The Exeter Times, 1922-1-12, Page 71
Be the FuvL.. Apple Pi
raree3.? ThiSFiruitis Grown
Jun Manitoba, azd.Alberta.
Canada limo laid a bumper apple cro
this year, and that tile- quality of ti
fruit lirasnot suffered in the prollfi
liess Of Pro-0i-1011On LS evidendect in ti
ecent award•s at the Na,tional App
held in London, Engian
cnnadiart apple- growers came i
to open competition with giaiwe
torn alt over the world trod were su
cossful in bearing away practically a
the prizes, and awards, winning to
iCanacla a new fame `through tlit7 01'
euerts- at her orchards.
The silver challenge cap, asrarde
to British or overseas exhibitors wit
ihe highest aggregate ot points
fourteen classes, Was woe by the 01
iftria Pruit Growers' Associatioi
Nor'Lltern Spy apples from Ontario, et
tered cc,oking apples, won the thir
prize of a bronze medal. One of th
judges s-iated that " tills apple woul
have TT,orr first. prize.. as an eating al
ple, being the best all round apple i
the whole exh_ibitien., The Ontario- e
also • vvon four flrt prizes of
geld' medals, five second silver -medals;
and one third bronze medal. Nova
Scotia won. the drat prize for Starkes,
and Golden Russets and -second for
Cox's- Orange.' British Coluinbia won
t'lle• second shin?, with -C,ox's Orange
Pippin and the third,prize for the best
dessert :apple. No* Brunswick- won
Cwo set prizes with IVI" acitintosli Reds
d• Snows and two third prizes with
its5;f2t,,and Prince-s:a•Louise.
Three Million Bar.rel Yield:
The Dominion Fruit Commissioner's
.Branch .tias estimated the apple yield
gjr 192! ;it 33200 barrels as against
:3,404,340 _ba.rrels, last year. Novd;
si.c'or'is exPeated , to- lead with' 1,300,-
00, barrels; Britisii'Coluntlaid will:
learrels; `SQue1)ec35,2,00:barrel,s,,
atrd 33,000"laari•elS.
Probably7ifie twooutstazuring fruit
. prouneing dliltriet9 o the 'pe -minion:
atreopthe, :Annapolis ,Valley in Nova
Scotia, , and , the Okanagan Valley in
British Columbia. situated at either ex-
.. tne,mit,y to tit° ,continen.t. `1,Vhereas in
1920 the -Annapojisi ValleY produced
dbout , one and a, -half million barrels
ct aPPlesi estimates'msodetjjis Year
place, the yield at more than 11v0 mil-
lion barrels. In the Okanaga.n valley,
estinialtes have? risen from alaciiri four
illion (lanai's in 11720 to nine million
't7-s,this• -year.
s,,ottal_ value, oef Ci.onocla'S nnple
i29-2,-6' 99 t41) alO a
,• •was•
CaDditiOln.Duc. Enthe4X;
Poor, 'Watery
girl who returns •'home - from
choral or from work' thbroughly tired
Mit will he fortunate it she escapes a
physThal breakdownohecause this get-
ting' tdrod so e stly is probably tle
O hrst warnarg- sym.ptont ot, a thinning
blood that must not be disregarded if
her health 19 to be Preserved.
' When the 'blood, becomes thin and
impure -the patient 'becomes Pale, hag -
P gala and: angular.,, She not only tires
Opt easily hut sufferS from- headli.volies,
palpitation of. the heart, 'dizzy spells
le, and a loss'ot appetite. j This condition
ee will go from 'bad to worse, if jpreinpt
slepa -are.'not taken to increase and
enrich - the blood supply. To make -1,1to
rieln,red Meal that brings, the, glow of
c -
health, RO Other medicine can equal
11 pr. Williams' Pink Pills:, If given a
fair trial their use brings rosy cheeks,
bright eyes, a goad appetite and. goad
I spirits. Dr. 'Williams; Pink Pills have
a -
inade.ithouseutas at pale, languid grehs
h a.
