The Exeter Times, 1922-7-13, Page 7WEEK 'OF BLOOijY RATTLE ENDS
........., .
Victory of Free State Troops Gained at the Cost of Many
Lives and After the Destruction of Valuable Property—
All the ImPortant Lead erP of Revoqution Made
Prisoner Except DeValera.
A despatch teem Dublin save: ---The
•siege of the strongholds of the instil."'
gent Irish forces virtually ended with
,tthe surrender of small igroups of the
men who had been fighting tor the
past -week !behind the Ibtarricades, and
the capture of one of the gricipal
or, Cathal l3rughe, former 1V1haister
cif Defence. But the succe•se of the
National -CallSe has been phrehasett at
the cost of blazing, building's ,and ter-
r1ble de,struction in O'Connell street,
to say no,thing of ,the loss of„flife and.
the many seriously wounded.
There ie•still no information as to
the -whereabouts of Eamon de Valera,
who has apparently escaped from the
Free Staters'. net.
While ten buildings, includin,g three
tobel,s, were aflame, •the rernaindser of
the irregailers, drive,n into Granville
Hotel, with fire on ati sides, still main-
tained n sclenpera,the, nespstance Oeith
autornaties and rifles, but it was al-
ready Seen that they could not "long
-delay the inevitable end.
The G'Cormor-de Valera insurrec-
ten is ending in smoke. Throughout
Ireland the rising has been •a fiasco.
It may be said that the whole north,
ventre and west of the Free Stat,e is
quiet. Between Dublin ,and .Galway
lone can travel :without incident. Cork
and sitsepopuiation ere ahnost wholly
againsst the irregulars. The MO.St
uit Dust to seraek ,eyiill be this South Tip-
perary, where the irregular force has
withdrawn. into Clonmel and has
trenched and barricaded the roads
leading- into the town.
The farmers throughout Ireland
have been bitterly opposed: to this in-
surrection. As the days pas's' the .0Pin-
fon of the country becomes more and
more solid against the men who have
precipitated this lolly. Ie le known
de Valera himself was oppoSed to it,
and that he was "rushed" by Rory 0' -
Connor, and only joined the raovereent
after two claye of wringing his hands,
through fantastic motives ef •chivalry.
Arresle ef leading members of the
I minority party include Art O'Brien,
'President el the Irish Self-determina-
I tion League of Great Britain, who,
with S, T. O'Kelly, former Dail envoy
in Paris, was taken tin the latter's
house, ,and Alderman R. J. 'Attie, chief
of the pulblieity etaff of the de Valera
A large number of prisoners are
now in 'the hands of the National
,army, but it is known that many ir-
regulars escaped during the attack on
the buildings occupied by. them. A
member of the National army taken
t,prisoner by the irregulare was held
in the O'Connell etreet post -office, and
he describes 'the fierce- nature of the
bombardment that drove eut the gar-
rison, -,ineluding Commandant , Sean
IVIacEntee, `former sdeputy for Monag-
han, who with others tseized a favor-
able Moment to make a dash for liber-
ty by a back street.
It is already becoming apparent
that 'some of the more youthful of
the irregulars are tired of fighting.
Unobtrusively.they are drifting, back
to their homes end their, work, and
no one comments openly on the fact.
It is felt,. therefore, that the rebel
leaders would not be able to command
a very- big 'following. In any' 'case,
they are not the only people who know
how to wage guerrilla warfare, and
with public opinion behind them the
National forces would have the ad-
Will be Represented at Geneva
by Fielding, Larkin and
- A. despatch [from Ottawa says: -
1.10n. Williath Stevens Fielding, Can-
ada's veteran Minister of Finance;
Hon. Ernest Lapointe, Minister of
Marine and Fisheries, and Hon. P. C.
Larkin, Dominion: High Commis,sioner
in„ London, will represent Canada at
thethird assembly a the League of
Ncifi,ne-, which epene at Geneva, Swit-
frzerland, an September 4 next.
