The Exeter Times, 1922-4-6, Page 2'
tet. •
The oblt..ct of tills department Is to place at the ser -
nice on our teem readers the advice of an acknowledeed
niebority on all subjects pertaining to soils and crope,
Address all qeetstions to Professor hiertry G. Bell, in
care of The Wilson Publishing Company, Limited, "foeon•
to• and'amewers vvill appear in thin-, column the order
ift which they are received. When writing Itindly tnere
always -well to 'wet a Piece of the
'Oen this paper. As space is limited it is advisable tvhere
dressed envelope be enclosed with tha question, when
g-eavn niabeanal hrs.. to eee,whait eheet
immediate repiy Is necessary that a star/mad and ad -
Timm as this •ils the nap of the can be bin:shed off e /ad the loves will
reaterial. Brush eit all the superilu- .elb soft and a -ate. Benzine rs
INTo ous sai,t 441114 go over the•mere seiled best ,for 'cleaning (1403,14 gq,2,ves, -when
Sleevea ei the bodiee.e. second wash t, ptoviding 1, white -a
thorough. brushing with a clette stiff warm teeter and then rinse trin Ir.
. parts ae • the hem, .0f tile., skirt • the Phuree nn your hat, gets tee gri My,
time -and then give tho areas a. ilicts0 'warm' suds made of pure seep :and
bristled brush and it should l'Ook 111 a cold Strarel1 \N-zitrar. Let dry, :9h -eke
new. Of ecrilvt.1 .11.1
N'e-tt cousumPtion there areenrre 1 b
grease spots out the starch, anti the plume will be
deaths frotn pneumonia than from any s 1Q11-, e remove -I befere t sa-t ils iluasl," and full as when new. It e"..111
other lung trouble. el""-all'tngl and shirty .neerk.ti duo to wear t •e- e •tri a hillot
Pnetunenia is notliing. more or fess, should be tepoteged with ammo -Ma and strand by strand, and will bc as good I
than. "Luna reveri" or as it used to be water, Men's clieblies may be cleaned as ever.
called, Inflammation or Congestion in title vere• .11 Perspiration stains ti.o hardest
Blace. silk :1111 black lace shoeld be 1'0 ceal with bet some wearier" hove
.1 t '
at iirst freeuent and hacking., and the sPollged el: dipped in cold coffee and t found that applieations of white vine -
The oeugla taccempanying pneumonia'
expectoration teugh and coieriees which Pressed. ...They wnl, then loolt eike new. t C;ar Will -remove them from gowns.
soo:i however b - tuesmoreeoPionsancl ' Turpentine '\ ill remove grease epote Howetler, in esing this remedy it is
1 of a pasty, red color; the lungs become ' trom velvet. Aeid stains cane he re-
I'congested and the bronchial tubes filled moved from many materials by the I1P-
avith Phlegm, making it hard for the'suf" Pliceation of leart Imre or Is it is
: ferel" t° breathe' '' ' commonly knoa-n. shartellion-1). a;aninonita.
tile answer will he mailed direct'
ConyrIlit bY Wilson Publishing Co., Limited,
tvhilelega".L:kile'.11.1'Ilifel1Pc'inn ttill7aterionlvoranli
On the first sign of a cold or g ‚facti a with
• • would like to seed si"tt, acres Vault kind and how rtillcil? The you should get -a bottle of Dr. Wood's . I-- Yell ale unfortunate enongn to all:rtaling it is well to tryro, picee .of
to alf fa tide sPrirt*g. It is in wheat ground is a few feet tibove muck land NorwaY Pine SYruP• arid thus Prevent get a II,ahlt or varnish spot on your the matspial ,•oefore puteeng a &own,
now. 1 piowed under tbe seeeed crop level: , the cold developing into some serious best suet do not be diseouragecii just haphazard into any,fluid. I, often'lt•ake
of clover last fall and pt manure and Answer; The fertilizer F.1101.11a be ap- J. P.
c r i COVer the spot with a little turpentine a piece of gown material and stain it
ouch, Ertnisinore, Ont., or saturate the etain -avith benzine, anci with the same liquid, grease, cell, or
have no trouble to get a catch of vetoes are being planted. Plow the nia cilia, a cough followed it, 1 coughed 1 rub until the irtaint is loosened. Then Paint that has spotted my frock and
22.5 pounds of acid phosphate on. 1 pli‘ed to the potato crep hen tile Po' vtes,--"Two years ago .1 got puciuno.
