday.
ion, Ohio, were guests at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, Ohishohn, of Toronto, 1),Ir, and Mrs, W. J, BiSsett laSt'week.
visited 'with Mr/and, :NUS. 11, SPack- Miss GladYs Ward, of Lendon,'. is
man last week., . sPending a few. days of her vacation
with her brother, Dr. Ward, of town
Mrs Prisiad of Lop AngeleS Calif
• , .
visited With Mrs, 1.3. Knight during Mrs. Jas. Pickard lett Wednesday
the past week. morning for Torouto to tVisit for a
Fanial,,,, and .m/,s., (aev.,) few weeks With her sou, Mr. E. Hare
Baker and two children, are visiting
at Grand Bend,
EIV Mr. Ireale, of Dorchester, ITIS-
ited nth Mr. and Mrs, John Pedlar
for several days.
Dn. John Stanbury, of Toronto,
visited with his brother, Mr. J. G.
Stanbury last, week.
Dr. and Mrs. McDowell, ot Atwood,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. 3, Bis-
sett on Wednesday.
Mrs. Powe and d,aughter, Miss Hil-
da and Mrs. Cunningham visited in
Lucan on Monday.
Miss Bessie Spencer, of London,
spent Sunday and Monday witfi Mr,
and Mrs. L. Day.
Mr. and Mrs, M. Quance and son,
spent the holiday at Hensall with Mr.
and Mrs. S. Dilling.
Mr. R. E. Davis, of Forest, spent
Sunday and Monday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Davis,
Mr. and Mrs. L Kestle and family,
of Toronto, ar visiting tell former's
father, Rev. J. D. Kestle.
Mr. •and Mrs. Bert Muir, of Winni-
peg. visited with Mr. and Mrs. B.
.Makins the forepart of the week.
Mr. W. S. Cole and his mother Mrs.
eAkl• Viiiii//t";;„\
More Miles and Less Trouble
Jir by Using, Allies l-lolden Tires
., ,
P._,.%; .
'-'1,-,,Til'i 14 . The satisfied' users of -the Ames
Holden Tires is the best advertisement
there is, Years of experience are built
nto the Ames Holden Tires enabling
hem to 'standthe .'rind -Of country";
cads. '
rffleage is the
roolof a Tire
For sale by PILON & FOOTE
A penny saved 'is not always a penny earned.
SometimeS -it is two pennies lost, The mer-
chant loses much more than he saves.
The money spent On, plate glass windows is
not looked on as lost; nor is the money spent
on better interior lighting.
Anything that increases favor, that adds to
sales, -that multiplies customers is very properly
regarded as a good investment.
Advertising is a good investment -just as
plate, glass windows are. Advertising sells more
goods ,to More persons than shop -windows 'do.
, • t ;
, .
Do resent having the merchant- -- afl.dreS
his message to you in the form of -an advertise -7
ment, in,our colums? On the contrary,Os not -
your, impulse te respond to hisfriendly over --
. ,
wood, e
Mr. and. Mrs, A, Conlin and son,
Mervin, and Mr. and Mrs Geo. God -
holt inotered to Port Stanley for -Civ-
ie Holiday.
Mr, Dundas and Miss Archer, of
London, motored up•and spent Civic
Holiday -with Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Tue.-
key. '
Misses Annie and Ethel Day and
Mr. Robt, Dinney and . family are
enjoying n tdu .daYs outing at errand
Bend. „
Miss Carrie Anderson, of Usborne,
has returned from Guelph where she
has been attending Summer Schoo1
at the O.A.O.
Mr. Geo. Fields and daughter, of
Galt, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs.
N. Sheere laSt Wednesday on their
way to Grand Bend.
The mason work for Mr. 0. F.
Hooper's new house and store is com-
pleted and the carpenters are at work
putting on the roofs.„ '
,Mr. mid Mrs. Cyril Tuckey, Mr. El-
mer Tuckey and Miss Inez, of London
spent Sunday and Monday with Mr.
and Mrs. 0. E. Tuckey.
()Wel' ) 1 it “ats for South. Ittu.r-
On .Public,d Sr.Parate School Pupils.
6 (hon. 3,) john Guenther 5 (hon.
jeTiolet fsiur.i)s.itefeitgsuitisieldtil;caLecsoitildle
number of honors 'obtained. • j
D'ishwood. school -E. 1V1. Guenther
3,) Ferrol, liartleab 12 (hon.5,) Alice
Hoffman 11 (hon. 3,) Percy Klein -
sliver 12 (hon, 2,) Warren Patterson
4 (hon.1,) -Keith Taylor 4 (lion. 1,)
Lorne Tieinan 8 (hon. 5,) Mervyn
Tientan 4 (hon. 2.)
