The Exeter Times, 1922-5-18, Page 7Unclet'itife'Sea!
For a teniaeit ship Imlay tatheme uut
der the feta to catch on Ars seents'al-
Meet beamul the realtasor possibility,
But itaactually happened a short
time agoaeana in the fire two men
nearly lost their -lives.%
The sarti'llita' sank in fairly deep'
ater, off the lalorid,d coast, with a
hole in the bottom bt her hull where
she had strunk a drifting au, a
6spite an 'efforts to aitire her to tee
, o
tterras decided that the only way to about a lexity of mterais is one a the stanetuags 0 meta Y
get the beat Up Wa*S to P11111P e0111- great preeinat feting all public raised. Pitrification of the mind and
liressea air int° tile hull, andHealth, officials and work f be.tlY'ef scaielY is what IS needed' hut
the water out. If that could he doe, 's or. 8°- how can this be done? By increasing'
Mal betterment at the pree-ent tirrke. the ,meret streagth and decreasing
she would float to the surface.
Two ,divers went down and, climb. professor J. A, Dale of TorOnto Unit- moral' weaknesa. Apart from the
ing tete the ship througbethe hole in versity in referring' to the campaign I cl't a tendencies of the indi-
the hull stopped up all cracks in the new being waged against venereal vidual, there afe many influences
hold with oiled oakum, This was a disease' in this province cites several that undontitedly bring about a lower-
eimple mater as the large hole that influences that may tend towards a Mg' of morals, Ilheee anfluences are
sank her was on -the bottom and would
not be stopped itp. Air pump-
ed in Would be only able'. to escape
through any holes in the. tap. •
But after air &all been -pumped into
the, ship, replateing .the `water in- the
Main hold she still would not conic up.
There wets a leak somewhete, and the
stJr was .escaping. -too fast far, their
Provincial -Boardtof 'aleattla Ontario' glad to answer questions on „Public Health mat,
ters through this column. Adttress him at Spedina I4ouse, Spaclina
. ,Cre'sceet, Toronto.
surfece, sae had refused. to move, The ,causes or influences that bring
thet ,Par allar latitudtl, whIell would itien. It war produced on a large scale!
, . . Mfg' BROC
ineao, that the -re -1,$ n4 °:-';;ee's8 of Inaes incidental/a to the (Heti/laic:1n of• e°41 6 "
acting oll the itellallititin, Sect e re- for toatiortdurtn,g, tbe war, -;--the ,toluel
fillit., WOUld zoSpiut,ely preclude the, 'being :reqpired fol." the mftpufacturd:pf , LINED,„oN vic
.... , , .., . ,.
presenee of nil 91 Vie in the rOok fo17--, high explosives—and since then the . '• .•
itta,tion, Tiles is rUi'elY something output of. benzol has been continued.- ,
werth Ittnewlflg. to the, prospector or ggea Be.aeil trials have, been ,,TrIzoo at
cOMPanY ahciut to driil fer all or gas; mixtures tentottittg oleo -bob httetseue, .
.aeli'c 4.rtt.o tnal$-.P4ailttl$'1"1144!1-
on:tt:pueror, oanad, Vuleant,x,eg'.Lo
It seems a far, eat*. that tee .pendu- sulphuric acid and even castor oil; car,r1 ofertgrliae, tr'N'r?0,t1!'),'0
' 1"!1,i1sTor,11-tiflq*'
• alrat tavistblY but 'they ,have not been succeesful. But Now , Montreal .-WomartL-stoo$uks,,,),,Ii,r,grx,' -t&
Rx antplitud-e in a , d F ,„Aptp,
.OffiCi41 r el) 0 rt S On 'results._ obtained Eats 4n
entail eatatieted iron case, should telt acitnowledge,' first, fewer Mlles to the 'F.,. All the Titne_Gives .7„,„„
,ettueattutt surela and 'so well whether oil or dimini,..hecl power. with
, . garion,
• . gas are below it; for where oil or ris consequent difficulty oil steep gr..'-adies TailiacTvill. Credit. t
lern beeomes one ea. more „
` lowered standard of Morality. WI -rile well known end comniuttplace but
nope the less klangeeous. They inelud-e
purpose. " *
The .two divers, went dawn" 'once
more, and climbing, into tad hold of
the boat, now empty ef.water, stamped
heavily about in their weighted boots.
