The Exeter Times, 1922-1-12, Page 4v. 22, 0. Beeke' and elands Ne Hamburg, are visiting )' and Mrs. 0. W, Browning, V RECTOR you DENSALL V. -Herbert ,iNlaYler, of Toronto, been appointed rector of the An- 1ioa parish. of Hensall and Staffa, 4'S ST. SOCIAL Thee James street choir held a so lal cvenjng in the church on Wedne day °Veiling of' last week. A ver iollY"dtime '"Was, Spent In gaines aii unnsements followed bY refreshn knits, tree!, at a wieke gatt. At the South end of the town the‘y, left the roa& Ln front oi' Alis Lewis' they went to straddle a hYdra pole aud the tongue Of the waggon struck ie pot sink- ing in to quite a depth.. The tongue Was badly broken aS Was also the \ • harness. NOW IS IVE FOR.,,,SOME R144111 BARGAINS Probably some of our read'Ors have delayed purchasing some qrtiotes they need until such Alines as the c- prices come' down, Jailhary" and Feb. s- ruary are the months for sales. y Stock-takitg: is in VYogress kind we a are convinced that 16i),..1h while bar- gains are being offered, Read the advertisements this week 'and see if you will not find it profitable. TATE13/ AT HENS.A.LL. Five candidates for admission to be1, 0. 0, F aacompanied by set - rat oX the brethren, visited the I-Ien- aildodge Tmesday evening where the wore of the initiatiary 'degree ,was ably exemplified by the Hensel], bre- thren, Refreshments were , served • 00.5 pleasant evening''spent. HURON Mr, Harold' Hunter, son of Mr Pluneas Hunter, of , UsbOrne, has been awarded the 'Huron county friee in the bahY beef competition with his Polled' Angus. The award was mad.e%by Mr, S.' B, Statherd; -of int on. "Mr. Hunter •gets a two weeks course at theAgriculatural col- t ge at Guelph. He left on 1Vonday ror that. place. OISE liATED ON FOR Miss Lillian- Tc.o„y, ila,oghter of Mr. and, Mrs. ,Wm: Kay, Of town, was operated OD, for appendicitis on 'Wed- nesday. The operatiOn was perform- ed by Dr. Graham., of town Dr. Williams. of London, and Dr. Camp- bell, of Kirkton. The ,operation was successful and Miss Kay's many [friends will .1161)e for her speedy re- aivery- SOC/ETY HAVE socw,r5EIGHT. - le South ,Huron Choral Society, held a sociabIeen-sivening in James Street clreasiliTen Friday evening last. 'fp-inners' of the choral union 'were III''e.sent from Crediton, Centralia and A very enjoyable evening vas spent in games and amusements pllowed by light refreshments. The ociety intend practising for another tertainment. TITIN AAVAY Tha draY team of Messrs'. Bagsha-w ed Easton ran' away on Thursday veiling last. They ran down 11 ain riilAirpt,CiA)B,S 'RUN IN DITCH CLANDEBOYE 'What might have been a serious aceident occurred at Clandelioye ou Priday last 'when II. Atkinson' and A. Smit,towing a 'disabled car 'froin the nortb lost control of .both c4rs in sortie unknown manner and, ran to a ditebaseveral feet deep, near the Methodist 'church., No partieular damage Was done to either the -car or the occupants boyoud a shaking up. • SOCIAL EVENING- AN")• , It.EsENIATIoN A few friends. 'gathered at the home of Miss McDonald on Tuesday -evening and enjoyed a very sociable. "time. Refreshments were served during which Miss McDonald was presented with a beautiful cut glass cream Ditcher and sugar howl. Miss McDonald leaves Thursday morning , • for Woodstock, haying sold out her, millinery business. By her very genial disposition Miss McDenald made manY'frieilds among the young people of Exeter, whose best 'wishes will follow ter. GRANTON BOY WAS FATALLY SHOT . Ben Hodkinson, of Granton, nine- teen years old, was accidentally kill- ed on Monday'''afterno.ou