The Exeter Advocate, 1920-6-10, Page 1THIRTY-THIRD YEAR.
The Cotnty Council at the recent
June session turned down both major-
ity and minority committee reports to
make special grants to the hospitals at
Goderich. Wingham, Clinton, and Sea -
The man that gets married to -day
In the faee of the present coat; ;s a
Every boiy smiled Monday night
when that much needed rain, was fall -1,
ing The farmers call it the mtliion
dollar shower. •
A bill has been passed by the. On-
tario Legislature providing that the
public ,library of a community shall be
supported at the nate of 50 cents per
head of the population,, That, is, a
city of 20,000 will levy $10,000 to sup -
Sport adequately the institution known
as the public library.
Correspondents will please get the
budgets of ,mews to The Advocate of-
ffice not later than Tuesday, and we
hope always out Tuesday morning, It
is necessary so that the half holiday
be observed on Wednesday for t he
summer months.
by Prof. John Duxbury
of London, England, in
under auspices of James St. S, School
Admission 25c .
Pragrane to commence at ,8.15 o'clock
Do not fail to .hear this noted En-
Phone 81a
Yes, we sell Rairnic.oets, guaxauiteed
to protect you in snow, sleet, rain and
Atom. It' is a read wera(ther proof
garment that will gine you long and
tisfactory . everyday service. Get
es for quality shirts, ,underwear, neck -
!tear, hosiery, etce, at, this shop.
SUITS ........,... $20 to $40.
OVERCOATS $20 to $35
RAiNCOATS, $i5 to $30
W.I. Taman
Tailor& Furnisher
A communication from the Ontario
'Mixes; tet of Educatioa was read re-
gardLng the proposednew school in-
spectorate to be made from Huron,
Middlesex and Lambton; Counties. The
letter stated that a complete reorgan-
ization of the inspectorates in Ifuron
ie not only desirable but necessary.
Goaler Griffis, submitted his report
showing seven; prisoners at present in
the county goad. The special commit-
tee found ;that it was ani: ,expensive
thing Winne a goal in each county the
cost in Huron for cavil prisoner per
year is $735,75, in Bruce, $920, whrle
in aarger centres where there were
More prisonersthe cost was ;5243,and
the oouncit ps ix, 1918 once 'more re-
commended to the Prune ,afinister of
Ontario to .have several counties unit-
ed for the upkeep of a goal.
Mount Carmel
Miss Mollie Regan returned home
from St Joseph Hospital,. London., on
Sunday afternoon, -Mr, and Mrs.
Michael Q'Rourk called on friends at
London last week. -John. Hall of the
Sandwich College arrived home on
Saturee y. --Workmen are busy shing-
ling the eltureh here this week -Miss
\Mary ;McDonald of the 14th eonces-
sao. ,of ,McGillivray continues very
low. -\Mr axel airs, Patrick .Mahoney
and family of Munson, Alta., is visa -
in; friends in this neighborhood, -
Mrs Walter Neil left last week for
Victoria Hospital where she went un-
der en operation on Thursday, and is
now doing as well as can be expected
Mrs. Lou. McAArr, who came her
a short time ago from Vancouver to
visit her friends, was humidly called
away on Thursday out, account of the
serious illness of her sister, who had
undergone tan operation which turned
out to the very critical. -Mr. and Mrs.
Peter leacTaggart of Exeter are now
spereling a few days with their daugh-
ter Mrs John, MT Glenn, We are sor-
ry to state that Mr, McTaggart is not
en3oying very good health. -ler. Alfred
McTaggart and daughter, Miss Synthia
M Hensalt visited Mr. Martin. McTag-
gart last week. -Wedding bells have
been ringing east and west of the vil-
lage, and. still continue to ring in the
Lot 0, Con. 0, Stephen, 1 mile south
of Crediton. on Saturday, June 20th,
at 1.30 o'clock, ssn the premises..