•glhe' two Cabinet Ministers will
leave for Europe about the third week
4f:11 August, and they will, be joined in
London by MT. Larkin, Mr. Fielding,
in addition to attending the League
Assembly, will 'spend •
time in London and, Paris on matters
relating to his department •
One of the matters which it is
tlia,ought may engage his attention
!while in , Paris -will be 'that of re-
suming negotiations with the French
Government for a more "couiprehensive•
•trade treaty between Canada and
"France than now exists. There is also
the question 6f a treaty with Greece,
'which may be taken up while the
Minister is overseas. -
Noted U.S. ArMy Pilot Killed
When Motor Fails to
A- deepatch from Mt. Clemens
s'ays:—Capt. George C. Tinsley,
an army aviator with overseas ser-
vices in the world war, was killed
• -when his plane fell and burst into
flames at Selfridge Fie'ld on Thursday
al terno an.
, Tinsley, fl3ring a Spad, was about
150 feet in the air, when he turned
sharply to ,aivoisci strilein,g a hangar.
The motor went dead and the, plane
- fell, As it striz•ek the ground it burst
into flames. Witnesses rushed to the
--scene, but -Were unable'to reach Tin-
sley. until they had, gut out the fire
Hp was found in his seat, his body
• covered with burns, and a hole in his
chest apparently made by a eharp
piece of wreckage.
Physiciauf.: expressed the opinion'
that Tinsley had been lcilled instantly
or rendered unconscious by the fall
and suffocated, by the flames' and
smoke. ,
Tinsley Was a tirember • of the firs,t
pursuit grau,p of the Army Air Service,
which reached S'elfridge
Week after a, flight from Ellington
`aid, 1-Iotisean., Texas. The plane in-
'vvhich he 'fell Wasthe same ship that
he, had fiewn north.
Prince CI Monaco Leaves
'Legacies to Science
,A despatch ram Paris says :—Th e
will of the •Iate Prince Albert of, Mon-
aco leaves legacies amounting to five
million francs 'to various scientific
oit'anizations. These incltide a million
francs each, to tile French Academy
of Science, the, Aeaclemy of Medicine',
Ile Oceattographjeal Institute, the In-
stitute of Paleentology. Pari, and
the Ocenotgrarthicat Museum •at
Victim of Monarchists.
Maximiliane Harden; the Socialist
le,ader, Who was attacked by Monarch-
ists in Berlin and severely injured. „
Convocation Week at the Pro -
varietal University.
The week endingJune 10th was in
many respects the important week of
ths year at the University of Toronto
---impartant 'because, fO'r those whiO"
were gradusag,
tin it marked the cul-
mination of four years of study and
-the commencement.of their life's work.
Never in the history- of the Univer,sit3r
have so many degrees been granted in
one year—there were this Year one
thousand and ninety-six graduates in
Arts, Medicine, Applied Science, and
Elngineenin,g, Education, Forestry,
1VIu,sic, A,g;riculture, Dentistry, Law,
Veterinary Science, and Pharmacy. -
But the ..neWty-fledged graduates
were not by any means the only peo-
ple concerned in the activities of Con-
vocation Week. The Alumni, gradu-
ates of alrnos,t a 1 previous years, were
hack inelarge' numbers at, the Univer-
sity to renew the acquaintances and
the it-item:its of earlier 'days. The
"twos" and the "s,eve•ris" held ,class
re -unions and it was inspiring to see
graduates ,oif the years 1872> 1877,
1882, 1887, 1892, 1897, 1902, 1907, 1912,
and 1917, men and women whohave
attained tliistinction in various walks
of life enjoyin.',. the eemeanion-hip
of the reliege friends ef ,e'ers • ego,
• Truly, ti,e, University of Toronto ha$
reason to be proud cf. her thousands
of graclua,LES. In his ad Tress to the
alumni, Sr Robert Falconer stated
that the year just closed has been in
every respect the host during his
presidency of fifteen years, •
Ireber.s Still a Meriaco
in North Atlantic
A de s pa tt,h from Washington
says —The Naval Hydrograph'ic Of-
fice -warned officials ,cif the Shippin,g1
Board and: other oner'ators of Unitedl
States ships that ice is still corning
into- the North kt,lan tic in dsangerous I
qu anti es and the sourttern tr ns -
Atlantic lanes should 'be followed in-
• definitely.