clover, It is sand learn. I haven't sod early in the spring and weirk it continually, and no matter what I used I seraRe off with a blunt inst-rument and then ti Y my remedies, iising the one
any rooney to bity lime at present. down thoroughly by &acing and bar- I could eotritl myself of it. In Nrovem- ' aPPlY more turpentine until spot die- that proves the most, eteicareous on
srrOWn ha an- rowing. When the rows have been berI wassureierae getting somedisease, aPPears• Alcohol will Sometimes take the sample.' • . •
because my 'throat choked me no so. the place of turpentine if , the seat as
other field about fifteen- years ago.. I stre,elt. out with the plow and yall lIrty sister wrete me from Ottawa, and nos too old. Slnins from tea, cot ee ,
will inoculate flte :stied. • chig tele holes for the potate •- t e to try Dr Wood's Nor-wa.y Pine ••• ".• Clep the cows' udders stO that 4mucl
.t.01) tee fen wibent you the ea 01 111 -t „ After -using one bottle I my ,ing time,
' e • dust
f fertiliser 'along
will not be fallint into the' •-•"ilk poils
Answer: vo-41 to 4-,,ov, 111 a iaer application, o„ _ . silk slatittld be treated
respond to ant aPPlication glYeerille ' The most dangeroa. ••
ieijcistable teeth that you. ca.n tinel Potatoes, then Proceed c°u-gh c°11.1Ple'teiY''"°n"e-
.st-bys. "It's nothing to. me what ether
e r naia in a little kft found relief 1\ Ly :Yes lie mixed -tt tt,h cad water, b •
1, wania au ft' 11' t'
of can get a lig-lit harrow er ene atata f this before you drol) the- so I got another 011e and before Xmas an lam' stems on colored goods will
and aleeliol in equal pa-rts, It must
be r.eniernbered, 'however, that ,repeat-
ed applinationsemust be made .of tiais
mixture as it CletS slowly.
nia.n. la society
is not. the man who robs his neighboa;
the seed has been sown, This should should use a fertilizer carrying; about. S 4 but the ane who stands back and
will iraettee a good stand, of Phoric acid, and 5 Per emit- Potash, NORMAII NEE
I ,ae cave tee -any IV nun
back, harrow the wheat liohtly after n•sar 'as I can Judge Your sole, rim pEe tg
give eh° clover seeds sufficient cover per cent. nitrogen, S per cent. phos-
op/dying about 500 lbs. to the acre.
'Gasoline is Useful.
Gasoline,.although rather dangerous
folks do."
'Accidents will happen," but haw
W. R. R.: I have alieut six acres of : C- MI Will You P t. ee t, _ t.. a ii many accidents are. caused by care-
-mile oh account of its inffainina- les-eness? Kedir hardware ont of_ the
and that owes seeded to alsike and advice yea' can on alfalfa, if Badvisablde
Price, .3.5c. and. 60c. per bottle. (It up to ha
to sow home-grown seed. est stee Daly by The T. Milburn Co., 'Limited. ',laity, is one ..of the best _cleaners he feed trough. when you open a bare
tialOthY two years ago, but which the world. This fluid will irat remove of hay, calefully -wrap up that wire.
came :IP very poorly aud gave a very for light soil? Would you sow uthi- rem -onto, One
light cutting . last year, and en which Othy seed With alfalfa? Which is t e
grease. staine but will take out the Be sure that you get all of it. Don't
1 doeire to thicken the stand of alsike, hest time to sow - dirt and will not injure a fabric. I feed your eattle vrap-iron. 4, It's
ehrtionlarly. Would it be practical to Answer:- Alfalfa rerillires first of find that when Putnam's eleaner, a dangerous:,
roseed this field without rephavinn alk a geod mellow, clean seed bed. ,,
'ale. Z., soapy -like fluid that is sold in. the --0-------
drug shops •at a small price per bottle, The etti-e",s fleece „will pay for her
Rad refitting the ground as for a new Tuis is gotten bY lairlY dee') w°rbiug ...-
eeeiling? 1 of the s -oil, followed by thoronghly B:ivers of hatching c -vs often rush 's mixed with the ,gasoline, the clean- keep, and the Iamb is elegr profice
Answer: I see no reason whyr alaike -
li3e-in' and ilarrc"Wing' .A.11:8-1.z.a„. Tie- the eggs from their aa- Lao -age to, the 1 '
',tied sheand not make a good catch (11 -u -res next a sw-''?•et con, moll mei le incubator or the hen', nest. Experi-
if sown on ton the alsikt and timothy Sr(3il wlahlh you/will get by This
ments have proven that it is best to
sad it' this is done az once. If you 3-00 lb.'s- 91 lime Per acre- ibis al).- let the eggs stand. about ten or twelve
can. do it without tearing the sod too i'-'ri°3AriG11 Gf lime slleuld b.e made 110111'Si. This gives them a ohence to
broadcast immed.iately following plow- become more n Genial before the
nraeh I would advise 7ori re- fellow
ihe seed With a light liaerting of trig. It call be worked into tile,s°11 at growth of the germ is allowed to start.