by his bro- rther, Jini I-IodkinSon, a returned sol- dier. The two brothers were out hunting rabbits near Prospect Hill, about three miles from their home at Granton' when the accident occur- red. Ben hi had placed a ferret n a rabbit hole when the gun discharged. The -victim received the full effect of the shot. Dr. 0. W. IVIitton, of Crou- ton, was called and a coroner from Stratford. After an, examination the coroner decided that an inquest was unnecessary. The family had re- cently secured the farm at Granton haying previously resided at London cilson ays- to, ca Offers You Three Days Of Good Musk—Free! EDISON,' the Nvorld's greatest in- ventor, believes that there should be good music in ever3r American Home. He believes that music has a powerful and beneficial influence on every member of the household, and he asks this opportunity of proving his theory to you. He has directed us to deliver to you, abso- u ely free, an 4mberola Phonograph and any weive Anaberol records which you may select. Ti asks you to play the as often as you wish, for three days. Ile asks , you to compare its IBUSIO and. quality with even the rnore expensive ‘`talkiti 0- machines" and decide for Yolirsolf w-hethe'r the An-iberoia is the Tvori4s treatest pho,70graph value. After thi1 trial if you don'tfeel like k eping thc Archerola your pica:surd will have cost you" nothing. But it you agree rvitli Mr, Edison that the Atitherola and its reaily good iausic \Till make 'yofir homo bris,liter and cheerier, we will be happy to discuss` a plan svhcreby you can .pay for it at your own conv(nience', 'Chi's jwsr oliporizerity—if you, Can't come in today) write ki Pilane ea Olaf : /0 00 tflXttVi )14.F.2"...Rtef FARM CISTEHti A 600d Snpptyof Sof Water ° liouselioki Boon. •liatrzficzr-e Velfe and Datiistiter 1,1'111 iliirpreciatie It--Lircelfii/ii 0 1li(listern — Advice Give, 1(1 'allzlsaIinlenl (t-entail/titles by °stern) Deptietin ,s 5012 ) 10 0? Teton 0,) Luck Y indeed is the ' farmer w h can boast of a neviii-fitiling supply in -pare and fresh water from \yeti 01 spring on his ..prennised. - Its vett:, cannot be reckoned , up in dollar:, 'and cents. Another sau'ree 01 wane • supply on sthe,farin is the rain wanea caught on the roofs of the buildness and -stared in , large undergToui t. tanks, called cisterns. • It is cum .monly, called soft ratet contree, to the hard water , of wei1 On ,springs. A Supply of Soft liVaier a Reifa. 'Every honsewire who is tortueati enough te have a plentiful Supply 0, soft water for washingdish es .clothes and 'woodwork, , for usn in the bath, knoWd well -how mils, superior it is to bard water. . saves' a lot of seep, and the -taper ations are more easily carried ofii ,and -• the results more satisfactora This Valuable supply of watercoOie. down from the clouds in fairly c3e -loafs amounts, mouth' by month, tine costs nothing- except h srnall ouflee probably $150, once m.a difetina for eave-troughing „and a s.oragt- tank or cistern. Over Ontario the average 'raintali from April to December is about 2 ;a inches per Month, .and ,it all tbuildlngs ilt ofanaverages-sized fare, were provided' with eave-troughina no lesS ' than fbiir barrels of watia 'per', day . on the average over tin wholeyear would be collected. Ti qiitintity' of Water will serve 'efficient ty a family o1. six jiving in a home ecittippedi with modern Pluaniaing tures.