The Exeter Times, 1922-6-22, Page 1iq ;411 ORTY.,SECOR D' YEAR—No; 2278. EXETER, O NT., TRURS Ili illllllllll1111 I 1xo Ili 11111111 I I I II{{{IIIIIIiIIIilillll{{I11{I1lIillillllillglilllllil{I{ fi i_ NIIiIIillll I{Illill 1 1 _. , I��IpN I 111.11{ Illlfl{hlllllifll.�: rec al changes 1 b etri 'the aqLkfSeS of istudy &a the _High Schools have made necessary a ;new method of pro- = motion. from form to norm.' A l,st iS published o1, those to whom the staff are ready to grant complete`promotioan as-i.nolicatu1?; ' .Ire amount.. of promo- tion, :sonic others will receive will de- = .pearl upon the alio,t ing these .anti = dates make gat the Departmental ex - does not end when you have bought a Front <' Lacing • 1 "cr You must be satisfied. If it goes not give you'styleto make You happy; if it 'does not 8a you sive comfort beyond P rice ; if it Y does not give you a .wearing service that; alone justifies its cost, return it. There not a corsetiere in our corset department , but!v 1 i l take a personal pride in your ._., satisfactioh. s. anda Ong - Y °ENI, G, JUNE 22nd., 1.922 ehool a ort F-proinated in Preach L-proiuot- .� 'id in, Liit:in, •13 -promoted- in, both,. . L orin T; to 11. . others to::'. be ,granted cothh plete or o P , ihalrtia'' 1)TOrnOt.Io;rt upon 12ceiflt o�1 L. S. rlstzlts, Abbott, Mae 13.,I Acheson, Ciarles�;F,; Aldwort11, Mat - ;u ,ra'e 8.;; �,lexaader, AI'v;n Br;, A.n- drv. glvirz ;B , Andrew Ruth B., 13ea- E George, B, Campbell, trees, C G n bel Charles ri:haW ed ; Grant ? rd `re c __-.� , n �. B;, 1. ,.. Fred ..d I . Gard n..:r ''i ]si' 13.,Gilfillan John .I J J.: ,. ✓.r Gitida ten, Charles B;, Gower, lierrrian R. iareb,, Leana.rct, hackney, Marguer- .=• ita 13" ;Hamilton, Elizabeth' B.; Har- rison, 'Osc'ar B., Hodgson, Herman B.., Itentsr, .;Hiotrard -13., Jory„ Ruth . B. h estie, Hazed L,,, Kuntz, Ella B., �1i;- t r, Ivlaud 13., P�ollaery, -Harvey, B,.., Prydc Tony B., RoulstorU, Verne B. ,Dorothy' B,,; Thonisouh;' Garfield.• ., Tuck y, Bruce: F.(ec;ept• Alg•) VoWase fain ; Wanda B., W"2the,i Eleben, B Wood, Olive B. 11, to 111. ()thaw na_m;es to follow i'.or partial,- = o. ,compl•..te Promotion :when the Low- er Sclx•oo1 results are received,- l\ldi,- o t", 'Edward, Chri,stii Celia'. Crzecih, Ruby F., Farquhar, ?;aur ce 13., Fulta�'. Lula F., Glfi'.!an, 'Mary 13., E-Iaist Lloyd' B., 1-Iarv�c., Florence R H'eaman, Fred 13o Hodgson, Cecil 13 Ilogarth janlai, Harney, ,11a ,B., Horn,- ey, I-lary 3: - Rr1 g1 t,,, •Labra, Medd I 111e' B �Iu11s, Trueman, Neil„ \Eain-- c , Sanders,' Grant B., Snell, Lilla;B., Stan?�ury,.Itenneth 13.; Statham'', Lyle TJ1c .son Pearl "B., Tuckey, Benson, F. Wood's:;Via::on B., Yellow,; Tom. ammo We are local selling agents for the celebrated Gossard and Nemo Cor- sets. We carrya large stock of the.most popular styles in these brands as well as Other, "lines such as Crompt on's La Grace also D & A brand. We have models to'suit every figure. G ossard Brassieres in new` "Styles at 75c and $1.25 each. Two Big Bargains in Men's Fine Shirts Lot' No. 1, 5 dozen mems' fine Negligee Shirts in good materials and patterns, soft- double cuffs. " Siz es 14 to 16,. "a;:"real bargain: this week at $1.25 each Lot'No. 2, 7 dozen men's fine Shirts, heavy material, with pattern woven right through. Sizes 14 to 16 i/i very special value at $1.50 each. Come here for all styles of Outing Shoes with leather or rubber soles, colors white, brown, black and white,- trimmed with black. Fleet -foot or Life Bouy brands:. - Store closes Wednesday afternoon during; June July and August. PHONE 32 111111111111111111111N11111111111 I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIiIIIIII11111111N11i1111 I I11{Illllllllllllfllfllll I ��iilllllllllllllllllllllll I , ... I IIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIiII PHONE 32 WINS FURTHER HONORS ® 4Mr. Fred. Kerr. of Crediton, car- ried off further honors at the East- er•n Canada Trap Shoot held in.Ham- - iltondast week. He was third in the singles championship event breaking .