The Exeter Times, 1922-5-18, Page 31 Sovie.t POwPfs ,044i. Un factory --Question of Prolonging the.,Conference,is.'I;Now,, Be ''Argued by BOtairi, Freiricg A deisi'patch from. Geno,a .saY.al-Ille /other hard, else' as use 'going On;. and , entire /Tient-WS, Work: of the Ge'nea declare they do 11,3 t; WiSil to treat' Oonference, ,was wiped alit on Thurs- ipoliti.caleperetiens with Russia. if ay when when, after thepoWers' *hod re- ata,;1,Lief4§Rstt,§7.sheultier her Obligati,ous,,„ TA00 .deTRaii)d of the men fropAsf.,31! l'ilf.511.),leysiec.Le.orge's wish- t� gol Igroseew for a billio.n-dollar loan., the on toward the etinipact,of in.en-ragg I , Russian d.eilegates sent a -reply, torthe ,sion, the Ereneh :quote the RrItis.W •NViiirhkes •af,=,37410 .that the non, practically : inipessible to kqee,t, e. far-- , avresion.,-eoroTp)ot."delN.odd ab§io- veieio4 and ,eeonetnic settleinent witilr•Ilately on a, Russian sOtleinent. Eat Genoa. ' • The treneh have, asked , Prier • but it is a "90 per gentrno." the 10 them lionie they,i per cent. "yes" consisted in a proPecali expect at least "liVeileleglations. to go tr'00-1;nnii,s,5ion exPerrta be named to 'review the Russian financial situa= fP.'id in a aerYY Pr011.O.al that the Russian delegeatitin-sliOuld neverthe- less GcRap, -to discuss other Ph Rrciely not..e. flat "ne.," Peincarie,fOr -.J,iftStrtictieris, H wileave at, o,ncc- and Tie orders ,queotionj§agenda., Including the c011iptlef non -aggression. Not erne of the :eonclition4,- imposed byethe.Powe ers as'ilie price of resuming eommer- Civil relations with' ...Russiawas ae- Cepted,- What turn the tonference will now take cannot be ,60a -d, tpreient.' Mr, Lloyd George is desperately hoping to make esomething eurt ef the cbnfere'rtce, and would continue it for the discus- sien Of other th-au the Russian tnean- with them. If he orders .the delega- tion to stay, they will remain as long as Mr. Lloyd George wishes the con- -Terence to continue. , This is a summary of the Russian reply; • ..... ,„ 1. ruusstia must nave a loan,. 2.. She is Willing to, negotiate for compensation of eolifiScated. private m/operty; although ..not . recognizing the prineiple. , ' 3. She refuses to std..? internal propaganda, but will abandon it 'in other countres where it, is against the law. The document consistent from the Moscow standpoint. It stands obstinately. on the right to cenfiscate . property m a revolution. dal and ectosIOMIc problems.", The, Italians agree. 'The Freriblf; on the Cliklese Frying School Opened at Esquirnatilt A despatch from Victoria, B.C., says: -- Headed by a group of Chinese of British nationality, mainly .of the younger set, a Chinese flying school is to be opened in Es- quimault. The first machine, . _ a Curtiss, withpontoonss to be ready for service on May 25. The object of the flying school, which will follow one in operation m Kamloops, for the last two years, is to train pilots for aviation, so these men, when trained, may re- • H o n . W.,: C. Nichol turn to China to carry on the 1:enter:ant-Governor of British Colum - OVER otiCeoRd ••••••wanil. Pa.triotic Innovation. The biggest "thing that has happened in , university circles for some time was, the creation lait week' el the School of Postgraduate Studies at the University of Toronto. . It is a re- gretahle