The Exeter Advocate, 1920-5-20, Page 7AUTO SPARE PARTS •
for most makes and Models of cars,
Tour old, broken or worn-out ,parts
eplesod, Write or wire us describ
ng what you want. We carry the
Krgest and most complete stock to
aneda of slightly used or, newparts
and automobile equipment, We ship,
C.O.1), anywhere in Canada,, Saba.
Sactory or refund in full our motto.
Shaw's Late selvage Part Sapp1Y,
pea -831 Dulferin St., Toronto, oat
Building By-laws Should be
in meet of our cities, and towns a
building code exists. ..The ostensible
purpose is the regulation, of banding,
preveattiou of The danger to We and
property, and the conservation of
It is interesting to note, from the
report of the last annual meeting of
the Dominion Association of Fite
Chiefs, the efforts wldolt. are made to
evade the provision of the building
code and the success which attends
these efforts. litany of these tire
chiefs, experts in fire prevention, gave
their experiences.
One are chief said: "Your muni
cipal roundl will sit for Lours and
draw up building by-laws, and, in the
next 24 hours, when they meet again
the by-laws are all cast aside that
ate building may be erected In eon-
traventlou of the by -Taws. .
'stere are lots of aldermen Wito do
tot want to break these by-laws, but
airopiy becau ac Mr. Smith or Mr. Jones
is a friend of theirs, they do it." An-
other ex'chief said: "There was a
rooming house that I did not approve aldermen i even said e
3w would
not sleep in the building, but, before'
my time. a license had beer, granted.
and they said if I did not approve of it,
it would bankrupt the nun who bunt
it. I pointed out that they were put-
ting dollarsahead of lives. I was
Ono dismissed from the city for not
approving of that."
In interpreting the amendment to
the Criminal Code passed at the last°
ire, slop of Parliament, ;lir. G. D. Find.
laysou, Satperintoudent of Insurauee,
speaklnl; at the meetIL'a of the Do-
minion Fire Prevention Committee,
said: "Under the first clause, any per
son upon whose premises are occurs'!
Is !teemed to have eatuel the fire by
r,egiii;enee if be hes failed to comply
With any regulations designed to pre-
vent fire Noreeuntplianee is the proof
of nef;ligenee, and this is a nueet1on
ot fact to be determined by a jury.1
Notification of a breach ot the law is
rot provided for, as every person is
eresuniecl to be familiar with the law."
In view of the experieuco tit the fire
thief:. above noted, well may it►bo
said, as expressed by Mr. W. I3. Shap -
ley. Chairman of the Dire Prevention
Committee, that "the change that lam
been mate in tits (rriftifuat Code
should have a good effect it we can
rind anyone loyal enough to the 111.1
of the Dominion to enforce the
Let's Make a Song of
Let's make a song of happiness,
A, simple little tiling,.
With words that artlessly confess
The love front which they spring.
Let'a matte a song of happiness
And, sing dt on our way,
Each word a lingering caress
And kind aa dowers in May.
There are so inany iu distress,
With beasts cast down and sad;.
Let's sing a song of happiness
And make them well and glad.
Ernest U. A. Nouse,
Rich, Red Blood Needed to Keep
Up Their Vitality..
If growing girls are to become well
developed, healthy women their blood
supple- must be carefully watched.
'Mothers should not ignore their unset-
tled znoods or the various troubles
that tell of approaching weananbood.
-It should be Constantly borne In mind
that pale. bloodless girls need plenty
of nourishment. plenty of sleep and re -
fluter opeu•air exercise. But a lack of
appetite, and tired, aching limbs tend
Mutter progress. To save the weak,
in -blooded suff=erer she !Lust stave
rich, red blood and nothing meets
se of this kind so well as lir. Wil.
limes' Pink 1?ills Tber,e pills not
only enrich awl iucrt;asF file blood
supply, they help tho appetite and aid
digestion, relieve the weary back and
limbs, tin's promptly restoring health
and strength and transformtug anae-
mic girls and women into cheerful,
happy people, Among the thousands
wito Have obtained new health and
strength through the use of Dr.Wil-
liams* Pink Pills Is Miss \ lolet Booth.
(alenarm, Ont., who says; ----.'For a long
tinte'I was In a badly run down condi-
tion. I was We. 'breathless itt the
least exertion. and could hardy do
any housework' withont stopping to
Met. I often bad severe lieatlaches,
and nay appetite was poor and fickle,
and I would get up in the morning
without feeling the least bit rested. I
had tried several medicines, but did.
not get benefit from anything until I
began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. When I had taken two boxes 1
could see att..iwproreiueut. and after
using six boxes I found my health
fully restored. I feel altogetber dif-
ferent since I used the pills that I
strongly advise them for all weak, run
down people."