White the lane.; now genTrallY
Leave:lei are somewhat Inflow the Hy-
drographic experts feet that th,e safety
factor .should receive .,first considera-
tion so long as ice oontinues to corne
down fram, the north in dkangel•ona
The Prince Of Wales on the balcony of Bu,cleingliam Palace acknowledg-
ing the cheers or the huge crowds, which greeted him on his return from the
Orleat, ,
Canada From Cent Coast
Summe,rside, P.E.le—The lobs'ter
fishing industry has slibren a marked
improvement over 1921. The catches
are larger with a greater demand for
better pricers' ruling. The fishermen
also-rep:core, good eatches of herring for„
bait. Thecee improved condition with
the lower cost of fishing gear have re-
sulted'in a strong revival of the lob-
ster fishing indestry.
N S Gold pro-negting in
the province Of Nova Scotia is' show-
ing more ,signs ot 'activity than at any
other time 'in id last twenty years.
PaYinents of the'ismall license tee for
• gold and silver proegecting :amoupted,
to $3,595 in th,e last quarter of the
fiscal year. ' The projected develep-
ment of water :powers vietle largely
benefit g -old mining in -the province.
Fredericton, N.B.—As a result of
increasing business the Imperial 011
Company 1-ias arranged- to erect a
warehouse and garage here. to cost
$12,000. Arrangements are reported
completett and ,contract let.
Quebec, ,Que.—As a result of seri-
ous fires this spring, and the fact that
theft': eu,tlireale has been ',definitely
tra,ced to the carelessness of visitors,
the provincial governMent has taken
the dr,as,tic •s,tep ,of !absolutely closing.
all forest areas, necessitating the se-
curing ,of n permit to e-nter any •of
these. 'Justifying th4s ine,asure, the
Minister Of Lands and Forests stated.
that last,yesr Quebec province lost,
over 510,000,000 by forest' fires and
that $00,000 acres were burnt
Guild BulIlding At:se-relation. The:speed-
Elections Call far thee raising ef 'the
otignial ,ane, • ,ree s aleys, ma r-
ing the.wliole ..etruetere ten Storeys -in
nal ght. -
Regina, Sask.—The iuneber of eeed-
ing-s and ,eattineee ,clietributed free of
charge iby the Government in this
province for the gait twenty-one years
has been 00,418,000,;on about 3,00-0,000
- That t'e h
Ip the prairies is seen from the fact
o ee irna ec , cultivated
sltz.o.ter belts, the fat -niers value them
from 5500 to $5,000 each, with an av-
erage of about 51,000.
Edmonton, Aita.—Heaeed by Sena-
tor ICendricile, a parby• of wealthy
ranchers dram the State of Wyoming
will 'make a trip throusgh Alberta this
,stuniner to lonk OVeT the. province's
cattle ranching Possibilities, accord,-
in,- to ,advice received, by the Provin-
cial Department Of Agriculture.
Vancouver, fathilies
dram the •State et Oregon are treking
„up in old-time :prairie schooners
through tewards
St. 'Gecrg,..g rich,!4'alaning ;disttict is
central British Cclurngias eir rate
of progres,s is about -three miles an
hottc,,and they anticisPatellieing months
on the trail, The new ,land 1,v1hich
the s,ett/Iters are bound is proving a
great attraction to United States
:farmers, and it is expected to alissorb
five hundred colonists before the fail.
The h,as nitend,.... Canadians Wm
ers s.o.rett' regulations !and • British Scholarships
fi,nds them respensible • '
order: unknown persons, vtagran,ts,
hunters and fishernien, drivers, berry
pickers, forest employees and campers.