fact- that eacb. year gradu- ates of Canadian Universities have gone to the United States to secure more advance& edocationthan was ob- -bainable in this Dominion and that 1 many of these brightest of , young Men and women have not, returned- to iCanada but have remained in PeSi- tions of -variouS kinds across the bor- der. This •has been a serious loss to this countwy. , Now, with the estab- lishment of • the new School a,t On- tarids Pr crv-ineisa University, no wbudent need leave his native land for more education. Graduates of Univer- sities pi Western .and Eastern Canada will be encouraged to pursue their postgraduate studies in Toronto, and Canada will be albd'e to keep' her ine . , nada root Coast to Cost of Al.,..1-4:.ture, ft.tbd) Nerrul. weatlieF Nevfoundiand, to Labrador and haedt .esrehined to make this branch 'ef . flint?, luos, after delivering mails apiculture very pa'pfitable. The 5l at three linacer4, is the latest reciord l'Ple ergal'Azation Ot: this '1)21°'-vilnee ' Sir'rey Catiten of the Aerial which represents practically all thet0 Mail Service': Leaviee. Botrikood late lee=0,grOwers, io,reparted to contra in the morning, :Major Cotton made over 6,000,000 pounds a tohacce. his first landiug at $".t, Anthony's and Winnipeg,' Man.-MaY the first saw then, preceeded to Labrador. He ploughing and seeding ' 631101'0 de„eeerndei • at Ifoo.o. Hole Cove, where throughout the Prairie Provinees. 14 he topic op. the 'return ineit and flew though tins date, is soMere ' tea!' ir -lartIPS Authot lot "Pe farri the had hurnatf •out obtire) „ reticence 'irani persenal. rs of .11. man, of myat earlier ,exPerienoere,, reanintle e,rk,e erously, and, f..0 '1)01,Pe in "Margaret oa to 13.0,tej,e'lotoel., - than last Yeat./ . best -fun iS.'hair .'ea'nj°1'd unusual.ly rap).14,'With. the 1 I :oolipro,ie,sion.er was aPPointed to ac'ever't imagina.tion. Ile knows the sero ilandEe the seheme. 'The city bon- Moose Jaw, Sasice-Ses440,heWan the ,grind from hie rvance.d to 'parties' iintending huilding. thousand mere Teen. for siAisi`6.- work Air,ea.dy, 1,9 applioatio.ns, ve „been en the farms. Wages have .se,Oleivikrat made !ler loans, The maxienein inetreasede according • en- ,arnorunt,-.„.is $8,000 for rowing' $50,000, which will be ad- has sent to the Pacific Coa'k for one gagenents being nrade f 36 to Halifax, N.S.-The Nova Scotia, $40 a tnmith h°a•rd'• •Iiiet,agipstr.ta4le;t5,11,9,0a0s0 mtosdpex,oavalloereiliencltnitac;ziT'L%nees.,,eurviter jGghol/eriln,3inndelti.etala.mbetn:lbtioareatbitei. If-ao'aolditeroLi. ecut fortnm „Ito ii}srt31)trraocptsr°end' thieb PraEldri):Ise'n'ten, AlLa--Aoo°rding to he ‘caug,o-alh":„'n'f),eNb* /1<mibruniagIllI" • mall received from the far north the ith 4atlY the Cameto fraMe, affluence. He arlone and friendless in Lender,..:' editors rejected What the wrote:„ • stotieS fOr 'Which they now .pay, faney prices were a on the. Grub Street the neW sleha-e$ interfere with the work ofanyother university. Relatively 14t_r_le Ra:stg,r4.41,SIt.e, work is in Western, oa. Eastern -Universities in Canada end,these institutions will, no douibt, encourage their graduates to utilize the postgraduate facililies et- fered 'at. 