It yeti are weak or aping in any way,
avail yourself at once of the splendid
house treatment wbiclt Di'. Williams'
Pint: Pills so easily afford, and you
will be among those who rejoice in
reg;tined health. These pills are sold
by all dealers in medicine, or may be
bad by nail at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for 62,50 by writing The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville.
Testing your cows enables you to
know your herd.
teinard'a Liniment for sale everywhere
The orthodox Mennonites in Mani-
toba and Saskatchewan plan to leave
Canada this summer and establish a
colony in the Mississippi ,Valley.
Helps for the Home Dressmaker
9483 --Ladies' Suit ;Dress (two styles
of sleeve; slip-on blouse and two-piece
skirt with or without straps; 37 -inch
or 35 -inch length from waistline.
Price, 30 cents. In 8 sizes, 34 to 48
ins. bust measure. Size 36 requires
4% yds. 36 or 40 ins. wide. Width
around the .bottom, 1% yds. A well-
eut model, particularly desirable for
afternoon Wear.
9434—Girl's Dress (with bloomers
- - buttoned to underbody). Price, 25 cts.
In 5 sizes, 6 to 14 years. Size 10 re-
quires 3s/3 vds. 86 ins. wide; contrast-..
ing, % yd. 86 ins. wide.
9488—Ladies' ;Princess? Dress (two
styles of sleeve and front panel; 37 or
35 -inch length from waistline), Price,
25 cents: In 7 sizes, 34eto 46 ins. bust.
Size 36 requires 8% yds. 36 itse.eoes.
trasting, 1% yds, 36.'ns. Width, 1%
These patterns, array be. obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Street,
Toronto, Dept. W. -
A staunch food made of
wheat and malted. barley
ready to eat,easily digested„
,and. full of soundnourishment
Q,z*those who:. -work -v4V'ihh:
itOr4in oeraw-n them is no
better breakfast t or lunch this Gratie
sold by Grocers
4A911 - qq
Maga 1y 'Canadian Postum Cereal Co. Ltd.W!ndsor, Orta;
In the Spring.
I'd like to know what gets inside a
feller in the spring!
There's something breaks awair•,ln him
au' tugs like everythingi I,
When- first I spied the crocuses a-
strugglin' toward the. light.
The way that sonaethin' pushed 'ens
up reminded me a sight •
Of those queer things, inside o' the
a-tryin' to get out;
It kinder. feels like gladness, an' yon
thiels you want to shout,
But when you think it oyer, it's sad
things you're glad about! I
It's great to see the Sowers bud, an'
Ieaves come the trees,
But you know you can't ever he no
do sueh things as these!
Ws lots of fun to count the robins
cortin' one by one,
.An' watch the time grow longer for
thesettin' of the sun;
But it sorter makes you solemn when
you weeder 'bout it all,
The Bowers that died and bloom again,
and die again next tall!
An' to know you're most important,,
though you're weak, .au' poor
an' email.
Raising Mink,
At the recent fur nuetious in .Mont-
real, the price of flunk skins averaged
$20. The better skins (told for $30 up,
wards to $7a" for one very choice lot.
Mink is a handsome, durable fur. It
has been demonstrated that wiuks can
be kept in captivity. ^1 hey require
little space and can be cheaply ted,
provided: one can obtain fresh flab or
fresh meat practically all the time.
Persons wit° live neer tite seacoast
would appear to be in a advantageous
position for the rearing of this ani -
real. Once the dititculty of obtaining
stock, which, for purposes of denies -
Motion, must be taken young, has
been overcome, the prospective raiser
et minks ought to be fin a lair way to
The principal diet of nuls should
always be meat or fish. English spar-
rows. mice. frogs, rabbits, scraps 01
butelter'a pleat, small or coarse fish
and fish beads, may be mentioned as
exawples ot the sort of feed tor minks.
They will also learn to eat cereals
readily and they may be given well -
cooked graham mush with milk, to-
gether with ground meat or meat
broth. In feeding eereals, however,
care should be taken not to cause
diarrhoea. In winter the food is best
served waren. As to quantity, about
4 ounces of !neat daily Is sufficient for
an adult.
Cages may be about 4 feet by 8 feet
and 16 inehes High. They can be !Lade
of 1 -inch mesh, No. 16 gauge, poultry
netting. These cages are to serve as
a -ruuway. The dens should be quite
warm. A good den can be made by
putting a box about 12 in. x 12 in. x
12 in. inside a similar, but larger box,
and packing the iatervening .space
with straw. Tite entrance should be
in the form of a passage sloping down-
wards towards the outside, Fine hay;
should be provided for the nests.
The mating season Is in February
and March. The young are born in
April and May, about 4 to 6 in a lIt-
ter, The females, 'while with young
should always be kept separate from
the males.
Baby's Own Tablets are a regular
joy giver to the little ones—they never
fail to make the cross baby happy.
