The Exeter Advocate, 1920-12-23, Page 12-The Exeter Advocate min -wine
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors 1 Hoed:Wink Cornish, wha is enat,tiged as
•-••.,...--1+ reporter on..the Stratford Herald,tspent
Subscrippan Price-1i\advan.ce .$1.50 1G1rietrnas at .tike parental home in
per year :xi Canada; 2.00., in the iEliinvillle.-Ray Johns and 'Madeleine
ere iP. adVatng.e, 50c, tx a charged, !ha:De et ,..11 groarn's „parents In Elim -
liJnited States , All sui criptions not !Mont w - milted in patrimonat y the
'ADVERTISING RATES 1 v"..11e, on Christmas night, the Rev.Alr.
Parnaby perform:a, the 'ceremony -
_ . ., 7. ,,,. ree xatne, utc ,rison. NV.ere
DiSPlas7 Advertising -Made known* M Ind d C 11 h' '
a oppetceetnytn, , the guests of John and Alm
Stray Animals-Orte Insertion 50en over the Christmas vatiat:on, ,AIrs.
thatelinson. 's 1 den lite- ea' "11 C
three insertions $L00.
Farm or Rent Estnte for sale 50c.nnish.-nsit- Lonnie Johns is v.sii-Mg, at
ea,eb insertion for, ore monthfoot the hone oi her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
,-msertions john Jcluts„ Jr. -The Christmas Tree
nacedaneoin az,tieies of not rn„.„,e i and Rx‘r,ertainmertt at Sunshine Chureli
V, ednetda.y e,t was at-
-than five lintes, For Sale, To Rent, ,nhlargelyendel and s Mteresting tthe
Wanted, each insertionL
50c. ost and -
Found locals 25c, an 'inseetneo, largo wao
Yoneeece ,p•, Mrs, Ureuart
Local reading notices 10, rende-ed solos wiieh pleas:mt.,: etfeci
, etc ., 4- „pet am: . , _ •. -• •-• '
,ot- el. en,ng was livened by instru-
tnehanPze5rr,inse,cratir7.0eNTIlariTstk5e0e. less mentli sgientions by the Boston Or-
.. ---A musittal trent is in stare
Auctium Sales $3 for, one insertion :for the people oi the, eurrounding ells-
• $1,50 far each subsegnent in- ' tr:tet o.1. nunday night, Jan. 9. An Aug-
eeerti4b.e. lf 'tinder five inches in length. ime,.....ntel no from Woodhant rand
Legal 10e. and 5ca line le7 l'-',.";" oil are ttij ,i(••ve P Sa4-h"-jd Can-
El'invii:‘-e Chury lit entitled
• f• ee t;,\-t.n-ney- (), Cbrist.''. Reinein-
THURSDAY,DEL',ran 1921i 1,er oe tiate.---joiri Deihr,de, pre-
''.de•ni. •in the noninatjoa naretteed rigs
-.. ee tone. ht".., Moltla3 a. te.rnoca
TRIED TO BREAK JAII- . rivt;e ri nt..Wer:: handed la „or reenT
,bu edte A- tnireii, who had ecottpied
George H. Pferce, snot.: to. Gc 1.. h poet Oil ItT1' WO, yetr$ and :Mr',
DWI -,11 -, ' I I i".. . N. Ratv:;11e :ma'
- iiLtV,Ivf,LIS a 1Lhdre1V ;', ',. ,'el111,." '
h.-.!. the ittex t yeten,-",
and Jo,thea Jelers,
o -n Hti,rtsai,i, and, Joint Loyd, Fe
to (..locit0b. ',fatal Exii, t'ittif,;Iiir•'••
▪ jo(ige II '1,",4e -r. ,.:a "Ftt.,=. 7,,:a t
▪ t.tti.tft-ct2e,a,,,icrs,.. a y
,;1',,a an.
fit-,,,, trica:,,,,tvUi ., 'n
11-.....".i, i'etrt:e's
to, ,,t, 1 4
utit-i 41,1. Ti'
ga tt
. tit
3 'a. ,act., tt. ftt. e-itevl
lntriey hytj
1112. t-',1 in nrerte
:ne▪ in and win-. his bank turned
•• t,,-titil in', to ,,,rein behind, ,atitti
.A sudden
ea ',he pert tt f the turnkey t,n
bled. tn t atIJ '144
NV:1S 7,2nT.t.,-.4 ;Ind
• th
d 1)t.