Farm contains 09 acres, a frame
dwelling and woodshed, frame barn
35x50; driuing shed; nndrainable well
with windmill; le acre orchard, 300 or
400 rode tile drain, good outside fences
Soil is clay loam, Full possession on
April lst, 1021. 35 acres grass. Farm
convenient to chprch, school and mar-
Terms -10 her cent. on day of sale
and balance on, April lst, 1921.
Hugh & Wm. Clark F. Taylor
Props. Auct.
Our boys lost first game in the
League at Goderich last week -3-2.
There was (io service ,in the Meth-
odist Church Sunday, bat next Sun-
day the W. M. S. will have charge
of the services. In the morning Rev.
Foote of the Presbyterian Church, Ex-
eter, will occupy the ,pulpit and, in the
evening Miss Sherritt, a returned Mis-
sionary from Chase,will address the
Rev. Hauch has returned home, after
a business trip to Naperville, Ill,, in
convection with the North-western
Jack .Mallett has bought himself a
Ford. Jack is trying hard to learn its
mysteries, but las yet hasn't hadthe
courage to take the . wheel. He still
believes the horse is the easier to
handle, -
Mr and Mrs. Norman Holtzmann,
Murray Holtzman % Mr. • and Mrs.
Benke and Miss Wenzel •of Detroit
motored ,here end spent a few days
with ;their parents.
Mr. and Mrs;. Dan Oestreicher and
Mr. and Mrd, Conjra,d Kuhn motored
bo IKitchener rola Friday to visit Rev:
and Mrs. Schmitt,
Harry ;Eckert, V.S.; was •caieedto
his home en Se:brint(gville on Tuesday
to !take charrge -of his fathree's pract-
ice. His father anpesrs to gave been
hurt while attending a horse.
Our streets have been ,ailed. Our.
town. gets ,the name ,of having the best
streets in,the, *trick end we are sure
proud pf theme
Dr. amid Mrs!, Orme attended the
London conference sof the Methodist
Church. in ,Stratfiard last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs Wilson am,dfamily have
moved to :Grand Bend for the sum-
mer months.
Mr. alnd: Mrsi. G, W. Sweitzer, Mr.
arnd Mrs. Ed; Fahnlejr and Mr. and
Mrs. John, ivfallleit were in Kitchener
over the week end,
According to latest reports Rev:
Baker of elle Methodist Church has
been . transferred to Thamesford and
his'; successor .will be Rev. Brooke of
Point Edward,
Crediton's Bag Celebration held on
,June 3rd was .a complete success.
The weather -was ideal and by the
time the parade started the streets
were lined with people, Our people
took ,extra amains in decorating their
homes. ,rend places of busintess. An im
mense arch ofevergreens was put up.
on the corner, on top of which was
placed the Union Jack, At 10 o'clock
the ,procession ,started, with Dr. Eck-
ert as ;marshall, the Exeter sad Cred-
iton Bends, Children from the Crediton
and Sharon Schools, two floats of caI-
ithumoians and decorated autoes,The:e
Proceeded to the river and back, and
when they disbanded the clowns gave
an exhibition game of baseball on the
grounds, whieb wasmuch enjoyed. Af-
ter dinner Canton played ow boys
the first game of the league series.
The game was rotten as far as play-
ing was concerned. Our piteher got
splendid support and had the visitors
guessing so much that they left se dis-
gust with et score, of 3.8-2 against then,,
A, series of sports ,was run off after
the game which was much enjoyed.
At night the Imperial :Quartette ;tf
London, assisted by local talent, gave
a program in the Hall. The Hall was
sold out completely and many were
unable to gain. admittance, It is hard
to say who deserve, the most credit
for the day's celebration: The differ,
eat committees in charge of decent..
