The Exeter Times, 1921-10-27, Page 7Police Think Robbers Are Same Band Thia.t Entered Bank
of Hamilton Toronto and Stole 'a 'New McLaughlin_
Car in Thorndale the Same Night
A despatch from London Ont.
says: -Walking into thee Bank of
Teronto at' - Wyoming-, a' village
45 miles 'west of London, on
the G. T. R on Thursday after -
110011 four auto bandits held' up-
Manager:J-1. E. Lambert and his' staff
and made their escape with $14,000 in
cash in a high-powered car, the motor
of which a fifth thug had kept run-
ning while the robbery -was talcing,
place. The hold-up occurred at "2.50:
Roriald Brown, one of •the, clerk -s,
slipped out the bock door and gave
the alarm, firing five shots at the rob-
bers aa they jumped into their .car
and drove away. The bandits, who
were, all armed, fired at everybody
they saw, compelling' many people
who sought" to - give chase. to seek
cover behind telePhone, poles 'or in
doerways, -
W. Garlick, a traveller for the In-
gersoll Packing Company, was pass-
ing the bank at the time, and two of
the staff, E. S. Taylor, teller, and
, Thos. Scharf, hastily procuring re-
Thra• volvexs from a hardware store, jump-
ed into the traveller's ear end. started
in pursuit. The bandits, however, had
a new McLaughlin, and, though hanip-
pared by greasy roads, managed to
&Stance their pursuers, until finalLY,
Fernhill,, north of Parkhill,' Taylor
and Scharf were compelled to give up
the chase. sa,
It -is thought that the robbers were
the same men who robbed the 'Bank
of Hamilton in Toronto on -Tuesday
last, and also that they axe the thieves,
who stole a now li,IcLatighlin car from
Wright's garage in Thcendale, ` 10
mileaufrom Londen, on the same night.
When the London police received
word of the hold-up Chief I3irrell at
.once cleapatche a powci ul can load cl
with eleteCtives- and police to join in
the hunt for the criminals. " As the
bandits had heackd toward ,London
when they left Wyoming, the loyal
officers °went out .the Sarnia,gravel
road in the hope "Of' meeting, them.
They say that at one time, they innet
, have' been within a couple' ef miles of
their quaagy, but the' latter we're' on
a:road paralleling the Sarnia' gravel'
road and easily avoided their pile -
suers: '
St., Mary's, Sta-atford and Guelph
police were at once '-warriecir to be on
the l'Ookout for the gunmen, as it
was thought 'they were heading back
toward Toronto.
Recent bank hold -lips in Ontario
Bank of Hamilton branch at Locke
and Herkimer streets, Hamilton, in
Aisle; robber ,got -$4 500.
Bank of Hamilton branch at 'San-
ford avenue and King streets, Ham-
ilton, Oct. 13; robber got nothing.
Union Bank of Canada, Locke and
Main streets, Hamilton, Oct. 14; rob-
ber. got $2,000.
Bank of Hamilton branch at College
street and Ossington avenue, Toronto,
Tuesday, Oct. 18; robber a got $2,990.
Bank of Toronto branch at Wyom-
ing, Ont., Oct. 20; robbers get $14;000.
To - Pirate' in a
Hamburg Film,
The man who
:thirika. he did.'
The man who . The Irian who
guesses lee did. ' knoWs he did.
le.1110/.1rAliONNIGIIIIMMFA •
Business Outlook in Canada:
Events transpiring during the past
month have been of more than usual
interest and give solid. ground for
growing confidence and optimism.
The western crop -on which the
eyes of commercial and industrial
Canada have been earnestly turned -
LINKS IN CHAIN has proved up to expectations and is
OF EMPIRE'S CABLES being rapidly garnered -and shipped.
Western railway mileage is already
feeling the beneficial effect. Farmers
showed an intlination to market their
grain early ‚with the result that by
the middle of September over 1,000
cars a day were arriving at the head
of the Great Lakes; since September
Telephone and Telegraph 1st', 1920, nearly a- hundred thousand
Canada, - 'India - and
Australia Joined by Wire -
'A despatch from Berlin' says:- s
Captain 'Count Felix von Luckner,.who A despatch from' liondeniessays:--F.
cominanded the Germs
an ea raider; Brey
on; Chairinan ',of 'the 'Postoffice,
the Seea.dler, is about to appear in the
Movies. He will play the role Of a
pirate in a film called "Mabel and
Suitor," produced by the Vera Film
CoMpany of Hamburg.
