The Exeter Times, 1922-7-6, Page 3A Batch of Good Turns, In Ontariogivery Boy Scout Troop is required to apply for registration once erielt year and when this' application is made an annual report on the work of the Troop is submitted tor tlie in- formation of Heinnaearters. One Sec- • tion of this report calls for a State' ent of signiflearit individual or COM. 111111ity ttirns"-doee. by the boys and the following are quoted froth re- ports received during • the past fe weeks: "Delivered Scontgra-nis and colleete same for the Mueltolta Hospital fo Consumptives. Organized a new troo for the boys at Port Whitby. One bo helped to SaVe a life."--lst Whitb Troop. "One boy on three occcisionis turne 111 fire alarms, he having been the firs - to locate the fire." ---2nd Sarnia Tree') "Rendered assistance at garde parties, sales, etc., proceedisnor whicl went to the poor at Christmas time Conducted bird h,ouse conapentitiOn."— let Winona Troop. ° 'Helped at dedication of war me.mor ial and gave display,of Scout work a Agricultural Sholl"-1st Fort William Troop. "Assisted local firemen to man hose lentil others arrived. Helped an aged vvornan to move her things to her new 'home. Assisted Daughters of the Em Vire several tithe& by carrying wood ' etc. Other aged and sick people help `ed by boys during •the winter -moths when they were not able, to get out for charea."--lst Napanee Troop. "Conducted a skating rink all yin ter. Kept church lawn mowed throug.h summer."--lst Foxboro Troop. "Raised ,$400 for the Muslooka Free Hospital for Consumptives. Raised about $700 for the Elliott Family Fund, Brockville. Distributed 'literature on fire Prevention. Assiete.c1 in program -for the let, Prescott Troop of Boy Seouts."—lsit.Braeltville Troop. "Splitting wood -fora sick scout. One Scout found the Scoutmaster'swatch which. "had lieen lost, and although a reward was Offered, would not take the relvard."--71St Westport Troop. "This troop is at the call of the town ready tia--turnout for service When- -ever needed."—lst Wiarton Troop. The laPt :statement is not Only true of the Troop which put it intoits r. 'part, but of every one of the over three hundred Boy Scout organizatons in 'Onttrio. The Boy Scout interprets - his motto "Be Prepared," to mean "Be Prepared to Help Other People ait.A11 Times." • Big Camps Open Soon. The three largest Boy Scour Caanps In Ontario Ills year will be those of 'the Ottawa, Hamilton and Brant County Local Associations. Each camp will open on Jelly 3rd anti remain open 'until the end of August. All three are • equi-pped to care for from 200 to 250 boys at a tirne. The usual stay of an Pdividrual boy at the camps will be about two weeks. The Ottawa camp is located at Black Rapids on the Ottawa River, a few miles from the Capital. The I-Ianallto.n camp is located on a beautiful beac.n property near Selkirk, on Lake Erie. The Brant County camp will ocaupy a section of a 220 -acre site at Norman -- dale, on Lake Erie. This whole pro; • liertY, which is admirably suited for Boy Scent ,Training Camp parpoeeS, J -14 -as heens.eenred by. the Brant Comity Boy Scouts Association for a long term -of years and the boys themselves will make extensive improvements on it. A Tonic Medicine Needed to Strengthen, the Stomach. The old-fashioned -methods of treat- ing ,stomaell 'dis.ectiess are being dis- carded.' The' 'trouble with the old- fashiblied methods watS that when .the treatment was stopped the trouble re- turned," often In an aggravated form. The modern' niethed of treating in- digestion and other forms ofestemach troahle is to toneup the stomach •and, glands to their normal work, • The covery of the:apPetite, the dicialIpear- . since of pam- after ,(ntmg, the aosence W of gas, are steps tar the road to health that those who have, t.rie,s1 the 'tonic treatnte-nt rentemher das.tinotly. ' DT. Pink Pills are a tonic which through 'their action on the blood are helpful in builliing.up the digestive or- gans, and therefore the best 'remedy , for simple or chronic cases of stomach q trouble. The succesa of the treatment is shown by cases -like that al, IVIrs. ' JeSePh, Leclere, ellington, Pe'E.I., who says: -..--"I haVe been h greit stif- fener from indigestiou and stomach trouble, and nothing, that I took for it did- me any ge.od ,until I, began Dr. Williams? 