r active -and . On he firs • o
I poor, 'thin blood mothers shotild.inziot-
r, eit datiohteis taking a fair
,eounoeot these pllls. They will not I
only restore health, but will save tur-
d- tiler doctor bilis.,
e Dr. Willi -ins' PIM- Pill- en be 01)-
tainerd'from any dealer in medicine or
by mail at 50,,cents a box or stx, boxes
a for 82 50 from The Dr. Williams' 1\!edi-
',compared with 124,396,210 in4919. The
total yield was 3,404,340 barrels as
against 3,334,660 barrels` in. the previ-
- ou,s year, the inoyease being' small. and
the Substantial difference in values be-
thst Main., accounted for in the
prices received.; the axerage -value of
a bAt'rel,110429,1?e_ipg,5,8.77 as against
t17.71 in 1919: :1'k:import sal -es amounted
to- 1.127,400 barrels- otthre- value, at phr
tate of exchange,/ 112,470,444, an over-
age price,per barrel of, 111.06.,' The
, province Of Nova. lecttita, exported' al -
[110,,S two-thirds of its total crop of
-14.920,, at an, average wholesale price. of
, 140:60 Per barrel' 'The ai'reirage whole-
sale price on tho rdoznestlo market was
, 16:25 per barrel.
, .
Ontario Leads Ali Provinces
Ontarlo continued to lead a,mong-the
wrovinces--of Ca/maw-in- apple- produe-
with a total yield of 1,621,800
Isarre15 Valued at 113,673,765, an;aver-
age, price. of $8106.- -Nova, Scotia,' w,as
not far behind. withe-1,160,000obarrels
oralued-ait,4,10,981,320; or anesaitierage
: pr 1 o ot $9,,,42; Bri,titsbo. oltimlitaef
the' ',other' side' of- the continent, the
,prev,ince which is,fast taking:the lead
-in, fruit production, held the third
placs•.Wi,th, a pro.cluction -of' 504,540
:barrels, which at an average .price_ of
J10.12 were worth 5 total of $5,1(16,-
905, Quebec's total yield amortnte•d to
8/000 barrels wcirth 1569,688,' or an
average of 36.07,- and -that Of New
Brunswick 30,000 barrels- valued at
3:167,37:1, -an. average of 35.78,
Thetotal inereSse for the . year in
Produc,tioxi amounted to, €19680 barrels,
cover the -figures of 1919 and in
$5,452,939. The Provinces. o -f Ontario
- Ana Quebec were responsible -for these
/nitre:anis, both recOrding 's.ubsta.ntial
incr9ment4 over the, previous year,
wttiist, the other- three fruit growing
provinces, registered slight declines. '
The ,Crovernment. SlirV0y takes e0g-
, i7.0,0.00 only of the five provinces
noted which comprise, for -all intents
and purposes, the -total Canadian area
al yvhich apples „are commerelally
raised and from which an -export trade
:is 'carried ,on, It should not' be a,F.4-
-I•ttltneti,' liowever, fro,,m„the mnis,sion of
. thornier provindttinliat- 00 fruit is
zfrodtmod there. This side of agricul-
tire haslargeby been neglected in tile
tmost exclusive attention -paid to
rein, .p.rownig but apple growing IS
'stuacessful -pursuit in .niany
arts of Manitoba and some, excellent
arrette4-00e-o1'odtte5J4o5 tire .irrlg ate&
lands- in Souttlerh Alberta,
te' adrad tolls
Svorit,' your,
. , .•
4i}',Sit•OeV-• • •}-6,,e}4iirgei
She cannot marry you7- All
, •
onr farnilare °plias-ea-to your"
Ile—"But, dear, if you are itot--
She—"1. suit!'" all our family! '•
High heels, of exaggerated prober -
tions "-may Cause curvature of '-he
spina -arta other ills.
MInard's Liniment for Distemoe
l3ovi foo Citizenship.
rhea the DO/ SPout Movement it'e,e
inaugtiiiiitorio, theprimary and ftxna'a,
, .
itten}tal, pnrytose behind tlie organ-Via.-
"tlican wasiapatriotie one: pbd dint great
patrititic purpoise has , not boon, lest"
alicht of -as the rtieverinent has pr.ogress-
One, worit and training of ttle Boy
scoota is that which best equips boy.