'the University of Terronto. flying ,services of that land. L th sea the annual conven- bia, ”cv '0 w 1°- -I. • G re Roads As- . ton of the 0031a,Clain sociation, to be held, in Victoria next New Plane's Speed • in.onth. ' • 100 Miles Per Hour 1 A deseia.beh fraro Paris say -se -The world's grea•best biplane leas just ,fin- ts./ied its .final teats in ,..thie ,e•tego,tirPlre at Orly and so,onevill comma:lee trans-, •European, flights., Prolieably it ;will; be used in a new atteaript to cross the Atlantic late this summer. It is Far- man construction, w-ith four propellers and four 400 harse-parvrer rnoterts. The ' wing spread is more than 100 fee:. According.. to Aviater 33-oussotro1, • Its pilot, it wQil maintain a speed of 100 miles an hour while( carl.Ting twenty pa.ssengere and .thaggag,e-a, total load in excess cf seven tons. FeedingFoxes• Taking in a Partner. ltaly's traffic Custom. In Italy wheeled- traffic keeps. to the left in la,ige toWns, but to.the.right the country, ' handling and'. repair of gas engine.s ,and .curing and ,pa,elcing, fish. The 'grant, -will he increased if:interest, is Shown in the classes, In Japan arranging cut flowers is an art. The way eveiy branch or spray ,is placed means. sornethin,g, is symbolic. The Japanese insist on keeping the natural and typical form of each stem or branch and depend on •combinhig two or three branches to make an, effective design. Rarely is more than one hind of plant used in the same vase, and the vases are pur- posely kept simple, so that they shall not distraet attention from the flow- telleetual giants at home, Noi Iva ere. • Quebec, Que.-Further immigiratton 'of French Canadian's a the striking textne operatives in New •Eng..amicl! States reported. In addition to those yvtito haye,moved back to the Provir:ce of Quebec it is stated that 350 'families have left for Alherbe and, Saskat- chewan. • Toronto, Ont. -A recent. sale of .Canadiars Burley tobacco. England at ip14.ces of 30 cents per pound ,and uPward attr,a3tS at6ealtion„..to the -6.0- a gross value of $12,920,398, and with r bare° industry ite this proC;r-ince. 'The places. gold a total value of $13,- 'N'thn't vver s'-'°°/1 .03" great aohiever high fertility of the soil with plenty 153,598. Thent arkl inisPressiv.°- suecese. But he knows -as" the heart knows its bitterness and. a man 10 Flashed Radio message Translating,Shakespeares • aware of the cross he earries-how lio Around the World Particularly _brigl'it, at the present time are the ,•'rprotspects' fere-strung, „eprqgettsc, yorapig,,pepplet 'tte find, not only pleeerrIre dale farm Veaelletit else the, safest and sureist souree a' in- come 'in itare: -years "ahead.: „ For tlyals ,reasori wise parents a:re More ;and More smcious.thak they Wha-t is rare- best foodi for a iblatolt fox? That is a new. question for :which dieticians have to find an answer.. A quarter of a century ago; no per- son cared what food Toxes.ate,sa long as rep -Jar& did not npla ihat,particular person's henerooet. :•, • e But 'the es!dhllishinent.of the fox fur, industry changed all that. The menu cf the black fox has to he g'nll ""'"'".