- The bail' draw on the well, of ,hard water, 'stippiji ,would . be the amonfit'-irtiqUirea' for drinking. dad cookingapureeSe"S. ' A, Good Cistezin'a Necessity. • To safeguard against a shortage of soft water in times' of drought and during tbe iyinter season wiren rains ttee scarce, the cistern should be 'large ertouga to hold a two of' three supply. This Would require a .storage tank at the veryn least 10 feet square and 10 feet clecp, or Its eqnivalont.in different 01- mensieris, dr,tWo smaller tanks hay- , , nig together ,ithis' capacity. It is w to renaeinbser that the tank built the cubical form, say 10x10.>;10, more economical than one el t same size but oblong in lot 16 2-'0'xl5x10). ror exuniplite •T1 sylinder form takes even less -ma- terial than the cuble.s.l, but it la1.2.37 H 70 a, 11 — SIOV,e3' nataei ouild Sornetifries the bottle for WE Immo T10)48. NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Cotupiled and Put Into Handy 14nd .Attructive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper 4-- A Solid Hour's Enje'lliellt- 1174SiDAY- Pittsburg- defeated Galt n ermedi- ates, 8 to ;. - Ulster may -come into All -Ii',, • land Unififin. '" , France denies charges rtfade by Chita Mission. The Prince of Wales ,was welcom- ed at Rangoon. More deaths ,from rioting take place in Belfast.' President Ebert says Germany will hold to democracy. Cannes Conference .td discuss two reparation •scliitions. ' Dr. J Bissonette of Stirling is dead', aged about- 70. ' Man suspected of murder in Toron- to is the wrong man. Toronto city, Searboro' and Picker- ing carry 'radial bylaWs. ' Frank Barrioa,u, Toronto, out - pointed Jack Perry, Pittsburg, J. R. G. emmill, sheriff of Kent for a qualfter'of a century, is dead. 13111" Tate- -was a.warded the deaf - S100 over Harry Wills on a foul. Montreal Harbor . Commission • ceases to exist after nine years. • Roy Lowndes broke the Canadian 25 yard e speed swimming record. Jimany", Moorearaft won the • Bloor-Bathnret mcidified „marathon. A man -well known in, Toronto so- ciety is -arrested on charge of fraud. Glaclais Robinson, Toronto, won the United. States ladies' 440 yards skat- inat'title. Two gunmen, were arrested in To- ronto in act of hold-up identified as robbers of g,eocer. Quebec Liberals May seek for the restoration of Knighthood and other honors for,. Canadian. Acetylene -plant in North Morning - ton Presbyterian Church blows -up and the caretaker,and pastor are in- jured. „WEDNESDAY. France accepts rules for subs. if war breaks. • Russia, and Finland. are getting ready to ,fighf. ' Wheat dropped 71/4 cents in the -Chicago market. Prince of Wales' visit is a defeat tor Indian rebels. Newfoundland -will ' bonus the building- of schooners: , • Robert Direct won the 2.10 pace at Dufferin Park, Toronto. Bad whiskey killed 17 people ew York since Christmas. Briand of France will- agree odify reparation payments. Kingston harbor icebound thr eeks earlier than last.year. Uni'y . , )1 Toronto defeated tli • Daughters or Empire to give Galt kindergarten scholars half Pin and otovaotereNnits. Oaptaizx mSe Schooner Alexap.dra SWiths thr • Waterto the shore 'With a line and Saverethe crew, Hamilton is to have a ciYie course. ' Aura Leedefeated Kitelioner iore, 6 to 3. • Typhus s spreading in wak useIai leed'Stratord agresit8 leet, for the time in our gl?000,000a. damage. Fire wi Hartlepool, England; 'tra11a restoresi preference Iff for Shuth A .Prefessional soccer' league advOcated in Hamilton. Peace Comnaittee is seeking)) to break Iriela deadlock. Prof. Langford resigns as Regis- trar of Victoria College. Mevelnent in St. ThoillaS to stop 'plumping" elestions. Five boys were rescued froth an ice doe in the Hudson river. Cannes Conference.will reduce the Gentian payments in cash. ' J. R. 131iike