Candles were lit, .and armed with
these the men made a careful search
for the point where the air was esca.p-
ing, the sudden guttering of the -flame
showing where the dranght 'of escap-
ing air was.
Then the disaster occurred. One of
'the tiames licked the now dry oakum,
which, saturated with tar and oil, in-
stantly burst into flames.
There was no time to force the
adrilitting that erivtronment is a
powerful factor in the' development of
character, -Profes-ebr Dale emphasizes
the fact that human beings /inherit
certain ' tendeneies for' good or evil
that play. a large part in their atti-
tude towards life in general, and their
mentaltttneiral and physical ,make-up.
The original instincts 'of every ha-
rden being, he said, determine to same
extent his daily aets, the things he
notices and his attitude towards these
t,hings. There is in some individuals
an innate tendency to wrong doing
due to faulty heredity, but these ten-
dencies can be great part eradi-
dated Or lessened by the exercise of
will control through the choice of
lines of action and condnct. Sex
instinctat Professor Dale explains, go
deep and far, much beyond, the mere
matter of reprodection of the species.
These instin.cts are intricately woven
ii•re, the' some spare -cannot be ocete
,pleti, by dense- rocks; ana it dense
toelts are presenttat'excese, tItere• can-
not be- oil, Cr gais 'any quantittea
present, no teat the pendulum'. tells
_us. positi'vely of the- aliseace of oil or
e 4 .
If, on the other hand, we find that
the -pendulum. is swinging too elowly,
when,its period is too long, thiS would,
mean. that there is preseat a defeat
/1 azO, 01 reason ,for. wb.ich. may
st,arting the motor in the Inorrang 'For nearly five months before tak- +1G Yciojr. t4.rAsi;llrr
,.1:,,s.hgvii,,,t,....„.1.. y
or with heavy loads; third trouble in -
after several hours' idleness; and, ing Tanlac 1 had to live on milk and -
fourth, dissolvent effect on tanks, VictlY water alene,"said Mme. Louisa, To do your bit, in for44 ;- il
-ventior e etet ,sea e .
pipes, etc., with consequent clog:ging Bro'clnu, 1,366 Amity St., Montreal, Que. .,,,_ 1 P11-5 you °11 '"'-' ''..e 0; ."-'.
of the carburetor. ' "I suffered so much the RaFt /Wk, 1Y. 'g overnraKit• AllY1}1illg e' -$0 -
"The way out? It is hard to ray Years I was almust a Wreclt. 11ly in. ena-rehY-
what it will be, but it i sure to be adfirgaetsath;nn Zetafc)sroctv3teallytillinvgradeis:Igirneoetat mitlarcra L:1
found. most likely it seems that 'We with me., i\ly liver got to
shall learn how to make use of lawer-
. " 1 '
poverty, bed housing accommotlatian,
rnent fietleveitt Neuralgia
grade fuel with a higher point too, and pains, in my side nearly run ts.'"a000,400a."00teletr
be oil gas or rock .oit small- density ,
. . • c , -
per rp even icerosene though m wi D.early ever7 night my sleep
was lir( ken by lierlible headaches. liiless After Eating
d t c oma ish that tte Inust
drink lack of exercise, delayed mar-
kt'. predict -definitely the absence ot oil please my husbarel, who wearied over
iricrt weerY monotonees' work, e
rny case, but my second. bottle I took_
.ef brothel keepers, arid moral clegen- of° thousands of 'dollites uselessly' ex- of my Own eccerd tor I was beginning
Three Prayers by Stevenson. ,
so that while the pendelera is -able to work the problem of engine eon- `I took the,first bottle of attnlac to
truction lines " -
boredc,rn f . 'e on •e
and, 6 course, the aettvati, s anti gas, which may mean the savIngs •
At once the magnitude of this task
towards moral and social ;betterment
becomes apparent. Knowledge, refin-
in influence and. healthful activitsr
are badly needed everywhere M pres-
ent-day life, but it seems sometimes
as if radical 'changes vrill have to be
made in our whole social and indus-
trial system, if the underworld of vice
and the tendeneies thereto are to be
cleared away. Intelligent men and wo-
men in all progressive countries - are
trying to find a common plan or
ground work for carrying on con-
. .
