The Exeter Advocate, 1920-6-3, Page 4is
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For Ir is and Children,
Mothers Know That
Genuine Cestoda
Bears the.
dor Over
Thirty Yeas
The Exeter Advocate
Sanders 8: Creech, Proprietors
Subscription Price—In advtnce $1,50
tom' year in Canada; $2.00 in the
'tai States. All subscriptions not
W�in advance 50c. extra charged,
THURSDAY, JUNE 3r4, 1920
LUCAN RACES June 23--$900,00 in
aturses Big field sof horses assured.
A Bee is to the held at \IeTag art's
cemetery pa June 4th, whten, all inter-
ested are expected to come equipped
to fit fences, gates, culverts, etc. The
friends arum far end;near may make
rrcantributions of money, sending it to
Startle. ;SIcT„ ggart, R. R. 1, Hensall,
Ont. The money will be wisely spent,
Mount Carmel Let all loin to,ma3ce it a beauty spot,
Mrs Lou McArthur of Vancouver's
LI -12 "z\ RACES Jute 23—$900.00 in the guest sof her $sister--in-Law, Mrs.
Par:,::., lig field of horses assured, 'Stewart McQueen --:Hisses Oriel and
li , melee Regan }eft a t week for •:tlargaret Norris spent Sunday at Mrs
St jetetzees hospital, London, for Broadfoet's.—Messrs. James Horton
tr tteett,—Judge Coueltlin of Chat- and George Gleam motored eo Forest
lam .•,lied ,on friends .here lest eek, , Tuesiiay morning.—Mr. John, ' ewe11 of
the 'Wrest Mr. )�ose;th Guainaari and Mrs, bi.Ity- N°141Forton, s visiting .his sister, Mrs.
Ott•:zded the Graduating exercises
at 1 Vhc? Pines," Chatham East Tues - ! ._t...._
dily 25th, Miss Winfred Guinan being
one of the pupils, --Mr. Jack Cart• and
Miss Kathleen Carey called on friends
at Drysdale on Sunday.—Mr. Vincent
Guinea was ,one of the successful stu-
dents, who woe, the B. A. degree in
i this ,exam on Friday evening at Wes-
ley Hai". Western 'University, The
,,G neral Proficiency Scholarship, first
year, wet also won, by Miss Wimncfred
Guinan. We congratulate these two
s►unils on. their success.—Mr. and Mrs.
Levi McCann and nephew, lair, Kenny
-o1 Detroit are visiting the former's
Parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McCann,
Kletva.—Messrs. John Hogan and Thos.
Breen arae rail smiles at the arrival .of
e so:t at each of their homes.—Miss
Ciera Glavin called. en fr:.ends In Lon-
4on'last week.—Mr. Vincent Guinan of
LUCAN RACES Pune 23--$900,00 in
purses Big field of horses assured,
Give us a call if you want pines
Thursday pr Fxiday. They €tre at their
best just arrow, --F, J. Fairha),1.
The Epworth League here has un-
dertaken to publish a paper called
"The League Lock Out? The :first
edition, was read at League laat Wed-
esday evening and proved interesting,
as well as huluorous--afrs. (Rev.) Sin-
clair underwent a crib .al operation n
Toronto last Saturday: -.-The morning
services in. the cltureh here Sunday
were taken, by ?lir. ,G. ?4iedd of Ex-
eter, and in the evening the s`rvice'
was in. - charge. of . the En
worth League, Mr. N. ,Miteheli and 'lir.
tT. Elstor taking part—Rev. NU". S e-
clair went to Toronto, last Tuesday
morning owing to Mrs. Sinclair under-
going an. operateeri „n, that city.—M'ss
Lillian Elliott of 'Detroit .spent a few
days at her home here,—We are pleas-
ed to learn that Mrs. Wm. Robinson
is improvterig,--Mr. Dobbs bas arrived
from London and has taken charge of
the blacksmith business `here. ---Mr.
Thompson visited in Hamilton ever
Sunday.—Mr, W. Colwill arrived home
from the West last week, --A gravel
nit on the grounds, where Mr. Wil-
lert is erecting his flax :Mit, was found.
the other day which will be very'con-
%enietit foe reeking,cement foundation
for the factory.
St. Marys, 'Slay 2$. -.Gushed against
the side' et 11 building by a descend -
in; happer, weighted with trans of
rD:k, John Bans, aged 42. years, was
elma t instantly killed at the Thames
rr wotsk nR.