Toronto, Onst.—Accotelinsg to pre-
limniary estimates the gold mines osf_
Porcupine sand Kirkland Lake are re-
tported !have produced Upwards" of
$1,755,500 during the month cf May.
In order of their importance, -the pro -
ducers were: Hollinger Consolid,ated,
Dome Mines McIntyre Percteeine.,
Wright -Hargreaves, Lake Shore Teak-
• Ilughes, Kirkland Lake and 'Tough
Oakes. These eight mines are now in
a position to maintain' !production in
each case, while th,e McIntyre will add
to its outgtut during the latter part of
this month through settling addition-
al equipment in operation.
Winnipeg, Man.—Work has started
on, the $250,000 extensian to the Win-
nipeg Grain Exchange, the contract far
A clesp,atch from London says:—The
appointment otf three , Canadians to
post -graduate science and • research
scholar.ships of the Exhibition of 1851
is .announeed 'by the commissioners:
Those apnointed are: Jarnes• Murray
Luck of the 'University of Toronto', for
biolog3r; William Harold MciCurdy, B.
A., Dalhousie University, for physics,
and Denald, Frank Stedman of Britith
Columbia University, for 'chemistry, '
Widow of Field Marshal
May Enter Parliament
A despatch from 'London seysl--
The Thnes states that Lady Wilson,
widow of Field Marsh -al Henry II.
Wilson, will be invited to standt Inc
Unionist candidate for Parliament for
North Down, her late husband's con -
Which was recently let by the Traders' stituency.
Of Ptra?.
Pli-i\tf‘N •11AKI -11-11S
Pltre".. Off' Pke.
-ctAe P‘tA7
V -It..)
Gas Fills Ten Cars m New Yo
• face with 500 Persons AbOar
A des,pateth fron1 NQIV York says:—
Fire, smoke, earbon monoxide gas atel
penin imperilled the lives of mere than
350 men and women trapped ip a
short-eirchited Interborough euthway
express train, 50 feet below th,e sur-
face of Lexington avenue, at east
591;11 street, shoeLly after tl o'clock
an Thursdey, and 125 passengers were
evereerne by the choking gas and
smoke, with several 'burned cr injured
by falls or trampling and three fire-
men hurt in effecting rescues.
Eighty -see -en persons were fdbsnd-
edin B 11,, e, For and ether hos-
pitais in the central efec.tion of the city
for partial asphyxiation. Of that
number 57 were able to go to their
homes after being treated', but the
condition of thirty was so serious that
they had to roman at the hospitals,
The 'comfortably filled, ten-c,ar train,
bound uptown, had jut left Grand
Centrel Station, when Paner17,er:it and
guards smelled smoke. [hn train's
next stop -would have ,been Eighty-
sixth street. It dashed tiovrii to the
•lower level of the subway tunnel at
terrific speed., Just before it reached.
Pifty-ninth „street, where there is a
A fitireep
Tbo blaze,
75 Feet Below Sur- a,
160 in flosoit..1.
f lecal station, and the express traeltS
!are depressed ten feat bOcmr the leTeel
! of the local tra,cit, there was a flash off
fire and a loud detonation,
• Cleude di smoke relied up from
burning ineulation as the 'train came
to a etcp in tieritnese broken only by
sniall storage battery lights at either
elid 'of =each car, Gunceds played 'ale from small emergency hand
extinguishers an insulation ablaze be-
neath the three forward car' -Led' one
fiee in. the ,emergency • TaQtOrrp.a/1.'s
switch box in the "front or tl ity ti1rd
ear' The smoke, 6,c C'aSiOnedi immedi-
abe fils'eomfarb tO pas; enders through-
out the train. As the tunnel filled
with smoke and the noxious gas,
alarm grow into panic. More excit-
able mate 'passengers' fought frantic-
ally with guards who refused to open
the car doors opening above the deadly
third rail on one side of. the train, and
against a solid wall supporting up-
town 'legal tracks, on the other side.