OC the presence et oil or In Robert Louis Stevenson's journal to o fteel a1,to aflollyet.hinIgh,aavloltia,hgar•,votie nact:Pneltnirteo
pended in the search for these desir-
of his farnoits Travels with a DoakeY
able commodities, it only foreceete thetrouble from palms or sleeplessness,
aPPear's a beautiful Pilst':age that 101 I think Tanlac is wonderful
--et some reason was left out of the book ranian is sell by all gootl•druggisi.„
when it was 1-m1)11st-lied. The English-
, owns mane of Steveeson's original,' London s SkYline to be
man, Mr. -William Harris Arnold, who
• • t .
nuscriats, gtirea it to the public .
ais weri y ee
" quote: London to the erection of tall buitd-
atoIngfawlaithsslooimnee optili.acyle•rcshoicaienboi:g• \Athree Opposatien to the eitY authorities of
tiles' now s•eents to have n e or
noblest reading in the world; often , rather as rapidly passing. couvinced
when I am alone I find a pleasure in that talabuildines are safe and a corn-
lmrillylictdi:oingaktesiiiiinfinni(t'a..rdernAaYssperarifYN;Yeaarsiko°e'rnaetab:oler°siunidlya°- ge-riallteell'thItchinii°1tdhse tha reatpoitrael,
mercial,a,dvauta'ge, the London County
into the whole human framework. In men. At present the vork has hardly B.R.' Oentralia, Ont., "yet "l self, which here offer to the reader, has decided to allow structures of
How An Ontario Teacher Re-
gained Good Health.
moral standard of both men and wo- slot "' s.ays Mr. Jetties R. Themson,
am ,a schaol teaelter by profes-
certed action, towards a raising of the cc'
hatch open and let in the water that deali-----------1. a matter, the prob--begun. . • a.s I offer him any ,other thought that ear e are' t b b SO f t =I
I started schoolteaphing I was in very
springe en in me by the -way: I ThiS is twenty' ieet higher than the
hanapered by their heavy cliviag poor health. • I suffered a nervous
, "0 .God, who gareet us day Ity day'
maximum height now permitted.' The
-surronnded them, and the two 'men, '
UR GAS LOCATED breakd-ow-n; brought on ,by overwork
the support of thy kindly countenance
d•ecision is the resultot a repo -ft made
is due to no fault of the scale what-
ever, JUL simply that gravity is less
at Ottawa than at places further
north. This is one reason why spring
balances are illegal as appliances fur
weighing, Thi greatest diffeitence
gravity 1113011 the eaath is; between the
noles and the equator, where the Idle'.
,ference apaounts to fully one two
n d re d ths.
had to pght the flames as best they
'could with their rubber -covered hands.
One tiny hole to be burnt in their
suits meant death for the ,xaen, either
and" no relaxation, I, was unable to
think, to act, or even tc, eat properly.
and hopeful spirit among the manitold
' • I
by a commission appointed by the
temptations anal adventures of this Council to stutlY the question of taller
Queer. little prickly sensations were life, having ,brought us tans far, d0. buildings in London, The cammission
continually running up and down my
ht- suffocation by smoke, or drowning back, my arms and my legs, like so
when getting back into the water. many neeales, seeming at times to .-
continued tavola follow us in our path,. revery progreasive city in the world
aglinaiallesiltraabiltem' aannalt-M0d ward mark of Progress.