`It Lttr,".,
• „
°,3?• ,t ;
• d ti•on, ...„
Cattle a: el' kinds ,.
Stehle ...,
Poolain ,
Total vahme of live stct, s d
wad kired
Yotasetes . .
Minted gr...ins
Sheen. ...,4
An. anerage pi" 2.75 ,
it will be noted ,our remark a b' e
showing in horses, flax, sto...k, orehitrd
and smell tru":s and ,g,raints
0. zgr't,
re v (3,..ttatt;t oecurreil -Of.
3t). con CnItstin.t. 11),,tv, r=etaq
3„e3' 3beiov.:d of
..,/ )
6''F.104...4, Le Z
v els6)Iret
u. „IC nglatrd :end name te • an e
h4ndqil nat,rriage
a,•!..ta .s
- el ,,ttr: an 1 t
Li in Int v. arm
' 29
ern :tory01
nee a 7 inti;
intenind ou
treeines. Among thoee
• i4:-.Eisie
Raioit o.
• ti 'het
Iane; e,
. Merest
ji;" atirtkt V. Cietir
, ea:J. AleRoherts. is Itente
Ise frau the Wish at Siiricee.-Alervin,
let Wttli; neeit: with his
4 W
at retrontot-Me.
and RaInee: Tay.lor eti" jZion spent
ii•'; here the guests o.: Oa, ier
d1a;1t,er, Mrs, \\ 155 AE,ddle,
'V'',er'n,-.1v4re r Stt1 iletLF
\V10 ,i1rojd l'211„t1qiil and \vile
,Jeti trz ere vedin-lee te:atives this
e 'teen
:Th,. deafIto Roo, Pierre aeed 84
Dee:tiered at his home: `Rithltifialt ca
Sunday. The late Mr Flynn name
with three brothers . r a Ireland as
s young man and had a on. -at 30
years on his ferm on die 2nd. He is
.seree-el. by ZI:li,Vrid6X, four scns erni.
two da ugh ters.-Airs. Jas., Fraser , • of
Alaere3t-Te celebrated her 102 Chriet--
mas is year. She, is hale and, hearty
and able to do most of her awn, werk
M the house. '
aid Motherhood
London, Ont.: -"For many years Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription has been my
most favorite medi-
cine. I have taken
it for the ailments
pertaining to wom-
anhood and before
and after mother-
hood, and it always
proved excellent. I
have also recom-
mended 'Favorite
Prescription' to
many friends who
have taresults.ken it'Zi with
et,.,=7-4 good It is
-"le;e-'71,\ the best medicine
• I know of today
lor women br girls who are weak and suf-
fering." -MRS. WM. STEEL, 179 Rich-
mond St.
Et. Catharines, Ont.: ---"I was in a very
miserable condition when I first started
taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-
covery and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip-
tion Sixteen years ago. 1 suffered and was
smtrernely emaciated and weak. Although
„ I was a young woman my doctor thought I
was going through the critical stage of life,
• but after using these remedies iny strength
returned, another child came and from that
time on my health was perfect and my
weight increased. 'I really believe that Dr.