Calmer men used their fists to sub-
due others who were bewling over wo-
men and Children alike, breaking win-
dows and 'seeking to force their way
to escape ;from the clicking fumes.
Independence. • la11-1- in their time, may be !the beau:b-
fel a nil laucialble things. '`FIe seiteth
• We hear people now and then talk the s31.1.t:lry in families," and the p,u,r- thl'e'?" asked the surgeon,
of taleinga certain course of action te Pc,se of it is that they may learn "Opel -ate on it," he was telt', "there
save their self-respect. Perhaps they unselfishness, Members of a family- is a boy inside!'
have forgo -is -sten that besides the res_ ane good for one another. One of th,ese The doctor and his assistants, after
rect. they owe them -Eel -yes there is a at:Y.3 in a great famlily of the nations obtaining some robust teals not ordi-
deference which is due to others. • a decent regard Shown by each state narily used, eed ,e,e, they were directed,
twobctuns' bard work anade
what t nt hdeEr people el think,na ta u g1f1417.0t. 'lilt go 1fliolle: aitnsa191711snolgZnyellrillsniteerYnt)witilsi b°17:41°P1-17'Ll- aandbt'aelteell7 in bbs can bbrough which
scorn the wisdom Dr the ages, deny- entirely compatalle with amity for all
itniognthat titirc;deititsion'a,nYthseeninedeinpecri?driten-etorie", t)s11'21171 Wouewho r esharefenteh'eanoltahni:rt.
as a purely destructive thing, would Then wars will. come to ,an end, for
not be worth, eestiaribelisolictisli.g. It would i,ealeusY ancl hate, the fuel of wars,
be maleficent • , will not turn hat enou,gth to enkindle
C!ti.,10.,Iriein.3,r,ca\‘de'itia,,ienteenot actbotnoopamrpxnet: the heart of man toward hisaJ broth,er.
y those -wie employ them but the
dews that untle,rife a stalble so cial
order; ,artists, ,decide to be defiantly
original and make a Ibor;fire, 'of idols,
and fetishes; 'and all these may think
they are doing a!hereic and a gloriou's
thing. But peehaps they are only
do not know that their 'utterance
er:I:rek'si;111:gf-r'io11;•r:1sc;wiasinietl'reYollfeenainlinnse°,altvue'sdsei.eelFitc'halee: ion :11-'srlIP°A11112tbeecirt C°.°Dmrniairusg.shilneRri°:ifefthAeleSt'oue'tnhal
Independence? A precious boom A :vblii.lse,hsel:e:a616 to be the Most Opti-
M'stic rerearte yet issued ort th,e crops
po.esession so dear that a man ought lack 'af rain IiTarsureih61:11:51n°.-1111a:edoirStrlieeSt:
to be prepared to ley down his life d'estnlive' bu't thls willibe mare than
for fit. But it must be independence °ff8et the -Y3e1111:18 "whe'r plenty of
epfeillediemge_finordteefieaneee,ce,,z)off arnighet_jilia:arded.. rn.oisbure has been r e corded. „
in' defe-fZe Tiraber iStrict Near Regina
pentitence for the mere shice of stand- D,stroyed by Caterpillars
nor the 'exigencies of self-denial. A
ing alone net worth 'agony of effort
dense and wcoden-headed person who
'blocks the 'sobriety and sanity of a
,ccramitte,e :because he must have his
own av,ay is indepen,denst, but he is a
aTi'd Qieen4
ts tenet W\413
the pre,p•e $ wan
t1aetually "lige, at
e safee et Ehs
Thii,pb2e, M4isl 1,ancion j
ens say has become mere and rnsre
prevalent since the war, is brought
about by th,e fac,t that many of ,the
old, and estab,lish,ed families havebeen
forced to get rid of their Jew -eller in
order to keep their farniIy es•taiblishe
rdents going.
