The Exeter Advocate, 1920-9-2, Page 7PALLID CHEEKS MEAN ANAEMIA New Health Can be Obtained by Enriching the Blood Supply. When a girl in her teens becomes #! peevisb, listless and dull, when noth- ing seems to interest her and dainties do not tempt her appetite you may, be certain that she needs more good blood than her system is provided with. Before long her pallid cheeks, frequent headaches and breathless- " nese and heart palpitation will confirm that site is anaemic. Maty mothers as the result of their own girlhood ex- perience can promptly detect the early signs of anaemia and the wise motllbr does net wait for the trouble to de- velop further, but at onoe gives her daughter a course with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which ren+ew the blood sup- p2x and banish anaemia before it has obtained a hold on the system. out of their experience thousands of mothers know that anaemia is the sure road to worse ills. They know the difference that good red bleoi snakes in the development of woman- ly health. Every headache, every gasp for breath that follows the slightest exertion by the anaemic girl, every pain she suffers in her back and limbs are reproaches if you have not take;t the best steps to give your weak girl new blood, and the only sure way to da so is through the use of Dr, vel limns' Pink fills. New, rich, red blood is infused into the system by every dose of these pills, From this new rich blood springs good health, an increased ea - petite, new energy, high spirits and perfect womanly development, Give your daughter Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and tape them your.=elf and note how promptly their influence Is felt in bet- ter health. You can get these pille through any Outer in medicine or by mail post- paid at 50 cents a box ar six boxes for suit) from The Dr, Yillianis' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A New Excuse. A schoolmaster sued to a small boy: "Why were you not at school yeeter- day, ;Horgan? "I was very sick, sir," replied the bey. "What was the matter with you?" asked the schoolmaster. "Senile decay," answered the boy, adcliug: "It's very bad in our family now.grandmother lust eh n My died of it a fortnight ago, ar.;1 I think our baby is sickening far it now, sir." Minaret's Liniment For Dandruff. SEASONABLE DESIGNS Empire Press Delegates in Evangeline's Land. Fivecontinents were represented at the unveiling of the statue of Evange . 1 line, Grand Pre, Nova Scotia. Nearly all those present belonged to the Im- perial Press Conference party, and the unveiling ceremony was performed by Lady Burnham, who said: "Evangeline is the beautiful cancep- tion of an American poet whose verses we learnt to read on both sides of the Atlantic when we were children, His- tory has shed another light on the Acadian story. We see to -day that British policywas not as black as It was painted. Whatever may be the truth of this story, as a woman, and an English woman, I shall always regard it as one of the most painful episodes in aur annals. Thank God those cruel old days lie behind us forever, and front the fate of Evangeline has sprung a great wave of sympathy which has been carried on the heal- ing Band of time. It is a good omen that. the beautiful sun, God's healing hand, should be ,resting upon us all to. day, who are here to do honor to that sweet woman. Under those rays in your wonderful land so full of beauty and promise the old hatred is dead, I have now the great honor and previa ege at unveiling the statue of Evange- line." The statue, which is of bronze, is the work at Henri Hebert from a model by his father. the late Philippe Ilebert, a descendant of the Acadians at whom Evangeline was one, It is a magnificent wart: of art, and was presented to the Park at Grand I're by the Dominion Atlantic Railway, which is now part of the C.P.R. 9460 9355 9460—Misses' Dress (suitable for small women; kimono sleeves; in two lengths, Price, 25 Bente In 3 sizes,. 16 to 20 years. Size 16 requires 4% yds- 40 ins. wide; collar, % yd. 36 inc. wide. Width around bottom, l.xz yds. 9358—Misses' Dress (suitable for small women; in two lengths; with or without tunic). Price, 25 cents. In 3 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Size 1G re- quires 31e yds. 40 ins. wide; vest front, x yd. 18 Inc. wide. Wedth, 1'F yds. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, ar from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Dept. W. Effort. No endeavor is in vain; Its reward is in the doing, And the rapture of pursuing Is the pride the vanquished gain. —Longfellow. Why He Fell. 