Tierce's remedies saved my life and I shall
always praise them as long as I live." -
-fe:Tavorite- Prescription should have the
74`full confidence of -every wornan in Canada
because it contains no alcolibl and nb'
rootic. Dr. Pierce knew, when he firft
ade this standard medicine, that whiskey
nd,,rnorphine were injurious, and so he has
'Ayekept theta out o hia remedi
"Maxie ja •ksoe o 1.-endon
shing< 1)0 he end members 0.
tht CliVe
wa-, there .`ro,n the West recently. et
t„indiei,r tiltt filler,1'. of her lat.' f niter.
-.Mr. and AI -s. N'esh'ft spelt CI:nest-
era wh't meini.ters a the fair': in
De:role-Ain GPf rett Case, te1 ron
pareets.-Me„ A112.e Ale .
Doreen, was nerne fram Nkreettis 0 ier
,he holidayst-Mi-ss j1e4srl't,
accampannied by \Liss Irma Ranme.
home, and to!' AL- and Mrs.
E. Rennie. iNiss Bullis bad M"S'S Ran
n.e. 1r& bch trakned nurses in on- el
the 1)e:rnit hospitalse-Miss Rees Doti -
g.,..111, •Ulla it attending the Aleclical
SchOO1 at London, is here spending
„Ite holidays etth :his p.tre
Rohl. Bonthron, sal eontinues yeey
paerly nt 11,ru...-e'.7,e'si at the heme of
his son -fa -law and daughten nlr. and
'Mrs. Ce S'enns on, -Alf. And: e 13oa
dsr,:c.:ty student the Belleville Col-
leee, f_s honefor hoiedays and passed
his 11 de -year ,e eamina Lions, c e ne• out
head of his ciass.-Mr. C. A. Red-
mond end inernbe.-9 of the famzly hate
been, visng in this section. -Mn. Ken-
neth W,11:;'te o Detre.',t vis;ted his par-
e,a19, \ir, and Mrs. Wm. Whl et
The laeal butcher firm, known as
RuhyoSr Johnston, have d.ssolved part-
nership and Mr. Gideon Koehler has
pue.haStd ahe inter,est o: Mr. Ruby.
-Mr. A1 ti ,Sure: us of OalCVLEO is kLie holidays, at homeon
che Branson Innes -Mr. Ernest Wal -
01: Los Angeles, Cal. is visit'ng
ei these, parts. -Mr. arid Mrs ,Wm.
.CII,e on Edda*. morning for
ehittetr.i.-Air. and Aiirsc. Harz of Caw -
Deny:, N. Oak., are \resit ing at*the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Schrieeder,
Bz-oason Line. -Tuesday afternoon, the
p,...--es,enearfnn ot the War Medals do-
0_,,ateO, by the Totvrilsille. of Hay to, the
he of the Great War, wha enlist-
ed in Hay TpwInship, took olaoe 11)
Lae _rowel, Hall Zu,rLch. The medals
we.e ores,eatt d \to tihe relatt.Nes of
eold.ers, who fele, :in action., and to
the solders who serired. A program
of a tithe s se. ; and music was given,.
Thames Road
Tbe Thlre.e.-, Road Farmers' ,-Club
eittend ,to a cordfe.,1 inVitat !en to
e..i.:encl 'a Lite,ror IYIeet/ing to be
11,e,h1 ;et •Faeq-uhar :Hal, IVLeriday
enng, January 3rd.:
! ,S :pre -tented
• piIOCz' GI; .he school with, ttak.-
-,-. btt gneat, day's ,ev:Int, when
ater Lord was barn in. .Bettliehem;
'Iticlaet To •Mers.,Gannet Passin.ore,lae,
t ,Oette .f„.0 ' e
Important Evqnts Which Hay,
Occurred Outing the Week,
the Busy World's Happenings Care.
fully Conniiled and rut Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers ef Our Paper -,-
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
Stediog closed in New York at
Tonto grants $50,000 131 aid of
Lancury -tax expired' with last Sat-
urday's collection,
Forty eases of smallpox are report-
ed at Saskatoon.