=. 195 olit -of':ZOO/ S. Vance, of Tillson- burg was first with 198.'s. In the dis- tance`'handicap Mr, Kerr.' tied with another shooter for third:: place) Both Mr-. Kerr' and R. D. Bell, ofHeusail, - were successfulin getting inside the prize motley: • � 7• G 4CS,Cx4l,lx' I;R„ 1311.,3 T :, Mr'. Geo. Godbolt of the London Road south, .'met with an accident on Saturday last'at Mr. Camtn's, of town{ ▪ which might have been attended with ,1 mamma more serious . results.: Mr. •Godbolt was cutting wood" with a, gasoline en- gine and, cicular saw. He endeavor- ed to pull offs the belt while the en- gine was in motion and he was drawn in. The engine' was on the wagon at the time and Mr. -Godbolt struck the wagon just as .the belt broke. He received a nasty crack in the jaw and also in the ankle and was stunned for the time/ Medical aid was sunlmon- ed and "`it was found that no bones were broken. ; --, SCOTCH DOUBLE TOUIFINEy 6b0: Hot V10ea.ther Hard. ware or Hot Weather „USE_ A. NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVE $21.50 $26\ 00 $34.09 OVENS' $6.25• and UP WICKS 40c Repairs kept r in stock Screen Doors etc. Screen Doors $2.15 Complete. Screen Windows 35, 50 and 60c Screen Wire 20c a yd and up, Screen Door Hinges 25c Screen Door 'Springs 1Oc Screen Door Holder 25c • Rubber Garden Hose 1.3c AND 18c PER FOOT Lawn Mowers FROM $9.00 TO $141.00 a"li's; rIIONJ3s 27 1 ..STRAWBERRY. FESTIVAL—On- "Thursday, June 22nd, on the Lawn of the Trivitt`' Memorial -Church, Good Program, Tea served from 6.30 p.' m. Admission 30c, children 150. BORN , ROBINS—In"Hibbekrt, op June "15th, to' Mr..'and Mrs..Rd. Robins,;.'a 'daughter. DIGNAN—In Hensall, on: •Tii•Iday, June "9th, to Mr. "and. Mrs, David. Dignan, a" son. BELL—In Hensall, on Sunday,' June 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell, of Windsor, a son. Mr. and Mrs: Sam'1 Bagshaw, of Toronto, are visiting the former's brother, 1VIr. Win. Bagshaw. Major W. J. Ileaman and the boys who have been attending • camp at London -returned home on Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis and daugh- ter; of London, visited, over .Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis. Mr. Will J. Brooks, of Crystal City Man., was' married in Winnipeg on June 1st to Miss Christene McLellan,, also of Crystal City. Mr. J. Newcombe and brother,"Mr. Frank Flintoff,:"of Stratford, visited. Mr, and 1V1rs. E. Howald this week. Mr. Flintoff is leaving for Milwaukee. The Times acknowledges an invita- tion from Huron. County Council to be present at their annual picnic to be held at Bayfield on Friday, June 23. The "Divine Healer"' who has been practicing at Crediton and who has, received much publicity from London and Toronto papers has moved to Claudeboye, Among those from j-lurond<ale who took in ztho. Greyhound excursion" to, Detroit were Misses H, and N. Keddy L'n � • 11, li ds 1 , ttt Ox et' oI , D. Dew, E. VlitchelI and Alvin Moir, The third annual Scotch Double Tourney was- held;: on Wednesday of last week under' Most favorable- wea ther conditions and; the greens were in fine shape. , Thirty-two pairs of bowlers were present, thirteen of them coming, from the various Lon- don. .clubs, ten front Exeter, four from Seaforth 'and single pairs from other places. Four, games of twelve ends each were pr'ay'ed, and five pairs succeeded in'Whining all 'four gainer as follows: Rath • and Ross, London