Fighting desperately, they beat the 'fairly paralyze me, atid often my heart a4KhesoPu ilt1,,shouepttrtltgahlity has skyscrapers. They are the out -
flames , out at last. Then, more dead through sun and rain, give us thy
-than alive, the divers..stumbled away spirit of great mercy."
to the hole an the saip and signalled
not, 0 God, desert us, but with thy reporte•d la favor of greater height.
was thumping, like ta, trip-lia•minee,
determined to. consult our -family doe -
"With the' great Many nenclulum ob-t anti .eamediaately
put me under
to be drawn up to the surface, lucky
at not having been burnt to deatb at
Ike bottom of the sea.
Chinese Art in Rugs.
Many very beauti-Cul rug e are now
being imported into this country from
China. The best of them are of
-sheep's wool, the raw material being
derived from Mongolia. '
The people of Mongolia are mostly
nomads, their property 'being in floelts
vet herds. Wool is their principal
••`•Titleet product, and they ship it by
Sometime,s as many as 500
oetnels laden with -wool 'svill'arrive at
Kagan in a bunch, the stuff being for-
warded by rail from that point to
Pekin and Tientsin. '
'Much of this wool is made into rugs,
which figure very importantly in the
every -day life of the Chinese, The
designs woven into them are even sup-
posed. to influence the welfare_ and
happiness of the owner. When of
• first-rate quality they improve with
age in lustre and' beauty, and are
haua'ed down tfroin father to son as
valued heirleoms.
Every b,oatinan on the Yellow Elver
carries 'a rug as a necessary part of
his outfit. He squats on it by day and
sleeps on it at night. Travellers in
Western, China always are provided
With rage, to spread on the 'hangs"
at the inns, which customarily fur-
nish no bedding for their patrons,
Making iteneceseary for one to carry
The kang is one of China's most im-
portant institutions, and is found in
every dwelling built across one end
of the living room. It -is a structure
of brick' or net1id, in the shape of a
divan. In winter a fire is kept burn-
ing beneath it, and members of the
family, spend much of_their time on it.
In poor folks' houses the .kang is
covered with coarse mats, but lathe
residences of the rich handsome rugs
are thrown over it.
Improved Electric Welding.
Electric ;welding has two principal
applications,, the are and resistanee
processes respectively, spot welding
being a.special modification of the lat-
ter applied to sheet work. These ap-
plications are unsuitable foe complic-
• ated work or for sections of irregular
profile, so the fusionprocess has been
employed. •
By this Peocese the two pieces to be
welded are brought sufficiently close
to strike a series of arcs between
; them. The pieces are than gradually
drawn together, so that the whole
welding area appears to be enveloped
in a shower of spark,the sections be-
iug thus gradually melted in an even
'manner over the whole area.
e The eareeht is then switched, oft'
and the two pieces are pressed to-
gether and united,
The strength ot wattle made by this
' process is claimed to be 98 per ceitt.
oC thab oa the unwelded materiel, and
the process ran be auccessfutly,- ap-
eine& for welding tube strips toe simi-
, 3,'‘r material, and especially for weld-
ing tool steel cutting ends lo ordin-
allg iron o1. steel holders. In such
ea,ses and for all large sectienS it has
been 'found advisable to bring the
pieees te a red beat bat using, the tier -
'rent ae' lO bedinery butt welding,
ft/rail:4y eanartitirlat them if eeceasery
'with the -zeiteent 'S Witalied • 'oft" beCore
ate lathe, the eIOng. precasa, •
- Pratqe for Mind and Body:
Altheugla the cammiesion reported
faverably.and the coattail thought that
London should be allowed more than
pendulum Definitely orders. ,I had to ,give up
predicts eervationse or gravity observations schc°1 "Cave us peace of mind in. Our slay, 60 feet building height, the fire bri-
Absence of 'Oil and POsale means of the pendulum we determiae ate my lost 'health. Milk was his chief comfort that we be not tortured wita "firefighting force said that the extra
as otherwise called -a- because by •etta return 'home in ardor to rocuper. 0 Lea and a sufficiency of bodily gaele was consulted. The heaa of the
the ,gravitv of the eaete—distributeil .