Japan's population, `ae revealed by
tlle rezent eensuin tZ7,005,000.
Earthquake shoek4 heve oecurred
in the vicinity of the' Wand of 'V ap.
Colin McGregor, 0 farmer near Coe
11 1 Out., was found dead in Itis hog
Port Ar111,te tnIeei-res Pomo!"
front flit, "a•;p1re
Adviees from London state that the
sniari-rs of Drirish ni,),-e•s 00 )03
to ir.=
,tottyitt.g 2 qnarte of 11-
1ee1 was -
P Nitt-
•tz, tW' 't'
,1911 Fails z-nOt
Mayor D. 11. 0. Si.apsoa of Dat -t--
1 It fin .1 .a1-1 eosia 1701"
1 illa of On *.ti,1 1 1=
li,,,intlreiitf of 11,4.3
loite,r4N1 1.)11 t,i
" tint'. Rtt-
191 .,,, 1;01 L
StAil,▪ "0 -
ifire Loth •
-(4' of
,t! 42.41 4t -,t -
imt, CM A ". 7't, Torout01,
"1 1)1 71.1073 1
A • ,.,i1111,t
33 11t0"1,
' tt1' 1.11to 1r1i4313 •
Virtrttr 110 1111
',1 1 110 IT' rt,,r ty 11. 3131.
;tilos. 0.11 A st,nicht.t.0 f '3u1
tittei) 3. ='; ,1 7
Jct.°, rs steil 'ii5,(1'4l3 39 VictOrY
b ale ,a 1 ir0 1,41 •.,.."1:41rlItt house.
rh,.„ bo,•• *tor ritilwity anon thr, 1.1=i,3„'s 111Vi"etst
„tt•gs III:tater was 3:111011 by a
trait: 11 ur St. oa las way
to 1,901 11.
Tit t )117.e1i3iointry deniers protest
11101 the Inetiter tax is not lifted front
The '10 1) police tire first gun in
1132 (32111 Oampain by raiding ail
pool rooles.
• Beni; •of Collin:wren n: t pis S W.Cre
24,11 , 111'' it.tolifest in the his-
toey of the bank,
Vt:". If Chtif, ex -City Auditor of
„nen, who it: running 'for mayor,
Ir 11 his Said yynr.
'Three men were caught in Weet
Te: onto melting down jewelry, be -
to have been stolen.
The first employment aillee in Can-
ada ti1. .'ted to needs of boys and
girls is openerl in Winnipeg,
Frank Guernsey of Verona. near
Khq,,,,s/ on, ended his life with etrycli-
nine after a querrel with his lvife.
Hairy S. May, ex-Meyor of
-i11e, a couple of days ago pleited a
folly •developed dandeLon on his
The Home intle hill has 1
adopted by ihe Reuse tn• cent, •one
mill Awaits the King's sigeat o re to
become law.
Nothing has yet been heard of
the missing United States no.viii bal-
loonists who 1Fft Rockaway, N.Y.,
over a- week ago.
Bank of Toronto annual 1- port
shows an increase in profits.
F. Adams, a bookkeeper, died sud-
denly on an Ottawa street car.
Thirty-two steamers are held up in
Genoa owing to a harbor strike%
Disney Delmage, it cattle
or Candachie, hanged himself in his
Mb:Areal interests are looking, over
up -town sites in Toronto for 0 big
Work on clearing the T. N. er, 0.
right-of-way .above • • Cochrane will
start at once. ,
Many automobile dealers- fear
bankruptcy unless Government re-
flinds luxtrier tax.
Aura Lee beat Kitchener 6 to 5
and become holders of the S. P. A.
SertiOr trophy for one year.
Thomas Bassoff, bandit •murderer
in the Crow's Nest Pass last August
tlas hanged at Lethbridge. °
A paper compa,ny at Three Rivers,
Quebec, with capitalization of 42,0,-
000.000, has been incorporated. "
A. United States passport has bean
clolirvered tonPeter J Ma,cSwiney, bre,-
tiler or the Rae Lord Mayor of Cork.