hood for paod ciltiatinship; ansi is, in 00
100900 0. mthtacp, n rAirithiStia,nat ug the
fact that some of tho Boy Scout train-
ing bus
iirto a military notch in the
evont porhaPs,that the coati taY'relglii
00100 day. have need Of 1110 splendid
young manhood- that has des eloped,
from the Scouts,
It is 0 matter worthy of c.orninout
that the. pulp mill towns of Northern
Ontario, as- elsewhere, have troops or
Patrols of Boy Scouts-, Boys of many
nationalities have manifested a inost-
cothosiastic interest in the worl d
the result has boen that pan iotism 1)1
the highest type has been. MAI flied into
the young edirids, -watch means honor
at the flag, resneot for Canadian in-
sticutimis, and love of the lancl of their
fathers' adoption,
One liaS'ereere the Boy Soornt-s in first
, ,
aid: work,, in -camp and on the tramp.
'One has see(1 perfect driseiPHile pad'
organization, • One has seen the Scouts
On. duty diiring days of sorrow- and'
tragedy in coal camps, sierying hot cof-
fee to rescue creWs dely-ng among
the wreckage for the bodies of unfor-
tunate Victime oil mine explosions,
due, has 'seen the loo3rs taking part'in
historical pa,geants,.being kind to aged
people, s5eing scone criPPle' across a
street: in safety:, aiding i11 the search ;
for lost personS,and fctrthering- the
-1,1EAL2 1.CATI N.
DR., 3,. , if 'T 1101\1 .
. . . . _ .
, Provinefsic,130.,aFSJ.,b earth, '9.11ti-410.
. . .,,...
pr, A,Tafgetoo.,..,,,syilhhe..„&il.ct,o,. a tiSt?,-,eq4e,stions . on ;Publiciif-,f,ealth .el'at=, .
, ....
ter through this, colunod: 1;1. dt.i.TeLqs lifin, at Spaditia-I-Touse. Soadina
, . . .
Crescent, Toronto. •
efopuitien „ e
1-15‘e the
et.} • boyhcod represente. Oaondci:1,10.$
need ol the ul citizenship rePre.
100:Y14 7='(.0.0 loVe,,0101
.1.1010.0 tile -flag and learn obedicuce to
the law.
& Wolf Cub ?
In 1914, -the: Chief Sc'ai1c fluting titat
itrani,boya under Cwelve yetis of ar,;e
Wf.u`e desirous of becoming Scouts but
were, prohibited from doing so because
of their laelt of years, organized the
•Wolt Gab inticlos for lenYs from 8 to
12 years, since thatlimo the clove -
moat has grown 00 clipt nos tho1.Q 010
Wolf Cubs all over the world,
01105 Of the junior organization o.
identle.,•al, to the aimsof tho Bo -y
Seo_itts Association, tlizic"onlY difference
being, the age of the boys. The mein -
00 of training is similar to that em-
ployed in the Scout Traps, namely.
the utmost Posslbie responsibility be-
ing placed upon the -boya themselves,
thus developing the ability to eontrei
others and the true spirit of leader-
ship which is 'perhaps man's most
vital need in the world of to-clayr. The
training for niar hood ',through the
11011 1011 of the Bey Soma IVIavemcmt be-
gins eariv in life and 'lasts till that
manhood dies.
Scout at Arms Parley.
It,V1Iiie attending the 'Scout Leaders
flonferenee at Iluffalo recently, Mr,
Anders, the local soordary far the
haiatito.n, Association, learne(1 some-
thing that will be of great interest to
`Scouts. When Secretary of State
Hughes opened tile Disarmament Oma"
fere-nee at W,ashington, and made the
appeal for all tire nations to scrap por-
tions of 'their navies, theonly- boy that
heard him was a Boy Scout. ' This
Scout was ma duty os side the con-
ference room, and one of. the Britisla
'delegates, far whom the boy- had done
a "good turn," insisted .that the boy
accompany him -to --the conference
room. In spite of- quite an amount of
pposicion, ,the .delegate s-tuclt to his
recto -Pet, officialdom gave way and the
boy was admitted.