, Certainly, Count von Luekner is
well fitted to e role. For seven
months the Seeadler roamed the At-
lantic and Pacific oceans and sank
nO less than 25 Entente vessels, ac-
cording to Von fue.-kner's claim. Fin-
ally, the Seeadder was wrecked in the
's\ --- ,Y
a--Soieth Pacific. on Lackner was cap-
tured, interned in New Zealand,
escaped, Was recaptured and at last
Austin Chamberlain
to be Deputy Premier
A des -patch frern London says: -It
is stated that if Lloyd George goes to
Washing -ton Austen Chamberlain will
act as, Deputy Prime Minister and
preside over the Irish Conference. Sir
Sasseen, M.P., sand Colonel
Grant Morden, will be with the
party sailing on the Aquita.nia.
- 'When the- nerves become unstrung;
the hands shaky; .you can't sleep, and
vous prostration, then is the time -to
you are praceically on the verge of ner-
e They. regulate and stimulate the heart
and strengthen and' restore the whole
nervous system.
Mr. Fred W. Watson, Newport,
N.S., writesi="I -have been troubled
for several years with nervous head-
aches add they were so bad I could
not sleep at nights. My hands ,got
so shaky I could hardly' hold anything
in them. A friend told, me to try Mil -
burn's Heart and Nerve Pills, so I got
a box and began to get better after I
had taken them. I continued to use more,
and now I ara no more bothered with
easitanineess, and would recommend them
to any cmeewho hosaaerve trouble,'
Price 50c 'a box 'at all, &abets, or
mailed direct on r,eceipt of price bytine
alifieurn Co.', Limited, Toronto,
carloads of wheat had' been unloaded
richm, sPeaking -before , thatoelety _holy.
discussed Great. Britainls 'Mee -eased
cominimicatiOns with the, Daniinions.
He said' that the Imperial cable was
a romance of the war. He said that,
despite the entmaitinei perils, the
farmer German able from Emden to
New York-, via the Azores, was di
verbal to Penzance and thence to
Halifax, and that it is now working
from 1,ondon, to Halifax, carrying an
average weekly load of 2$0,000 words
y.prown,said. the Postoffica wire
less Station at Leafield, ,near Oxford
had just been completed, and a ear -
1 esponding,estation, near Cairo -would
be finished at the end of the year,
thus forming a link in- the chain to
East arid South Africa. Two more
stations are to be erected in England
and Egypt, forming the first link in
a_ chain to India, , Singapore, Hong
Kong and Australia.
Method Discovered to
Isolate Pox Germs
at Fort William compared with fifty-
seven thousand for the same period
oil the preceding year. The early
movement of grain has had an excel-
lent effect on Western business and
a good fall trade is anticipated.
- It is not without significance tha
the general 'managers of two Can
adian banks have visited the Wee
Indies, though the visit was tasfefi
aibly a holiday one. Sir John Aitd o
_ the, Canadiank Ban°of Commerce an,
, Mrs -H. -A. Rich ardabn Of the `Bailic' o
A despatch from Santiago,. Chili,
says: -Dr. Arturo Atria, chief bacter-
iologist of the Milian Institute of
Hygiene., announces that he ha ,s suc-
ceeded in discovering a Method of
isolating the bacteria of smallpox.
Atria claims hi„,s..discovery avill
permit the coinbating of smallpox by
direct injection instead of through
preventive vaccination.
Cambridge Refuses
Membership to Women
A despatch from London says:
- Cambridge University. has
again voted against granting
women membership in the' Urn-
versiti.bY a majority of 2.14
Deceniber 8th last the' Uni
versity refuted 'women member-,
ship by a vote of -908 to 1,,712.
It Vas voted. however, to give,
l'ortien. titular 'degrees by diplo-
mas.' This 'recommendation was
adopted by.a majority of -642.
Fur farming, is carried on in every
'province ,of the' Dominion. -There are
feurteen ranches in the Yukon .Terri-,
Leaders in Harding Govern-
ment Strive to Postpone Ac-,
tion Till Nov., 1922.
A despatch from Washington
says: -Some. of the strongest leaders
of the Harding administration are
working quietly but persistently and
effectively, it is stated, to prelient re-
vision of the tariff 'for 'another fifteen
months. "It - their plan to throw
tariff revision over until the' congres-
sional elections of November, 1922,
haVe been decided..