Wets, parade, sporta, concert, c.a..,
each did their part well, and are ,o
be commended upon the success of
the day. Special mention must :e
spade to the services rendered by
The Exeter Band. They supplied us
with splendid music after supper whirl.'
was much enjoyed, We uu elconie thss:
to join our bays a,ny time it is con-
venient John Mallett received 1st for
best decorated place; J. H. Holtzman
2nd, and Alonazo Hodgins 3rd, ales.
Kerr 1st tor best decorated auto;
Wm. S chit art'. 2n;l erten and Ues
treater B. the 3rd. Crediton, .' id
baron schools were awarded lat and
2nd restectively, and Albert Wolf and
Gee. Hepburn. 1st and 2nd for call
thumnians, r
Jacob Schwartz is in Moi it Clemens
Mich., taking treatments at the min-
eral baths,
Mr. and Mrs,, George Brown and
family and Mr. Jacob Brown. of Kil-
managb,Mich., are visiting relatives in
in our midst.
Mr. and rain. 11Mio^e• Feist and AMa
and Mrs, Geto. Finkbeiner left here on
Monday for a motor trip through
Alichigan to visit relatives ;n Elkton,
Kilmanagh and 'igeton,.
Crediton defeatedClintonby 18-3
in the league baseball game, in which
the locals indulgedci.a slashing match.
Weir the Crediton pitcher, held the
visitors to few end scattered hits, and.
let them ,have but two runs in the
fourth and one in the ninth, while
Crediton got five en, the first, two in
the, third, four i;n ,the fourth, four In
the fifth and three an the seventh.
The same day Zurich defeated Goder-
lob 12-3. Goderich plays at Crediton.
this Wednesday evening and Crediton
goes to Clinton on, aritursday,
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
will hold its annual picnic on Tuesday
June 15th on, the church grounds
Good sports of all kinds for old and.
young, From 6 to 8 a splendid sup-
per will be served in the lasrement;
Admission to. the grounds free, Meal
tickets 50c.
Mrs. Elliott has returned after a
visit with relatives in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eidt of For-
est and Mr, and lMrs, Jack Eidt of Ail-
sa Craig spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. Stadel.
Mr, and Mrs), G..Oestreicher visit-
ed in Kitchener this week.
Mr. H. Tyler has ,returned home af-
ter spending some time in, Oshawa,
Miss Myrta Koffman spent the week
end in Zurich,
ler, and Mrs. Snider and son of
Cardington, Ohio, are 'visiting the for
mer's parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Snider, a'
Mr Keyser, the feather renovator,
is 'kept quite busy these days.
Mr. and Men H. Zimmer not Strat-
ford called on friends in town on
Mr. ';L. W. Yajgerr spent Sunday in
Mr. Barry Guenther and sister, Miss
Letta were visitors to London on Sat-
Mr. alnd Mrsl Ed, Beaver of Zurich
visited ;with Mr., larnd Mee ` Wm. Snell
on Sunday.
Mrs. 1', ,ivv1cIsaiac left Monday for
St Joseph Hospital, London, where
she will undergo env operation, We
hope for a .speedy rrecovery.
Mrs. 1'. ea. Humble ;of Sarnia is
het -father, Mr. C. Finkheiner, who
is quite ill.
Mr and Mrs,. S. J! Adams of Lon-
don spent Sundaiy in town.
The Forward Movement drive is
now on sad success' beyond expecta-
tion. is being met with. , Every one
canvassed responds liberally, It is ex-
pected that the allllatted :52000 will be
over subscribed.
Mr. J, .C. Reid and family spent Sun
Arany sn Baefiieed.
Our local creamery is rushed these
days and Thaisto work overtime. This
is p good thing for the community.
Four hands are; now employed.