Mrin(er is a dangerous season for the
littile -ones- ,The,, days are so change-
- able one bright, the next cold and
-Chriotmnsbrings thou-ghto of pe -ace -be cy," so.ti L ' L stormy that the inoth,er 'e f • 'a t
ei - . . , , 7, - re ao'sisi ance o elr -e ,raws. ,.- - . , , .. . is a ial ,o
t th ` f li
on earth, and good will to men., , At It ,is a good suggestion and, is b o au t i- take tilt--.) chili -lien major the fresh air
no other season of the year do'we see- fallY ettpressed in fhese words hv -sad ei..ertis they le cl so much. In
' - - . ,
so much of the kintine'ss- of heart • avid Stani Jordan «Thore s nol-Intig Cciti9Quen ce t1e) tate often cooped up
, ; ..• . _ _ ..., . - .„.,. . . 1, he -world so important as little . -
-, in overheated badly ventilated. rooms
„which perme,ates humanity. :Nor is h-ld '' rf _and are soon seized with , colds- or
n - , c 1 ren—nothing so interesting -
this to be 'wondered at, :for the signifi: ever yott /,"vi,,sh to 310 in. •E,r philE,n_ grippe?, What is needed to keep the
canoe of the great event at Rethlernern thropy, if ever you, wish to be of 'my little ones well is Baby's Own Tablets,.
1 of Judea is f or eve,r`assoriiateci. 1,
wit- ti:se in the' world, do sonnet -hire- Roy
I the ' tb'on rth t of Peace —peoce - anion" ilittie h'i el • if - They will :regulate the stomach and
bowels ein-d drive cut colds and by
• - --s 7 ' e, - c I ten. ,over yott yearn te - - 1, , ,, , , .:nietiens,. ve,,,,e among..factions, peace. be 0511110„,,,,,i,a, sonde ,ch,i/drea,•-vve„en.p., -their 'use 'the ha oat _sy.i.„7.,. tie: ante to get
Imola ngs tirdi•viii-da•Ise --"1i,V.ithethiS •thoughit'' dreis:- the '48•Ore' 'b'a.,-it'cIa,4- iii-a-v•AOUtfitist'ove tlue w.".L.1-P't,e'r s'"''',09--g-,I-,,f4 ,/,i'.fti't.Cet,, a'.fe-
0•'•, 13e,- t- I s • e w o o sorne- imprison on,e criminal ' heal 'the s' il-
f ocs err lie- the Isl.]: t d - ' ' ' -s, '-• ' - ' ' ' ' ' ty-. The Tablet are soict ' by medicine
thing worth while, to make life a• * a ,ct bury t , ,. _,
littfe n ' bu the dead but there ; • alwayo r ' '
- dealers or by mail at 2o cents a box
. , _ ,
more of service and less of _self,' a -a chance that we ,ean otave the child.,
s ` ''' their Ilse tile baby will be able to get
little more filled with actions that If the great army of 'philanthropists':.,
Brockville, Ont.
may ,bring hope and- encouragement ever ex,etratnate sin. and pesettence,
to those who may need a Ihelping hand' ever wo•tinders the Trees.rk out the race's salvation i'
When,the summer days are bright and
long '
And the little birds pipe a merry song,
'Twas sweet in. the shady woods to lie
And gazeat the leaves and the twink-
ling sky.
Drinking, , the vsliile the rare cool
Under the*trees, under the trees.
Summer or winter, day or nig-ht,
The -woodsw- are an ever nedelight':
They give us pea,oe, thoy make us
Such wonderful balms to them belong;
So, living or dying, I'll take mine ease
Under the trees, under the trees.
—R, 13: Stoddard-.
along the way. We turn this way and will -bebecau:se a little child hap led
'tlia.t at the beginning of the New Year, them.” ' . ,. .
., .
w-oncieririg -what good resolution we In this regard do, you know- that
may, plan; to 'parry Out. 31a1 mg New 'there Were 72 i51-1' 'babies /torn iast
Year resolytieno is not a foolish pro- year in Ontario? DO y-otiolciiow that
cedure,, as cynics Will tell you. '. It iS 7,804 babies under Mao year as sage
O healthy omen, an indication that last year in -ontafio? ,
there are many things we can do that Tiliink over 'atese figutes., They may
in the past years we have. left tru- giveyou a • suggestion for a l`Talv
done, . I .am, going to offer a sugges- year resolsition• that carbe mad()
tion right 'here to ' those who want t� • :worth while,
ose- nee; •
There's: a settlement in profit or loss, for
nearkir every indulgence,
Sometimes the pay day is long deferred, and.