'Pink Pills. I was so had that I did not want to eat, and' when I did take food 'itelay 'like a weight on my stomach, Often _causing me much pain and misery. 13"Saw in an 'adver- tisemen,t what Dr. Williams Pink Pills had done in a similar ca,Se and began taking them, with the result th.4 after taking the pills for five or' six weeks, I am feeling better than I have done for yesti•s. I hove nay experience will lien) other sift -filar Sufferers." • You,ca,n get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer insniedicine or by mail, post paid, -at '50_ cents a -box or afx boxes for $2.50 -from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. The Waves. The waves are galloping ponies With WillaS, in their flying mane, That run -and nibble the sugar sand And scamper away again. , The waves are glittering tigers • Flung snarling on the land. That writhe and twist in the grips of death And claw•away the sand. The waves are' purple elephants - That charge with sudden roar, That trumpet and shout to the shaken moan „ Ana tnample away the shore. The waves are green-hadren metro -aids' With thrifty little hands, Who, fetching brooms and pails and Mope., Come bringing back the sands. Carmaelt McDougal. Sang of Dawn. Lift thine eyes! .the dawn is breaking On the hilltOps far away, While the birds,sfrom slumber waking, Uslier in the new-born day. Lift thine eyes With steadfaSt yearn- • ing, • To the heavens growing bright! Like' the flowers from da,rknoSs turn- ing, , With their faces toward the light. Lift thine eyes! the vision prizing As the dawn wakes ever new; In eternal beauty risiug, • Freeh as roses- wet with dew. The highest powered exploSives, are Sot used in shell charges as they will foot Stand the' shock of being propelloal , , , . , ifraun' a gall. srr h speed. n's It Never Dies! What has tne longest life; and what has the shortest? That is a question which wall puzzle 'a,nybodY• Honors- cannot be claimed by the human, species in. either case. • Sir Ernest •Rutherford has juet awarded the palm for shortness, to Actinium A, whiCh lives for one-thousandtii part of a "second. This. length of life ,should satisfy the most confirmed.pessimist! And the longest?. It is 'not the toad (as ..some popularly -imagine), OT the carp, or the elenhant aged 300, or the whale aged 400. • It is mot even the oak --there is one at Paisley, Scot- land, over 700 years old, or the Baobab tree of Africa, which in certain cases is supposed to have topped 5,000 years. e Uranium, the parent substance Of p radium is probably the longest -lived substance we loiew af. Hew long, it e "lives".is hard to say'n„but s.orne idea Animals With Strange Scents. 1 shall never 'forget the, 'first tim that 1 .e.neonetered a, rattlesnake. I was tht 'Work 'with' another' lnan on a Florida melon 'patch .one hot morning, when lebacame conscious of, a curious oder pervading the, warn, still air., nd can .sinell cuilumber," I said, , "Then .watch ont!","replied my coin panden. "Most like it"'s a rattles," r"fil EDUC/TION it PulY Weller) r floantiai, Ines, Ont. FRIEN»S TELL IIU, II -HE IS LOOKI h Adv t e n OOP NC" eond Oen to 3Y DR, J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario nliddleton will be gad to answer questions on ters tbroUgh this oolulani. Address him "iit-SPiadflia Ho C-rescent, Toronto.t) 1111 mat- - SPUellnit •Next moment a scuinu; like the 'whir- "Folliaw-up work" is a twentieth to carry out in =her efforts en' behalf _ of Chad Welfare, Iler efforts are flat only needed in the se'nool, tut among, the children too young to attend school , to infants, and to the mothers S themselves. Home condittenS have to - be taken into account in the question at safeguarding the young, Edunution o must be brought intoplaY, Dee/lase there are many conditions leading to ill -health in the young that the mother ring one giant grasshopper came from among the thick green leaves. Up went the American's lioe and down witis a forcethat cut the dange,rous reptile Clean in two, ,"Yes- rattlers do smell just like freslecut cucumber," h , explained. "I don't know whether it's the 'P'elsoll Or What: but they're all'aillte." • , Everyone has. ''hettd, of the tticunk and "its friglitfullY Offehsive j)inler. ° But in the-slinnit Nat -ire has pro- vided 'the gland from which the ill. smelling fluid is ejected, simply as a means of'defence. The noleca.t Is also pese,es.sed of a most netectable sniell. But there are other ctea.tures the 'scents of widen are lose, easily ex- plained.