Galt Police magistrate, made magistrate for county. , Archie 13. ild.e,„Colg, M. P. fora Kent, has been appointed to the 'Senate, , A eon of the Earl of AtlifOne ina,Y wed the heiress to the Dutch„thronea Bert 1)ferson re-elected as,president„ of ill)nclisatetr rict Trades b •s Council, handuhcil,Terwondtrok• 'behind killing, of Amaro at Toronto., Wm. Owen, 20 years of ages hangs 'hiinsclf' in a. barn in Aisfilield 'town- ship. Norfolk Telephone Go. and its sub- scribers agree to new schedule of t action Sale R4AL, it„SZA.TE C.FIATTELS • The undersigned auctioneer will dell by Diablie atistieth, en Station St, eie1.1 $A.URDAY, ,if,AN 21.81, 1922 151 1 ()CC .S laxpr the following: A large Feanie House and Kitchen in good repair, on al. large lot with trait trees, otos, , • sliAjanse',„°' ()3v'sre.1\2tIocit 90Ha'''rantreisas,, ii3rst;w-acgloans: and many oaten artiedera.L too atinieroes t• o- mon -1.of real 'estate, 20 per cent, da of sale, arid b'andeia30 days Chat, tels,Casehe.r vroprie C, W. ROBINSON J. SOKOLOFF Auc,ii.oli otian ottah life - golf Son- e of first did tar - is asie Use of subs against commerce ships banned by, Washington Con- ference. Dr. E. E. Campbell,' ,Alexaaadra, Bay, dies about 21 hours after his seaond marriage. Trustee Douglas is uzattnitnous choice as chairman of the Tronoto Board of Education. ' Chicago bandits murder bank pres- ident without giqing`chance for life; capture $12,000 loot.' London Builders' Exchange' will ask unions for voluntary wagere- duction to stimulate:work. Mrs. Mary Ann MacAuley, daugh- ter of an Indiairehief, died at Kth loops, B.C., aged 110 years. ' , 'SATURDAY. 0 . , John O'Neill, M.P.P. for South.To- ronto, is dead. • De Valera resigns Irish Presidency, but has string on it. Seven thousand armed hooligans said to be in Belfast. ' Supreme Council of Allies calls Economic Conference. Delegates to European Financial in Conference to met -In. Genoa. Viscount Okuma, twice Prime Min- to ister of Japan, dies in Tokio. 'A boy on a sleigh plunges to death ee over a river bank at Toronto. Toronto's assessment has 'increas- e ed '$221 181 878 du ten years arvard hockey teanaai.ate01.„: to Windsoi Collegiate Institute bo :11 being trained in first aid work. Argonauts defeated the Grani final's, '7 to 4, hi an 0. H. A. fixture. Rey. Alex. Whit:e, Baptist pastor at afrew, dies after a week's illness'. A coroner's jury at ToroutO passes rong censure on police of county. Rev J. J. Elliot, pastor of Knox eSbyterian Church, Midland, drops ad. .s constructed. Edither the cylindri- cal or bottle type is usually nuilt of se erica laid in a 'rich coacrete riitirtaa, __. and finally well coated on the inside •Ite with a rich mixture. of cement, psof- erably stiper cement, and fine sand st l'he 10-irl.0x10 size will lipid 6,250 imperial galloas, or approiiniatt,-)Ir Pr 200 barrels. In f1.13.A. gallons the de Icapegallons. To build the cube -shaped ss feity would be 1-5 niore, or 7,500 ' ' cistern (10x10x10) IL would require ed i Argonauts lost -to -the University of Ys Toronto senior sextet 19 to 2 New Brunswick, Government con- sideing control a liquor- sale. , Health. of the province has shown .12 cu. yds 01 coircretee the wails, . 'nettsna ,and .tep•.being .inerses,,2. 05(115 8 :Jot re 11 would cel raks a-el),Srsiiiifilattll, Id barrels ef Cs' Inent and: -of g-,,•jriv el, For . Me Two aviators were killed at Pen - cola, Fla., when their plane' crash to earth. • Ontario's population is 2,929,054 growth of 401,762, or 15.89 pe it. In, ton years.- -- Dr. A. W. Wakefield,' .of .1,ak gai.atic, QueBritish M ., to joinoun- 1 . 