on that case the settlement may bear compound
Often a payment in ill health ie required for
the dance had with tea or coffee dttring earlier
years. Sometimes the collection comes in sleep-
lessness, Scrnetimes in headaches, sometimes in
high blOod pressure, or in nervous inthgestion—
sorne,times in all these penalties,
Nerves won't always stand the winPDitig 'of
,a and coffee's drug, caffeine,
If you've been dancing to tea or coffee's fid-
dling, why till Payment time comesi`
you're beginning Ito pay, now, 'why not -cancel the
There's an easy and pleasant vitay to avoid
tea and coffee's penalties, as thousands have found
tivh0 have 'changed'PesituPt 111 i3 a deligilk
with any meal—rich, ,comforting,, and satisfying .
—and it never harms. Even the little childrere
can have a bileakfast Cup of Ppstuna, with no fear
for what may happen tifSensitive neiVes,
Instead of paying penalties for your rue.a1,-
time drink, let it pay belie0 to, you, by giving
natural health, a full chance—and begin the -neve.
arrangement today. Any grocer 0191 11 sell, you, or
any good restaurant Will serve you P.. °stunt,
, „,
Posturn comes -in twottorons; Instant Posonto tins),
ade inataritly„irt the copby the addition of-boilir4 wate, • ,
Postern cereal'(inpackages of larger bulk, for thowh
se o,
refer to make the dthikvhita.the Palooti 11 being.preprtrod)
made by boiling for 20 minutes,
Postum or Preallith
"Thefei3 a Reaaor.t"
Who PLs nts a Tree Plants
He who plants a tree
He plants love. -
Tents o -f c-oolne,ss spreading out above
Wayfarers he may not live to isee.
Gifts that grow are best;
Hands that bless are blest;
Plant; life does the rest!
Heaven and earth help Him 'who plants
a tree.
And his work its own reward shall be.
—Lucy Larcom,
A Startling Reply,
A woman passenger in an Atlantic
Baer luta. an eg.perienee that led.her to
belie-ve that a seaman ,is not apt to
waste much thought on his personal
trouble's. ,
, The sailor who had induced tkis be-
Itief had received a bad cut on the head
the second day out. The oworatin was
solieitatis ki her inquiries as to MS
welfare -when she savi the captain that
night, and would have Undoubtedly
continued ..her ympal.b.Y had not a
rough- sea called to mind her 001'11. 10t.
When ,she emerged four clayis later,
white and weak, she Suddenly 'remem-
bered the poor sailor In the course' of
the day site saw hitu with a strip oil
041,9,5tOr on his head.
"l -tow is your head'f" she asked
he passed by on some duty..
"Evil; by south, room:" was
I `
ha re
Collnpsibie Desk Fitn ctafe'.
A compact, complete-, and -iirep r at)
book-keeping ststent is., a,. nics t 'Wet -
°Cute additian to;g-e; . equionient;'
, .
The' desk up, and ,is lowered Into '
the -safe by a 'lever attached, to, tile }
'front:. The lever,is, then romoved and
the top of the'safe is s‘triting
41'DE 1
Stops Har Coming
Thckeris, Beautifies
35 -cents buys 0.- bottle of "Dantlerine" '
at any drug store. After one applica-
tion. you .eatl. 00t fula a particle of
dandruff er a falling hair: "Besitlesi
every hair shows new life, vigor,
brightness, more color and abundance.
Forests and Water Power.
We are jut as callous anci midi:nen
ent over the destruction ot our na-
tural resources, People seem to lose
sight of the fact that the wiping out of
large forest areas by fire also mealier
the obliteratiou, to a large extent, ot
our water power so that the, perman-
ency and utilization of this great actset
IS also jeopardized; threatening not
only the development of our inaus-tries
bnt also transp,ortiltien facilities and'
the thousand anilt one other neces-
saries ot life which modern ingenuity
has provided for our conifort enter-
tainment, and pleasure.—Deputy Fire
Marshal Lewis-, Ontario.
Buy your out-of-town supplies with
Dominion Express Money Orders.
Five Dollars costs three cents,
Origin of Horse -Power,
When steam replaced horses for
hoisting and pumping in British mines.
the neea arose of stating how many
horses were replaced by an engine.