The steadily growing
in Washington that the prospects kr
passing. a tariff' bill this -winter are
'becoming remote. The resolution to
extend the emergency rates on agri-
cultural products will pass.
Upper Silesia,'
oun ary ne xe
- A despatch frorn Paris says:
-The Silesian boundary, as de-
cided by,; the Council of the
League. of Nations, follows the
-River Oder fronv'-Oderburg hs
far as N,5.botsbhau, then runs
north-easterly in an irregular
line as far;as Hohenlinde; thence
running between Rossburg and
Birkenheim, it turns-north-west-
vvard. as far as Lissan. North -
Nova Scotia are both heads of banks
evhose 'branches are .extensive in West
Indian 'territory, In an interview in
the' Jamaica Gleaner, ,Mr. Richardson
peinted out, that it was the policy of
Canadian steamship lines to plae
ships on ,reutes, the' interests To
exporters, to all pointe that prornise
developMent. in 'trade relations,'
he -hoped that shipping ''interest
evonld recelye. sufficient encourage
/Tient, both from Canadian and Wes
Indian- ends, to ware -tint regular and
Valley, British , Columbia, ancl the
Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia are
,record ones. '
, Annual. fall fairs -and exhibitions
have graphically displayed the im-
proved quality of. the, country's pro-
duce, livestock' and, manufacture and
di -awn large, interested ,or,oveds. The
Canadian National Exhibitien .at To-
ronto, opened ao auspiciously by Lord
Byng, the Governor -Genet -al, Officially
declared the largest atten,,dance'inaits
history; fairseht" OttlivP LOli-
don, Quehee; Sherbrooke'antl''Eastern
and Western' eircnita- 'generally, have
f t f th latter 't ronto is leading the avay linking
clothe old .frontier of the German fairs:,
Brotherhood, Leaders Claim
Nothing Accomplished by
A despatch from Chicago says: -
Efforts by the Railroad Labor Board
to avert the threatened railroad strike
through conference with heada of, the
five- unions which have ordered a
ea m ar eft.,
Ikarie obs. wheat-- N. 1 NO):
$1,a6%, nominal; No. 2 Nortbern„
NO,, 3 CW, 43%e; extra No. 2 feed,
43%e; No. 3.feed, . . ,
Manitoba barley -No. CW; 63e.'
All the above, traelt, Bay" ports.
.A,merierni corn -No. 2 yellow, 60c
'Tio,r Ailliuleirac's-7,attyh'eernifi meetinghcttivwiOt 6tabhdeejle. ital3r0ini;e' failedp_1421;7'04. ni nt:11013:a.:4:trisN' 0. er
. „ ,
Ontario Oats -No. 2: Winter,,
Ment, by the board, 'that awhile the , em„ eat, $1°.05 'to $1,..10;, No. ,3 Wint.the,
diseussienS were ,betiefieial, no, definite $1.0,2 $1.!07; 'No. I evennie,reial, 95'
results, were obtained," °• No, 2 Spri'n'g,'9& to $1.03; No:
"There . has been 4 ' alio: frank 3 SPring, nominal. .
. ,
results, to
k ILes tdrii,aa:1bwet evouie.rrnis
nIB:Tcnteo h,oagnaroilicivfyremi thei.k:::711(01.11,tovssLtt:t that
el, al Baette:bnnite. h, beard'.
lerhd. Hoop-:4:).o‘ib,,ad,3:or, Brotherhood
cd1 imn,'F.r.tc3;4,d7tya',Ii n,le'3k_Ige.0YwN,;.--3,1,:f.,3tro2_5,cii.§.3:th;)utee. rs): kt2oe. y;r11a,!Tst, (3, 5i outside.
ec 1 " t°7056,60.0e ,, . a e -
without presenting anything which we
The meeting was absolutely without
brought us here arid talked four hours
could even consider as a comprotaise.
five organizations. "Whether it is ours,
the 'board's or the roads', I do not 30-c; roosters, 20e; fowl, 28c; , duck-
the head of one ,of the larger of the
chiefs exchanged views in a perfectly aeclVialaldniptoahtas.,11$7.1r6a, TFoirrsotrbopa.ts.„ $7.60
not presented anything which they 2toon1/2s,tnoe.‘,2v6,1/223c;ttoTiLlect.s, 26 to 27e; Stil-
looked on as in any way a tangible
beneficial, but we cannot shy that any Millfeed-Del., Montreal, freight,
call in the railroad Presidents. I can- Cleeesa-New, large,* 20 to 21e;
not say what our next step might be," twins, 20% to 21%e; triplets, 22% to
definite results were obtained," bags inelrided; Bran, per ton, $21 to
leaders, nor do we Plan, at present, to rent°,
Mail H. M. Barton of the Labor Board
further conferences with the Labor • Atraw_ac,ar lots, $11, tracai; To
pleasant way. ,The interview was Ontario flour -$5.50, bulk. seaboard.
