The Exeter Times, 1922-7-6, Page 4Mileage`th
More Miles
and Less Trouble
y Using
Ames i.,
ESS �o lde� `T �'
users 's o f the Aisles
TheThe'saas�,i satisfied
Holden Tires 's is the best advertisement...
there is. Years of experience are built
into the Ames Holden Tires enabling
them to stand the grind . of country
For sale by PILON & FOOTE
• troubled because
Do not be ea
You have not great virtues, God
made a million spears of grass
where He made one tree. The
earth is fringed and 'carpeted
not with g#•asses. Only have
enough of little virtues e,;
common fidelities and you need
not ztlourn because yon are nei-
ther a hero nor a saint.
Buy your gas on Saturday. Tlie gar-
;.ge men Fant. their Sundays.
s �
A1LL anti -profanity Campaign should
&ee put on and run for six months
twice a year.
--Exeter again on th
TOO l.3USY TO 11+1k1.0
An lour with his book Would have
brought to his mind
The secret that took him a whole
year to find.
The facts that he Warned at error -
z s
Were all on a library shelf to, colli-
Alas! for our hero; too busy to read
He was always too busy, it proved, to
no-)” Yin without Lredit skill za.
\ To nlay win without patience or apt-
itude, purpose! . ,e,t1 ,
We lnay even succeed if We're lacking
in grit;
But take it from me as a mighty safe
hint -
A civilized man cannot win without
paint "-Ex.
`.l`uii WESTERN :C{`A1tl.
The amusement of the people who
'# 1
attend London's Exhibition this year
has been -well looked alter. One of is the bowlers who are bring-
ing -little Devon into the limelight.41.
Sin, weeds nor Cage need neither
cultivation nor encouragement. They
flourish if given any grind of a chance
. aQ 41,
One thing the town has to do is to
wive the citizens drainage. For this
reason the by-law should be carried.
Vacation is here and the coal bin
not filled, It might be wise to de-
posit a little on account with the coal
l au before going off on vacation.
* * $ * ,
A little poison does not hurt the
potatoes yet spells death to the bugs.
Some of the crosses that humanity
has to bear may be a preventative'
from greater disaster.
map : This tion
ve you renaewed your subscrip-
the best programmes ever presented
will be seen 'twice dailybefore the
Grand Stand, starting on Monday,
Sept. 11th, for the entire week, Save
Sept. 11th for the entire week, Sever-
al Speed events each day, and on Sat-
urday, the 16th there will be automo-
bile Races,.when the .very best driv-
ers in inerica vti ili take part. 'Fire
works -the very best-will:begiven
every night; concluding with Satur-
r -
day night. The 'Wortllman Shows
will' be on the Midway all week With
a high class lot of shows and rides
and .there will be something doing all
the time. See prograznuzes or 'write
the Secretary -for any information.
The dates are Sept..8th to 16th.
Miss Marjory Guest, ck Granton,
Who left recently to , take 'a position
in Loudon, met with injuries when
two street :cars .collided. She was
cut about tlie face and hands,°her
back was injured and she also suffer-
ed from shock. She is at her home
n the Safety of
I' rests
with ire in On-
entaria s forests.
DON'T throw aw3S cig-
arette or cigarbutta,
pipe "h,els" or
burnt matches until
You are dead sure
they arc out.
DON'T neglect to drawn
out your fire with lots
of water.
DON'T build: your camp
Sr* against a rotten
log or stt7 P; nor on
windy pains; nor
near moss patches i
nor at the base of a
tree -
Build it in a for-
mer fireplace, or on
a flat rokor on a
spat cleared don to
the true soil belo,r,
or by the edge of the
DON'T 'forget that the rap-
iter layer of ground
in the forest consists
of ,partial', rotted
wood ,".'inch will burn...
•IVER DRIVERS, shanty ,men, pulp,
loggers, and all men who work in
the lumber woods, on the river or
at the mill -get this: Your job depends on
keeping forest fires from burning up the
Every time you leave a camp fire or a
Smudge burning you are taking chances on
a forest fire that will do you out of a job.
Every time -you ; throw away a burning
match or a cigarette, : or drop the "heel" of
your pipe on the ground, you are taking a
chance. In summer time, moss, dead wood,
leaves or the rebel
dry regular wood -fibre soil of
the forest . are all ready to burn. Millions
of feet of timberandpulp are being burnt
up that way every year.