° .12°,11nders3talld 11.3 earefuly studied: '1"1e soientiats ,and °I' heir real' i'lltFes't In the Prgllert eekly Market- Report past wraitter has proven a MO st rich and precioni aP -the riternOrg 114 'One' to the IndiansY's when. he was too" and -h' trappers; and.gootl.eatches of furs arel wawas sbili t'") make" ^ ., 'Then, as an instance of high courage reported. I3ounding, prosperity ie., 'mei in a different new, . levee Le cues aa far northland is 'the -keYnote of all Captain Scott, of the Antarctic, wrote advloes Victoria, B:0„ ---Mineral production in the Province of British Columbia in 1921 amounted to $28,066,641, axicerde ring to- the annual reeort of the Depart', ment of Mines, tabled in tlaeprovincial legislature by Hon., W, ,Sloan Miniarber of Mines. The total tonnage of ore mined hi previrYCe during' the pat year -eras 1,562,655, having him, When Scott knewjdeath soon nariet Collie. Starring, their feet frozen, powerless to move, the heroes' would not glife in. "It would- do YOur heart good," wrote sceu, "to be in out tent to hear our songs and our elieerV conversation," Te-, -the students of 'an ar,eient uni- vereiter the famous -writer" who` has plucked. the human heart strings the Works Into Siamese earns by -what .11e- alaS' to -day. Ile tolled. He eaffered.. He kept on. Ho • A ..despatch from Washing- ton says: -- The Annapolis Naval Radio Station has suc- ceeded in flashing a time sig- nal around the world without -relaying, using a wave lerigth of 17,145 meters. This was announced tol the Horological Institute of America, by Dr. Paul Sollen1Defger, of the Na- val Observatory at George- town: The current literally wrapped itself around the World, completing a surround- ing embrace in the fifteenth part of a second. TORONTO. ' perital gal., $2.10; per 5 Imperial tgatits,„ li/fanitoba. wheat -No. 1 Northern $2,05. Maple sugar, lb. 13c. . $1.61%; No. 2 Nerthern, $1.47%; No. ,Hohey--60 an& 30 -pound tins, 141/2 3 Nerthern., $1.39.to 16c..lier lb.; 5 and 2% -lb tins, 17 to •Manitob'a oate-No. 2 C. , ---------18c per lb.; Ontario comb hdneY, Pex No„ I. feede,„,- . p4 -toes - Ontario, - O. , tg, -Ala the. above' 'track, Bay ports: --$1,40., Seed potatoes Irialli CobbIeirs, 5.11-Ora3eyreicrovi,-°43777c.,-ilNlPrari.. .21.. S'esia*w' 7.-8A1; 1-:s111'.750,akIl'adgrn. eats:-Ilains, medium, 3; f , .Barley -No. 3 ext -a, test' 47 lbs, or to $6e; cooked ham 46 to 48c. smoked belourbt)bsejride.60 t.o 650' a'°°°rdlillig" to fl'elghts fie:rraeallak:ta23sbitteeoliaacf;e2:6'stne,; )32100-ttarbo;73.307c;q:liss'Lmee30.ksical; ;Buckwheat --NO. 3, $1.00. 'Rye -No. 2, 95e. .. - boneless, 40-e. . ' 3.C.W, 56c. extra No. 1 feed 5EPAc• <11°2'i Manitoba.,barley-Nominel. $1.1&t$ $1,15`rDelawares, • $1:3-0 to cured meatse-Lo' Pg, clear b.P.ie.011/ -- Delivered Montreal Mutltfeed • freight,,hags' inelladied; frau, per ten $17.50 to $18.50; clear bellies, $16.50 gerlsin Tann woik. $28 to ;X30; ' shoits, iPer" thn, $30 to th, $10.50; lightweight rolls, in barrels, tercet the boys anti t $45.00; heavyweight rolls $39.00. Juvenile agricultural eluflis are deing, $3-2;" good feed -flour $i.10 $ mulch to stimulate the intere'st of the Balecthray '-i-Trt,ack Toronto per 'eon Lard -Prime, tierces, 165;./ tubs., memheis In special lines earmdng, extra No. 2, $22 t$23; nideceeli, ; paile, 17e; prints, 18c. Shorten- , Tor- 2 pails, 151/2 to 16c; prints, 17% elven to these organiza-elons meas- Straw -Car lobbc'per'ton, track lor- and! too much intportance cannot be to $19; dove'', $14 to $18. ing, tierce's, 14% to 15e; -tabs, 16 to to 1&c influences responrible for *°n't°9 chellioe heavy steers, $8.90, to ,$9; ' • ' • ' • 0' tari tr-N 1 the renewal of Community interest in, $1:outside. • •. ts eers, choice, $8 to $8.50; doe n o ,ea. c.,onimercla bti at ears, Ontario No. 3 oaths, 40 to 45c., out- g.).9°4 $7•25 t° $7.75; 66.9 medium, $.6.50 the business of farming. • Another. mea.ns for -creating in ebhe side,„ - common, $6 to $6.60; hutch- boye ancl girls a real, desire to remain Ontario "corn -53 to, • 6.0c outside , I , • er heifers, choice, $7.75 to $8.25; do., the 'farm is' to make them part- Ontasno fleur-1st patenta, in cotton medinni, $7 t°' $7.50; d°'.9' c°nlin°'19 $6 8, 7 70 er, baa.„61,. to $6.50; butcher zows, choide, 86 to dinun $4 to $5. canners and 211i nat Dees in et:he farteinehnsiness„ Too sa t , °Peen.-youitikeir,-geA,ori'a-, IS given.] entir '(bakers. Straights 9in ' cutters, $1 to. $2; butcher bullst, good, a lot of hard work to rdo on the farm' In) / sea cat '9 • ' $5 to $6; do, common, $3 to $4; feed -- help them to_ uncloretatki that, their ,chee,-eeeNew huge 17vsw $5.fte $5.50, to $.0; ents, $8.20. ' labor is of valtue and essential ta the ty„.• :17 eh to ,i8e. t,;• el IsPrinVes, $60 to $80, calves, choice', income of the business. The boy or 111-' - -,q72 uul$10 tO1medium, And littbe cl),PorkunitY tc) share in the ..:Manitieb.s, flottr_let partents,,in 'cat- ers, good, $6',to $6.75; do., fair, 45.50 $8.70 per barrel; 2nel, pat- to $6; stockerS, good, $5.50 $6.25; db., 130nefits. The par,tnership idea will ton sacks, 19°. °1-49 l'arg°9 2,1c; twilll's'9 21 4c do. common, $'4 to $5; lamb.s, choice, 22e Stitlthne new, 20e. "Extra. old, $1,41 to $15; die, common, $6 'to $7; the owners we tseelcing to find the type of food on •w•Mch the prec•ious dttie fur -bearing animals thrive best, and how they' roy be protected -from worm s. - Th -e correct answer to both, these questione /will, he worth millions of dollars annually to the fax ranching industry. , Important steps tawarde the solu- tion el the question have already been, taken by the Council of Scientific Re.- seatich a* Ottawa. — The biggest fo@l is, the marl ;who tooie himself. OWned by the dairsilY. With en& an understanding be difficult In- deed, to iernlit ethen to, the uneer- tainities city life. • Someepersons seem to thin -k that life is a moving -stairway: that all. a man gas to do is to step aboard and be carried to the top. • The Egyptians were the first t� sit:dice use of artifieial eyes.. They ve-ers made ef gold, silver, copper, or ivory. A number of French widows wear !rings striped black and white to re- mind possible suitors• of their bilit-y for marriage. "acestioniemeatewewle"...4"*.577Wor large, 29. *a 27o. Old „St:titans-, 24e. Butter --Fresh dairy, chaice,24 to 2gee ereamer,y, prints, fresh 'finest, 89 'to; 110e;:N01, 1,i3S s.tt1: -,1!!1.99•2, 36 -I° 37c; cooking, 20 to 23c. • • Pressed Poultry -Spring Chickens., 660;' obilekeense; 3Q• •35e. rotostors', '20 to 25c;,fowl, 24 to3Ocerdnelesr, 36e; tar - keyse',45 to 50c; greese, 25e. , LiVetpoaltrye--e• Speen' tg tehetokens, 55e,; roosters 17 to 20c; .lowt, 24 to. 300; ducks, 38c; •teirkeYs;15 -to 50e; geese, 20c. Margarine -20 to 22e. Eggs -New, 'Datil, candled, 31' to- 32e; New laielyin cartons, 36c.• -„Beens Canadian, hancli•picked, $4.25.'.pirrimes,'$3a6 ;to ,$8.80.' ,spring laireles,, $10 to $1,„. , , choice, $7.50 to $8.50; do., tgood, $6 to $7; da, COIMMen, $4 to $5; bogs, fed ancrwatered,-$13.5.0; (no, f:o.b.,.