Mr. G. Ediglrofifer and family were
visitors to Kitchener Sunday. •
I -H' W. Kraft has the foundation
wall ierected for his new house at the
east ,end. ref FS•omt Street,
Mr, G. S. H✓owaird will be in Lxetex
next week .presrdiinig 4 ;,hie Lower
School iexarnsnatilonls• Muss Ready of
Winebelsea ,will be the local examiner
during the followen,g week;
The late Carolsnaa Lydia Ash, wife
of Conrad Wainer, of whose death
mention wins made last .week, was born
i' Pert -r. County is 1854, was married
in 1878. and after 44 years on the
farm they moved to lashwo(Xl in, 1912. •
Besides the husband, one • son Jacob,
ant.l one daughter, Mrs, Henry Res-
temeter, survive. She ,had reached the
age of 65 years, 11 months eel. 21
The foliowin; report slows the
stanaine ,of the pupas of U. S S., No.
76, for clay. It is based on weekly
tests and daily marking ;-Jr. 5 --Ex-
amined rn Arith„ Gram. and . Art -E.
Howard 83, M. Tiernan, 79, C. Stein-
Ifagen 72, Sr. 4 -(same subjects) F.
Hartleii, 89, A. Hoffman, 85, P. Klein
stiver 76. E. Guenther 75, J. Guen-
ther 70, U. Zimmer 52", Jr. 4-.4same
subjects) L. Tiernan 83, Lucile `'411Iert
8e, Lillie Witlert 79, A. Rader 69, C.
Snell 62, L. Eveland 57. Sr. 4-Arith.,
Comp, Art,• -L, Reid 87, V. Baker 81.
V. Zimmer 78, A. Guenther 61, ;ti.
Rinker 33' , S, Bettschen. 30'
G. E. Howard, teacher.
Jr, 3 -total marks 850--E. Graupner'
694 L. Baker 659, *V. Birk 651, 'M.'
Schack 589, H. Kellerman 503,
Fischer 509, C. Bender 508, ',A Kea
erman 476, *L. Witmer 395, H. Hart -
Leib 315 Sr,2-total .marks 700-1i
Hamacher 514, A. Steineagen 503 E.
Wilds 505, C. Burmeister 495, A. Mi,:
ler 489 *Ji. `Lerner 487, M. White 470,
A. Restameyer 435, A. Grig:; 427.
*W, Stine 377, 'G. Guenther 271.
Intermediate 2 -total marks 711)-4.
Tiernan 643,. A. Tiernan 638, 1 else
574 ea Rleinsttver 559, H
Cfl11[1. U. F. 0. Cele
Will be held on the Fair Grounds,
ktmn on Friday, June 1
Gates open, at 10 a. m.
At 10.30 a game .f Baseball
12 to 1,30--LUNCIL Everyb
pared to spend the day.
L3It Tug of War, Foot Races and
has beet, . pranged f
string their .01i,
:other sports
fter which nddresse will its lelivered by
Hon. F. G. Biggs, Minister of Pubii
Hon. Peter Smith, Provin
Andrew Hicks, Governme
25c. Cara 1'a raced Zr:.
511 E. Hartl.eib 505, K, Wean. 322 = c mies- n
Those whose names are marked ,..aM
tntssel one or lucre eza7n,'net'.;,n, dun
ine the month.
C. Edmeston, undue-,
R osn 1. -Jr. ?--M. He, i N00 M •
C-raupner :02, N. Fassold 746, W. Eve-
es.ata 675. k. Wein 625, S. Genttnrr
t14, P Bottler 003, E. Witmer 5'7.
A , Stipa 455, L. Staubus 436. Pt 2--
tI Nadiger 780, M. Willert 669, 1.
Guenther 667, E. Kraft 594, W. Wein
54i* G White 547, E. Riuhcr 501*
M. : tiro 455. Sr. Pt. 1 M. Clarke 428
V. Kraft 427, A. Morena 401, P. escha,de
373 O. Staubus 333, R. Vincent 321.
Jr. Pt, 1-R. Kleinstiver 450, 13. Elgin
offer 425 S. Stire 392, V. Burmeister
390,Z. Nadigcr 310*, Class A-E. Stine
V. Kraft, M. Klumpp, Class B-E.
Fischer. E. Held, I. Guenther, M.