� r S . 'te
to ,S rd4a
� y �
zztu�, Mr.
nIals was $rte of the proprietors of
the quarry.and was on tour of In
s, ectio„-t when the xaet with the acci-
'rent The deceased leaves a wife and
fenny. n The affa r ,;s sail} to • ,have
been entirely accidental. Mr. Donis
i ad lived elmost hs .entire life in St.
eearyn 3n 1 was on Of the tow's best
known cit eaens.
LUCAN RACES June 23-5900.00 in'
nurses. Big field ref horses assured.
Mr. and Mrs. George Suhr and little
daughter Lorene of Mitchell spent the
week :end at Mr. And Mrs. Wm Pol-
ollen's. The Thames Road School Pic-
nic will be held this week June. 3rd In
1Ir. James J3allantyne's bush. Base-
ball and other ` sports. Everybody
come and bring your baskets,—Mr.and.
Mrs, John, Selves, jr., .and little son
stent Sunday at ltrr, ,Alf. Hunkin's. —
We are very sorry to report that Mas-
ter Charlie Stewart is net as wellagain
but we .hope soon leo hear of his n-
nnovement--Mr. Ray Fletcher is all
smile; these days, a baby boy' having
arrived at their ltiome,
LUCAN RACES June 23--$900.00 in
purses Big field of horses assured.
Mr. Selbeurne English was home ov-
er the week end Miss Devine. Mason
has returned home after spending \ a
few weeks at Grand .Bend, lir. Ar-
thur Me11in• had a rather serious ac
cidant with his horse one evening,lact
week. His head was quite bad'y
hurt but he is recovering: Willie Cu,: is
underwent an loperation for appendi-
cite ;..•i London hospital Thursday and
is doing very nicely.—Misses Emmaand i
Adah McPherson of Detroit were
home for ra fewdays,-Fruit pros -,f
sects are good in this section, there •
Sandwich h College arrived home ort being bets of blossom.— Miss Isabel
Saturday, --\L'. Patrick Su` :et -me attend= Webb of Toronto spent her holidays
••ed the wedding of a friend at St, *with her sister, Mrs. J. H. McGregor
Thomas on Tuesday Workmen hare and other relatives.—On Tuesday ev-1
started the manufacture of cement ening next int the Meth. Church Miss
blocks for 4Ir, Mat Regan's TOW resi- Lydia Sherritt, who bas spent the last
as a missionary, six years.
c once,—Mr. Gordon McKeever is on in Chiamissionary,it-ill
fee sick list this week.—A number give art address acrid anaccount of her
: will attend the experiences. Music by local talent,-
from this neighborhood
-celebration at Creditor .to -day, (Thurs- Mrs. John Wilson of Arkona visited
day.j • Mrs, Edwards pn Sunday.
1wr Under the auspices of the Green-
ay Patriotic Association, a service
was held in Grace Church, Greenway,
Oa Sunday, the occasion ,being the un -
Grand Bend
LUCAN RACES June 23-$900.00 in v.ell-Ing of a memorial tablet ra honor
purses. Big field ,of horses assured, of the soldiers of the community, who
Mr and Mrs, Sam. Pedler visited lost their lives :n ehe Great War. The
telatiife; around here on, the 24th, names of the two boys, both members
Mr. Eccleston sold thirty six lots on of "C" Company, 135th Battalion,ap-
May 24, the pricesranging from $210 Dear on. the tablet, These boys were
to $150.—Mr. P. Baker, who has been Pte. \krill and Pte. Chris McPherson,
sick now on the mend.—Mr. Abner cousins who died in, Flanders. Also
Moi1ard took possession of the store Frank Davidson and Victor Manghath
be recently purchased from Mr. Wilds —r._
—Mr. and Mrs. Huston and darighter HELD FOR FALSE PRETENCES
here for a few days last weak.
—Mr. ani Mrs. Jackson of Parkhill . Goderich. May 28—William Helfer-
-were here for a few days last week,— male and his son, Viiocent of McKiillov
Mr, Chas Fritz is having a cottage Townshie were to -day arrested and
:built ,ori the lot he purchased some brought before Magistrate Reid on a
• ego. Miss Kilpatrick of Parkhill vis- charge of obtaining goods under false
ited a few days with Miss Carriere;— pretences, It is alleged that the I-Ief-
Miss Isabelle Webb of Toronto vis- fermams have been for some time at-
ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ste- tending auction sales, buying stock and
r'4ren,Webb, for a few days last week, and implements for which. they gave
—Siete from around here attended the their notes m excha,mge on, the ground
Cw era;' pf Mrs. C. Walper in. Dasli- that they owned land. The men, were
wood,out Saturday,—Bruce Bossettber- arrested by High Constable White-.
ry.,is .building, a garage. on his prem- sides of Hensall and County Constable
"is ea. Fred Welsh 'of SeaforthL
Is Your Mouth Tender?