Separats School, Mount Carmel -
Gertrude Carey 8 (hon. 3,) Joseph
Carey 2 Thos. Hall 6 (hon, 3,) Ellen
Houlahan -7 (hon. 1,) Kathleen Mc-
Keever 2 (hon. 1,) Bertha Morrisey-
No. 10, Stephen -Helen Hayter 3.'
No. 1, Stephen----Elgin..Hodgins 4
(hon. 1.)
Winchelsea Schoel---LMildred Bell
3 (hon. 1,) Jessie Brooks 2, Morris
Brooks 4 (lion.1,) Ewart Cornish. 4
(hon. 3,-) Reginald Delbridge 6 (hon.
1,) Luella Gower 2, Harry Gregory 7
hon. 2,) Harold Hern S (hon. 2,)
Thos, Heywood 7 (hon. 4,) Wesley
Heywood 8 (hon. 5,) Garnet Johns 3
(hen: 1,) Tennyson johns 7 (hon, 2,)
Walter Johns S (hon. 2,) Mervyn
„4-ohnson 4 (hon. 1,) Isabelle McCul-
lagh. 4 (hon. 1,) Norman Bentley 6
(hon. 3.)
Zurich School --Certificates were
distributed before honors were cop-
ied. Only number of subjects passed
copied: Edinund Bedard 5, Gerald,
Bedard 5, -Theodore Deichert 4, El-
• .
, Mr. Bert: Spicer; son and moterh, .eanor Duchterme 4, Greta Forrest- 8,
of Brantford, :visited with Mr. and Dorothy .Frite 4, Newell Geiger 6;
Mrs. -Albert Mitchell and called. on Milton Hey 2, Muriel Howald : 8,
en 6, Winnie Ortwein 3, Marguerite
Prang 6, Veola Prang 8, Grace Mane
son 4, Lklyan Martin 7, Edgar Mc-
Bride 1, Frank McClinchey '1, Made-
line Meidinger 2, Ortha Melick 3,
friends in Exeter on Monday.
Mr. C. H. Russel, barrister, of Wet-
askiwin, Alta., Who bas been visiting
his father, Mr. \Vila. Russell, of town
left Thursday for his home in the Nora lean 1, Margery Richardson 2,
west. .:
.Gertrude Sehilby 4, 'Clifford Talbot 8.
Mr. Percy Browning, Mr. and IVIrs.Public School Graduations. No. 3,
E. l3rowning of Toronto,. and Mr. and Stanley -Gordon Elliott.
Mrs. Becker, of New Hambhrg, ivs- . '
ited at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
Browning this week. • ,
Mrs.. W. R. Davis, of Mitchell,. is
visiting her daughter,. Mrs. P.A. May.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, of Toronto,
spent Monday with_Mr. and Mrs.
IVlay:. • ,
-Mr. and Mrs. Thorn. Baker: Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson Baker and Mr. Wm.
Baker motored to Guelph: on Sunday
to seeeMr. J. K. Baker who is serious-
ly ill in the hospital there.
Rev. D. WI Collins -who is Moving
troin WinclSbr to Sarnid'Was present:-°.
ed with a Pierse of gold -froth the con-
gregation before leaving. Members
of Essex County Orange Lodge;-also
presented hiwitna table lamp.
11/2 -Ir. Archie Davis aiidehis -friend,
• '
Boy Scout Camp
W, S. Stanbury, Troop -Leader.
hr Sale
Brood Mare, got by Norah Wilkes;
dain by Five Points' foal at her side,
Miss Eva Sliaddocl.c is liolidaYlug
with friends at Pert Stan -I -AY --
Mrs. q, Chainberlain, of Niagara
yery busy emaking arrangements in,
-connection with the bui,iding,:ef the
road unti have let the contract to the
Hamilton Contract Co, ot 'Hamilton,
and work le expeeted to be QOM..
menced at once. , ,
INIrs. Wan Wilson, DEATH 01 . ,
Buima Johnston is speudirg
ie ea oo p ce lei ionie
got by PaMhen. Willces. the month of August with friends 111
in liensall, oii Sundaymorning, dulY,
Three year -Old, well broke single Detroit and Windsor.
or double, got by Patchen Wilkes. Mr. Lloyd 1)avis, of Toicalto, is
Two year-old, well broken single holidaying at the holue of his parents
or double, by l'atchen,
All born pacers and fit for the
track. Anyone interested will do
W•ell to see these horses.