$12.75'; dip., tortentr-y paints, $12.50. • MO/NITRgAL. Oats, Canadian Western, No. 2, 66 to 661/2e; do. .No. , 3, 62 to 621/2c. Flour, Man. srp'-iring wheat patents, lat, $8.60. Rolled oats, bag 90 lbs, $8; Bran, $32.50.- Shorts, $33. Hay, Na. 2, per ton, can lots, $29 to $30. Cheese, finest Easrternrs, 13 to 131,4.c. Butter, choicest creamery, 341/2c. Eggs,sel'ected, 84e. Potatoes, per bag, ear lots, 75 to 80c. ' Calves, $5 to; $6.'75; carnmen drink- ers, -to $4; hogs, $14.50 to, $14;75; showed' the same 'valiant Spirit as -that A despatch from London says.- e _ , Arniong: the outspoken adrnirere. of exP2olier. . addi-ese was is the King of 'Siam according anniversary celebrations; at StratTard merall'Airrg matte to college to a. letter written by his secretary and received by Sir Sytlney Lee, chair- -shokesmeare heseig...ed :by tale worth a thousand ordinary .spetsches of men. What.Do We Plant roan of the trustees of Shakespeare's birthplace, in .Sake- speare'S works inte Siamese. ' Bari Navarastli, the .secrebary, sent in behalf of the King a cheque for $500 as a personal .contrabution to the Shakespeare Birthplace 'Trust and $250 for the memorial theatre Vinci. I -1e says that his Majesty is an ardent admirer of the British national poet and is doing his utmost to induce the Siamese to study him: ' Bath andYiolet.Riys Cures In,somnia. General Sir 'James Wilicooks He has the distinction of 'being the moat dacorated 2110.11. in the British army. His term as Governor of 'Ber- muda is expiring and he is, to be suc- ceeded by Sir Joseph kaiser. . in My Garden. - Tulips tall, and. daff,Odils Up and -tnewn my -laid's-, tittle PatitiS of grey old • stone, -Little 'thoughts -While all -alone. How God smiles on each'new day, Teaching one „the 'only way To be happy,... ip to.. know betek will make one -se. What do we T.4a:at when wo- plant a We plant a mast to earry the sails, We plant a ship 'which will eros e Ihe sea, We plant the beams to withstand tbe irgzel.ei.e?s__ A keel, a keelson, and prow and itnete We plant a -ship when we eiant a tree. .,. We plant -the pillars, the shingles, the ,We plant°11vas'shicldirei. the laths, -01...ie be-e-aftediTre"sn rare., e., 1.,a_ts tnat be, I . t Ii bei we laht a - • We p an a one w p A despatch. from Paris says. -There tree/ tree? businese •• man in tile •advice of Dr- We plant the house Livet of the Paris. Faculty -of Medi - eine, who announce& this week that inkvv-tarni bath every night, fol- A thnusatille.b?sens that we daily s lowed by tie appltieaetkan of -subdued blue and •Vdelet rays. We plant' a• spire to out -climb the that deep slumber Induced, even in We Plant a staff 'ft'''. our e‘Inntitrst Dr. Livett insists that subdued. light e plant a shade; from the fierce sun-, What do we plant when we pini -it is a be.on to the insomnia stricken for you and ine. sz in lieu of nareotice alletiat'ii1neeied 'What 1) -1 -ant :Tole!' we Plant Experhnents have shown, he says, crag, . the 'worst 'cases, within half an hoUr. flag/ in a bedroom is a better guaranty of rest than total darkness. free; • We plant all Wealth When -We plant a [ -tre_9e! -I-Ienry Abbesei ' Will Attempt to. Recover Lusitania Valuables „Coronation 'of Rournaniils SovereigriS, Nett