Are Your Guns Sore or Bleeding?
Are YourTeeth Loosening?
If so, you have 'Riggs" Disease, Pyorrhea, or .Trench . Mouth, and
you need
ew Ldy,f or eggs Disease.
. hi9 suffer, when you can easily tl-eat'yourseif -'tri the' comfort and
privacy of your own home hy this sure, safe and painless method,
which will give you immediate relief 1, Write
Pyorrhea Specialists 144 Carlton Street, Toro»to, Ont.
The annual meeting of the Women's
institute was held Wednesday after-
noon May 26th at the home of Mrs.
Luther Oke. The ,reports of the var-
ious committees 'were given also the
financial statement icor the year. The
totalreceipts were $110.21 and ex
penditure $$6.46, leaving abalance of
5223.75. The election, of olfieers , re-
sulted as follows, Hon. Pres., Mrs,
Adam Case; Pres., Mrs, J. Morgan;lst
vice. Mrs, A, Mitchell; 2nd vice., Mrs
Geo, Etherington ; Sec,-Treas„ MissL
`f Jeckell; Directors, Mrs. F. Down,
llre. A. Cudmore, Miss N. McTaggart;
Auditors Miss M. Morgan, Miss J.
Stran Pianist, Miss K. Sanders. Com
mittee; were formed for the coming
year. The president announced that
Mrs. Macoun of Campbellford would
speak to the Institute on June 19th.
Further particulars regarding this
meeting ,will be given later. Before
the meeting closed refreshments were
served and a social hour spent.
Ther.' will be faces oa Lucan ttack
on June 23rd. There are three races
on the &ar a with a purse of 5300 each.
Our track is in. fine condition, and
there is a tra::ner Mere with seven
horses getting them ready for the
summer meetings. You would think
hy the way some of them take Their
work that they were ready to race
at ,ort: e.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Atkinson, of
this ,place, announce the engagement
their daughter, Elsie Marie, to Mr. Ad-
elbert B. Norley of Granton, Ontario
son of ,Mr. aml:l Mrs!. John Morley. of
Woodham. The marriage ',Val take
glace ahoul the middle of jure,
Mr WE. Ralli:ts as able to he out
after four weeks' illrnese.—Mr. W. ll
Stanley left a Few days ;ago to spend
three months in Winnipeg, --Tuesday
evening Mr. ;George Howard had the
misfortune, to get kicker . by one of
his ihorrses, ,which resulted ilii a nasty
cut over one eye paid, a cut in hist hand
,--Wm Maul -1. .,41., 'It Tuesday foe -
Kitchener, ,whe,re he has taken; a pias-
iton for the summer.— The contract
for the erection of the new rectory has
been awarded, cement work to an Ex-
eter ,man; brick work anid plastering
to Jas. Insell, and wood work to Gib-
son: & Sams.—The remainis of the late
George Breen, ;who died at Viking,
Sask., recently, were interred in St.
Patrick's R. C, Church; cemetery in
Biddulph 4gn June, 1st.
LUCAN RACES Jute 23—$900,00 in
Purses. Big field of horses assured.
Death of Mrs. Well—The death oc-
curred here on,. May 31,st, of Elizabeth
Wild wife of Herman Well, at the
age pf 67 years, Deceased had beea.
ill about a }near of pernicious emaetuia
She was ,born in; ,Hay Township and
lived,,::T the township end in 'Zurich
ell, her life, She was highly respected
and Leaves besides her husband, four
.daughters and two sans. The funeral
will take place on, Thursday afternoon
at 2 x'ca,,Ock,
Schiuchter .of Mich°gap attend-
ed,the funeral of the late P. Bender,—
Mr. C. itiicAlpi y who has visited re-
latives here fora few weeks, ift for
his home [Rt Toronto. --=Mrs. P. Haugh
underwent P. rather critical operation
and we pre pleased to state the pat-
ient is progressing favorably,—Mrs. J.
\Vin„ of Kitchener is spending the
week at the bGnie .of her mother, Mrs:
P. Haugh;—Mr, Sam Gascho underwent
an operation at London last week, but
is home and improvaaa nicely, ---Charles
Eilber, Kitchener, who has recently
been in with pneumonia, is back agazi
in the Hospital with vein, trouble in his
legs, --St Peters R. Ce Church, Drys-
dale was ;the scene of a pretty wed-
ding wheat. Idella, daughter of Mr. and
Hits. Maxine Deruomme, Hay Tp., be-
came the happy bride of lir, Fred
Regier pf the Goshen Line, South.—
Peter Bender, aged 74 years, died soh
May 20th of Bright's disease. Hewes
born, in Germany and came to Canada
when. 10 years of age. He married
Three times. Deceased conducted a
shot business here for 20 years. His
third wife and ten children survive,
Mrs, F. %iowald of St. Marys, Mrs. S.
