The Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-01-21, Page 9Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - Page A9 Parents demand action on childrens' mental health services I listened carefully last week when par- ents of children with mental illness held a press conference at Queen's Park plead- ing with the Ontario government ,to act on providing more services for these children and youth. The parents who addressed those assem- bled were from large urban centres like London and St. Catharines. They shared their own personal stories of frustration in dealing with a system that does not seem to communicate well with each other or with parents looking for help. London Parent Sean Quigley put it this way; "The health system doesn't work with the education system, which doesn't work with the social services system, which does not communicate with the jus- tice system. And we parents, we navigate these systems all the time." The Huron —Perth Centre for Children and Youth has been sounding its own the alarm bells to alert the public and govern- ment that the rural face of providing ser- vices for Huron -Perth children with men- tal illness is in crisis. In an interview with Terri Sparling, the chief executive of the Huron -Perth Cen- tre for Children and Youth, she impressed upon me that there is no in-patient psychi- atric care for the most seriously affected children in the four counties of Grey, Bruce, Huron and Perth. • When children in crisis are turned away from hospitals the burden falls on the par- ents to care for their children. This results in stress as parents miss work and go in to financial debt in order to help their child. "We need beds! That's a priority, but we also need to impress upon the public and government that we are stretched to the maximum. As we are spending considerable time dealing with the most severe cases that Web site returns teemed Crimea signal -star staff After a year on the back burner, the Com- munity Development Partnership Committee will be once again accepting requests for pro- posals (RFP) for a new town Web site. The change comes as part of the commit- tee's Market Godetich initiative, and will also involve RFPs for a strategic planning consul- tant as per Communities in Transition (CTI') funding guidelines. Committee chair Myles Murdock said the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade strongly encourages the use of consultants for the implementation of their grant money, and will give direction to the CDP's projects. "It helps you focus on where you're going and what you want to do," ho said. Though the provincial government has yet to confirm the CTT funds for Goderich, Mur- dock said the Web site and the Market Goder- ich project will go through even if the commit- tee has to foot the bill itself. "We consider these two things important so the CDP will fund them if we don't get money for that," he said. It is a time for reflection and review in mu- nicipalities, as Goderich and the county are reviewing their Official Plans and Sustainable Hurn examines the well-being of residents. should be in hospital getting twenty-four hour supervision and medica- tion, those children with less. severe conditions are kept waiting," she added. The waiting list cur- rently stands at an over- whelming two hundred and twenty. At a time when Ontarians are paying a premium to ensure services aren't just provided but enhanced and co-ordinated, is simply unacceptable. One "luxury" rural communities have over urban ones is that because the servic- es looking out for children and youth are few the coordination between us is easier. "We celebrate a network of caring and de- pendable local partners in Huron -Bruce, and that provides us with some encour- agement, but we need more than that," she concluded. It's clear that we have dedicated indi- viduals working hard to identify children at risk and intervene as early as possible so that in order to help the kids improve their quality of life. That these same individuals should be hampered in doing their job to help our kids is disturbing. The response to the parents and the folks at the Huron -Perth facility from Children and Youth Services Minister Deb Mat- thews was that she has ordered a review of children's mental-health services in Ontario, and that the ministry is already implementing coordination for mental health services for children. For its part, in 2007 the federal' gov- ernment established the first ever Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC). The Children and Youth Advisory Com- • to town agenda Murdock said the CDP is looking to retain businesses as well as rethink the way jobs are done while the community responds to the aftermath of closures at Volvo and the slow down in the manufacturing sector. "These are the times," he said. "You can look upon them as woe is me or you can say this is the playing field now." . But, he admitted, change may not be in- stant. "You just don't get that plant that wants to come in and start with 150 people," he said. "It could be a couple years before anything of that magnitude happens." Murdock said the committee has been any- thing but idle, however, they do have to be careful given the