Ontario's forests are not growing
fast enough to keep up. Forest fires
will do you out of a job iff they keep
on a few years more. Watch yourself.
°y Branch, Parliament Btaritlin . a Toronto
Drstrlet News
\i'illiani Endicott, a former resi-
dent of Liman, died recently at Chil-
liwacl.; 13, C.
Rev, J. E. Hunter., a',. 1.4I,A
commenced his new paS.t ate , ; at
Granton on Sunday., a•r .,k ,
Mrs. Alfred Brock and daughter of
Rasiuota, Man„ are spending a` few
Weeks , with _Mrs, Broek's• ^?relatives,
near- Whalen,
e�Si. v.
Die1�iowles, who: comes to
Marys front. Sarnia, was given a pub-
lic reception at tate church o11 Wed-
-nesday evening ' of last 'week. • He
preached his, first sernion as pastor,
on Sunday
A betty •wedding took. Place at the
home of„Rey. and Mrs. T, T, George,
1'arltiiill, on' June 23rd, wizen their
yotuigest daughter, Lillian' Gertrude,
was married to Frederick Stanley
Reid, of Outlook,. Sask,
At St. Andrew's :church manse, in
Stratford, on, Thursday afternoon the
wedding was sole#lnized 'of Miss, Elva
Shute, of, Fullarton, and Howard
Alex.. S'tewart, of the sante township.
The Rev. Mr. Finlay Dlathesozz offic-
iated. R'Ir, and Mrs Stewart will re -
i11. -: Foliar ten.
Rev. James, 'wife and of
\Voodhanz, left for their new circuit
at. Shedden,:: near St. Thomas. • Be
fore leaving the W. M. S. presented
Mrs. James with i' • beautiful silver
tomatosereex , hey David G.fihom
son, the new pastor, at Z17oodham,
commenced his duties Sabbath last.
Herbert N. Conch who stands first
in second Honor or Classics at Tor-
onto University, winning the'"Haznil-
ton Fisk Biggar Sohoiarship," is•'' he
younger son of Rev. Isaac- Conch, 'M.
A., B. D., or Strathroy-, Ont., and bro-
ther of Harold 'who won the gold
medal in Biologidal and medical. sci-
ence. He followed closely in the.foot-
Steps of liis,.elder brother, taking the
general proficiency gold medal at Ot-
tawa Collegiate Institute. At inat
riculation he obtained honors in
mathelnaticseznoderiis and science,
and won two of the Blake scholar-
ships. A. year ago he was awarded
the Goveiuor-General's medal by the
."University of Toronto Schools."
R'fllialn Berth, of Mitchell, receiv-
a telegram from his':sister, conveying
the' sad news of the death of her hus-
band, llr. Jacob Stewart, a carpenter
in Cincinnati, Ohio. The message
said that he had been killed, but no
farther particulars. This makes
three deaths in the family inside of a
year under tragic circumstances.
.Mrs. Stewart's mother, Mrs. Chris-
tian Berth, was badly burned when
her clothing took fire last :fall.from
which she died, while visiting the
daughter there, and earl;; this spring
Mrs, Mm, Berth's father, Mr, John
Reaney; of Logan, was..killed by a
horse he was watering.
Mrs. Jennie Rodd, relict of the late
Harry Rodd of the North boundary
df Usborne,died recently at the Lon-
don hospital. The deceased was tak-
en"to the hospital "a week previous
and had. am operation performed. For
a time hopes 'were bright for her re-
,covery, but later she became weaker
and passed away. She .leaves • to
mourn her loss the following child-
ren: Mrs. Beavers, of Woodham;,
Mrs. Amy, of Outlook-, Sask.;, 'Mrs.
Wilson, of London,; Edgar,` Harry
and Frank, of Usborne, and Percy, of
Outlook, sask.. The remains were
laid to rest in Iiirlton Union Cem-
etery. Mrs. Rodd was of a quiet dis-
position and •beloved;by all who knew
LN Ili SrNESS EN` 1886,
The following is a list of merchants
who were in business in 1886, 36
years ago.