1,10, cylindrical :„1.:.:,:e. ii; weelid take kr ii alacelt 13 ciaNycle. 'iliitifi a knowledgTh e ' eee-ei 11 cu. \els, of material, end . I for the oblone- eifaae (a 21-etetetale) to iI10 of ocal , prices 01 ma ()Hal and eetimate the coat. of a 5000 to 7,000 era labor, it would be an easy matter to oth aallee cistern, Iva -g The Itfeatiten el the C'istern. , S While returning from attending a school meeting, Henry Laurence, Jr. of Mitchell was run down by a motor truck and quite severely injured. Ile did not notice the approach oi the car, which knocked him down, one wheel going over his chest. His head and one leg was injured. Me- dical examination showed that no bo- iine:ellnivearlley.bl'I)Iktelils' .1)cluatinilleedwt7eindjilltrreedr did 116t sound his horn. • THE EXIITER TIMES Subscription rate $1.150 n year, • ADVERTISING RATES 1 Display Adveytising.--Made on application. Stray Animals—One insertion Goo three insertions for $1.00 , 'arm or Real Estate for Bale 150q each intiertion for one month of foun insertion. ' Miscellaneobe articles of not Amore than five lines, For Sale, To Rent; WaPtc41, ea911, arol-fotind,. lobalia"•25,c:1'"" Local reading notices etc., l'Oc Pet insertione, , Nn: nott,c,nii , • feel *11411.,1,0644 PE,trd. or, Thankil' 60it AUCtiOn sales $3 for one insertion, *mei' $1.50 for each subsequent in. Hertion if under five inches in lengthi. „ :Legal advertising 10c 'and Zo Mr. R. Se Williams a former res-- ident of Godericli and for many year manager of the Bank of Commerce there, died recently at Toronto. He - was buried in Gotleiiieh. Mr, John 13. Nairn, of Goderich, aged sg years died recently. He was a well lcil'own reSident and foit 15 years was `connected with the Go- , derich printing offices. He was. unmarried, slow oven will not spoil your baking when you use ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY 44 .testimagezormsgm=a!issonsm=22=Faxistmaiwmz2v ,iagetran ;s: aa2-euen ‘.ueauclatia* 000`000`5J$ puzil 000.'opo'51$ .4111, -Pd I1dD .7" Nvaav V: a_HI Nourag poomnaeu NoixciaUOIpJD `143.treag, aalaxa , t nch, 1)as .111 • ea. . • - Skidding automobile crushes wo- man to death against pole at Torontogreat improvement during 1921. - oasasaameaffsfa -47.-mazza=x111., ethodist minister, dies at Rev. Francis Chisholiii, veteran '''' 1VI---" "'"'''"""'""-"`--1--.•", -,..ca...."`""'• :••......-..............--......?.......... phillips, eillirEnard.r....... 4.1ting•MIVOIMIOMMIIMMOLL=1200.‘,....Tal.,. 11111.1.,,..,....,,=,,,,,I=0.1.141114.. Ville.i Louis,. Philippe Sirois, ',noted Que- INCORPORATED 1555 he „notarY- and Laval professor, is - . . OVER 130 BRANCHES The Western Ontario Interscholas- 1 , tic Basketball Association has been r formed. ' ' ' " n: Maj. Glesucceeds Col. Gordon as e -officer commanding Camp Borden Air t Station. • - lIamilton. contractors pledged to take discounts to heln restore nor- ; . . mai trade> . Niagara District Grape Growers, I Ltd., made gross turnover of 206 in 1921, New Brunswick to issue $1,800,- 000 bonds for I-Iydro development and highways. Archbishop Thorneloe of Algoma highly honored on. 25th anniversary cif consecration. Joint Ititernational Commission re- commends building of St. Lawrence waterway. , Galt intermediates, Ontario cham- pions, won their first galife of the season from Woodstochr 8 to 5. 