bility of its Presence. - temedy, and I drank quarts of it; yFtri b g,
chanting friendslaps ar opinions, nor hei tvouldt not interfere with the
lf stage have fuleess after ttrtealig,
, a bad taste In your mouth tiz the
i , ., .
irternieg, fur on the tongtte, flat.
' ulence after meals and noappe- , •
tite, take- Mother Seigers Syrup. 1.t
ee, wet clean your tongue, retie r
your appetite, give you relish for
food and the power to 'digest it
e, thoroughly and easily. Sold in „a
50c. arid $1.00 bottles at drug
470aaaneal0e0C1Cao0acatte09t etpt
Wre have all stopped before a clock actual -linear anerasurements which though it helped me, it did not buil
Inc up to my normal •condition—some- sarengtle. constancy anti pleas,antness twitheveryane favorable to 'tatter I
crucified by diseaee, but ever in• - •
over really parts of the earth, besides -
efficiency o rits force.
andewatche,d the, tienduluan go to and have been made, the figine
a, aliin a fair way before thy face and buildings,
fro, and tick off the seconds of time earth is determined with a high de tem
tile thmg was rnisiirro- something my sys- w.,t it now seems certain that '
-tem was calling, f or, better blood. One he tee sight ot men-, and it it pipes Loadotes skyline will be tittett, higher
in its ceaeelese work. WaY it ticks gree.of accuracy, so that at ElliY given day, when I picked up a newspaper, 1 thee, 0 Lord, take es satin in health than it 1-ras, ever been before.
off secondWilliams' pink pins suggesting just o -f mind and lionor of emir into thy
an advertisement of Dr.
s we probably do not knOW, latitude we know in advance what the
and furthermore glo not—We tbettretical value of gravity should be came ticr8s eternal rest." MONEY ORDERS.
ehnply know that it is ite business or, which is the same tiling, we know what. Was neetted in my case—new, A Prayer for Friends: It is always ,eafe to send a Dominion
do aoHowever, there is a reasonaccurately the length that the pendia -h.t,.e m order to swing rich, re -d bloo,e
od. I immediately sent ea, who hast given tie the love or E.x-pr.ess Money order. Fate Dollars
to . ;
11 15 dependent upon the length of the lum must for a box; and where the doctor visited women and tae friendehip a men, costs three cents,
pendulum and upop. tbe force or pun seconds there. me, ItCold him I had decided to try Dr. keep alive in our hearts the sense of , .
, ..
that causes; it to oscillate. If we _Rock Formations and Other Minerals' .wintante• Pini qaills anti he seemed old felloweliip and tenderness; make A man has"no eigtef to bp' satisfied
change atee'length the periodtavillt be - The mean deneity -, of , the earth C eatisfied. . De- thettifitt,'"W: t bo-.: was liffearses to be -forgotten' ifilti services 't:eilatsts he has.' dano his ,beit. '
e over rte and a heti 4.n'eaely done,and .I; detertUined ; get remem,bered, pratect those Yeloom we ,
difleren,t, or if we change -the force or „tent, is 0 rttl, ''' ' ' ./- .
times that -of water, 'hos been welaae- another bv the time I had finished 'love, in all thing s and follow them We get 'no higher work until we put
pull,- retaining .the same length, the a-- ` i ' i
period will again be differentterm:tried and more El0 the densities this I was gradually earning back to witb. kintleesses, so that they ma Y lead the ;higher motives hitt> that we have,
Attraction of the Earth.