Experiments shoWeri that" a powerful
dray, ceuld_ lift 330 pound's out, of
O mine shaft at a rate et 100 feet per
minute. Horne, the unit known a's
"horse -power," '
'We, publish stimpie straight testi-
monials from well known people, not
press agents' interviews.
Froi . all over -America they testify
to the merits. ot Lininient,
the best ot household remedies:
Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd.
Yarmouth, -
Branch Factor t St: J N
Since the signing- of the Armistice
1,742 new ibrarteth dices have` -been
opened by Canadian banks, and 214
closed, leaving the net in:areas-a 1,528.
Canadian banks have over 4,700
branches at home, and 200 in other
Tea in moderation is a usekil stimu-
lant., but if drunk to excess, .11 will
cause great depressen.
Eat Carlots
• ,
04ttle Lltbiel, who -was. rtiiopplii wilti
iter auist, listeect, while tbe xp4f, .tt
iittettiegent eleric 5es1n00sti'at04
,"Madititt, 1050.•'§t,t,,r •
alaqtt mater
-As spoil, as .04,0, Shop.
"Arai/tie; 1 didit't like ,thai,i.tiran,-itio
'one bit ,te 00,4 01151
lbk(1 as 11 1e, was vour iruebattd1-','.•
Wsitar, pure, and 'cold, is one of the
heat remedies for .indigestion,
LL ces front six, to eight
theAntlers.' of a slag, to 'rat
Do wie say ,an tit trit' th in this a t
a healthy imagination, next to a bal
anced 'judgment and, a clear conacionce,
is the greatest blessing of life? ,
Minnodls Litairn rit fo
ret in COMO.
When velvet has' 'been' era -shed in
paolcing, and there are marks on the
,it; can be restored- in the 110 -flow-
ing ina.rarer; Fill a basin With 5team-
Aug hot Wat.Ck; and Itold `the part to be
treated over the }bowl with the under-
side •downwards, After a short inter-
val the pile rises ancl the material re-
sumes its c-riginal freshness.
s A Al (-1
assluev ,...ver.eria...L3. toy girlhood days over otgain. -Tantuis
has certainty been a wonderful blebsing to roe."-•
TANI ,itc
Child an
E fi7e " flair!
had liegr4,speter:Iola tibout Tatthte
fpected Ahings from ii,
was 310t dis*einted, for it does' 11151
Whali; 1110' Sa'$r11 will,' said Mrs: Wine
Itolain,S0n, 831 Gladstone :kir e., '-ilarentor
"I sinipiy feet ont peroon
5111100 Laking this gratiti
two years 1 wits tit -tq'retch•ed he,
an(1 then, to, cap the climat,i, 1 had thi
'flu,' which left nre ito is -WOTSO
tion than 1 liatb beett before, litk/liat,
needed uras something to build 1150 v.
04d t11,43 18 exactly wlsOl Tanta -7, lies
"I have a appetit l0 0,
nethiing, 1 eat gives nic any karl after
effects,,and 1 sleep like a
night long. I -feel -so tell 011 ft happy in
the zu.ornring that, it is joSt
AWL E-J,NDS, Q.Dr, .NEW AND 'T.14.i)
belting, puifeys, saws*oableMose,paeking,
etc., .sh I pned subeet, to aoProvar a t .to wes t
I El Canda, 11 Ft4Sittgr° 00"
tasce.rets .To -night
for Liver, Bowels,
if ilious Headkrhy
Get a 10-ce5t box now.
You're headachy! Yod have a bad
taste in your mouth, your eyes burn,
Your skin is yellow, your lips parched,
No wonder you feet mean. Your sys-
tem is full -of bile not properly passed
off, and what 000 need is, a cleaning up
insicle.s' Don't continue being a bilioue
nuisance to yourself ancl those who
love you, and. don't resort to harsh
4nernber tliat niost disorders 01. the
1.1):,013-:.:::::311:tibiavieli, rani` if: 11•1 e)y:
morning with gentle ilharough Casio -at,
,:eta --they work while 3-ou ,sleep, A
10 -cent lira, will keep yodr ,liver and,
bowels clean; stomach sweet, and
your head diear for months. Children -
10 Ve to take Cascarets too because
they never g'ripe or sinken.