1ST (ii‘il) >1.Y. . British troops to quit Ireland shortly. The Dial Eireann adopts Anglo- Irish treaty, / De Valera .resigns Presidency' o Irish .Republic. . Several tragic deaths at Moiltreaf over vreek-end. ,. Ottawa defeated Can ad lens at Montreal, 4 to 2. Allied Supreme Council SUID.111011 Germans to Cannes. , Genoa Coni'erenee to aid trade re- vival in mid-Ertrope. • Washington Cenfereitcc bans use of poison gas in war. erest- expedition, ncreased taxes on liquor passed public by Ontario dispenSaries e price of whiskey goes t11). Five' were badly hurt and severs ers were injured in an auto -bus sh on rhe Torento-lIamilton high - The house cistern nifiSs be located -s-a in the cellar, or outside underg-rouiftl, .„ according to coritlitione it" the ce;--'-'er lar be large and provided with good ' drainage for the Overflow of the cis- ,1'.,,a tern, there can be no e.rious eh' •c- (ion to having the cistern in the cel- lar. If the roof of the house is net large enough to collect sufficient rain I watee for the watcr ser -vice ,of the ewen.stirvivdrs of the crew of the , ing ,sellooner Rene Deerners, of Pierre, Nfld., were picked up by S. steamer Idndson, ashes 'lads 5-110 Elizabeth Dyne, ndnieces of the Governor-General, rated the peess which made the rst two Canadian nicItels, s lamilton defeated Canadiens by '. ' t. Patrick's beat Ottawa Senators, 4 to terse, the roofs of barns and ether S' o 2. rester' interniediates defeated , 5 to 2. n ice bridge has formed below gara, Falls. buildings may be es:Insetted up to an- t other eistern• at tiff -se buildings and the two 'ele,tezs iaceencettie for. john t Ayr Service if.diecessitry. • 131 this case A probably 'the beat arrangement would Na ire to enc very lare,e under- ground' tank, 12 or ln feet snuare df 1 and 10 feet deep, at a point where , E rain water from bath helms and on barns '70010 gravitate and collect. A w Beteen the barns and this cistern ary it worth) be advisable to build a S settling basin intercont dirt frorn w roofs, The \vats) in/stein would be P connected. to this large cistern to 000 sepply the house cr barn as rentiired. D igh. prohibition .officials accused iquor plot. ' ' xperts finish work at Washingfon naval' terms. rine parleys nearing close; plen- sesaion soon. ueetr' drops half a cent a pound holesale market. roVilice of Ontario borrows $15,- ,000 in New York. e sralera, moved proposals as 'Tile same vsater epuld •userl ainte aidies in Great Britain are fining to sepply. the house cr 1)orn -with tlie r' \-,-ater froin the. aid:other sousce up i 01111 for dins...c.f.'s,- atiols771,2„12 In 0110041g eis.ttsiet W llle se.vious inistalfe 'Of atiikiiitg it too enne 'Shen sonti, for tii of • H 7Tat..31' .„4z,t,04-4, 111 -cif:der to have t1) Qiio sof eit.l'tlf.fe- ill. hot eiald, 0! 11(1 title tlirottgliettt Iii ,,Tpr iltv,,,,111 articles i will clifeceibe wh"di 01, L‘sete,s,'sys'telize...f: for the farill foOto horde. Ov 111 Depal cal efif , 51 . a -ore 0,A,(1., Guelph, Gat; is Prep. -tied le ive ti 000 00 ytio without charge reaardille Pc ihtitallatitsn at' wiitar,is.\steiri,s,f..itillibe ise tog, ete.--1/., ft, ed airaharn, 0; A. Coll'ege, Gunizilf. To fetal ,tiSid to do' tlife it po seeessass feu each, fattitiy lo grow itatii 5111)4siugaTi,ai uibtiun All tiire craze,' , „ if teal tia cn:rof'o!ly insoectel to sce (het they are rat tand-,einontri proof'. ele,,,e ; crinerete foutidsttleti for storage, ) t 01 s )1,d is 1011151010 \she:noses it ,iS 1 chain n dulcet to treaty. 