Responeibility Of parishimiers fear
debts contracted by EL priest is the
Iesue in a case in Quebec Supunihr001313•
The ,Opening genies in the National
Hockey League resulted as follows:
aWil, 6, SI. Patrielt's 3; He; 110 19
Canatliens O.
jos. GadburY was arrested at Win -
1.1 e ere',•et .of
nip ig on hir.3 P11'1 val by tp irplane, ftorn
oiehlt-Fis c11,..-ennet at Di
Stall t ha's beeitt,
children in the ,..1:‘.,lace of Archduke
Iiierdinand, whose murder at Sara -
gave precipitated the war.
The hold-up grime save is affect-
ing Montreal.
Notice is being given, to workers ill
big British factories of "vacatione."
Copenhagen journalist advises Can
-.Ada to colonize with. Danisn farmers,
A man was badly hurt in a collision
of an auto and a radial car at Oak-
Evaculdion of Fiume by civilians
has begun, according to despatches
from Italy,
The Paris authorities propose to
tax the auppers and wines sold on
Christmas Day.
A total of $159,000 is to be paid
for six toll roads in Carleton county
Ont, to four companies.
Dutton Village.Council has exerup
ed all returned solddiers from gen-
eral. taxation for ten years.
Lloyd George has set a limit to
the amount in • the estimates for the
Army and Navy DepartmentS,
MrsJohn Lamont fell on the icy
pavement on her way to church in
Guelph, reeniving fatal injury.
Jofttenil t?,toorebotts„;' of Smith'.
s. 81 -.,..rears old, died stnideni
ole 13 lee from his walk,
Richmond (.o 2933 Asylum for the
sane, at St. Peter's, Cape Breton,
Avo.i burned; 01,,-* patients ti.tni staff
Th-= Ontario ifookey ASSoeiat,o
oviuntitten 11715 eOrlditetett 0.
L ' inve-tnt"ition into flu'
• it ,tf 113 183 iloetiey Plityers.
Prof. .‘foxo'nfier Grattan) 33 Al.
„toter of tile it iftplione, has coo:piet-
a tt new inv,,rition, 10 rtated. 09 1t3-
111933 rt St. John,
Fin:sl figure.; ar.'t•a311300it00(1 of ;he
ofer, 31(11111) votes in tlie 10330 pro-
vototi ery on Ontolte.-
AL,tital h;or of lotto vOtQrS tfr Ellett Olt
3(1 VPAiliter their VOteL
.* persomwl Of the new Oottnio
Ain '013 P203 Itrt. tjensor 1101191 is ag
.`" ChatrPlari. Major A. • Handl-
.: Mrs. K1. r..•• "'-24)-r
01*.:7er: 13 Sm • • "
tt.tnizr=r; Le J. cecfrweir 'I,' J. 3
18' Tite selfzy Oh, .1 o tfl
"• ((= fliti
331 011
- tii:k4;,17
" 't iii,t1;11.0315 are gratinal
tttst t;y„,,t, int
• (' •tit 4 itt
IhicArv' 1), in
• felon (113 33,
▪ t t . L
191 1 3 .• Inn." 00 0 r 1
Ili,: et3 of
...; I oys W9tiol by
wlii be disiiributool
3 1 2 2 It, 1'- 42,6.';,t0t
•'b ILIfIrgt:ti 011 thit 0143 OT*
t.30 (t. 11(9 33111143 11 the Pas -'6
111 .13 9 y is to 131 twaael od in 11422, ,
J„, I). tz'n1i1b, pr(1viro,MI 3)11303‘„1„„ „upii,tS been ;VP^ „
V:ib..f of pollee of Wallt4r- SamtsburY
32 11 As we ,s..44,1 beloc"e";f election', wero
"rho i"1"..-1 b.C'electiou for the NT a d •Nr .Albeit s , held jusi, he:arz the Ow for paving
• Filial Payment Wheat
nON'T delay in lodging your cektift-
cates with us for collection, of final
payment of 18c. per bushel.