announced. "We do not
"The adjournment is finale, Mate 1$.elo; fishootiert.ss1pe,t,ro ttoonv$.8230. to $25. goad
Its somebody's next move," said 42 to 43c; No. 2, 3, to 4,c; cooking,
Union leaders said the board had 23e. Old, large, 25 to 266. twins
, . plan any NBaled hayN-Tra,elt, Toronto, parson
ducklings, 25c; turkeys, 50c.
to I2ivee; - rp000uistterls-, 1S6Per;iligfowl, ehi1c6k alt ol s '242c0;
Eggs, ---No. 1 storage, .a5 to 46c;
22 to 24e. -
35c; creamery, prints, fresh,, Na. 1,
Butter -Fresh dairy, choice, 33 'to
' 14iargarine-22 to 24,e.
en 1, $23;' O.mixeds $18.
Dressed. poultry -Spring ehiakeris,
going back to our head- ssterleacigthis,th57-gteo, 5580e; tneeSviela;idnsewin laid,
quarters. There is nothing scheduled tons, 60e.
immediately except to go right ahead Beans -Can. hand-picked, bushel
$4 to $4.25e primes', $3.50 to $3.75.
Maple products -Syrup, per imp
gal:, $2.50; per 5 imp, gals. 22.35
Maple sugar, lb., 19 to 22c.
Honey -GO -30 -lb. tins, 14% to 15c
per lb.; 5 -2% -lb. ting, 16 to 17e per
lb.- Ontario, comb honey, per doz.
Last week the Workers' Education- $3.75' t $4.50.
al Association of Toronto commenced Smokedasmeats-Hanas med., 31 to
its classes for the season in one of '32e; heavy, 24 to, 26e; Cooked,. 48 to
the buildings- of the University of 52e; rolls, 27 to 28e; cottage rolls, 30 dneconomics,to . Tliesionihtj,eerentastiteonable finance,
stpoec8i1aci; bbrafneadlcfbais.etakbfaacsotniya3c3mt,04,237the ;
trade union law, political philosophy: 45e; backs, boneless, 42 to 47e.
Cured eneats--Long, clear bacons 18
British history, English literature and to 21e; clear bellies, 18% to 20%c
composition, psychology and logic, Lard -Pure, tie'rces', 17% -hal- 1.8e.
public speaking. The Workers' Edema- tubs, 18 to 18%,c; pails, 18% to 19c';
tional Association of Hamilton has prints, 20% to 21%e. Shortening
three vigorous classes in economics, tierces, 13 to 13%e; tubs, 13aA to 14c;
psychology and logic, and English pail's,14thoea1v4y%est;eperrain, prints, 1t60 to 16'4c.
literature and composition. In Ottawa ,
with the plans for a strike."
University Class for Industrial
the W.E.A. has also three, classes; cher steers, choice, $5.75 to $6.50; do,
latatare shorildneoer neglect wbop
big' cough, and on the, first sip of tin
disease we would advise the use of Dr.
Weed's Norway Pine $,Yrop. This fa.mOus
remedy will clear the bronchial tubes of
the collected mite -ons and phlegm, and
in this way ease the wracking. cough and
in a short titne `e. it disa.Ppear entire -
Mrs. J. W, Mortiinera 25 -6th Ave;
East Vancouver B,C writesz--"Wheu
my little girl was born she was not very
strong, and when she was three morithe
old we moved into a damp house: A
few days after we were settled ahe bdeame
very ill. I called in a doctor and he said
she haewhooping cough and bronchitis.
He gave me medicine for her, but still
I saw no change, in keit she seemed 'to
get worse and several times thought
she was dead ad, she used tcago black in
the face and stiffen right' out, and I was
nearly crazy for fear she walk], die. A
ariend of mine asked me to try a bottle
of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup,, eel
she had three children of her own. I
took her advice, and after giving my lit-
tle girl half a bottle she was quite a lot
better, and when the bottle was finished
she was well again,".'