Thistles, plus 42; 'Reid and Jarvis, London Elmwoods;; plus 24; Rivers and Anderson, Exeter, plus 27; Hill- ier and. Hillier;• London Thistles, plus 28; l3razier and Cornelius, McClarys, London, plus 20. The four high pairs played -off for the prizes. The finals began about ten p.m. and re- sulted in Rattian'd Bloss defeating Hillier and Hillier 17 to 8, winning the South Huron , trophy: and first prizes; IIilli.el and hillier being a - warded second. prizes. The third prizes went to,Rivers andk adeisoi2,• who defeated Reid and Jaivis 15`to' 12.. The latter were awarded fourth prizes. 0 WELL :[KNOWN RIPPEN .FAR.MER 1 ACCIDENTLY SHOT Thos. Doig, aged 44, a well known farmer of Itippeu, was instantly ki1- led on Friday morning in one of the saddest shooting accidents ever known in Kippen.' Mr. Doig started from his honie':about two miles fh•orn ICippen early iii the morning to bring hone the cattle. He took his shot- gun along,t hoping to get a enhance at groundhogs which had been reported in the•pasture:. Passing through a gate near the baro the trigger caught on the side of ..n charge of heavy shotthe ga :enteredteaIiisd bothe- dy and tore a terrible wound in his side and chest: His body was found by his •brother. The deceased is Sttr- vived by three brothers, Andrew and William Doig, in Tuippen, and ,Alex- ander in Windsor, and `one sister,;, Mrs. Siiitpsaii, • of Freeport, ;It Was 1 decidededecided.that an i z attest was unneces sary, MASONIC; ORDER ArLTENDS DLV- INI; SELI.VDDE IN CEN'i'R LIA Willie members of 1 'banon bores Lodge A. F. & A. M. motoredto Cen- tralia on Sunday evening and assem- bling on the parsonage lawn marched to the handsome new clhur•ch where they listened to a very eloquent ad- dress by the pastor, Rev, A. Sinclair, Included with the brethren were a number of visitors and altogether there were about 65 present' brethren occupied the centre pews of the church. ' 'Jie auditorium was fil- led<for the occasion. -The choir furn- iched' some excellent tnusic their singing being greatly appreciatede The pastor took for his text 2 Cor. 3, part of the loth and 16th verses, "As a wise master builder I have ve Iaiel the foundation and another bililcleth thereon,"ICnow+ ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of th God dwe le'?p l in You?" He said that man is a,' builder and has been Since the dawn of creation. Abraham builded cities; David a palace; Sol- omon a temple; Nehemiah a wall Man has builded front the rude hut and bark canoe to the stately man- sions and large ocean greyhounds. Life is a ,building and man at every age deep in his soul, wants to make the best of himself. The bigness of the task challenges us •in youth. Of foremost importance is the founda- tion. \3Ve.look at, a tall building and in imagination we think of the foun- t dations deep down in the earth Th r t. e man who builds on therook is wise, but the man who builds on sand is foolish. Some build on wealth and material' things but if these are the important things then honor„ truth'. and justice must go Those who build on material things are building 's reputation butthey may be build- ing on the sand. There is only one foundation and that is faith in God. Faith is more than :vision, it is im- pulse, it is action, it serves. When God enters the human life it is as, though an unseen hand is placed on the helm of the ship and directs it over the right course, opening up channels for power. The next essential is good work- manship. It is not what, we do but how we do it that tells- The virtues of the widow's mite was not in the mite but in the spirit of the ict. It is not•the cup of cold water that the' Savior commends but the service.' It. is this spirit that determines whether the building ,shall 'be .