'Mother." said Jim ane morning, af- ter having fallen out of bed, "I tbirk I know why I fell out of bed lust night, It was because I slept too near where I got in." Mu>ing a little while, as If in doubt whether he lied given the right ex- plaratien, he added:— "No, dded: "No, that wasn't the reason; it was because I slept too near where I fell out." Rooster Eggs; A French scientist says that by examining au egg he eau tell whether it will produce a male or a female chick. The egg that will hatch out a. rooster is slightly heavier relatively to size. Where Tortoise Shell Comes From About the middle of February, when the north is shivering in wintry winds, and buried in snow, the turtlers of Nassau are getting their little vessels 'ready for the summer cruise In the waters of the Bahama, Islands, run- ning as farsouth as Grazid Turk ante the - Caicos group, and even to the waters ot Santo Domingo, in search of the highly prized hawkbill turtle, -in zoo- logy Eretmochelys imbricate. This is the turtle that furnishes the tortoise- shell, also called caret. These shells are worth from $5 to $30 a pound, ac- cording to thickness and markings. A turtle boat is ordinarily a little schooner about thirty feet long and fourteen feet beam, but, ot course, they very in size. They are seaworthy and simple in rig. The merchants of Nassau fit out hundreds of these vee- sees, each of 'which carries a number of small boats, -with two men to each `h, boat, a cook, who has charge . of the vessel when the men are off after turtle, and an extra man on the larger vessels. The usual equipment is about as follows: For fifteen tons or smaller ' vessels, five boats and eleven men; twenty tons, eight boats and eighteen men; thirty tans, ten boats and twen- ty-two men. The small boats are about • eleven feet long, flat-bottomed and quite seaworthy. When not in use they, are nested amidships on each Bide of the mast. Each small boat is equipped with an oar for sculling, a water -glass, a wood- en box twelve inches lang and ten inches square, in one ends of which is fitted, water tight, an ordinary win- dow pane; fifty or sixty fathoms of light rope attached to a 'conical net six feet deep with six -by -eight inch mesh, at the bottom of which is a half- inch iron hoop four and one-half feet in diameter, and weighted with Iced. When tho vessel reaches the hunt- ing grounds the boats are put over and scatter about for mile or more. Each boat has an expert turtler, who lies at the bow with his face close to the water -glass, which is immersed three or four inches under the surface of the water. Through this he search- es the bottom from six to twenty or thirty fathoms below, which in those clear waters is plainly visible. The man in the stern sculls the boat, the fisherman signaling with his bare feet the course he wants taken. When he sees a turtle he carefully lowers the net the drops it over his game, which immediately tries to es- cape, but becomes entangled in the meshes and is soon landed in the boat. As the hawkbill is hunted for the shell on its back, when taken aboard the vessel it is killed and the shell is removed. The beat parts of the meal are saved for food, but the rest is. 'cast into the sea. Thousands of pounds of soup material are thus wasted; for next to the green turtle, the hawkbill is the best for soup that is caught. If a canning outfit were at- tached to, a turtler a large amount of valuable material could be saved. Turtle fishing is attended with the proverbial ;fisherman's luck. Some,- times ome_times the crew -which works an -shares—will take one hundred and eighty pounds in three months, and again not half as much. Sometimes the catch in three months will amount toone thousand dollars. The value of the shell varies greatly. The hawk - bill will be worth from $5 to $35. The most valuable are those termed' "lan- tern -backed," and: the clear shell is worth $25 a pound. the High Price- of Sugar makes one welcome foods which are rich in natural sweetness. the ready -cooked cereal. requires.no added sweetening, for it contains its own pure grain sugar, developed from Wheat and barley, by twenty hours' baking. Sprinkle Grape -Nuts over ripe fruit or berries and you'll save sugar. SUMMER HEAT HARD ON BABY No season of the year Is so danger- ons to the life of little ones as is the summer. The excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order so quickly that unless prompt ,aid is at hand the baby may be beyond all hu- e mu heli, before the mother realizes the is ill. Sunnuer is the season when diarrhoea, cholera infantum, dysentry and colic are most prevalent. Any of these troubles may prove deadly it