The Wheat Board will pay these in order
of receipt. -40
0/, commERrE
PA1D-UP C C,000,900
RESERVE f.;. $15,000,000
iz,;x:ETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Alanage,r.
Inco• rporated in 1855
CA TAT., BBSERTB $.0,001),t 00
et, 130 Branches
The iinnortanc
value, but the itA
t1l; 132'
SONS NK P11101 1303
t basin
v 21.1 ession gives,
a e,il.:(),:ne 3TTY 11Fe
in,..31 open 3(3t busin..;;A
t..) Rent he EN,e1,,.:r ,t
Rev ''.‘1,r1,,m,4:111
dre.v Morri.!.";ey, J„-.;
ola 0'4 Sandwieh
%he 11"4",idays 313
bere,,,,,*.Mr. and "ars/ Henry
31 ; tlra vis1:131: the itttu4nt„, 11.
Clark.-MiSses Wenuitrn Gu"
3, ,,3 G4orahl'ne o
'lo th'• 19,93 .--\; t, Mtr
Bre,Lendon is v7,:tilt h; her
J. t Mrs
Da • v:11t`"? t
pareets Mr. and :dr,
003:1 1the 13-1,
„ m.; C..
21 Ber, f)...)!„'e re pie a „Tr
dtat be eel nr
laekne 1"1e thr,er hlt si.;;Tbui
O se‘er,11 una. ,
Ryan ceeo.nly.tri,ied by Mt ;s
Thursdtv ,a:or t,h.,eago, to
spend lhe hr. 4,1 !Ad
Ciarzi Detro:t in,',Kne fcr
ihe holidays at the:r p ANT1t,", Mr.and
Mr;. Ed. Ryani..-°,\II„fas. 3131' 3.
Gninson are home far
1. .'n. ti:-.,,,, ilel le.:11) the tann
vy i',),:;,,.....ievri, who, hai i.7
ell There are no
,-, ‘e,,..--Nir, astt Mrs, Ettgar '.',.s..r",%,:tri
, ,•.1. ii •. 3'd, o', 'Ar(ilantl sp,,m, 1fi.r",4
,.,,„ .),11. W. J. surroes',-Thv, str,
;:-,,„),),',,a, ,,,,iiertl.,;niwnt 7.0 0' :,«,-.
• I vr:tn. SI. l'atritd'.,.,, Clint:11, ‘1,1ell
a g,i‘vit. 61. l) -- 21, prc,w,ii a gram!
zd inn.11 ere',1i.T:. is .'r,..keett.,31
in i .1;3',4:tittli-riel.),(.ih',..,ii(iirl,,,1:9.witillri r(,.•rontrogre
; kt.. amber oil the pronfrata ‘3-..1,,.
Id opal rtsi4nt:Itm:.r:::::sy.,v,:rti1Z, tn1;110.4..:t..
ttriin. 1. 7,'o.....'ecit, ..,..av...tatc,-31 to' tt%er
CR,A1G,.-George Nlor,.!t; ,
V'Qry highly resp...3,-,Q.,Al resident (v:
, 11A(1 been (533(1 3,, iat
Lond.,);73. , at Victori;1 213'
Z. Mr'. Morton wit,. !,13
his ;401 lo. '4 born in S,'(.,11a,Ini,
1.0 1. • or. ?2 to
n nit Ynd ik"-tt
operated a large ranch 'and agatn
.31 e‘tensiveiv ;13 catti.? vaising for
many years, • 11'sn witlow ard
W, '.(it 0' seat, vacated by
T, tral -.1 reoignation, will
117 u,1 ehroary 7.
ugeno, 12-y.; te•-eld. son of Rev,
'P. Dixon, AIethodist mirdster at
Intin •1,I, was aceitlyntally and. fait-
ilYeeilo, by his 15 -year -o1:1 borther.