of the many different teinde of rock atormal: atly strength. was returning, simple- and ensuffering lives and in
The pull or force is essentially the formations and other nrin.erals` that 1 couttl sit and walk without strain. the end die easily with quiet minds."
attraction of the earth -upon the die- cons•titate the crust of the earth," unt 'For the next few weeks .1 continued to a
placed bob of the pendulum, sa that oh. which thie oscillatitlinis are depend -1 take the pills, and they were working Comfort for the Scrub Lady.
it we allow a pendulum of Inaraelaale .ent. Any change in theedistribetton wonders with me, My' head was be -
Scrubbing is hard labor. T -his is a
length to swing- in different, --------------------------- ll, the,refora, affect the time •coming clearer, my ittemoey beam, et ,
'manifest that a New York
a to
the earth and note the number of of the oscaiothe penaulume and my nerves were becoming' stead -
inventor, George A. Blank, has been
swings it makes', slay in an hour or in It is obvious that the nearer. matter ier. I began to go out frequently, en -
inspired to originate a contrivance,
da,y, it will give us a measure for is mare effective than matter 1110r8 jovine mvs,elf. My appetite improved
tli t tvill render it less arduous: It
determining the difference of pull or
attracbton of the earth, which would
mean that it would tall us the rela-
tive distance that we are from the
centre of the earth at the variatis eta-
tono of observation. From this it is
obvious that th-e figure or ellipticity
of the earth may be found by means
at the pe,ndulane
The figure and rotation ttf the earth
affect the pendulum in two distinct
ways. In the northern hemisphere go-
ing southward, say from Ottawa to
'Washington, we get a little farther
away from the centre of the„earth on
account of the• equatorial bulge. Then,
furthermore,. at Washington the cen-
trifugal force is greeler, there ie a
greater tendency to eily off; so that
altogether the pull at Ottawa as great-
er than it is at Washington.
Effects on Spring Balance.
It may be obeerved that a miner,
weighing his ,gold in the Yukon. by
means of a spring balance and be-
lievIng it to represent so many pounds
and ounces, would naturally be sur-
pri,sed if he weighed the same gold
with the same spring balance in Oa
tawaaebefore turning his gold over to
the alint, to find that it Weighed less
here by something like the 550111 part
of what it vveighed in the Yukon. This
remote in its attractien on the penile. -
Turn. '0- e.
All th,e prece'ding is ,to expl-aintand'
' it 'Whil thus kneeling she -can easily,
propel lierself from place to place
'6 d - er t '1 i ntl sti -
Is a little. platform that 1003 011 cas-i
fily break -down. I was myeelf- agatn.
tor, ,and is upholstered for the great -
I got back my school, and to this day
cr 'ease of the aerttbber kneeling upon'
emphasize that the oscillation of a I have had no Tatum of the trouble
and was evenbetter than before. I had .
pendulum is dependent upo,n the dis- and now sv,hen anyone comes to me
tribution of matter al 11-11 it and be with n vous roue e, n,a y g
over the floor by her hands. In tie
IOW it.
• We are just now at the paint of re-
vealing what the pendulum ehowe and
the Work carried an by the Dominion
Obseriaboiv. Let us here. say 'few
gest Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a •
remedy, as I believe. that what they middle of the front of the platform 1si
a circular receptacle for soapy -water,
diel in my case they willedo for others." - 1
- or other cleansmg fluid, which is pre-,
- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob-
words of the pendulums used far by mail at cents'a a"at o six boxes
' ' ward -bent ring around the interior'
_rlented from splashing out by a down -1
a I
tallied from any dealer in medicine or
gravity observations. These Del -Wu- for $2,.50,. frora The Dr. Williams' '"ge' '
, .
tutus have no clockwatrk.They ' ' " • co., Brockville, ()ea . Thus the scrubber needs no -pail,
on an agate plane supported by an' a t--;-----ta—a-a and for brueli and' cake of soap, the
.. swing Medmme
e platform isprOvidecl with a couple of .