•he tene of die:eine. and harrowing-. At
the field. 'This would he n eover tee
seed. i the time yon are seeding the alfalfa,
! about 900 to 400 ibie, pee...acre
Even in. the best of packages there as
some jostling of hatching eggs,. in
tratieit and they seem to hatch best
B. T.: Two years ago 1 had a field, c.f a fertilizer carrying about 2 Per when given a chance to settle before
pretty well seeded to sweet clover, teent. nitrogen, phosphoric incubation starts.
then I plowed that under, sowed it to acid anti 2 to A- pe,, cent. poraeb. This Hatehine eggs should be stored in
8 per cent,
'lilts- Next it was P1°Nced and solve , ean be put on broadcast at the time a room where the temperature will be
Izet to the acre. Would there be allY' are SOWT1 With the drill rile E e e cl and win
'ille a:11alfa seed is sown and if both about fifty degrees. Too much heat
to wheat, using 100.- pounds of fertil-
passibility of a catch if I sowed al- the fertilizer will be well worked into even d slight l-C`icilling- may -weaken the
Start a slow , germination and
falfa on the wheat this spring? the germ so the egg will not hatch. If
te soil. 1 0 in not very - strong tor
Answer: There should be a poesibil- Atsinf__,;.hoine grown. seed of alfalfa in hatching eggs are held to
•ity of you getting a en`ood stand of Ontarm. There are a few cases where before setting, it is best bo urn them
alfalfa if You 'follow 'ale PlanS ()lit- a fairly good crop has been harveeted, eade day, alter the third day. It pays
iimed., „, It woulel stangtlien-, ,'Your but tonsidc-ring the cost you' are. going , to remember that. the fresher the eggs
chances if you itmeld 4top area's tilarto, I believe it WOUI'd •Zly you better the greater the chance for a good
wheat field with 150 te 200 pounds' te buy high grade seed from a good hatch.
ef fertilizer to the acre, following the standard sea -le -man. Test its - t Id
ci-a-tY - The nests should be perfectly clean
sowing of the allalfa*seed. ,The sag- by puttieg Sallie seeds on. a blotter, as hatching eggs cannot be washed
ciestions contained in -the answers -to keeping saane damp, and keep it by without destroying the protective filial
fille above two questions will- have de" the stove or some other heat. Where tahich re-ture platee on fresh eggs. If
rite application litiee. y-ou are anxious to get a good stand an egg is only- slightly soiled it can,
4 .Country
assing on Gond Thing
ANNAN' (Grey County),
ing is twice as easy and several times A good laying flock should at et-
as good. Silk- and other gowns dinned. a:ge 160 egge a year. The number o";;',.
into.a mixt-ure of gasoline and cleaner eggs eachlien should lay per month is:
come out like new. When wa_shing November, 8; December, 10; January
white glo-ees in getsoline it -is well, 10; February. 12; March, 19; Apititi
while they are still wet, to lay them 21;"May, 20; 'June, 18; July, 16; Aug
on a ploth and cover -a-ell with flour ust, 13; September. and in. °etcher
A iDliz,iiocivtilblinntege,:i,a3. :.s4i1R:eBe,,i-lf":11.1. I,III,10:1113p1 ein VS. s,s:
Bank Aecount,
Discussion: )1Ouseeleanieg.
prepare them. food value and haw to
Discussion,: Nursing Hints.
1-1ORNEY (Felton County).
Alarelt• • ' i
Paper: Keeping Moths out of Cloth:
folDm.seeetom:Leirta,n,ptreoaot-zottniie.t:lain.:ei Prwi.eupd,a,:aw-atiboiaxoefs Fainslda
Hints. Call: Honseeleaning Hellls' and
what to put in them. ,
Nomination -of officers.