Dr. LI J. WhItworth, V.S., of Bin -
brook, we ..s probably fetally shot by
one of tvr:) highwaymen Neho robbed
his „gan.rline tetition ofilee at ;Hall's
Co; liens, aor Hamilton,
f Justice Hiner y of Alharta.
lays overriled hie reolleeert" Air, tins-
tiee llynchnten'.s or i, ree-torine
the Ne.ional B 11 Liquoit Ca. 7, 5t,
O *of whiskey pending nop
hearing by the Appellate Division the
last week in R1,111411'3%
Oscar Gladu, for Ynniasha,
died at Montreal, aged 50.
A baby's body was left in the -wash-
room of a train near Toronto.
Funds are being raised in Toronto
for the relief of Soviet Russia.
The Mrgest British mail on record
arrived in Toronto Simday night.
There was a heavy record of acci-
dents in Toronto during the week-
The Greek Premier, George Rhal-
Hs, has decided not to resign his
Seattle beat Victoria in a Pacific
Coast Hockey Association game by 4
Ten liromen were overcome by
ether fumes in Christmas Eve' fire
in Toronto.
•May Go won- the S-14 trot in
straight heats at 1)ufferin Park, To
Font°, on Saturday. .
The Sterling Bank building at
Sombre, was demolished by an ex-
plosion of natural gas.
It was announced at Berlin that
the effectiives of the German army
had been reduced to 100,000.
St. Patrick's defeated Canadiens by
5 to 4 in the first N. H. L. game
played in Toronto this season.
Dr. Whitworth V.S., of Binbroke,
near Hamilton, died as a result of
wounds when shot by ,auto bandits.
George Lindsay, rural mail driver
between St..Stephen's and Old Ridge,
,N.D,..,was ',found lifeless on the seat
of his wagon. '
Couillard, of Chateauguay,
Qua., 13 years old, slipped into the
, ,
1Vel S LaWrencewhile skating
hoMe and was drowned.
The Austrian, Government is said
.10;'"be- preparing, a, ,rnanifeeto to tii,e
League 'of Nations asking that Attfil-
trta be attached to Gerinany:
Frederick Cemmings n farmer, of
Sudbury, returned- from spending
'Christmas with his father,. at Batter-
sea, near Kingston, to find his barn
lleaVv 1 SS
r. r:4.litte)LA, ; itt
.„Fkr, 1,1XQ 330311(4 b Some ex
t•-e,nellt, hut..•%1'ter.wards, well, "n(rth
lord spent the hoEdars tvIth 31r iarld
Mrs. Will iliekens.-Nir, and Mre.C1'
ford Ings of AdelnIde spent the
end et the. home ,.of the latter's par
ants, Ain and Mit. Hugh Carroll. -Miss
Carrie DOvIS s n Whilst ead this week
attending the 1,47edding ot her cousin,
Miss Maretta Ale#nder.-4 number
from around here attended th-.! Christ-
ina.; Tree and. entertainment at Cent
1=01;0 op Tuesday. night, Dea. a -Miss
If you warn to order a daily paper
or magazine, or renew a present sub-
scription, ',eave our order at the
Advo.:ate Offi,•e. We save you paper,
envelope postage stamp and cost oE
money order arid wile') clubbing at t-
ile more besides.
Canadian Fairbanks Morse
1 1-2 H. P. •ENGINh,S $110.00
3 H. P. ENGINES . n . _4..3175.00
6 I -L P. ENGINES $285.00
These engines are ,equioped with the Bosch Magneto, the fittest ig-
nition. known.
The Cochrane Machine Works
I am in a 'Position to 'handle all makes of cars
for overhauling this winter.
A square deal,to all.