- 'have U -Strange, mualnlike ador,,whicii is never forgot- "ten'by those -who 'silted it. Most fish have odors peculiar to thetnisielves, and I have heard fisher- men say that they can, even in the dark, distinguish one flab:from another by their scent. The herring, they de- clare, has the most pleai'ant smell of any sea' fish. That excellent -fisiti, the grayling, 'has a distinct and quite 'strong oder' of thyme, when fresh caught. This is so well recognized that the grayling is classified in the natural history books as "thythallias." Some insects ha' ve their own scents, The little brown wood ants smell of formic acid, and so strOng is the scent When a:nest is stirfed'up that it affects the eyes like a whiff from a bottle of smelling -salts. The fox's- odor is unmistakable; but it seems strange thiat Natatre has en- dewed- the creature with this peculiar property. Without it he would be much Safer fyoni-houn,dis; though, here, again, Nature works wonderfully, for vixen with, young seems to lose al- ineet entirely the dangerous scent. - Aroused At Last. A young fellow who was the crack runner of his village in England was unfortunate enough to have a very dilatory laundress. One evening when he was out for a practice run in his rather airy and ab- breviated track costume, he chanced to pass the laundry woman WilO at the time was a couple of weeks in ar- rears with his -washing. 1 -le had scarcely.reached home again hen the bell rang' furiously and, an xcited voice was wafted iu :roan the orch: "Please tell Master 1301) not to go ut no more till I can get his clothes ound to hint! of its duration may be gleaned froin the fact that it loses half its strength in five thousand million years. Imagine celebrating onesT5,000;000,- 000th birthday! After all, there is something in being human. "Scotland Forever." Lord Leverhulme tells of introduc- ing an American friend visiting him in Greg Britain to an old Sootchman. "From what land do ye cum?" ask- ed the Scot. ' "The, greatest in the world," replied the Yankee. "Puir bairn, ye've lost your accent," said the canny one. 1' The ticking of a clock in a wireless station in Bordeaux, France, can be heard distinctly in Wellington, New Zealand, where Dominion, time is syn- chronized daily with Greenwich -time via France, mrarentresra, aLialseerv,-,.,--sztlevsmapwrast- Double -Drive Locomotive With Boiler in Centre. Very unusual in design, at least as far as this .country is concerned, ip a locomotive built in England for use in South .Africa. The object ef the de signis to -obtain the greatest possible power for any given weight allowance. A very even distribution of the weight over the axles is obtained by placing the boiler between twe'driVing Sys- tems, which are in connection with a tender at each encl. centuryplousien It is the way of de f • tt• .1-' • t scribing met nes o- a at ,ing -wen ' . • tieth century -pao. lem in t•weittat century 'way.: Lloyd George ltad thr nietliod m v , st sin -nine" in d,ea.1 question.ing with the Jrdsh When King George at the opening of th Ulster Parliament in Juno last, made his historic appeal for the warring factions _in Ireland to "Forgive and Flileget," Lloyd Gearge promptly started "Ielleiw-up work by arrang- ing conferences and negotiationbe- tween the Ulsterists, and Sinn Fein- , e s and the Britigh Government. The momento.as happenings in Ireland during the pas,t few clays shows the wisdom of the Prime Minis-ter's pro- cedure, Not only in affairs of State, in safeguarding the civil and religi- ous rights of the peonle, but in the no less important vsark of safeguard- ing the healtinol the people is follow- ing uP necessary. lit all efforts to eliminate communicable diseases it is imperative to not only attack the diss • ea -se itself but to follow it to its origin and attack the conditions and surro-undings that help to prod -ace the disease. 