-a. 4? tem le,.'r:a p shack-. There Is too much veneer; too much of the inferior that goes in to' life's building. In ever 'sta Ystage of life thequestions s k are asked, Is he 1 honest? is he a man first' last and all the time? is he on the square and can he be depended upon? The speaker said that the temple at Jerusalem was builded ' without the soundof hammer or chisel. The work was; chiseled and fitted in the quarry and ; the structure went -to- gether ; without a sound. All life must fit into other life. There is no independance upon life's high seas. True life 'will exhibit the spirit of DISCOVER COFFIN N f 0it.ON A;7 )l'N'1" ' ()Oa"r""ll.0 \,117 3 I1Id?�I q,9135 II\r. S'TEAI) 01 COI3PSE (Long )U Advertiser) Goderich, June 18th -- \'lystery cloaks the burial near Dungannon, a week ago 'Thursday, of a ,eupposed "corpse" landed from the steamer+ "Greyhound,"`ar:riving that day from Detroit, 'Michigan, to convey a party, of •xcu•sionists to Detroit and re turn, With : suSpieipris subsequently a- roused; License Inspector Pellow and `lfighv Constable, `V\hitesides, it is re- ported, condiicied an iirlprompto ex- cursion xcursion of theirotvn, out to the cem- etery, where, with a sinister and al1 the costo ar funeral - nl y In e al rites the bur- ia1 had been held, That their curiosity was duty re- warded ted, is the report here today. 'CTn- earthing the "coffin" the officers, 11 is related, pried open the lid ailia en- countered a substantial consignment of choice liquors, shipped it is sup- posed from Windsor. Just -whom to suspect as _the cosh- signee of the shipment is causing the officers not a, little meditation: at this moment, however, and the undertak- er, minister and others who partici- pated in the aitic:ipatedinthe burial proceedings, are evincing complete surprise over the discovery. ;JUNIOR, I+''t^tIt1LI'li5 ;I'IR"OM: ?Mil) DLESE_X VISIT HURON 4A -party of nearly one hundred Junior Farmers from the County of Middlesex- traveling in about twenty autos visited Exeter on Tuesday in; a tour of Huron County They made a stop at Mr. Victor Hogarthis and inspected his chickens and they also visited the excellent herd of Short- horns on the farm of Mr. H. Sinith From Exeter they motored to Clinton and Goderich spending the night at the latter place- On Wednesday they returned by the lake shore and, visited,tlie fruit section around Thed ford. exil'Iti1? T i'Duris,g tilt elec i° c ytortxi t i day evening last "the ligl,ttsllir; bar out ail electric motor at Hie 1.xtlt, Crealiie1' , 'The loss will he ah $100. inuring the stor,n on the, 1 uh•cta,r eveniz?b pz't.v.01. tO' bvdi thau'larmer <'t the ' 1 11 cry ,':1 .pi out of btzsiuess caalsiu " a1 1' . boui;;$200 to tflrti i,ui'Ii,,. EJtilttji Commission. �ld,(',l �5lilll S' 11113 ",O('3 -11: `i he Scra,wberry '"estival 1'' lel o 11 1, wn of Main St ebtar !, by i;xiff„! Iladies Aid was Ile :-'rrccess'ul, Pro- ceeds in the neighborhood of ,$10J; '1 Oe Sunday 'Schoolhi provided clelight-' ftil 1&111sic and through the ' hindnea t4 of 11lr. 3,r..1. Deer 1,110SO present we z0 treated to music from the radio. Miss -Vera Jolles has returlregl aloe t' 1 I• � _arilt: - S I�lttarci Aohnuil. /11ir. V;renborne khan rc;sit ped his' position with the Bairn. of Commerce and will leave the first of next month for Toronto ',where be has secured another positioy Bowling tournaments are heir), held to -day (Wednesday) in Lond011, St. i'larys, Listowel all; Goderieh, Exeter bowlers will be present at, al! - four tournaments.' l 1VIr.,and Mrs. A. E.-h"u1h11 and test children, of I%errobert, Sask. are .l o'!.-. idayiiig, with relatives at. ;Crediton!'' and visited in town on Saturday last, Mr. Kuhn was former'1lianager of the•,. Canadian Bank -of Comerce in town.,.