Price, 35c. andi.60e. a bottle; put up
only by The 'F. Milburn Co., Limited,
reroute,' Ont. a
The Glow of the Forward
The back traele is the lonesomest
road any man ever traVelled. He wtha
takes it leaves behind him all he
ever has done of good; he. turns his
'back on the possibilities of the, future
and says to hard luck, "You beat me
once, maybe you 'can do it again. Pm
going hack to see." So he. invites the
defeat he deserves.
But the 'forward track -how it does
shine with hope and promise and in-
spiration! It is net so' 'easy a road
to travel as is the hack track. Most"
of the 'thorns, have been beaten -down
that way. The hummocks have been
smoothed. The forward track hes
sonic hard work ahead. But forward
I work never has any dread for the
man with flee in his heart
one each in economies, history, 3C , 0 $5.7a, med., $4 to $5;
Eng -butcher heifers,
lush literature and eomposition. ;melee, aa. -50 to $e; batches- eows,1
In all three cities this instruction choice, $4.50 to $5.50; de, med., $3 to i
provided. for ,w'orking'men and ,wo- 1.4; ..carial6r4 and. cut-I:ere, $1, to, $2;1
men by the provincial' university -1 butcher bulls, goad, $3.50 to $4; do,'
'another instance of the widesp'rea.'d ac- come $2 to $2-75;. feeders, goods 900
tivity of the University of Torente lee., $5 to $5.75; do, fair, $2.50 to
giving education. to all people in the $3.50; n,?•iikers' $60 to $80l aPringera'
ez -
province 'who wish to take advantage $70 to ell°f°°' $12 t°' 13;
d d °I.
ea me 4, 0 to $11; d,o, coin., $3 to
of it. A prominent publicist said the $7; lamiOs, good, $8.25 to $8.35; do,
other -day, "The University of To- eon., $5 to $5.50; sheep, choice, $4 to
$4.50; do, good, $3.50 to $4; do, heavy
'and 'bucks, $2 ,to, -23; hogs, fed and
watered, $9; do, off cars, $9.25; do,
f.o.b., $8.25; do, country points, $8.
Oats -Can. west. No. 2, 52 to 52%e;
-do, No. 3, 51. to 51%e„. Flour, Man.
Spring wheat pats., firsts, $7.60.
d VaeS o e place follows
higher education to 'the world 'cif of-
Empireto a point -where the lat-
.. ter reaches the frontier -already 'Ludwig former King "of Boo-
t established between Germany aria, dies in Hungarian. exile. ;
increasingly frequent sailings.
'The ,a-eple crops in the Okanagan ,
and Poland under Article 87 of
the Treaty of Versailles. Some 8,000 spectators watched the
reported excellent entrieStand.
President Bogart of the Canadian
.Bankers' Association opoke confident-
ly of Canadian basil:leas condition's
when he said. I think the most
' gratifying_ feature about the situation
at present ia the :active demand in
Great Britain Ana ',Europe 'for Can-
adian efoodstuffs'.' For the' next two
menthe more space 'ha 'been engaged
from Canadian ports for 'shiliffient to
Europe ,than for Many yeara past. We
should look for an '''early Marketing
of Weatain. grain,' and With -the:pro-
ceeds in eireuiatiOn, expect' ale:ethic-
fion in liabilities and an increased
Rolled oats, bag 90 lbs., $2.90 to $3.
international plowing match at Wood -
Bran, $21.25. 'Shorts, $22.25. I -lay
stack, Ont.
'No pe,' tons car lots, $27 to $28.
Cheese, finest easterns, 15% to
1614e. Butter, choicest creamery, 40
to 41e. Eggs, selected, 47c. Potatoes
BAD- BBL/ OUS ATTACKS Percahnolgie,rscr $1.25$1311;° hto°101111.4aboils
If your tongue is coated,' your breath $9-50 to $3; very light Yearlings,
foul, your eyes yellow, your complexion
$2-.25; calves, $3 to $11;., med. quality,
milk -fed calves, $9.50;
sallow; if you have sick or, bilious head- $9 to lambs,good, $8 to $8.25; hogs, $9.50.
aches, variable appetite, pain under the e
right shoulder, floating speck's before King George C UtS
the eyes, then your liver is not in brder.
" All the troubles 'which corne liv 'the
train of a disoidered 'liver 'May be
quickly relieved by using
Living: Expe.rises
. .