White ,1M. Rinker, H. Schlundt, Ila ry
Pearl Tiema,n, teacher.
A.rto Delve on Tuesday accontpans
led a paid of horses to :Montreal for
G. J. Dow.
Mrs .,,Webber and child are v„sieing
with errs Webber's parents, Mr. and
Mrs, S Rarely,
Mr. Wes Snell shipped a car Load o£
extra fine cattle from Blenheim on
Friday ,of last week. The average
weight of the steers was 1565 pounds.
squires -1a Usborne, on June 4, to Mr,
argil Mrs Rolland Squires, a. son,
I•Ieywood-Dew-At the rectory, Ex-
eter, on Jumie 7th, by Rev. Trimmer,
Clarence Heywood of -Essex Centre
sox, of Mr. and .Mrs. Caleb Heywood
of Exeter, to Mira Dew, daughter
of Mr. end Mrs: Evan Dew of Us -
borne ---
?assmore-In Exeter, on June 3, Wil-
liam Henry Passmore, aged 77 yeses,
11 months and 29 days.
Amy. Ir_ Hamilton, on. June. 5th, Thos.
J. Amy.
Hyde-ln Usborne, on May 26, Jessie
Ellen Ferguson, wife of Wm.. Hyde
aged 32 years, 9 months
Ross -At. Hyde Park, on June 5, Gar-
vin. Ross, formerly of London Road,
north, aged 83 years.
Clark. -On June 2, at the residence of
her son-in-law, Thomas A., Gray,
Grace Hodgins, widow of the late
Robed Clark ,af Mooresville
MacArthur -on May 31, at ,his late res-
idence. Picciidilly street, London, Mr.
John McArthur, formerly of Hensall
fit tf!or a king, Thick, tender, juicy,.
wholesome matter hiouw you like .it.
cooked -it's' sure to be a treat uu*hen.
you eat it. That's because it came
from our butcher shop. ' Only qual-
ity aneats here. We .neves ciisappo est
customers, "The public .be pleas ecle
is pur aim. If you haven't benerusto
niter of ours e trial wvi,ll convince you
of whet wc. say.
B. Makins.
Where queasy is higher than price,
Chairman of t_ onnnettet
Insure Suc
No need to have dark heavy
`Manitoba's Best' or 'Model'
problem for you.
Give them a trial.
Phone 16
Men's Youths' and
We have a full range of Clo thing in !Giva vis
for the Young Man. Also a go od selection, ol
Styles for Olden Men..
These suits consist ref Fancy Worsteds sand-, Pure
See -gee in Bleck and Navy Blue They are pr'i.'ren far
present rreplaicement price, and NO LUXURY TAX.
Every .man should have a new
Straw Hat. We have Sailors its,
Sena,te,. Chip and Panama; also
some nice ,Fedora Shapes,
Prices mange from $1,50 to $4
Our Steck of Men's.Fine Shirts
is sure complete. Some of ' the
very .latest pa,tteains in Fancy
Stripes and Plains Colors. Come in
and look over OUT range before
Priced $1,50 to $4,00
Why not amatchl tiiet new dress'
with a nice para- of silk stockings
We: have ;them, 3 ,the Holep'r•oof
and Luxite,,rakes, in all the pop-
ular shades,
J. A. S'
,Kxyt s ither Gtnl o �€
of Ren,. )147 S1' ads
and all ~tile kiddie
a`full anego in GJiut ,
Blue and in, all the
B.V. D. L. ST
.J.,istenth •
Very thing; y,ott waste eis
w.ear ear the het, w
Comblated:en, Tomei,-p•
end •13,V.13'o [rules:, E
for the Summer L3ays,'
FAeTC Z', ` •OI
.'Iesdr2 -It slue) .
,ou to.e,1,ec
l'1aSn, Fancy�' v'!t••
Closed Wednesday afternoonse