Huron Co. Population about 95
Bonthron Jas., general store, post-
McLeod George, blacksmith
Huron Co.' ' Population about 175
Kyle Wm., carriage maker
McClymont Thos., blacksmith
McIntosh Hugh, wagon maker
McNevin John, flour and feed
diel is R,, general store, postmaster
Mellis Thos., blacksmith
Pillar. James; tailor
Schaffer Henry, hotel
W.reismiller D., general store
Huron Co. Population about 800
Banes Joseph, pump maker
Beaver C. furniture
Brown Bernhard, shoemaker
Brown Frank. shoemaker'
Brown wuerth & Co. general store
Buckingham Wm. blacksmith
Bunt W. T. general; store
Clark Bros., hotel
Clark Jas. livery
Eilber Jacob, Postmaster
Either J. & Son, general store
Grant Bros., hotel
Hill D. egg dealer
Hodgins James, blacksmith.
herr John, brick maker
Kibler Christian, harness
Kluuipp James, Shoemalker
Mantle George, brick maker
Mellin Adolph, tailor
Mitchell John, brick maker
"Mote George, brick. maker`
tiasnuth W. A., physician
Smith Michael, blacksmith
Svc eiteez henry, grist mill
Sweitzer S. ee Co., flax mill
Ti'evethicic John. wagon maker
'Weitzel Wm.., carriage maker
'V'Vurth Ginter ee Haig, flax ' inili
Young John, fancy goods
Young J. G. tinsmith
i wicker Christian, general tor
Village o� Exeter
N 1922
By Law of _
aA 1y -Law to provide for the issue of
debentures to the extent of
thqusancl dollars ($6,0-00.00) for
he ,, cost of the construction of
Sewer Drains. Azad to provide for
the borrowing the Said sum of Six
thousand dollars.
Provisionally adopted ted after the
2nd` reading on the 19th day of June,
WIiE TEAS B is necessary to . raise 11y
by way of loan on the credit of the
Village:- of Exeter, the sum of six
thousand 'dollars ($6,000.00) 'to'
provide for the" cost of Works, Tile
Sewer Pipe, Basins, etc., necessary
for the said .Sew el drains and to
provide for the'expeziae of discount
and other charges' negotiating the
said loan.
AND WHEREAS the .amount of the
whole •ateablero. er�t. eit of th
p P Y Vil-
Iage of Exeter . according to 'the
last revised assessment Moll thereof
is $781,750.00
AND WHEREAS the existing dellen=
r. g
ture debt of, the i Ilia e of Exeter
is,..$96,049,50 and no part of the
principal nor interest is in arrears.
AND WHEREAS theuzn o Szx.
s 'f;..,
Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) is
the debt intended to be created by
this by-law. •
AND WHEREAS it will require the
sum of Seven Hundred and Ninety
Six Dollars and two cents ($796.-
$796:02) to be raised annually for ,the'
period .of ten years, by a special
rate sufficient therefore on all the
rateable property in the Village of
Therefore the Council of the eor=:
potation of the Village of Exeter en-
acts as follows:
1.Itshall be lawful for the Reeve
of the Village of Exeter, and the
Treasurer thereof to raise byRway of
loan upon the security of the deben-
tures hereinafter rentioued from any
person or persons, body or bodies cor-
porate who may he willing to ad-
vance the same upon the credit of
such debentures a sum of zn'oney not
exceeding the whole sum-- of Six
Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) and to
cause the same to be paid into the
hands of the Village Treasurer for
the purposes and with the objects a-
bove recited.
2. It shall be Iawful for the said
Reeve and Treasurer to cause any
number of debentures to be made for
such sums of Phoney as may be re-
quired for the .purposes aforesaid
payable for not less than One Hun-
dred dollars ($100.00 each, and not
exceeding in the n'hole the suin of
Six ',Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00)
and the said debentures shall be seal-
ed with the seal of the corporation
and to be signed by the Reeve and
Treasurer, and be payable at the of-
, fic of the said, Treasurerin the 'said
3. The said debentures shall bear
date from the day of issue thereof
and shall be :payable yearly there-
after for and during the said. period
of Ten Years and be for the respect-
ive " amounts following:, -
That is to say
Year. • Int. Prin. Annuity.
1923 .330.00 466.02 796.02
1924 304.38, 491.64 796.02
•"1925 277.32 518.70 796.02
1926 248.82 • 547.20 796.02.