O. McPherson,
Furniture Dealer anel Undertaker.
armsteona B C
Minard's Liniment Co., 'Ltd.,
•yarmouth, N.S.
Dear Sirs,—Since „the start of the
baseball season we have been ;hindered
with soee -muscles, sprained ankles,
etc but just as soon as we started
using alINARD'S LINIMENT our
troubles ended. Every baseball player
should keep a bottle of your liniment
han y.
ours truly,
Sec. Arrastrong H. S. Baseball Team,
A111eriora,%9 Zioneer Dog 111141me4tem
Book. 00 „
and How to Vett'
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dyess by the Author.
n. Clay Glover
129 west tatte Street
New York, 1-.T.S.A,
agate knife-edge. The time of oscil-
lation of a single swing is determined
an extrao•rdinary degree-oa ac-
curacy—to blue one' ten-milltaruh of 'a
Auto Fuel
can never 00 anyl
Chemists Seek New th,ing
Shelve9, one at each end.
-. bu0000l ALfHYCflLDRET
second of thne=the time being de- nlore than a help where motor tuels ILA
rived from the states. e .re t'orleined" an offic‘ral f
, , o the . ALlymirs sLEEp
Tell Whether Oil or Gars is Present, Bureau of Mines said 'recently. "All 4
Hence, if we se.t lip tier a,ppaiiatee; the alcohol we are able to produce -
at a place whose latitude ie accaratet can' -be Profitably used in the making The healthy Child sleeps well and
ly known, and determine the time of .
period is known at a given place, 'I'l- of fuel 1111Y:cures' but,
for all that has 1:bluutrinaf-wiabts-swialakiiinpgYinudrslalsuglitZglicfrr il
obtainable i- re-rively small.only the ticltiv child "that is cr'c'''' lad
oscillation of the pendulum, whose been said to the contrary, the quantity
Ottawa mid Washington, we will find "Ruch has been said about the utieelteevisit Mother, 11 Your Children do '
of mass about the s•tation or place, cohol on an enormous scale, but there crY 'a great de -11, give them Baby'
not sleep well; if they alai cross and
whether there is an excess or defect lilatital- of cornstalks for making elf
is made. We find, tor itiatance, that are bulky; it -would not pay to tranr,- tvell and happy again, The Tabletsi-
Own Tablets and they will soon be.
In another word, and the revelatto•n is nothing in the iclsa. Cornstalks
the Pendulum awiags too' quickly for port them in great quantities to big are, a mild but thorough laxative
.. --•,,,,,,r cerittai plants for distillation. To which regulate the bowels, sateeten
make such use practicalale theve the sten-124h, banish constipation' en1-1°'
Bulk Carlois
Satisfies every want of the
most critical in cleansing,
purifying and beautifying
the skin and complel:ion.
Nothing purer, sweeter or
more effective for every -day
toilet purposes.
Soap25e. Ointraent25 Sec. S014.
throagheettheDorrunion. CanadialOepot:
Lrrnarn, Limited, 344 St. INA St., W., Montreal
ti.-"P"'uzi'Cuticura Soap shaves. without anuc.
Montreal Vilc.1,2nan Finds
Health- by Takkng Lydia
E. Pinkilani's Vege.
table Compounc,
Montreal,. Quebee.—"If was a atria
ferer for three years, not able to do
my housework. My husband waa
discourage& for I was no better and
had had the doctor all this time and
nothing helped" me." I 'Was atwaya
sleepy, had no appetite and eufferett
with my tett side. • Itly -mother art
England recommended Lydia, ,,E.
Pinkhaita's 'Vegetable Compotind be-
cause it had helped my sister So t
have been taking it. I am now ableg
to do nee het:se-work and. 3 can not;
praise your medieme too lugbly
I have great hopes forthefuture.
"will tell anyone who -Writes to me
what good it has done rue"—Mus. E.
Massex, St. Henry P. O., Montreal.