A despatch fibm Ne'w'port News, , Va.; says.e-A little black step -niter, The corr.enertion of King Ferdinand ,Blalteley,:puTled a'reW lines at Muni- arid Qbeen Marie 'Of'Runianita, whielhe British princes and princesses may not marry before the age of twenrty- five without the King's consent; if over twenty-five they may marry by giving notice twelve months before -1 20,000 rubles; a letter art the atitY, hand to the Privy Council, unless Pare 30,000; in Russia, 50;000; re,gistered liameent -decides against the proposed lette.ris, 100,000/and telegreums 50,000 114 cipal "pier here and headed for will take place in the- heart of the sea thM first Oleg of hex run to the beautiful Transylvanian Alps, 'will he „ British Isles where,,off Xinsalle Head, On a scale of lavishness and regal she will attempt to reeover "gold, ..gra-ntleurr hitherto unknown in ties Del- ver and jewels which Went clarven with leans. A meter:elf-1.cent catheijoeil the illerfated seven ` years Byzantine design, cosetritig Millions of, <ego. Phillard:elphia she .m11 take francs has been especially erected irk! an equipment, .i4Cluding 'What is 'tsaria •Sibiu 'for the 2e.rawniing of -Europe* to he a speodall deq divideigsurit for most beautiftgl Queen and Xing Ferdie use 40-- fathoms belatv the itneface. nand. The Rumanian 'Parliament ins , • , , appropriated an immense sum ter the Soviet Telegraph end event. Moat o, f the reighing seeer- , eigns and leeends <if sta,te throughout"; and Postal Rate•Scliedule -e9 -urope have li,etien" invited. '" • • - • King ' Ferdinand, and Queen Marie A despatch, front London says !-Th'e ascended that:tone .just- befere the be - new So-viet "Plostal•g14 tele. rate ginning; of the 'World War; and the sthedill'e II" been arYtIollate4; " f<IIL Continuance of the strriggle made It " laws: For a postai within:the city, nee6s,sary .to porstnans the eetnnation from. year to year. engiese 16,whiih has been finally chosen ,feri. thee event, . is -the anniversary' Rumenita's entry into the war. • Massive crowns of gelirirrnsoc d; • rubles a word. e$ le, products -Syrup- er cts 14 atoll. REGIAR FELLERS—By Gene Byrnes (i r.fLtll VIN'Tit"i# vir A1300„ -C NOC)C2- r stfl NV 4.PMP.1 .,5Ehri- U51\ _oi:51,1.1;15P.5><1zoeirie.ret4i,\s.r. V'e'0(6 ' WM 62041-114' V-01. 7(-\11.4K. LE -Wt. -t-t-vir 0e) v.irrt4 'YOL.)%, 0\14V -i I,APLIT 6P-0+1'reittAt.iL- tNt:t4 akICiCeat•O H- I-k Kf\St-4-r! IANS DUCKS! • by rare IStones, have boor, mode for the Rtunaniate rulers and the Queen has replacedal,1 her pi-etc:1one jewels which were ennfiscated by the Belehte- viki earcly in the ware by peons and jew- • elry of even geriaier beauty and worth. Her pearls alone are istia.a to, represent minions of francs. • The wedding at their eettend ,itaegh- ter, ,lVfairiat, to Rintg Alexander at Jugo-Slavia, will "tralee place early Sunte, legoThes fio:e:teilD"orndionfiorktilelotuE:a:;:legn 640: agricultural olucation in Canada an0 the excellence of the arrleultarrAl to the Chicago International. LiveOodla Expozition when the Ontario Agriaul,', tnral College at Guelph, the Manitoba, Agricultural College at Winnipeg, an61 the Macdonald Agedeultural College 0/ Quebec eoverod thernaelves with ,gletey in the judging coil -testa, winning the fine nrize in individual standing a wel 1 eee th e r a iv ay da .