1927 218.70, _ 577.32 796.02 `
1928 186.96 609.06 790.02
1929 153.48 : 642.54 796.02
1930 118.14 677.88 730.02
1931 80.82 715.20 796.20
1932 41.52- 754.50 796.02
4. The said debentures shall have
coupons attached thereto for the pay-
ment of interest thereon. Which in-
terest shall be at the rate 'of Five and
one half per, cent per annum from
the dating thereof in_each year, -and
shall be payable annually' from the
Place where the said debentures are
made payable..
5. The said debentures shall have
printed across the face thereof the
words "Exeter Sewer Drains Deben-
6. During the currency of the said
debentures there shall be raised an-
nually by special rate on'all the rate-
able property of the Village of Exeter
the sum of Seven Hundred and Nine-
tj- Six Dollars and Two Cents ($796.-
02) for the purpose of repaying the
amount due each of the said years
for the ,principaland interest in re-
spect of the said debt.
7. This by-law shall take effect on
and after the. passing thereof.
8. The votes of the electors for
and against this by-law shall be taren
by ballot on Monday, the 17th clay
of. July, 1922, from . "the hour of eyrie
o'clock in, ,the forenoon, until five
"-'dock in ; the afternoon of the tame
day at the: places within the said cor-
parationporation of the Village at Ex-
etee, and, by the Deputy Rkeiturn1ng
Officers hereafter specified.
That is to say:- ,
I?olling sub -division No. 1, at Mrs.
Elizabeth Handford's Reside,nce, on
ibe \'Vdst side of lfain Street Ed-
ward 'Treble, Deputy Returning. 01-
firir; Sidney Davis, • Poll Clerk.
Poling- sub division No, '2, at the
'Down Hall, 'east s'ldt; of Main Street;
ttrreli,ngton. Johns, n. R, 0.; J. 1 ,
Grieve, Poll Clerk,
Polling sub -division No. 3, at th'.
brick office building at ;the' corner of
LVIa,cn and W Ilinctor, streets ; James
'Weekes, D, R. 0.;, Alfred Gatiibrill,
Poll Clerk
Polling sub division No 4, at the
north Incl Fire Hall, corner o` Market
and Elizabeth streets; Freder.icl'Wit-
at ^ , 17 11, O ,-Jrhn, Kvdti. Poll Clerk
e. 9, That en Friday everting, the 14th'
dip } }- July, 1922, at the Count; 1,
C..+,na n, s ,n the said Village of Ev,,
ere, at the hour of 8 o'clock in. the
afternmon the said 'Reeve shall appoint
in writing, signed by himself, two per -
ons to attend to ;the final summing
tip of the votes ;aforesaid by the Clerk
of the ,cou.nei,l, and one person to
attend at such polling place on be-
half of the persons interested in, and
desirous of promotingg the I
this by-law, and a like number on be-
half of the persons ,interested in, and.
t12sicous of opposing the passing of
this .by-law,
• 10. Thai an 'Tuesdaye the 18th day
of ,July. 1912, the Clerk of the Council
shall, at`'tlle Clerk's ,okfl'ice in.the said
Vttlag e of~ -Exeter, at ;1'1 o'clli lt` in the
forenoon, sural up the number of votes
for and against this by-law,- in ..the,
pitvsenc ..a2f,'rhe,ap,ersons,..appt21ted :tog
attend th react,, or in the presence of
such ofthein' and ' other persons
• � �l any
entitled by Cy -law ,to .,be present as
may -be present,
Signed Reeve
kA��6a .e1 k. nu „ r.
The above is a true copy of 'the pro-
posed by-law which has been taken,
into consideration, and which will be
rethe. '
finally ,passed _ify Council of the
corporation of, the V,iilage of ,Exeter,
lin the', event of the "consent of '611e
+electors -'being obtained -thereto alter
one 'month from, the fiest' publiicaltion
thereof In the Exeter Times and 1!x-
.1 ter Advocate newspapers, the first
publication of which :shall be on
Thursday, the 22nd day of June AD
1922. And at. the hour, day and
places therein fixed far taking the
vete of the Electors a: poll will be
laid:' -
Every property tenant of''who de-
sires to vote on the, said by-law must
d,e1,ver to the cle.rk ,of the: Municipality
not latter than 10 days• before the date
appointed .for eel:ikng the said vote,`a
=declaration provided by sub -section 3
of s,ection 265 ,Chapter.192 of he'
D+Iunicipal Acta
Where a c #. oaatianentitled to
appoiint a nominee to vote' on its be-
half desires to (vote it shall not hater
titan the tenth day before the day
appcbited for taking the vote file with i
the Clerk of the Mtulicipality an ap- "
pointuteat a,il writing of ;a person tc),
vote as its n,otnialee and on its behalf,.