uncertain state of the econ- omy. "We're trying to plan for the future," he said. "But we don't want to do it in a reckless fashion. To that end, the consultant RFP will be out by the end of the month. Murdock said he hopes to have that process completed before summer, and to begin work soon after that.. In the meantime, the committee is chang- ing their meeting tunes to every third Friday of each month, with the exception of May — which will be the fourth Friday because of the long weekend. mittee within the MHCC believes that identifying you in crisis early is of para- mount importance in order to improve their life trajectories, their productivity as Canadians, and reduce the prevalence of mental health problems in adulthood. In 2009, when the government can af- ford money to support bans on pit -bulls, junk -food, cell - phones, and smok- ing with an aim to saving lives, it can act quickly to re- lieve the burdens faced by parents and those working on the front -lines helping Ontario's children and fami- lies coping with mental illness. Things need to SHEAR TALENT(tW 4110011* for men & women 45 West Street GODERICH — Please call — Melissa or Debbie D. 519-524-6555 Walk-ins Wekome! change and change quickly. No promise of reports or further study from govern- ment is what's needed. What we need here in Huron -Perth is action to help our kids and relieve the burden of families and those on the front - lines. LUBE - OIL -.FILTER All Gas Powered Cars and Light Trucks X3300 Plus Tax Includes: EHE (Environmental handling charge), up to 5L of oil, Fluid Top Ups,' Exterior Car Wash. No Disposal Fees. Shuttle Service, McGEE Motors Ltd. Your Full Line GM Dealer 180 Suncoast Drive E. 519-524-8391 GODEtCH TOWN OF GODERICH MUNICIPAL CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE EXTENSION OF PARSONS COURT NOTICE OF COMPLETION THE PROJECT: The Town of Goderich is proposing to extend Parsons Court in order to service lands planned for industrial development in the community's southeast end. At this time, the Town has selected a preferred strategy for extending the roadway and for providing municipal servicing to the project site. The key components of this servicing plan are outlined below and illustrated on the attached key plan. Primary Components: • Extension of Parsons Court southwards approximately 520m to the municipal boundary. Municipal services would be installed within the new road allowance. The proposed road corridor also incorporates alignment modifications to mitigate potential construction -related impacts. • Construction of a sanitary sewer from the planned road extension to the Huckins Street trunk sewer. In the vicinity of the adjacent woodlot (Maitland Woods), the sanitary sewer would be installed via trenchless technology (e.g., directional drilling) to minimize the disturbance to natural features. • Provision of stormwater management facilities near the western limits of the study area to regulate the quality and quantity of stormwater being discharged from development sites into Maitland Woods and the Huckins Street drainage system. • Creation of a servicing easement between the proposed road extension and Huron Road. A distribution watermain and a sewer would be constructed within this corridor to service adjacent lands and to provide watermain looping. THE'ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS: The planning for this project is following the environmental screening process set out for Schedule B activities under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment. The screening process has been completed. There were no negative impacts identified with the proposed road project that could not be mitigated. Subject to any comments received os a result of this Notice and the receipt of necessary approvals, the Town of Goderich intends to proceed with this project. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT: An Environmental Screening Report documenting the environmental assessment process to date hos been prepared and is available for public review at the Goderich Town Hall (64 West Street) and the Goderich Public Library (65 Montreal Street) during normal hours of operation. Further information on the project moy be obtained from the Project Engineer: B.M. Ross and Associates, 62 North Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 2T4. Telephone (519) 524-2641. Attention: Scott Allen, Planner (e-mail: sallen@bmross.net). If environmental concerns arise regarding this project which cannot be resolved in discussion with the Town of Goderich, a person or party may request that the Minister of the Environment make on order,for the project to comply with Part II of the Environmental Assessment Act which addresses individual environmental assessments. Requests must be received by the Minister at the address below within 30 calendar days of this Notice. A copy of the request must also be sent to the consulting engineers at the address above. If there is no request received by February 20, 2009, the work will proceed as planned. Minister of the Environment 135 St. Clair Avenue 10"Floor, Toronto, ON M4V 1P5 This Notice issued January 21, 2009 kEYPLAN ewr,w lorry J. McCabe, Clerk/Administrotor Town of Goderich