All for salens the proprietor is go-
ing West.
The, one time of the year that the,
boy learxis,te do MS own work to cook
his own.gtub and fo rustle for him-
self ig the Camping2pime:. , And yet
it is :thetirne eagerly looked- forward
to. The gIteateSt developer.of
tive, the';:fiffeSC'promoter of health
andliapPins is the life of the Scout,
Under "the yde canopy :of Heaven,
BOX 172
' .
benches from ldhiper which was kind-
ly loaned us. After breakfast, each
bey washes up his own dishes, which
are inspected to see they are clean'
and dry. Then the camp parades to
morning prayer and flag -raising. The
flag is hoisted in navy style, hauled
to the to‘pttof the pole in a little bun-
dle which is broken on the first notes
of the 'Royal Salute.' After flag -rais-
ing the tents are tidied for inspection
at 9 o'clock. The instructional per-
iod iS from 9 to 12 o'clock. It is the
aim of 'the camp to have every boy a
First-OlaSs Rout. Thi S week we in-
tend taking a seven, mile "hike" in
row boats remaining over night on
the shore- of the lake. After dinner
from 1.30 to 2 o'clock is compulsory
rest period, when the boys ,may Write
home, make entries in their diaries or
simply rest. After 2, come the gam-
es, hikes, rambles etc., or on every
second day "time off." Four o'clock
is the time for swimming. Two first-
class swimmers are always on dutY
and are not allowed to bathe until the
others have lett the water. After
the swim every scout dresses in uni-
form and is ready for supper, after
which follows evening prayer and
flag -lowering. The evenings are en-
joyably spent in soft -ball, and 'other
team games, until darkness
when thegreatest event -of the 'B.aY is
heralded by the lighting of the.Camii-
Firei and as the vivid tongues .of
flarne mount into the 'air and leap
thither and thither, and the. myriads
of sparks light the darkness, like so
many bursting cOnstellations; the'
boys give vent to their ' feelings in
songs, yells and war dances or are
silenced into rapt attention to the
evening yarn over the dying embers.
Then at 9.30; "'lights-- out" is sounded
and after evening devotion with the,
Mr. and Mrs W. C. -Davis.
The members of the HenSall Bowl-
ing Club will 'hold their annual
tournament on Wednesday, August
100 -
Mrs. Lorne Scott and two children
of Toronto, are spending a vacation
with Mrs. Scett's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. C. Petty.
Mrs. Smythe and two' children of
Neleonn B. C, are spending a short
time here with the- former's sister,
MrS. C. Cook, also with her brother,
Mr. A. W. E. Hemphill. '
" Mr. Fred Bonthron, of New York,
has joined Mrs. Bonthron, who has
been, here. for a few weeks and will
spend, a vacation at his home here.
The death took place of our much
esteemed.. citizen, IVIr. Robert Drys-
dale, in his 77th year. The funeral
took place privately, on Friday, Aug-
ust 4th, froni the residence of W. A.
MacLaren, interMent being made in
Bayfield cemetery. • •
The Councilefiave been presented
with a petitioh. from the ratepayers
of King street asking that this street
be paved. Out of a list of 68 rate-
payer, 50 signed the petition leaving
only a few who were opposed' to the
paving of the street. Those whose
names appear.on the petition repre-
sent 75 per cent of the property on
King street. The council have been
out in God'S cpure air. , il'ea:ders, the can is Wrapt in silence'.
The-FirsesEieter -Troop has been I This IS the end of a Perfect Day.
iii Cainp at 'Bayfield since Wednes- The whole guccess .of th4 6'arop dc -
day. Twenty Members are at pres- vends on Scouting principles, for the
ent: under canvas, with five roomy Scout law is -the law of the Camp.
tents pitchedhi an 'ideal location on
Mr. Terant, motored up'from To„rov- the, wdocled banks of the river. The ,
to- in their Harley-Davidson niotor- purpoSe of -fhe onting is to combine District News
cycle and side car and'Sfient Siiiiday
and IVIonday.--with Mr: and 1Vlits. 'Ar-
thur Davis, - '
Mr. and Mrs. Crews, of 'Toronto,
motored up and spent Sunday and
Monday with the fornier's sister, Mrs.