., A despatch from 'London says:
-Joining the world-wide move-
ment for the reduction of the
cost of living, King George has
named a committee to investi-
gate household expenses in the
Royal Palace. Wages and other
items in the maintenance of the
palace will be included in the in
,t, re Toronto aculptor whose design
' Waiter S. Allward , . - biirs\avri,ellso:-. "HLa. stCfarti-ilkIe,wataanitiriosnaubolrped, vs errstiiigeait<iiO4.. also
announcec,i. that
affibYariVili;3; htvtean'itan: Iocciasioually
ILI* bay btalttetlegloi evledriiililieTtli'aillon7ga wasaccept-
1.11)1-te- al medicines, mita unteilse betgranedtOe vuesre- he cannot afford to fit. out the
Royal yacht' Adiarinia fob the
ene submitted by Ic, 'Chapman, Cle- , your 1VIilburn's Laxa-Liver Pills yound 1 s
'- - ---a---g.--:-- ni. no relief." . , yacht races next year."T15
is -
Bank of England notes are number- Price, 25c. a vial at all dealems, or l't great disappointment " His
activity in nearly linag- cif 'buS-; ed backwards -that is, from .1 to 10, T. Milburn Co., 1,.nn
- mailed) direct on receipitPd, Torontot of price by The Ma3esty sayS, "as there is '
, Cute
iness.", ' e00, Hence the number 00,091.
- sport the King enjoys more."
.It's a Great -Life if,You -Don't Weaken •
By Jack Rabbit
l'ta 0ZY
I ir1,0e4VE
MfataRal ,
S 1 v41 t-Ni\l
'Cu FEC•
\id Ay Bo 01' wtt:
riet€ COMPantaelgil
,JUST Ti5. `',LaPdAt• /
1T's Pa,k
LIFE- tr- N(00
potit weekKEN
The forward track leads somewhere.
It may be we care rot see' the end of
the .road just yet. That makes -it all
the more attra • When we :knew
all the steps of the way we are taking,
life becentes tine ,
There are no. surdeas, We plod
along' lazily anti win; a I.._tzy nian'$
, Mighty fine'is the glasa the a,
tgard ' track! Are yen walking . and
working in its shine?
The Rich Northwest
The reported discovery of. an eie.a
tensive deposit of iron of high quality
on the 'shoves of Lake Athabasca; in
the sub -Arctic 'region of cue great
Canadian °Northwest, follows rather
closely upon the account of the oil
strike near Fort Noeman, on the
Lower Mackenzie, west of Great Bear
The first lure that aitrasted 'pion-
eers to the region was the braver.
The prosperity of the Hutleon Bag
',Company was founded on fur trade
I with the Iadians. The Eskimo had a
' little copper at the mouth, of the Cop-
permine River, and the Indians took
it from them in occasional raide. But
the mineral and metal resources of
Canada outside of the valley of the
Upper eYukon in the neighborhood of
Dawson until lately have been com-
paratively neglected. The great work
of the Caaaelian Ministry of Mines
and the reports of the Geological Sur-
vey of Canada of an exemplary thor-
oaghness, are publishing to the world
the assurance of large returns for
sound investment and strenuous tail
in a land that Nature never meant
for the dilettante, which the home -
biding and comfort -loving portion of
mankind regards indeed as the aboni-
illation of desolation,
No woman can be strong and healthy
unless the kidneys are well. The reason
is that the kidneys are to blame, nine "
times out of ten, for that weak, lame
and aching back, from whielt they suf-
fer so much. I
When you find your kidneys out a 1,
order, when your back aches and pains
and gives you endless misery, all yen
have to do is take a few boxes of Doan's
Kidney Pills, and you will 'lied that,all
the aches and painS,will vanish, andmnke
you healthy and happy; and able to en-
joy lite to the utmost.
Mrs. Tohn,l'vfeInnis,,Newcastle 13ridgi:
writes:-' Last spring I was so
botheicd with my kidneys and pains h#
my back, could ndt test or sleep an
night, , A friend calling told me
about the benefit Doan's Irldney Pills
had done for her, and advised me to try
'theme 1 only took two boxes, and I can
truthfully say my trouble disappeared
mid I have had rue trace of it since,"
Price, .50o, a hoe at all dealers, ex
it direet tuul icigipt. of olire hr 'I' he
T. .Millateit Co,, Limited, Toronto, One.