'There rnust be a net -work ef activities for the Public Health' nurse or father does not realize until the matter is brought, to his or her atten- tion by the Public Health nu/see. Here in Ontario the principle of I follow-up is now being adopted in teheee,s:nidyse,:,,s;y7en, t of Public Health actiyity, It is the logical way—it is Birkenhead is taking a foremost place arnong 'English cities in this very im-portant work and the health nurse in that irty not only supervises the health of school children, but a_3_;, -so visits the home, sees •the conditions .underwhich people offers sug- gestions to the rnother or prospective mother and generailly acts the part cif the' good Samaritan in lending a help- ing hand to those in need. Similar work is urgently needed everyvvbere throughout this province at the present time. be- ing curio -us." , Curiosity is the natural reaching -out after knowledge. SeVellePOilltS for Parents. It is a shame to 551511) a child for It is a shame to suppress a child's spirits. Hlgh spirifs are the outward expression Of a happy life. It is a shanie -to compel a child to eat what it doesn't like. The best food does the body no good if eaten witir repulsion. Itis ashaine to deceive a child. De- ceit is learnt froin deception. 11 15 a sharne.to tease a child. Those children Who have never lost their tempers are those who have never been compelled, by teasing, to find thena, writes:—"I am -well satisfied with It is a shame to frighten a child. Bab s Own Tablets and 'w111 always S:w.colvalxi iileslceed.s' Of fear anti the harvest- use them for my little ones." The I Tablets are sold by medicine dealers It enaldisah sialtallte' to forget to remembbr or by mail at 25 cents a box from The that Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock - • — WORP:S.'H'OFHPRAISE:•:f04:. No medicine receives. such 'great praise front thankful mothers as do Baby's Own Tablets. Once a mother has used them for her little ones she will use nothing else. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative. "Illiey regulate the bowels and stomach; drive out constipation and indiges- tion; relieve celds and simple fevers; promote healthful sleep and make teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. Omer LeBleu, Madding -on Falls., Que., • ville, Ont. Reason Enough. A novel and ingenious explanation of the cause of a singer's cough was recently given by a warm -hearten "And how IS .Misther Jones?" be in- quired of one.,,of the singer's friends. "I -was hopinghe'd be-gi-ving a concert in the town ball whilst he was her e, SO Mrs's -Callahan and me could be favored to hear some more of his foine "He has a bad cough now," said the . 1, n w, that s too bad,' said Mr. McIntyre, with feeling; "but it's . no •akwander, all the seine. That sthrong voiee he has pressing on his loongs woad be apt to give him a cough now arid then, it's loikely." A Private Affair. Mother—"Did you tell God how naughty you have been?" ,Eisie—"No, meninta,; 1. thought it better not to let it get out of the family." • Shielding a fool from the fruits of his folly is fostering hit foolishness. Hidden Phone. Persons who object to having the j•one around in sight inay bouse'the 'instrument in a new piece of furni- ture which is a combination seat and table. The phone is_ entirely hidden in, a tiny closet when not in use, A few :COAVS1 of trees on the side of the, prevailing winter wind a wild make a world of differeece in, the comfort of 'the farmstead. et tills strength for y That famous ready -to -eat food;Grape-Nuts, charms the appetite Withits rich, sweet flavor— But it is more than an appetizing food. Grape -Nuts is the perfected goodness of whole wheat and malted barley flours, scientifically prepared to pro- vide tissue, bone and nerve with the needed food elements. Served with cream or milk, Grape -Nuts is completely nourishing. Splendid as a breakfast dish, delightful and sustaining a lunch—always ready when you're ready. You can have this economical, health -building food, by an order to your grocer today. Grape-Nuts—the Body Buil.d.er "'There's a 'Reason" • Moonlight. 