Mayea ,
"Taeil.letioVnotoef i so fail crferr; s t-1.7 se It."
Sug•g;eetiors for new progranis.
Roill call: Membership Fees.
Ii.taliSileteeti:n.nier ' Dests,erts,
illakin,g •summer -*chinks from fritit
Roll Call: My Pet Superstition.
with in shert informal diseussion ama,
eng those present, to enable them to 'tea.
deeido Whether they like th"e idea and
would" consider it an advantage to the
neighborhood to organize. Ask I'm:
0 'show of hands when the question
Ines been discusecci. If the majori.te
are favorable, pees around paper ante
aek all those who -will be members tb
put down their names, Ifna sufficient
number of names is rieceiv-ed, ten or
over, it is ealf,e to organize.
Ex -plain fully and' clearly the varl-
et:le Offices Orf tile amanvbatien a -ad
the duties attached thereto. The
pregidentshouid ybelstitollt-c'ClPhl atajeda' peoe17-
fain aniotint of beeinese and executive •
ability, and the directors should bee
active and smpathetic helpers in the
managenie-nt of the business 'and work
of the branch for the year. It should,
lie impresse.ti ninion. all that meth i!S
expecteti to take her turn and do her
bit in all atitiv•itties, office
program, anti, social, if not at one
time, then at another.
S'ecure nominations, pre.ferably hY
ba-llot, for the officers, and -vote by
'ballot., unless ate choice is unanimous.
The Board of Directors is the inana.gee
anent committee for the year. See
tha.t ,44, sections and .g,Tortip•s., remem-
bering particularlyi; the, are rep-
resented as far els is possible, oneit.
Do notteo strongly urge one unwilling
into office 017 an unwilling meet -Ing to -
organize, 'Success. depends on a real
A Erarneh Women's I-nstit-ute may be and willing spirit of co-operate/1 and
organized in any locality (city, town, helpfainees. After the ,officers have
villag'e or township) •whei,-e a suffi- been elected, take suggestions- from
dent teannber of girls and -women the members as to the stabje.cts they
nunietichtaticoe to meet from month to
eonsido: questious of gen_ tIvoorutlidheliiikieexttlfleeowtislrenettlmohns,bahnedparr•ergaa:gine
erial interest in the home and im- the, date thne place and program for
mediate community. the first meeting before ,adiOurnnlent
Organization may be undertaken atr" The statisticts indicate that the great
reeeting called by the officers of the majority of members take auvantag'e
head 'of the nen'idcill;alltitty,teor by the
athn; apcfpit•ehecdaTtec'tnIttilelaY-ar:Iluneeebbfilitgask' inatgn:dans7CI-J1.
Laserict Werhene u
' flee women of the district aive
' least ten days' notice of the meet- tracted by the so.ciability enjoyed, and
part in the ,ttrork, Many are at -
mg shall he given by advertising in a still more beczais.e of theereal benefit
' local. paper or papers, by placard, or. derived from the papers and addresses
by announcements mailed to house- delivered and the discussion which.
holders as given in pters' list, in are a feature of neaady every meeting.
which shall be stated object, time, and One may join and take no active part,
Place of Ineetill'g. 1 but the likelihood is that before she
The first object shoultl be to reach is aware .of it .she is deeply interested
the greatest number in the coromen- and a valued, active member Ftverv
ity in the most tact-ful way. Secure wornian has some inft'irma.tion which
on both side's. When dry the flour 6.
, •
The Sunday Schoo
E. En: I have a Piece oi ground of- alfalfa, f would not advise mixing be cleaned enough to place in the ma -
about five acres which is gravelly. timothy seed with it, the grass :tends chine without using water Or toast/ -
Mayo used this for pasture tne last to compete strongiv with the alfalfa iiio. the entire egg.
four years. I wish to plant 'this and actually retards it if the graess
. When eggs are plao.ed tinder hens
grcand to potatoes tins coming sea- makes a good gelid. In Cmtarig• they should. be tested out sonie time
son. ItYould like to fertilize. What .tiring-growrt alfalfa seems to meet between the seventh and tenth day.