^ The following is a partial, school fair dates for Intron d'otmty, for 1922. Grand Bend, Sept. 7th E;{; Crediton, Sept. Sth;: Zurich. Sept`: i•. 1lth; Clinton, Sept. 12th, dlyfi1;'a Sept. 20th; Varna, Oct.• 2nd; l)asir wood, Oct. 3rd; Winchelsea,. Oct. 4112 Mr,_ Garnet Frayne, of the Themes Road, left on Friday last for Winn' peg and a trip through the west- tIr Frayne has suffered .t quite ' lot front 1 I asthma and hay fever and is t,king this trip in the interests of his•r health, :: r Storge Battery Will :receive thet oe�� care,.:: �o-matt r what mak it ts, e' Will gladly teait for yon free any time. J BEES �. PHONE 9.;. atisfaction ervzce friendliness and of brotherliness. A chance for those, who were not' in on our last BIG SALE. One Sat The speaker repeated the poem "Let urday, June 24th, with every purchase of 1.00 or, over of our "QUALITY me live in the house ti • the side "� Q , y °f BEEF” we will give either 1 lb. of our Pure Park Sausage or 1 Ib, of the road -and be a friend to man. Bologna as before. The fourth essential is fidelity to detail, said the speaker. It is being faithfulto your job when no one "Choice Spring Lamb_ for this week -end:" is watching you. The ` everyday A full line of Smoked and Cured meats. Have your Bacon and Cook - devotion; to the days work bringsed meatsMachine sliced. The only satisfactory way,any thin es s yon life's structure to completeness. desire. In commenting 'on the order the. speaker said he had often heard it remarked that the order is very sec ret. Where is the civil or religious or ganiz ttion`ihat has not its secrets? asked the. speaker.' =` Every well or ganizecl family or government -has its secrets, '• Think of the hearts .:'that have been gladdened and the destit- ute that have been relieved by your 'society. The Bible is the Mason's book. Bythe aid of its light work out your problems to a helpful and succeessful conclusion.' The critical will judge of your institution by the fruit it hears. Above your concep- tion of the spirit of relief andtruth stands the brotherhood of Jesus Christ. On the return to the lodge room ei:ertif j 11?•iiHIT' s moved to the pastel., the choir and the Board of Trustees. , `VEE TOTS PICNkICED The teachers of the Primary class Of the Main street Sunday school en- tertained the wee tots to a happy pic- nic on the church lawn on Saturday afternoon last. , The teachers of the Ja.mes St. Primary also entertained their scholars on Tuesday afternoon. 113 7:I( II?tll, CLERKS ORGANIZE A picnic Of the municipal Clerks and Treasurer of the Count,* of Hur- on. vitas held in Goderich reeehitly. An association was . torriied with the following officers: President, C E. McDonough, Ashfield; 'Vide Presi- dent, J. E.: Harnwell, Stanley; Sec- retary, A. Porterfield, East VV isva- nosh Treasurer, J. ltingland, 13,ullet; Executive, The above offiem 1s 'arid Messer8. Wilson, Soafortli; Erwin, Bayfield; • :itl<.cl7analcl Carey' and Sen- ior, of Exeter. We close Wednesday afternoon, but open, every River's, M,e:t ar ight• WHERE QUA.LIAY IS I-IIGHER THAN PRICE .._.IlilllililifiiiiliilllliMill1111![iliiiiliiiiiiiiiilliililliiliiiii(lifiiiiili(iiiiillii E Mairette To Farmers Feeding Pigs WE HAVE A VARIETY OF FEEDS A.ND`, WIS'EI TO ME.sTION ESPECIALI:Y OUR GHEA7' 1VlI ED CIIOP WHICH IS VERY STI1T .A"ELE FOR FEEDING AND FINI'SI-IING YOUR GROWING ' PIGS. DO NOT ALLO\V Y01311 1.10GS TO GO TO MARKET LLGHT INiDior-:1T AS `I'I-IERE IS AT PRESENT PRICES :FV_ PRO- FIT OF, FIV CENTS A LB, To BE rt DDrl d)N T11E M. COMIJ IN ANl) ;SEE OUR, P.EIEi)S. a �:IIIiIIIkliiiilllflllQi�Illiliflll��lfl4lk11�11111&1111011(111111111111111! romp 1,!