'or general elections. anibition at Terouto of Canadian- rilsrle toys planned for next month ilhiam Youngs -wet -oral.' C. P. R., loYe, dies surldeilly at Renfrew. oin E. Lajiolifte denies story that , bee Liberals desire i'oissuance of ' evientive efficcaS locate place 'e they believe stills Were manu- .eci" jrwriielming majority against 011 infilistera beiug, voted by d' 't ace is re9tbred in North. Bell:est .1111ze1 power ilusela readirtr- y Reda. ' ronto Separate School Board nnt appoint 11.10151(0)5 to Board litcation, ' titicol by 111ndeeatiofi I,ea.gite in fsilaa tisk'', for referelidera 011 t „, o Ililia soli J, 112 Kt,Iler et )ii; neat Irtialssi•ini, ntiok en apple Peel. Jae.le .Paetteit. (fleet -leak e'e, 27, for the welizertv tigdit 1 attiedhij of the John 'C. Cutler, Hamilton, drops dead while shaving. Woodstock, Ont., had one burglary during the year 1921. Recount „acuiled 15 Poi, nhur- Kenora Federal election. Liberals to -prosecute - protest against election in"Kingsion. Ex -Mayor :Tosco"' Oliver of'Toronto dies after a lengthy illness. The oldest: Masonic lodge in To- DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT rento celebrates its 1.000h birthday. Returned soldier taken by death Veterinary Surgeon \\tile worshipping in Toronto church. The University of Toronto c-ienior )ifice--Baker's Li-s-ery on James St THE 114(.)LSONS BANK / CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000. TEACH YOUR CHIDLREN INDUSTRY AND THRIFT Reward them for doing work around the house, and iinpress upon. them the importance of saving their earnings. Why not open an account for them in the,Savings.Department of The Molsons Bank. Money may be deposited and withdrawn by mail. "SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES AT THE EXETER /3RAN9Ii." T. S. WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH. 71T'CENTRALIA BRANCH OPEN, FOR BUSINESS DAILY. THE IITISBORNE .AND IIIBBERT MIIT1TAL /@ INSICHt- 1111TCP COMIIAl+TY. elead Office, F'arquhar,,Ont. 1?realdeat, THOS. RYAN Vice-Preaident,' JOHN .ALLISON DIRECTORS WM. 13ROCK ' J. L. RUSSELL Ittala,'T. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph. ntavsa FIARR.IS, Munro, Agent for Bibbert, Fullarton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary -Treasurer - az,, R. No. 1, Woodhazn, CILADMAN STANBURY - Solicitors, Exeter. ' to 3. , " has sot b team Lost o sy act se, 20 Calls PromPliTS attended. to day or Four persons were hurt while coasting on High Park (1.'orante), PhozI43 slides. • Labor Olive -adieu iliSy c whole, Political .org,..anisation of movement. Judge Landis hall made an amend- ment to the.' /no:ler-millet' draft agreement: 51. 'ENTIST tiatrick's defeated ',Hainiltoe 5 to 2, and are tiCll or the N. 11, L. face over Gladnatin & Stanlni y s loadership. office, Main Street, E t . 'Failing in frdlit of" 254 Jarvis Street, Toronto, on Saturday /light, Miss Jennie Greer fractured her leg. 1. A. tt. Innor Graduate of Toronto Lal.ver- Sity. Alyertloe in the "Tis±ios, It paye MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village, properties, at lowest rates of in- terest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, Ontario PERRY P. DOUPE, Licensed Auc- tioneer. Sales conducted in any loc- ality. Terms moderate, Orders left at Tittles .Office will be promptly" at- tended, to. Phone 116, Kirkton. Address Kirktan P. O. DR. G. F. ROUL.STON, L.D.Sa D.D.S. DENTIST Office over L R.. Carling' --Law office, Closed every Wednesdy afternoon,. USE ‘DAIVIOND DYES" Diyo right. ])en. nslc 'your matvrial. Each pack- age of "Diamond Dyes,' con- tains directions so sanp;c• that 'any woman can diamoed-d (11(0yee07 earins1150:7 0, 7 color to old garmerts, thing, wbotboi; 1(001, siik, inert cotton or mixed coods fluy "Diamond Dyes" --no other kind—then perfect re - °nits are gliaritnireed even H irnti have never dyed before. Druggist has "I)laniontil)yes, Calor Caid."--16 riell colors.