Serene of Chisel -hunt and Mrs. N.
' e a^..
S�ir3ra, xrf the . ll:cansealir Line, Hay, are
Lot h, Con. 6, Stephen, 1 mile south.
of Crediton. on Saturday. June .28th,,
at 1.30 o'clock, on the premises.
Firm contains 99i acres, a frame
d welling and woodshed, frame barn
35x50; driving shed; nndraioable well
with winc oaill; 1 acre orchard, 300 or
400rode tiledrain, good outside fences
Soil is clay loam. Full possession on
Aprillst, 191. 35 acres grass. Farm
convenient to church, school and mar-
Terms given on day of sale.
,.?Hugh & Wm. Clark' F. Taylor
?cops, Acct.:
LUCAN RACES Julie 23--$900.00 in
purses. Big field of horses assured.
Mr. W. C. Montgomery left Thurs-
day for Detroit where Mrs. Montgorn
ery has been visiting. ---Mr. Thomas
William:: of Detroit was visiting her
sister, Mrs. Adam Reichert,—Miss Mar-
ie \1e31er, who Jias been visiting Mr.
and Mrs Thos. Sherritt has returned
to her bonne in Windsor,—Mr. and Mrs
George Case visited in Toronto with
their son Garnet, --Dr. and Mrs, B.
Campbell, who have been visiting, Mr,
and Mrs. Thos. Murdock for some time
have gone to Toronto where the doc-
tor has ,purchased a practice,—Mr. Jos,
Acheson has returned to Toronto af-
ter visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Weir Acheson for a few days, —Miss
Marian Case of Toronto who bas been
visiting Mr. and Mrs,. Ben Elder, re-
turned home on Friday. --Miss Helen
\lac Arthur of London has returned to
her hem. after a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. H. Arnold.
CLINTON—Mr. E. E. ,Hunnifred has
bought out a grocery business on the
confer of Maitland and Dufferin streets
London, and takes possession next
The Advocate can give you club-
bing rates with any of the daily news-
papers or magazines.
If you have anything to sell or you
want to buy, try The Advocate Want
What services do your backers render ?
Do they supply you with sound, practical
advice based on up-to-date knowledge of
markets, prices and business coAditions ?
Do they help you to take advantage of your
opportunities and increase your income
This Bank is prepared to help farmers in
every way possible..
PAID-UP C PITA;:, $1.5,10130,000
RESERVE Ft :ND $15,000,000
EN:tTER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager.
Ineorporat:'d in 1355
Over 120 Brencbeai
Many la our customers whoto star to i ,�t a smallto way, aFe
now a well-established business through the assistance arta co-
operation of this Bank over a perk) of years.
Open an acoowzt in this Bank where your interests will be
faithfully lookea after by experienced officers.
The manager is always a&cessible
T, S. WOODS Manager.
Centralia Branch open for business Daily.
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bram h
Western University
London, Ontario
c its and Sciences
Summer School
July Sth to August 13th
K. P. R NEVILLE, Registrar
Now Is The Time To Paint
If you have delayed painting, your property
has suffered. Do not put off any longer.
Save the surface and you Save all. Look
around and you will find many
places, both inside and out that
call for a coat of paint. Now is
the time. Nature is re -decorating,
get in line and do the same. The
most economical method is to use
We guarantee the
100% Pure Paint
(except inside
White and a few
dark shades that
cannot be prepared
from lead and zinc),
to be made from
pure white lead,
pure oxide of zinc,
with coloring mat-
ter in proportionate
quantities neces-
sary to make their
respective shades
and tints, with pure
linseed oil and tur-
pentine dryer, and
to be entirely FREE
from water, ben-
zine, whiting and ,
other adulterations,
and S014 SUBJECT
100% PURE
Their covering power and lasting qualities are very
great. It will pay you to insist on getting this popular
brand. For whatever painting or varnishing you do,
there is a special MARTIN-SENOUR Product, each one
guaranteed to best serve the purpose for which it is made
Consult us as to your requirements. We have
a full stock and complete information as to
decorative schemes, Let us advise you.
G. A. Hawkins
Exeter, Ont.