tirae should I apply- the fertilizer? with best secceles. Then remove the infertile eggs and
those :containinf dead germs. Often
spoiled eggs are left in a nest until
_the 'icl'ei,lee - of the hatch. 11 one is
broken it does injury to the other
eggs or the chicks and is also bad for
blotting paper, plenty of soap flakes, the morale of the poul.tryman, who
JavelIe water, glycerine, benzine and unlit clean the nest to save the gasoline, being_ sure to keen the last once of 'the hatch. If' all the eggs
two remedies. away from the heat or are bad it is better to find it out soon
fire. With this arrayr you can subdue
any spot that may attack the family
cl-----------1.... sehold linen. To
elm Saves Biyhg
Among the miner expenses of the
,ottaellold nothing seems to run away
with more money than the dry-clean-
, ;IT'S bill. Especially is this so in a
large family, and often thanes good
idolising, is discarded because it does
eet eeein to warrant another bill, for
all possible info/ciliation and literature anli be Nramed. by other member „ of
The Lord Preserves kash, 2 Kings 11: 1-4 11-17. Golden -sarapTe Progicanis are -excellent naa...! the , Institute. _Noarly every home-
. „
few representative women, and if it many dutiee, tvliloh come to her as
terial-talk the matter over with. a molter excels in 011C Or more of the
T„ext.--Ps'.° 145: W.
Time -B.0. 841-836. their rriinisory to sigmfy: (1) that they seems desirable to call a neighborhood inairageo-, cook, seamstress, te-acher,
were set apart to God tor a particular
Place jea•usalern. meeting, form a committee o1 propa- er-tertann• er, etc., :and she should not
Lessoranoreword-Jahoram, kino-of work and (2) that God's epirit --was
Wy them gent ta to le a le gel a..nd women. lose I.he opportenity .affordocl thr
d ' 11 11 -LI • -1-
judah,...,hadeeem4neie,d AtInaIiah, 'the oeutpoered .thern,to Taal
: • Connamnicate with the District Presti- the Lneetitutte to give 'the members' ,efne
daughter of -haia and Jezebel, king tor that evorlao
and queen l'of northern Israel (see The Death of Athaliah 13-17, dente or Secretante officefs of .a "advantage of her -knowledge and ex-
ach Or with the' Sueerin- perience.
Kings S: 16-18). At Jeh-orarn's death, V. 13. ..k-thaliah heard the noise. The Ifeal•bY
his son kliaziah came to the Brai -
throne, royal palace stied 'closie to the temple tendent ;institutes, tb secure assist- The Membereliiip year, as well as the
and the shouts- of the guard in -the ante in organizing. Arrange, if pas- fineneial. year, ends with May 31s0±,
2 Kings 8: 25-29. On the death of
temple would attract Athaliahfs atten- eible, to have some good. music.- Sonie- and the aimual fee is twenty-five cents.
tion. She hurried from the palacei'to
the temple to ddscovier its meaning. times a, somewhat inthsirrnal nioecatineg. Thee ,feoes ,are 7eta.ined by the branch
with refreshments Makes a go 1 b coil et:BP the s'arne -
lout to death all her own grandchildren
and ruled as regent f_or six years. was. The king was -'presented to the ginning.
rksrho would be claunants to the thicone, \T. 14. By a pillar as the manner
Membership tickets shoulel be given
Have the objectseneeds, benefits and yearly to each member. -These should
'Ile Hiding,- of joash, 1-4. people in the niece Where usually the
- king 51004 110 worshiP in the temple. scope of the -work outlined in a clear be furnished by the Dist -riot' Officers
and interee-thig manner. -.Follow this or by the Br.anch Institute concerned.
V. 1. Athaliali; had inheeited from Thi's was by one of the puler, (e,e.
her mother Jezebel" great force of 23: 3) and probe -el upon a raised
b influence was. al- • e Y
- El • - trerapes
-ways for etfil. her sonewas dead; that The trumpet,s were made of rams
character, ut,:. ier nlatform there. Blew tar
is Ahaziah, who reigned for only one A e
,orna an were. own to soun
year. eh, S: 26. Daring his reign alarm in battle. to pixteletim the new
Athaliah, the queen -another w:as aa'P- moon and the new yekr, and at she
narently the strong PoiNel ." coronation or a king. 1
i..hrone. At his death slie was afraid V. 15. Have her forth. Lead her o-ut
that her position of authority was at
tanha:iiisd;heDr egrstar.nosiyolaiiiilditehne. sTebeedyr.c‘o..eyeiald: comsidered.