Harry Elworthy. Miss Rota Elwore
thy returned --with them , Tuesday
morning and- will visit for a few
weeks: • .,
Miss E. Hogarth has returned
home from Guelph' where ,she has
been taking, the Summer School agri-
cultural course. Miss Muriel Ho-
garth has also returned home from
London where she has been taking
the kindergarten course.
Rev. Asa Kestle,, of Finlay, Ohio,
who with Mrs. Kestle and family
are visiting his father, Rev. J.D. Kes-
tle, occupied the pulpit of James St. Stuiday and
preached two ,v,ery 'excellent serntens.
Kestle will again have charge
,next Sunday t r
- Staff Captain, Mrs. MacGillivray,
from,Torontd, motlier of Exeter's offi-
cers spent the week -end in town and
was the means of much blesSing and
spiritual enlightenment through her
earnest appeals on Sunday in the
Town Hall. Such blessed times were
experienced, as will long be remem-
bered by all who attended.
fun with the upbuilding of character,
and- training for true citizenship.
The scouts are divided into three pat-
rcils, under Patrol -leaders Tom Pryde
,Verne Roulston and Robert Gambrill.
Each patrOT occupies a separate tent
and is resiionsible for its equipment
and oider. The patrol is the unit for
work or` play. Whether it be for
games or for fatigue work, the patrol
forms the team -and its leader is Cap-
tain. In this way -Patrol competition
is the ,greatest incentive to efficient
andfree-will work. One patrol takes
. • .
charge of all the "fatigues" for the
day, and its leader becomes "Officer
of the Day." Every three. days an
Honor Flag is awarded to the tent
gaining the greatest:, number of
points. It is the duty of the "Rub-
bish Fatigue" after each meal to dis-
pose of the food scraps in a camp in-
cinerator, thiis „preventing the 11-y
pest. The "Kitchen Fatigue" reports
every morning at 6.30, under the
command of the Patrol's Cook. The
camp rises at 7 o'clock to the Call of
the buglenand is ready for morning
Ivashnit 7.05. The scouts are lined
up in front of their tents, and parade
in order to their places for breakfast.
This year we were fortunate in hav-
ing our camp close to a lovely wood-
land bower, so we built tables and
The owner of a Model 81 Overland (name On request)
tells us he recently m ad e a 900 mile trip using only
2 quarts of Imperial Polanne C)il Heavy (as recom-
mended on the Imperial Chart).
Big oil and gasoline mileage is just one of the many
advantages of using the proper grade of /naperial
Polarine Motor Oils in any car or truck. Consult
the Chart.
Manufacturers arad of imperial Polarine Motor Oils and
Marketers ira Canada of Gargoyle 24.4obiloil,
,7.±% `"'
Made in five grades
for the properjub-
' kicatioll„ of all rnalees office Main Street Eieter.
conIpany. "Babe" Siebert Nvill 13e.en.
the Kitchener linaLup. this winter'.'. '
"' the best wishes to Make .
' 1 good, by their many friends in and , Adve)rtise in the. 1O,cons, It pays.
' n'rottalt1 7.iuricli.--,,Zuriel). Herald. " '
Clinton had a big celebration on
Monday, August 7th.
Eight years ago last Friday Eng-
land declared -war on Germany.
Kitchener defeated the Brucefield
football teain the semi-finals .11vin-
nifig out by two goals on the round.
The Seaforth Firemen held a gar-
den party in Victoria Park at which
a fine program was given. The pro-
ceeds were $475.
After being tied up for five months
telephone connections between
Brucefield and Cinton were again est-
ablished lait,vieek. ,
Mr. P. o. Ceuitis, of )3elgrave, a
great war veteran, has been appoint-
ed postmaster at -Brussels. There
were ,19 applications.
Stewart, the ten -year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs., Wm. Kirkpatrick, of
Mitchell fell while coming from the
table lofteand-, fractured his left col-,
lar t bone. . He was atteldetl by Dr.
Murray. - tr,
; _
Mrs. John Steet who has been a,
resident or Dginenclville for 70,,yearse
died on Wednesday of laSt week, ag-
ed 93 years. For eight year's she had
been confined to her bed as the result
of a fall arid a fracturedthip.
The Annual Scotch. Doubles tourn-
ament by the, Seaforth Bowling Club
were held on Wednesday. of last
week.. The greens were in excellent
icondtion. 54 rinks were entered.