'VVhen, I lie awake in the silent night And the clock ticks*loud in the hall, A brush that is dipped in silver light Paints pictures rare on my wall; Dark clustering leaves are sharply -," etched ; ' And delicate tangles of vines, Faces of dryads a,nd fauns are sketched Anti feathery branches of pinie. The night wind blows and the dryads dance, And the pointed hoofs of the fauns In and out of the shadows glance On the turf of woodland lawns, And the snowy arms of a najad. shine From the foam of a waterfall, For the man in the moon is an artist line And draws on my chamber wall. ----Mina Irving Minard's-Linimerrt Relieves Neuraigia Develop Sense of Phythra Through the Pronograph. That a great musical movement is afoot in Canada was affirmed by Dr. A. S. Vogt, Dr. James L. Hughes, an,d Mr. Duncan McKenzie, at the close of a fascinating demonstration of educa- tional p.honegraphi records at the To- ronto Conservatory of 11-Insic recently. The hall was fined to full capacity and the audience of teachers and friends listened with intense interest as it was shown how children in the junior grades could be introduced to the best music through the use of re- producing machines. Mr. Duncan McKenzie, 'director of music of the Toronto schools, suggest- ed to those in attentclance that they tell others of these demonstrations, as this one had been an inspiration to ihim, and he luiew that the course would be a joy and an inspiration to all teachers. Dr, Hughes, ex -Chief Inspector "ot Toronto schools, spoke of the need of spiritualizing the body through physi- cal culture, by having it develop beauty as well as -physical strength. The suggestion in beautiful music could be used to bring this about. Dr: Vogt, Principal of the Toronto Conservatory of Music, expressed his appreciation of the movement to de- velop the sense of rhythm in young children through the phonograph. Ile also pointed out that if Canadian children had the opportunity of hear- ing the interpretation of the great masters, they would be as mueical as any children in the World. - Cuts Own Thread. The inventor of a nem machine screw claiins it will cut its own thread in cast iron or any softer metal with - mit requiring the metal to tapped, Claimed as the tinie.st -capital in the world, Tulagi, the administretive, centre of the Solomon Islands, con- tains thirty while peaPle and a .fewl Chinese. tesut No. 23-----`22. Electrician Had Stomach Trouble So Bad He Could Not Eat EnoUgh to Worh stores H Regularly—Him, anlac e. am one Irian who will go Ont of my way to recomutencl de Oaf ed Jan es Labue 22 Monet St., Montreai, Quebec, electrician for ,the 'Montreal Light, Heat and Power Co. "I clen't believe inclige,stion cap get much worse than I had it. I had such awful attacks I had 'to'talte to in bed and I was forced to lose considerable time from my work. The gas on my stomach was awful, and I reached the pc -int where I was almost afraill,to eat and was losing weight right along. "But things took a turn for the bet- ter before 1 finial:led my first bottle of Tanlaeand in a nionth'e time 1 was feeling like a different persion. I have been built up in every way and my friends all tell nes, I am the very pic- ture of health." 'Pandas is sold by all goad druggists- Advt; Forgiveness. Love that weal& only pluck the rose, So short of sight, forsooth, Who but 011 thornless pathways goes Knows nothing 'beyond youth. But love, -that torn shuns not thethorn That 'midst most roses lives, Finds joy, both ageless, and newborn, Each time that he forgives! --(1-11iirlette Becker. MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen you get your money back. Economy. "Now, Gretty," feebly began the in- - valid, "I'm feeling Considerably better this morning, and I reckon I'll get up for a spell." "Lon,d o' Qideon, no!" eja.culatecl his wife. -"There's mighty nigh half of that bottle of medicine left that I paid a dollar for. You stay right there in bed till you've took it all!" Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere No Rush. "Mother, our school has a' neiv class on deportment." , "Indeed! Then what is your arm "doing on the supper table?" "Oh, but we don't start 'till next week." Bayi gi Tells How Cuticura Healed Fier Scalp "I was troubled with a scalp trouble for several weeks. It broke but in pimples and my hair fell out. My head itched arid burned a great deal. I fried different remedies with- out success. I saw Cuticura Soap and Ointment advertised and sent 'for a free sample whicb helped me. I purchased more, and after using one cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Marian Bayington, Prentiss, Maine, Feb. 27, 1921. Keep your skin clear by using Cuticura Soap and. Ointment for every -day toilet purposes and Cuti- cura Talcum to powder and perfume. Bathe with Cuticura-Soap, sand hot water. Before bathing, touch pim- ples and itching, if any, with Cuti- cura Ointment. Dry and dust lightly with Cuticura Talcum, a powder of fascinating fragrance. Sample Eschrree by Mail. Address; l•Lymatio,t1m. • tied, 315 St. Paul St, W., Montreal.” Sold every- . whore. Soap 25c. 0 intment 25 and 50c. Talcum 25c, 211/rCuticura Soap shaves without mug. a re Cati, 51358 3,‘,.,3\r`r1=1-1 F1At (11.".A rslzg:11:v:itmo,:tratm a c. osp tat, Cille11, • 'WEW04,, 411'11„ T4D. '411Iuw4ttnte, For int ori40310 „lit for a 'weeltly nevif.t61##3t1,"-Ol tarlo. "Priemust he attranAlre,' 8,0nd 1:,1111. intortn,,ttlon 10 \Vilnon Int1)11s11ing (-24,Ltd, 75 Adelaide flt. tV Toronto, BELTING FEIR S ri1l7LIBIASIllitIrl BELTS.t\,..N.D ).1ne 't3111pneti suhject to attpro at lowest prices in Canada. 'York Belting Co., 575.York '1,0ronta. Ont. ' .. , 1,11e and helps' Inc' to exter'naliz'e it ill Ile who t•eveals to me -what is iia fuller terms of self -trust, is my real helper; for lie assists me in the birth of those things i.r.1-iicl) he knows are in me° and in all mee_____av. Jana Murray, - 0. 'M ePla ers , 11'urni-cllro Deaer, Undertaker, Armstrong, B.C. Nlinard'.s Liniment Go., Ltd Yarmouth, N.S.: Dear Sirs,—Since the start of base- ball season we have bean hindered with sore Muscles, sprained anklee, etc., but just as soon as we started using Minaret's Linirnerit our troables ended. Every baseball player should keep a bottle of , out linlinent handy. Vouas truly, W. E. McPherson, Secretary ot Armstrong High. School Ba-sebani Team COARSE' 8 -ALT I— A N -D'IS A L T Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. .I., CLIFF • TORONTO Pidneer Dog Ilonxed.teral nook or,:i DOG DISEASES ri.nd Row to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad. dress by the Author. Clay Glo•rrei 529 West 24th Street New York, U.S.A. BEFORE BAB COMES Watchful Care Necessary • Lydia E. PinIthant's Vegetable Compound is a splendid medicine and should be taken by the expectant leether. It will assist Iter' in1teti:. ,ing well and strong. Thia is- veryi necessary, not only for her own cora. fort hut for the future as well. Read the experience of Mrs. Bar- ton of New Brunswick, and please bear in mind that every -letter pub- lished recommending Lydia E. Pink- hant's Vegetable Coihpound is genuine and unsolicited. -It is the expression. of gratitude from women. who have been helped. Cumberland Bay, N. B,—"I was troubled with weak feelings, head- ache, all the tittle, a cough, fainting spells and pains in my back and side. I could not do a single bit of work and had to- be helped out to, the hammock where I lay ir the fresh air from morning until night and I had to be carried up and dawn. stairs. After other Medicines had failed a friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinitham's Vegetable Com- pound as she said it was excellent for anyone in, the family way. Bes Inc -the 15TSI, bottle was taken I could walk alone and as I kept on with it I got Stronger, until I was able to do all my work. lVfy baby is noW six weeks old and is a big fat healthy fellow. I am sure Lydia E., Pinkhanns Vegetable 'Compound has done wonders for me and I -recom- mend it."! ----Mits. lionnay J. BAnaonn R. R. No. I, Cumberland Bay, N. B„. WARNING! Say "l3ayer' when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" bn tablets, you are not get- ting Aspirin at all. Accept ,only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by,. niillions for Colds Hreaciache Rheurnaflsin e Neuralgia 'Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pai=,,f hnildy "Bltyer" boxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles oi 21 Ampleiri le Ms crari neirk. Oregki oeod 10 canteen 01 re Yeer 11 elifue10're Of It', p1e- ehe1114r,toee1e1' 01 Sn110111ereeld. While lt is 14.00,ey. het 1 :0e1)}"11 1501 0 11000oottire. to 30910- (110 noblie 0101o2t totitottOmp, ot 00 iSillbe et:tamed With' their teneral tratI.0 loath, i l"lliayet es'.9'."