On Bociy and Face Reci and itchy
Cried FM' HOLfr& ._ast,ed'aYeAr.
"A rash started all over mv litIte
girl's body, and she had some on her
face. It started in a pimple
that was full of water. and
it got red and itchy. She
cried for hours. This troublo
lasted ayear.
"Then 1 started with a free
sample of C ticura Soap
and Ointment. I bought more, a_nd
I used four cakes of soap and three
boxes of Ointrnent which healed her."
(Signed) Mrs. Dora Langly, 1032
Gertrude St., Verdun, Que., August
11, 1918.
The Cutieura.Tonet Trio.
Consisting of Soap, Ointment and
Talcum is an indispenesable adjUnot
of the daily toilet in maintaining
skin purity and skin health,
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c. Sold
throughouttheD minion. CanadianDepot:
L_yniana, Limited, St. Paul St., IVIontreal.
-"Cuticura Soap shavers without mum
Tanlac is- sold b
, everywhere."
.a.merica'a zicsateer Dag. nexamdlsof
nook, on
arta Ifort to road
Mallea Free to any Ad.'
dress by the, ,Author.,
Clair 5flover Co., Inc:4,
119 West 31st 'Street
New York,
Mother, Quick 1 Give
G.11;fornia Fip. Syrup
for Child's _ow -Ai
Even a, esok 01111.(1 love,s the "fruity"
taste at t`Calitral:hi'a FigeSyrirp." "jtotho
lit t tre'is2Cea Ced . or if yonr,chlist.,
10 ltStlCOO cfnas, ieverrish, 4111 Of:oISaid,
car:IiitsC :collo; a -teasitoental s.ytU triti;ier
(alt to open_ the bowels. 15; a
111(40 yeti ,ce,a qec for yoUrs1t 4.9?„,
'036:roughly it 7OrIts
po.iseal, sour bile and waStefroia
the, temlet: little -bowels and .givee- you .
o Well, Playful child again.
Millionsed mothea., keep "California
Fig Syrup." handy -
spoonful to -day saves a, sick Child to-
inorro-wi As -lc .your druggist ter -gen-
uine "California Fig Syrup" whici0 hats
aireetildiuS for babies an -d children oil
all 'ageSs, printed on b-ottle. Mother!
You must say "Catlifornia" or. you luny -
get an, :imitation fig syrup_ ,
1-11-42 pain and torture of rhea,-
rnatism can be quickly relieved,
by an application. of Sloaa's
Liniment. It brings warmth, ease atidi
comfort arid lets you sleep sourtdiv.
Always have a bottle Ita5ay and
apply when you feel the first twinge.
11 penetrates 'without rubbing. -
It's splendid to take the pain ,out
tired, aching' muscIes„., sprains and
strains, stiff joints, and lame backs.
For forty years pain's enemy. Ask
your neighbor.
At all druggiAs--35c, 70o, 1.40,
Made in Canada,
say B yer
when you buy Aspirn.
Unless you see name , Bayer" on tablets you 'are, notygetting
Aspirin at all. . Why take chances'?
Accept only an dnbrokerV'tayer." package which cOntains directions and:dos
'i;A:7orked Out' by physician§ airing 22 year and 'pro3fed 'safe by 'for
'Headache .-Neuralgia
ToOthache Neuritis Lumbago,,,
Ifartdy "rtaye boxes 11112 tablets—Also 'betties' Icif ,I.,ittiol. 109—All drtigialf;,•''
. ,, , , „„ ,
Asanto is ttis treats 000.1c '(relliVel'ea in Canada) °I': ,13teyer kfaltitkeric.1,,r{:. o7;iVionoceticAeWe.3tor or oaiir...;,,r›Ih,,;.,,,,,
755 1750,v11 016t 51500sin mon,n4 Bayer 104tniracturo. to 'aPiorst, Ii'o,,00.00e114,0,rtrit. 00AttOtonfp, l',1:.',pf 1:1010401,,,*0
WM , Niatiteed. w;1!..1. ttleir-ppzilet,at trld.,,. tali,io,,j.tir ''',1s.a.;,'ev-Cr(iti...3.7' ' .