Both the Free Press and Stewart
Bros'. trophies were won by Seaforth
rinks. '
Last Saturday Zurich lost two
more of 'her popular young men in,
the persons of ',Clayton and Clar-
ence Hoffina,n, who have left for Galt
to make their future home, the for-
mer being enrolled on the public
school teaching staff as assistant
PrinciPol,"while the latter has a very
enticing position in at departmental
store. The boys as well as "Babe"
Siebert, Who. left for Kitchener last
week, will be greatly missed, not
alone in their daily social life but al-
so in their sport activities, as we
must, say dbey were of the (de -twist,
type oE athletics, always played the
game like a man. and played to their
very best. Tile two Will take part
in the Galt "[jockey team this coming,
winter. Owing to the, science and
rneed, these two Young men have
developed in hockey, they find
themselves too superior to play with
contesting teams in 'these parts and
consequently move on to the faster
;30th, of Margaret 0. Thompson, re -
het of the late John Scott, at the age
Or 77 years. Mrs. Scott had been in
failing health for •the past year and
was born in Orkney Islands, Seotland
and game to this country forty years
ago settling in Hamilton Ont., where'
the resided Or ten years. She was
married to Mr. Jdhn Scott and with
him moved to Hensall, where ehe has
Since resided, her, husband having
passed -away about 16 years ago.
Mrs. Gordon Maras, litIle son Wil'
and- Mrs." of Brant- -
ford, spent the week -end here with
Mr. and Mss. Fred Manns:
The remains of the late Margaret
Dyer, whose death took place in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, on Friday,
of last week, was brought to Dublin •
and were interred in St. Patrick's
cemetery. The deceased was a
daughter of the late Mr,and Mrs. Jo°.
Dyer, who resided near Dublin. "
While Dr. Hall, on Mitchell, was.
answering a call in Fullarton ahou
six o'clock and when out about, two
miles south of Mitekell, something .
went wrong with the rear axil or
springs of his car, One of the wheels
was broken clean off, and as a result
the car swerved and headed for the -
ditch. The auto struck a te1ephoaCe4.
Post. The post however was decayed
and it did not take much effort to,
knock it over,
• . 44.;
Do Not Lose Interest
by delaying to deposit your
IF you cannot visit us personalty,
send your deposits by rnail. . Have
the satisfaction of knowing that your
money is safely protected and is
earning interest regularly. ega
Capital ,Paid. up $15,000,600
Crediton ch;,
Dashwood Branch, I "
Capital Paid Up $4,000,000
Reserve Fund $5,000,000
Over 125 Branches
The Molsons Bank...prides itself on the courtesy of
all its officials. No matter how large or how small
the volume of your business with the Bank, you are
always assured a courteous and cordial reception. -
Deposits by rnail given careful attention.
Centralia Branch open for business 'laity
safety Deposit Boxes to rent at the Exeter Branch
• ememoshot,
ilead Office, • Farotihar,:,bnt.
President;;; Wm. BROOK
Vice -President., ' JOHN ALLISON
JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for
Usborrie and l3idd.ulph.
OLIVER. HARRIS, Munro, for
HIbbert Fullerton and Logan.
Secretary -Treasurer
It. R. No. 1, Woodhull.
Solicitors Exeter
Veterinary Surgeon
OftIce-Baker's • Livery on James St.
Calls promptly attended to day or
Phone S.
DR A R KI'NE4111.AN L D.,
Honor Graduate of Toronto L-iver-
Office over Gladman & Stanbury's
We have a large amount of private
funds to loan on farm and village
PrOpertiee, at 'lowest rates of in,
terest. _
Barristers, Solicitors, .1, j
Main' St. Exeter, Ontario
PERRY F. DOUP13, Licensed Anta4
tioneer. Sales conducted in any loc-
silty. Terms moderate, Orders Itaftt,
at Times Office will be promptly at-
tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton,
Address Mato". P. 0.
(Mlice over I. R. C4Fing's
Closed every Wednesday afternoon,
Dye right! Don't risk -
your material. Eaeli pack-
age of "Diamond Dyes" con-
tains directions so simple
that any WOIK11111 can
dialriond-dyo a new, rich
color into ohl garments,
(iraperies, coverings, every-
thing, whether 'wool, silk,
linen, cotton or Inixod g,00ds.
Buy `1)iittriond
'other kind -then perfect, 1e-
6ults are guaranteed even. if
you have never, dyal 'before,
Drtivit,t has '`Diam,ond 1)yes,
Colo; Card" -.11 yeti colors,