beyond. the ranks of the soldiers, that
is, beyond the temple area. It was
sacrilege to shed blood
be the legitimate. 'claimants to "'the within the sacred Pl• t f I
throne. " loweth etc.; a precaution against any
and not waste the time of the ben. , V. Tehosheba; sister oa. e a
modern anquipae. ikpii"..liges.t She had married Jehoiada the
(2 Chrism. 22:. 11) and . had,
:leaning clothing, thaz cleaned might this add dry salt, bran, corn flour, Teacher-eNow, Toni, hold your tnerefere. been -won over from trie trances from the temple to the pal-
meterial and thus save Vie price of The grease spot on your silk frock you -d like to Lave a fine carriage when party- who worshipped Jehovah. Took gate" (the royal stables adjoined the
twos all that was left of David's de- the guard," v. 19. The -usual entrance
who would side with the.. queen
V. 16. The way the horses • canie.
There appear to haire been two en -
he made over or combined with.other and groend rice. and your' shoultlers ba.cle-- 'heathen court :party to ,th.e.priestl-y.
aces the one known as "horse -
head II)
• t•Joash: her infant nephew. One infant palace) rend the other the :"gate
reaa-ments. 'will require Fi.ench chalk. Cover •the -you're a 1112„11, wouldn't yon?"
...,reeeee lire-fess:anal aka/leas, who on all night. In the morning iren have an aeroplane.' de-oen t on. r.
siden's The • promises of God. for persons of importance would be'
Dry cleaning is not such eercet spot with the Chalk and let, it, remain Tom (doulitfuily)---"Well. I'd rather
s.eemed d for meal a by the gate of the 'guard Thusit was
e • or sleep with' your mouth shut: keep V. 3. joash, like- Samuel; was the. horse -gate. .,
"vc"rium- even- with °nil' tIle ef evening sEPPeus• PreVided Yon do not -omen-lona' but also when aniry. brought Up in the temple, where, al- V. lee The aoyenaht forinea az „he
haliall'e palace, his presenoe was giotis and politic.aln On the one hand
a-ould have ts believe. Any sensible. aleb-clean Your liTht CalOred shoes little, feeble life.
J aommon household atz...z.saTies as aLlOW thep1 co become too dirty before though just ea 'stone's, throw fro -m suggestion of Seholettla wae both rem_ 1
514e not, in business ice- their liealthe under brown paper. French chalk.will
an indignity to lead Athaliali out by
' eic-anine Spots on lieht colored or
Lty sahr, briar,„ tiorn eour, ground rlae • 4t4.-- ."; rt‘r --r1 'ninths of health
- e-ecieirie caats mav lee remot-ed b,r , kap' ..dead secret _tor six y -ears. Dur- the people SWOre 'allegiance to their
and geOline., allaY "1"- - insurance. nee of them 'is a Palr fle ing that time' he was surrounded with new icingJciash, and on -the ,other
There t
pete, t•lith tits elteaner. The, success of eundry appileatier.s of th-IS «' "005111 rubbers for everey menlber of- the purest .and '1' "1. religions both people, and klier' 303313
the fainily • - influences; 'his good reign showed the allegiance to Jeatival'i. The -norship
:tea/ling Hee .prinoipelly in tbe knowl- French chalk an .better vet a good' '4" •
,fige of the cheireitialts hi- the dye anat rubbing ru„ei 1.11. V., 13 Ire or ----- value of this ei-asnirig..- of t-he,heath.en Baal Jai:lair
e effect of these 011. cor-! light "reit hats that harot ot------------------------------ - polish .V. 4. Jehoiada CautionslY Wine tile with thf_ death of •--actlaal-iah, -
•ti. fabrics, and eertetin colors. Long'', en. them require an application tif. the'
I d -a
favor or I ta part before -
geese • e e'l roived in Lon1113 don,•artd - the miii r -
re et.. y
eetpiessed much ee.t ,,,,actioat a. the' -
,eriertee tells the prefession eieaner1 earth. 'antier1. of eet-olution. In a. levee Ontario Sunda,y- Sehool
_s when, giatacea at .e. fabric bnt" Salt Renews Your Suit
, sae, be
" 1 ,
12:,.0 yrs °eel,. lull. i,* e; e *ile earn)? wn,s twenty ye.ares ago, there Was a boY Yaillo
, A good way to clean a cloth, or‘i'-"---:-.