not promptly treated. During the sum- mer mother's best friend is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy, The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cehrts o a boxfrom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SUMMER ASTH NIA— HAY FEVER ---sleepless nights, constant Sneezing, streaming eyes, wheezy breathing :--- ,H brings relief. Scut up in cap- sules, easily swallowed. Sold by reliable druggists for a dollar, Ask our agents or send card for free sample to Templeton's, 1.42 Kin; St. W., Toronto. Hippo Teeth. The chief ivory market of the world is in Antwerp, where buyers from everywhere assemble four times a year to attend an auction of this ma- terial, Most of it consists of the tusks of African,. elephants, but considerable. quantities of hippopotamus teeth also figure in the sales, The latter, at an auction a few weeks ago, brought .prices all the way from thirty-five cents to C5 a pound, according to the quality. A century ago bippopotamus ivory was much more valuable than it is to- day, because it was the preferred ma- terial for artificial human teeth, being very dense and hard. George "Washing- ton had as set of teeth made of it, But nowadays much better ones are hnanu- factured of porcelain by the million. At the recent auction above men- tioned rhinoceros horns brought $13 a pound. They are ingeniously carved, mostly for curios. The horn of the rbinocera, by the way, le one of the oddities of nature, being composed of closely compacted hair, i MONEY ORDERS Suns That Have Cooled Off. With the sun so near at hand, only 93,000,000 miles away, we have a fine opportunity to see what a star is really like. The sun is a very old. star, Some astronomers have gone so far as to, say that it is senile and decrepit, but this is disputed. We can see in the heavens plenty of young suns, some of them thousands of times as brilliant as aur own orb of day. They seem to be masses of burn- ing gas. As a sun grows older It slowly and steadily shrinks in size and the con- tracting process augments its heat. But there must come a time when, ow- ing to increased density, its shrinking slows up and it begins to get cooler. It is thought that perhaps our sun has reached the stage where it is cool- ing. But if this be true, the process is so slow that human observations have not been able to make sure of it. Re- i cords of its radiation a. thousand years II hence compared with those of to -day might possibly give some sort of Judi- ! cation. The time must arrive when the sun will no longer give out heat enough to support animal and plant life on the earth, but we in the twentieth century' need hardly worry about that, for the time when our sun dies -is far distant. Lachute, Que., 25th Sept., 1903. ktinard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, - Ever since coming home from the Boer war I have been bothered with running fever sores on my legs. I tried many salves and liniments; also doctored continuously, for the blood, but got no permanent relief, .till last winter when my mother gat me to try iVIINARD'S LINIMENT. The effect et which was almost magi- cal: After two bottles the sores com- pletely disappeared. and I have worked every working day elude. Yours gratefully, JOHN WALSH. What She Had Seen. An English tourist was on a visit to Arran, and decided to have a day's fishing. Ile made inquiries of local experts, and on being told that the eleg, or horsefly, would suit his . pur- pose for lure, he sought the Highland servant -girl at his. inn. "I say, my girl, can you get me some horse -flies?" he asked. The girl looked at limn stupidly. He repeated the question, and add- ed: -- "Why, girl, did you never see a horsefly? ti "Naa, sir," replied the girl, shaking her head, "but wauce I saw a coo jumb•`over a cliff." in No Hurry. Although two years have nearly elapsed since Armistice Day, the. United States is still without an ,ac- curate list of the names of all officers and enlisted men who died in the war. There are 400,000 automobiles in Canada. ED, 7 ISSUE No, 36-'20. It is always safe to send a Dominion Express eloney Order, Five dollars costs three cents. Will Produce Sugar in India. Extensive developments are expect- ed in the ru ar industry of British Ir>d.a, where sugar is scarce and ex-� pens;ve. A sugar committee, recently! appointed by the Indian Government I to investigate, is expected to recom- mend that manufacture be taken up on a large ssa]e with government as - I sistanee. Chief difficulty seems to be in getting plant and machinery. The interests in India have established a large corporation for the refining of sui; a1. SAY "DIAMOND DYES" Don't streak or ruin your material in it Eoor dye. Insist on "Diamond Dyes." asy directions in package, "CORNS" LIft Right Off Without Pain Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, instant- ly that corn stops hurting, thea short- ly you can lift it right off with fingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny battle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or earn between the toes, and the cal- luses, without soreness or irritation. moron's Pioneer Dog' E.emsdi.s Book on DOG DISEASES and re:ow to Feed Mailed Free to,any Ad- dress by the Author. S3. Clay Glover Co.. Sao. 1111 West 31st Street Now York, U.S.A. OTS R ON itERE c&THERE What He Learned. "What have you learned to•d.ay?" asked father of his small son just home from his first day at school. "Beadle", writhe' and gazinta, dad." "Gazinta I What's that? I never heard ofit, How do you de it?" "Why, teacher puts a lot of figures nn a black board and tells us that two gazinta four, three gazinta and things like that," Described etim. The teacher in a country school, tried to make the lesson as interesting as possible, "Now, children," she said, "let me see what you remember about the ani- mal kingdom. You have named all the domestic animals but one, What is that?" There was no reply. "What!" exclaimed the teacher. "Does no one kuow? It has bristly hair, likes the dirt, and is fond of grovelling in the mud." "Well, Allan.?" said the teacher. "Please, ma'am," said the little bay, reflectively, "it must be me," Manatees Liniment Relieves Distemper Boys and girls never play together in Persia. v� Ellin SOOT • m GETS YOUR HAIR Le Classified Advertisements. 101 ciao" Boccie sILVEB BLACK SREEDINet Foxes. Iteed Bros., Bothwell, OW - KELP WANTED. UNI'. EnD HQSPITAL TRAINING School for Nurses, registered, offers a 24 years' course to students; affiliation with .hit. Sinai hospital, New York City; scholarship for Teachers' College' tint - forms provided; beautifully equipped, new plant; one hour's ride from Naw York. Address Superintendent of Train- ing School, Port Chester, .N.Y. A folly wrecks itself; so wherefore trouble to use a pin to prick a burst- ing bubble? MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Rest Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of h'lgs only--Iook for the name Calitornia oa the package, then YOU are sure your child is leaving the beat and most harmless physic for (be little stom- ach, liver feud bowels, Children love its fruity taste. 'Pull directions on each bottle. You must say "Call. "Danderine" chec'lk nasty forma." scurf and stop hak falling out To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dand- ruff, andruff, get a small bottle of "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and, rub it into the scalp. Alter several ap- plications the hair usually stops com- ing out and you can't find any dand- ruff. Soon every hair on your scalp shows new life, vigor, brightness, thickness and mare color. In terrible rash on face w,. ica,:aac':a skin sate wad aeraremea. 1%-rizatcd 4'eceb ticra chizasl d wasail ,e -area, Could not sleep well and moue feel unpleasant. Ton';",: lasted 3 mantis before use3' Cutarara tend after ue g, 2 cakes of Soap and 1 box of Cam - meat int.meat was C011-4:1;1:::7 healed.. I?rom sic,„ vied statement of Mem Gladys brei, R.R.3,Druzueb,Orit. Cutinxa Soap, Ointme; t and Tel - cum promote and maintain skin purity, Sian comfort and stein health often when all else fails. Soap 25e, Ointment 25 and 5,7c. Sold throughouttheDe n'aion. CcnadianDepot:. Lyman, Lienixed,.asePerl St., R:outreal. -Cutacure Soap shaves waihoutxaug. ONLY TABLETS MAMbi "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" The name "Bayer" identifies the contains proper directions for Colde, only genuine Aspirin,—the Aspirin Headache, Toothache, Earache, . Nen- prescribed by physicians for aver aim- ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Nouri- teen years and now made in Canada. tis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally. Always buy an uubroken package Tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which a, few cents. Larger "33ayer" packages. Theme is only ono Aapiria.-."Bayer"--You must say ".Beyer" Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Slono- aceticaeidester o1 Salicylicactd. while it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company spill be stamped with their general trade mark, tho "Bayer Cross." ' 4,40e.t. 41.41,9#1! THE freshness, and flavor, of ANCHOR PLUG is not equalled, nor approached by any other chewing tobacco. That is why ANCHOR PLUG is supreme.