"We do net make a prael,lee ,o,f lend-
ing jewelry," tight e representative cf
one of Lancion's ilitagest firms, "but
'we oblige our customers when we
know that they, have had to get rid
of their own jewel's.
"We do not chaggeloreelb•ing for the
lean of the jewelcy, but we ineure it
for bbs night .04Il1•the C1:143Lorner pays
thO insurance, We only tio it for CU8-
torners with whom we have done busi-
ness for yeiare."
Surgeons Operate on Milk Can.
An ,arribuilance drove u,p to a Len -
Dan hospital' late one night this week
and a inilk ,cati was. trundite,d, out.
"What am I supposed to dlo with
Optimistic Reports on Cops
in Southern Alberta
A .desnatch from Calgary says:—
Crop conditions, 'based on report,s of
tlie United Grain Growers, were ,e-iven
out Thiarsclazir by E. J. Pisani, newly
,they ,stiblse to remove Sidney
Weinberg, aged, nine. ,Sidney tells
leis own, story.
• "How sdid. you get into the can?
be eves asked.
"I slidett in," he s,a.i,d,. "Some of the
heys ,dared erne to get in and stay
there for five minutes. I did it and
they out the lid on. I was do-wn en
one knee, as if I were firing a gun, and
I found I could, not ,get out. Of course,
can openers aver,en't any good, so they
took me to a hospital. I felt like an
Easter egg."
Finds Remains of War Comrade.
Aftgr an interval of more than five
years, a. former English soldier, while
on a trip to France over the battle-
fields, dis,coveredethe 'skeleton of a war
canirade who had fallen at his side
while th,ey bath were, talcing part in
epera.tions against the Hindenburg
The incid,ent occurred in Havre'
court Wo,oci,`-w-hile, the living veteran
was idly ir,specting •ane of Inc scenes
. .
of 'Ins -tairmy life: ,stumbleci, over,..
the 'skeleton lying, lb•eneath Some fol-
iage with a iC.fle at its side. The dead
A despatch trore Regime SasIke nran's identiffic.ation disc, which bad
says :—Caterpillers have 'eaten u,p fifty not been e,eetepyed y time, 'loft no
dsclisutarrieamiles ct chleat'eirn, aElig'Prlemeng rdee;a9)1-thsodf mhifsssitdgeflaini •clY11.1,t,aHrienehvaedr bbeee'eini
in tehaef tit,!aririkainest,panacalrtatinteeedisotfricta prwesinenter,..s found., ,
pest. There is noteimg admirable The sstrangest part of the occurence
V,19.:3 that before leaving his borne for
the trip to France -the former Tommy
had proani.secl the dead man's relatives
th4 he would make a•• -search for any
traces or 'information about his coin-
Bumping Head Restores sight.
• An ex -soldier who lost`his sight in
the war has just regained it by a re-
markable accident.
He was out walking with a compan-
ion when he hit his head against a
street la.mtp-rpost. The blew apparent-
ly struck the optic nerve, for immedi-
ately afterward the man, whb had
been blintt for five years, -was able to
holding out—the lone juryrnsan—for seeife, forepery ,oeeleja-is say
the mere sake of varain,ce fr•orn the
P ,
There can no bouquets or plaudits 'Biotorist—qo cent
tor one, Who s,tands- out and ,hold,s oil for repairs ,e,n that machine •ttuxtrg all
merely because lie hates,. to confess the ten. months that.I'vehad it."
that he is isa the wrong.- Dependence Prospective Buyer—"So bbs man
.and, interdependence, in theirs place who repaired it told. mi.",*
Weekly Market eport
Toronto. •
Manitoba wheat—No. 1 Northern,
Honey-,-20-304b.1b2°', 141/2 to 15e
$1.46%'; No. 2 Northern, $1.43%.e. No. per lb; 5-2%-1b. -tins, 17 to 1Sc per
3 Northern, $1.29%, lb.; Ontario comb honey, per dozen,
Manitoba oats—No. 2 CW, 60c; No. 55.50.