* rile- ,of 'he ar etro-oolie
lize home cleaner crin firel out jriet asl
xell by trying a piece of tile material I tweee &nes oi. sine is. by the salt pm_ /..kaL '''.13* -V0,21% 11-41,1”,' ?-•.* s.e.r- :''' 'dr" -'-`1:'F-4 illillierincliT:l.riSof'fieeaa'(irbinulel'Iht-Liglev.ilTIgliaagararegdi:
el re, , „care-. 14, ite.., •,-,- (. D. ,11,_
It tnel'e :s a hig, family enti muehipos.ediee end linseed throne) a sieve to b.,clay:_gual:ds 'oy the ken.0-4.,.. of Juelelai t, idD tjt,/,...,2:1; t,i, 6,LLS
oefore attempting 10 renovate the (!e.5s. Have ,a. jarful -of salt, -a-hich These were kno-wilas Carites -------- ere,
d uts oa thousande and
e 111..0 11
t'lltme garment- must have been ernehed aa fine as --A,Di s LFTP foraTgn met-certaries eniployed as
:leaning it is wise to set aside a honlei free it from all ininps. ,Spread the CROWID9 ilne Kretha and Plethi in the ,ttline •
Soiernen," 1 Iting.s, 1: 38. The
sam.e body of troops furnished the' r
ening el spa rtniere, a shelf where i garn
lent en the table and strew a thin ,
ci ,are each good old eta-11(17'0ra as layer el saltaIJOver R. Now take al, anee. 0‘.,r the country guard, both for the palace and tile Itirs„ Erneet P. 1'101051Waldeck
ueer,s e, _le Ft. one e an ice white Pad and rub the salt into .the I - t -rer ,ht e eleteplees -tt ple” (Skinner) Athaliala 0,S 1:e.- Line, N.$,, writes: -"My system wag
. of chloroform, a bottle ,of aintionia," tweed wit,h }Dug siv.8eps doWnWal,d. iOW. gent, was their commander_in-chief, greatly run down, my head would pain
'carbonate of sate, suPPIS of Never rub up and d.owa or nyondand ,r s'ialrie are troubled with "a-eall- and 'but Jelmiada succeeded in winning. so I could not see, by spells, and,T
• •
of the ilcrt; others bate_ their nerves. their help • he could, riot have enthroned right down. I was also terribly; troubled
4 -mothering 4spells; otliere. palpitation them f:rom, her allegiance. Without so dizzy, at t,
zee-asa ItarG relLUTZES
lUsic St. West
n 11r.. 3.Arge Vir,e
r laran Med.
(2(5 84.60
e'29 00
.2111511.2111511sr 5,00
ts Damage
wad Shot
.Shot.- Th1.00
ooci anrm
$26.00-$u 5.00
(2.f.',..00-8. 6,00
1101d F.A)}111, g
011.5 013
1,1••* Fj7.0keet4 or Pa -al Post,
It ereriOes--Do‘ixa
1e i'or them to retur
Quick Returns Guaranteed
on 13ank, Toronto.
ames, I would have to he
offer the blessing of sound, refreshing -
sleep by invigorating the heart and ner4
es and toning up the whole system
Mrs. C. Pl. Beckett, Norwich, Ont.,
writes: -"I have used nearly two boxes
of lalillaten's Heart and Nerve Pills and
know they have done me good. I Wa.5
troubled with my heart and buzzing
in my head. I could riot sleep nights,
and sometimes could hardly get my
breath. 'file doctorahelped me to a car-
tain point; said it was my heart. I
want to thank you for ty-liat your great
medicine has done for inc."
Price 50e, a box at :all dealers, or
malted direct on receipt of price lay The
L', :Milburn Co., Limited,Tororsto, Ora.,
• •
unstrung, bat wbatever the -cause . soas a.
with constipation.
T got a vial of Milburn's Laxa-Lives
Pills, and haven't had any trouble since.
I feel that anyone who suffers like I did
The Coronation of joasht. 1142.