For nearly fifty years Lydia E.
Pinkhaine Vegetable Compound has
been helping women Suet as it
'helped Mrs. Masson; oftentimes after
doctors and oilier medicines failed.
IC you are suffering trete. disagree-
able. sr -nate -iris ceased by emne female
-wealthess, try this spleudid 'medicine,
it is a woman's medieine for women'a
ailments, and can be talten. ie. eatety
AdV.M.0 Ni,elra.}.14,soiV.V.A.PKIntNIMAWL. by any woman
ift from
tures Storehouse
The delicious, crisp Or 0.:.aule.s
coE the wheat and, 'barley food
contain all the natural up -Istuitst-
mg values of the grains.including
nuneral salts so essential tobealth.-
A. Food eqtaily well stab,d, to the
ha.,uireine1tt of young and. old.
Theirs a Neasoll1,3 for Grape:
Sold 1-py *rocer$ everywhere
should he a plant Car overy-five square and inctigesuon, and Prmnete healthfill
miles, -run perhaps on a co-operative °eel). .They 'tire abealra'ell
plan by farmers, But how many WI- from 'opiates and may be given to
lions of dollars a yea t would it coat he nelv4)°1'n ba' -be with Perleet sal:et-Y*1
They are sold by Medicine de,alees
to watch the farmers and ,;,,,Ee that
the alcohol was net SO1C1 fel" beverage by mail at 25 cents -box from nic)
pet,t,,Ipnostehsea, year 1921 we consumed in, Dr.ont,Williams' Medicine. Co., Itteeliville,
eountry 7,b80,000,000 gallons of
gasoline. During' the same -period we
exported 1,954,000,000 gallons, Our
production of alcohol in the twelve-
month was about 100,000,000 gallons.
So you see how small a figure rela-
tively the alcohol cut.
"Alcohol ;can never take the place of
gaeoline as a motor fuel, 'There would
baVe to be a special carburetor- t.o
vaporize it, and the power' generated
by it is not neaely so great as that
obtainable from gasoline or a mix-
'The. so-called 'auxiliary' motor
fuels are composed either of gasoline
and -benv.ol or of those two with 11110-
hol adSd, Benzo]. ',,c -on doubtless
ktow, is a by-prodUct ,of coal diatilla-1
Couldn't Carry It.
An Irist, comedian once met an a
stimmer's day, in Dalway, a man driv-
ing a hor,e, so thin that it Staggered
as It walked.
"Why don't you put more 1103111 (111
that nag?" he exclaimed indignantly.
"More, is it?" tbe Trash -man anewer.
ed, "wliy, by the powers, don't you see
that the poor ereetnre eau hardly car-
ry what little there is oil him now?"
itlinard's Liniment for sale everywit rat
The av'erti•ge life of .4114i oyster
'ton years.
ISSUE No. 19—'212„
WARNING!. Say "Bayer" when you ouy Aspirin.
Unless you see the natne "Bayer on tablets, you are not get-
ting Aspirin at all. Accept 011131 an "unbroken package" of
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which.contains directions and dose
'worked out by physicians during 22 years and j),-oved safe by
millions for
Colds Heaciacht• R.,,li;LAttiiisati'ill
Tooache Nauralola Ieltc,
Earache Lumbago Pain Pail
Handy "Bayer" 'boxes of 12 tablets --Also bottles 'of '21 alat 100---"Dai3gister.
Arairin im the 'trade Inarii. (Ite1i3t01'011 113 ca,o-od t ol 136.;,,O1' Vint-tunot.ttre 01
5cetioaeltle9ter of,Valleyttcaekl,,, 11/1.0d. it 19 well ki) owl) CIO t asterie mtane
liltifittracture to ololtrt ttut pubtle agalant 1in11.ation, Tablo1r4 0' Cslo),,r'iy
witl 113 etatrood With 'theft 31031111 tradel. t 111 "Pare, C•eae