3 CW, 57c; extra No. 1 feed, 57c; No. • Potatoes—Delawares, $1.15 to $1..40. distingu-ish light from dark. For a few
1 feed, 55c, . Smoked meats—Hems, med., 36 to clsays his visite/1 was blurred, but after
Manitoba barley—Nominal. 38e. cooked ham., 53 to 560; sznolreci tri-triat he reemined virtually nerinal vi -
All the above, track, Bay ports. rolls, 28 to 31e; cottage rolls, :35 to eion anti isnaw able to read with ease.
American ,corn—No. 2 yel., 801/2o; 38c; foreakfast hacon, 32 to 35c; special The doetore say that the cure probably
No. 3 yel., 79%,c, ,all rail, • bran'd ,breakfast bacon, 41 to 43c;
will remain permanent.
Bsarley-L.No. 3 extra, test 47 lbs. or Ibacks, boneless, 42 to 44e.
better, -60 to 65,c, according to freights Cured meats ---Lang elear bacon, ,rench L''anguaf,,*e8 by w'r j,reless.
outside. 51.7; lightweight Tails, in 'bats., $48; - .
Buckwheat—No. 2, 51.00.
Es3r.e—No. 2, 05c. • Lard—Pure, tierces, 16%c; tubs, interest, but doubt the feasibility of
Millfeed--Del. • IVIantreal freight, 17c; pails, 171/2,c; prints, 181,42c. Short- the conference wlitieb„ has been ,sum -
bags included: Bran, per ton,' 528 to ening, tierces 15c; tubs, 15'412c; pails, maned in the United States ta con -
$30; &lints ger ,tan, 530 to $32; good 16c; prints, 1,8c. •eicl,er:the establishment of the univer-
feed flour, '51.70 to 51.80. • Heavy beef steers, $8.25 to 58.75; sal iangua•ge for the purpose of, Anter..'
Baled hay—Tra,c,k, Toronto, per ton, butcher steers, choice, 58 to 58.50; do, natiam,ati. ,commun,icetioie by wireless.
extra No. 2, $22 to $23; mixed, $18 to good, $7,,5Q o13,8; dee, med., $7 to 57.50; Prof. Sir Israel Gollancz, of London
$19; clover, $14 to 518. .<13, COM. 56 to $6.75. butcher heifers
'University, is one who feels the task
Straw—Car lots, Per ton, track-, To- choice; 57.75 to $8.25'; do n t $7 t '
TOTitO, 512 to $13. • I 57,50; do, corn., $6 to $6.50; hubcher 1 inTes'aib,„le. '
—Ontario wheat—ND. 1 commerci,al, oceve choice, $5.50 to 56.50; do, rned,,' , You might create a fictitious com,
$1.25 to $1.30, outside, , 58,50) to $4.50; canners and' cutters,imercial, language," he sell, "but I do
Ontario No. 3 ,Dats, 40 to 45e, out- 31 to 52; !butcher bulls,: good, 54.50 to; rot believe in any interestional Ta
side. • I t.iii. 75; Li, coni,, 33 to $4; .feietiersegeed, ' goe ee becoming a' livi'n-g- fO-cee' '•,rial'en4i;
s i.:,Tk.5.4) 93's, $6.80 pc 1.,,e -le 2nd pats. :1'6.50; mi''kerni, 540 te • $80; s•peingoes,' mrela 111o, it,. ii.,,,,ineg, force coohi b'c
(bakers), 56.80. Stisights, in bulk, 550 to 590e calves, choice, $9 to $10;
ciOnfeitait;i100 ctflotala7-53lotto CI;O:b,s.o., uLisni d c j. u ta I $(,.:6s,5, 0,,:t.).6,,,d$7,45lio5,0f5a-t8i015, :56;6; :do:5; 6ct.e5an0iiii-,,, stock
,tioo- .0igi,;.:v,i seE,117:poilj,,,Dsi hft ,tallgoearilnivv:rnygnocluil:1:01i1.1:::ite10:eivabfltiv,a1
, eon:beard, $5.65. Co, inc,i.., 57 to
I - Manitoba flottr--ist pals., in jute 57; F..prjug lambs, $13.50 to $14.25; a language for the elements- of corn-
ice:eke, 57.80 per bbl.; 2nd rats., $7.30. .sinceo, cliolee, $5 to 56.50; do, goad,' reerc,e, but I do not think it would
1 Cheese—New, large, 201/2 to 21C; 53.50 to $4.50; do, ot.m., $1 to $3; , even,he useful for the science of coin -
twins, 21 to 21,1/2,c; triglete, 22 to yearlings, choice, 59 to $10; do, rem., merce.”