V. 11. 'The meaning seen's, to be
that the guards -Were drawn tip in can get relief by using your pais.
ranks right across the court from
smith to north, and feting the altar
and the teniple" (Skinner). The
guards were so stationed that they
could repulse any attempt UrK,11
V. 12, Bought forth; probahl
y ori
the priez:ts.-' residential gleaners in the
temple IN-i;ere he had eerrni kept in hid-
ing. Gave him the tostinum,Y. In this
instance the teatirnony- wotild be the
oftleial hook of the .law, alita refer.
erre* to tt Imre wouleVsuggest that it
11115 prc.c4lecti to kings at their ("01.-
'11re:ti1.uIe ,1nointed.11101; with oil on
head. Prophets, priests anti kinge
are,.11 Xi1100t
regelator on the
•trk- quarter of a
proves, 'els.--
Price; 25c. -
mailed direct -
'file T. lqiibar
'0 01101.0(56. at ' the beginning 01 0111,
gave his teener, and the School gen--
erally, a good deal of trouble. He we-
enruly and on more than one occasion
hle had to be put out of the Selool.
But -patient work wrought wonders
and that boy -or rather than -is now
assistant superintendent of that same
School, and, ,one bhe reakepil.lars of
the Church. Every boy May not be a
Joaela but there are hidden values in
everyci ,elet
Joash had known and loved the tem-
ple all his life, and the influence of
that training soon manifested itself:
Not long ago, when m one of, our
Canadian provinces there -tvas a refer-
endum on -prohibition of -the liquor
traffic, at a temperance meeting some
one no_ticeti teas of five speakers,
every one ma:de his early
eepenience, in, nal e-ty . Their
steadfast adtherence to temperance
prineiples and cheerfnl advoeacy of
Pr;hibition came Is a result of their
early religious trainfingiem th.
"What mariner o en. s is
be?" was the, question asked concern-
" ing John the Baptist. The seanie ques-
t, tion magant , be repeated over every
ciad a As e oak. .
acorn; as the mighty torrent .sleeps
in/the they rill eas'nuizio sleepsu. in the
plain eggs of ride nightingale: as -the
statue elee-pe in the black of marble
-so'unmeasereci possibilities sleep in
tini soul of every little chied.
o610±,- tiii lest, liver
market co -day. Over
centerY's Pen,
ac all dealers, or
receipt oe price by
Crippled pigs are the result of close
confinement in damrp quarters. It is
quite . common during the wintel
months. It is not always easy to give
condition's that will overcome the
-trouble. Usually the best one oan do
Is to give them plenty of straw, and
turn them out and let them get all
'the exercise possible. If you have a
,sreriatv pile handy, it usually .pays- to
make a hole in the straw far the pigs,
and dispense with the damp quarrters. -
It is little use giving medicine, but
rather remove them from 'the damp
quarters -the cause of the treuble-
1 or improve the quarters so that the
pigs are no longer damp:Feed a little
tankage Or roots if you have them or
can get
To get- early tomatoes, plant, seeds
in boxes in the house or hotbed, and
Mary Speaks -
Martha's hotise is swept 'and garnished
Full of trteasures r,arce4-
Thateugla dawn shades- the daylight
Dawe toiter there. ,
(Mine's a eiMple home with simshine
Stroaanine' everywhere!)
Pritinelar:enud(91 5.6:1:iisairnot,tye, a..1.tiiiidart,ibltitait's, children,
(my strong, sun -browned brood are
At Dame Nature's school;
Lesson rooms, the fields, the orch
And the 'swimming pool.),
Martha's lrusband thinks in terms
" Cif stocks -awl motor, cars. •
(Mine -God iblesa litine!--often faill
To leek the pasture ii•ars-
Come-8 in Jlate to ,supper, nights', for
Gezing at the stare!)
In our world of many -women;
Always there 'must be
elerellas,.who take love and eervice
;Too 1111,Srail
AT41 the Alrary8--of, larges
0114 how rich are a el
when they have three or four leaves,
transplant them into paper cans or
boxes, 'When it is time to put there
outside bury the boxes m the gentle
and the boxes will decay and the roots
force their way into the geoend.
Among many of tflose who have writ-
ten us is Mr. A. Fleming, Scotfield,
Alta. He says in Ids letter: -"I have
been trbabkd with dyspepsia for some
years. I tried sever41 medicines, but
only got relief for a short time. I suff-
ered with pains in my stomach, also a
smothering feeling after eating, and
could not cat any meat at all, I got
tun down and waS very weak from rob-
bing the stomach of its neoessary wants.
I also suffered from pains in my neck
which would run up on both sides into
my head causing- terrible headaches.
used several bottles of Berdock Bleed
Bitter4116. 0011 11111 C11113Pietdy
E. 13, II, bas becti on the market for
the past 42 years; mantifactured only by
'rho T. Milburn Co„ I,iinited, Toronter