Dated at Exeter this 19th day ' of
Nue., A. De 1922. •
Clerk of•'the Cal,p' o+ra'tioa of.:
Village of 'Exeter,,
Notice to Creditors
NOTICE is hereby, given pursuant
`to'theStatutes in that behalf that all,
persons ,, having claims ;against the,
estate 01 Henry•Iorton, late of the
sbEir 1' in lee Couzlty
.Town Yin, oaf :z ,
- i S p ,� ei
of Huron, Farmer; deceased, - who.
died on' the 28th day ..of April, 1922,
are required on 4r before the 8th day
of July, 1922; to send by post, lire-.
paid or deliver to the 'undersigned,.:
full particulars of their claims, duly'
verified by .affidavit and the nature
of the security (if any) held by them.
'I,'urther take notice that after the ° "
said"last mentioned date the assets of
the said deceased will be d s b ute d.
among the ,parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims,of,
which• notice shall then have been .
Dated the 12th day of June, 1922.
Thomas Cameron,
Commissioller for the )xecutrices
Box 154, Exeter P.O.
Mr..• F. ID. Hutchison„ Seaforth; has..
,received word that his . soil, Mr. F.
Hutchison, who won the Moore schol-•
arship `a, short time ago at Toronto,
University, has been appionted to a
fellowship in 'the.•
'•same University, of the value of $S0b
a year. He will be occupied in re-
search work, as well as giving lee --
Advertise in."The Times:" :It pays,.
Small athounts saved regularly soon read
a large total. Deposit each week part of the
money you get from your cream; butter and
eggs and watch your Savings balance grows
r .
Capital Paid up. $15,000,000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
F. A. Chapman, Manager
R. S. Wilson, Manager
Exeter Branch,
Crediton Branch,
Dashwood Branch, J
Capital Paid Up $4,000,000
Reserve Fund $5,00:0,000
Over 125 Branches
requires \.that eveiY member of the family be -made a
partner. Tliat the earning from some particulars pro-
duct be allotted to each member. Then good sense indi-
cates that these earnings should go to swell their savings
account with The Maisons,Bank.This will make each one
ambitious to make his product pay. Deposits by mail
Centralia Branch open fur business daily
Safety Deposit Boxes to rent at the Exeter Branch
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President, Wm. BROCK:
Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON:
JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for
Usborne and Biddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for.
Ribbert; Fuliarton and Logan. f~'
Secretary -Treasurer
R. R. No. 1, Woodham.
Solicitors, Exeter.
'Veterinary Surgeon .
0 co -Baker's Livery on James St.
Calls presently attended to day or
' Phone 8.
on. A. R. KINSMAN, 7 r ii:.D„ It).D.S.
Honor Graduate of Toronto L �3ver-
Office over Gladnian & Stanbury's
office, Main Street, 'Exeter.
Advertise In the T) s. It pay's, •
We have a large amount of private
funds to loan, on farm and village*
properties, at lowest rates of ,.ins
Barristers, Solicitors,
Main St. Exeter, Ontario
PERRY P. DOUPE, Licensed Anal,
tioneer. Sales conducted in any loc-
ality. ' Toros moderate, Orders lef a'
at Tinieb Office will be promptly .at-,
tended to. Phone 116, • Kirkton,
Address Kirktos. P. 0.
DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L D.S„ D.D.€rs
Office over I. It. Carling's La'4+f
Closed every Wednesday tfternoo1a
Dye right! Dont risk
your material. Each pack--
ack-age of "Diamond la,y eg" con-
tains directions so siniplc'-
that, any woman cam
diamond -dye a. new; rich.
cold into old garments,
if draperies, e.o1 ci inns every-
verythin;, whether . wool, gilk,.
linen, cotton 01 mixed goods.
Buy "Diamond ,Dyes" ---111
other kind --then perfect re-
sults oxo guaranteed even if
yoni have never dyed before;
Druggist has "Diatnond i)yees
Color Card" ----1 ricin colbre;