02%c. Old, large, 25c- twins 24 to 56 'to $7; llo'gs, fed slid watered, $14.653 Go•del•ey gseaes, director of tho 1.N,tor_
heavyweight rolls $40.• Lona= exPerts have 'thePlaYefi great
241/2c. Stilten'3, 25c. Extra, old', large, to $14•75; td'o lights, 513.65 to:$13.7o; mad .c.o.mparlye, also expressed doofir-
26 to 27e. Old Stiltons, 24c. 1 do, heavies, 3'12.65 to $12.75; ,do, sows, as to the establiehment of a erivereal
Buiter—Ftech. ,choice. 32 to 510.65 to $10.7, ,
l - he
5c; •creainery prints, fresh, fine it. 40 P.Ientreid. angu,age as a result of" tee cleeee
to 41c; No. 1, Si) to 40e; No. 2, 87 '03' Oats. Can, No. 2, 65 to 651/2c. ment of wirele"-;s:telePhenr•
3Seec,ocking, 23c, • Oste, Can. Waste No. 3, 03 ta'033/2e.fin regard '113 Eleneratilo that it is ex-
Dress,ed Imnitir3,----Shring chickens, Flour, Men. spring wheat pat.S., firs,ts, ceeclingly intprobehle,
51,e; loceler,s, 28c; fowl, '24 to 40c; $m.8O Pallid eete, beg 90 Ittfs,,„.52.90 ""At the. some time," lie said, "we
duciklings, 30c; turkeny, s,, 40te 45o. •! to 53. Bran, 525.25. -Shorts, 527.25: are keeping in view the poesitellity of
Live poretry—Snrg chicbens, 40c; Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, 525 to Leeching languages by efeeengs
roosters., 17 to 20x; fowl, 20 to 22c; 526. I ehone-,,hrf tbffele tiffs will pla."1,-, a high_
30e; tuniceYs, 30 to 35,'-• 1 C'heese, finest ensterns, 1914 to ly 1.1,171p,o•.rtant putt or the eci.uctional
I‘fargeritie-20 to 22c, I 161/2c. Butter, choicest ereameter, 37
1,1ggis—No. I oat:tiled, to 33e; se-; to- 371/2c. EggS4 E4.'"1---7-I'd 35,1% ' se°6°11 °f viire'e'38 ana it 10111 in tinle
l'C'BI-Se:it3135---toCa3161; he 41ariit1cbl, -flpsi'cl3c72 d to
b:ti:'!•!'ll-e 1 , r S se',2k4 ,11.50e;, V$C6'8.; ;40514n5.,0:1 rii3111‹ z?St-5;gousi ca pthocnc'''enlr6e:our*PdesrsrTil'eththi:Puus:ri cocfe
$4.25; primes.. $3.751,to 53.90. 54 up; graSters, 53; shone. 52 to 55; foresee the engagerecet oC onincint
Maple proileete—Syimp, per imp. atnnertie 51 to S9, picJ 1 lotsup L prefeescos ef lenrcuarrei .or 11 ptrpos
gale $2,20; Fir 5 rial•Ps, gala., 52-10; $10; heg4 sel,e'eten 515,50: saws, "510, et wifeless tuition:, ,