When baby is cross and fretful the
mother may be sure something is the
matter for it is not baby's nature to
be cress unless he Is ailing, Mothers,
If, your baby is cross; if he cries a
great deal and needs your constant at-
tention day and night, give him a dose
of Baby's Own Tablets. They are a
mild but thorough laxative which will
quickly regulate the bowels and stom-
ach and taus relieve constipation and
indigestion, colds and simple fevers
and make baby happy—there surely
Is a smile in every dose of the Tablets.
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medi.
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Curious Pottery.
The use of dried fruits of trees,
such as the gourd and the cocoanut,
for holding water 'and liquid sub-
stances,. is .familiar, but it is not so
generally known that cups, saucers
and' jars to take the place of ordinary
earthenware are made in . the; Orient
of a glutinous and plastic material en-
tirely of vegetable origin, which is
easily moulded and dried.
There is more than one instance in
history of vegetable matter being con-
fused with earth and clay. The pulpy
parte of various astringent fruits have
the peculiar plastic .property of clay,
and by hardening i.a the air, after be-
ing nbulded into pots, they are feel
pervious to water, and have the ad-
ditional advantake that they can •fall
to the ground without being broken.
There is a peculiar ware that is
made by the Banjaras in the Central
Provinces of India from the fruit of
the aouia• The fruit is collected and
dried: It fs' then boiled in waterun-
tiluite soft q and pounded, the stones
removed and the pulp beaten up and
worked • with: the hands into a thick,
brown, sticky mass, When, this .-is
quite ready ` thee
gutnufactXger, „takes
an eai fxen.:y essli:-auy • shape,, that
pleases hila -and
eovers it 'all over:
with a thick:Iayai' 6i`. -at of the pitip,.
This is theri,put asida to 'set a bit, and
when hard rude devices and stamped
rofusd the neck and shoulders of the
leo you endure the misery
of Asthma with sleepless
Rights, difficult breatnin
everzbad of
case ?quiet.
relief is guaranteed: by the
neo of
This p"reparattonlsthe re.
vivito �yearsofex ertment,•
10g and study,ktousanda
have derived the eatest
benefit through its use,
Write for free sample to
Templetons, 342 King St,
W.. Toronto.
BOW by reliable druggists
everywhere for 4144,4 box.
For fifteen yeara the standard
apeeiflc for
Rheumettsm.. Neuritis, Gout
Sciatiica, Lumbago, Neuraigia
Many doctors preecrihe them.
write to remieta:tr, :L* Kit g Sk• W., Twoto, fol
nee sample, sot eerethblo dragPut, axerargbArofOr
$1.44pet tax,
article, which is then set aside to dry.
When entirely bard, the gttarre. inside
Is broken and the pieces removed.
These vegetable pots are sold aecord-
lug; to size from four to eight anima
each, and are muck might atter by
the people.
The aouia tree is abuudant through-
out the forests of tropical India and
Bernie. and the fruits are frequently
employed in medicine and for tanning.
Another material used in making
jars is the root ot the great asphodel.
The fleshy mat of thiss plant, by dry.
ing in a sand oven and grinding, is
prepared into a flour, which, when
mixed with water, yields a most tena-
clous vegetable glue with which the
Persians make great vessels ter avid-
ing all and clarified butter. The na-
tive cobblers employ it in preference
to animal glue in their wark,
Spanish Flu
Claims Many Vietlms in Canada
and should be guarded against.
mard's linirnent
Is a first Preventative., bcing ono of
the oldest remedies used. lifinnrd's Lin-
menthas cured thousands of of
Grippe. Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma
and similar diseases. It is an Enemy 10
perms. Thousands of bottles being used
Avery day. for safe by all druggists and
general dealers.
Yarmouth. N.S.
When I. Have Time. '
When I have time, and all my little
Are grown. and no longer need my
When crowded hours no longer pass
ane by,
And childish voices cease to thrill
the air.
What books I'lt,read—nay garden -plot
I'll tend.
What works of Charity and love be
mine --
II do the things I've always longed
to do—
When I have time.
With you, my life -companion, ever
We will forget the turmoil and the
We will renew aur love, our hope, our
In the blest peacefulness of middle
And side by- side through other lands
we'll stray—
Will see the vision that we dreamed
We'll wend our way to long -thought
distant lands
And stand upon some far-off foreign
Thus . shaft we gather flowers for
Old. age and loneliness need have
- no fears,
When all the- fragrance of past thought
and deed
Makes beautiful the passing of the
Application for oil and gas leases
coverilgg upwards of 200,000 acres' in
northern Alberta were filed during
February. • .
AmerlcWa *2o2ioer Dog Remedies
+aft Book on
"and dour to rota,
I4alleeret to,any Ad
erects p. t e Autlk r.
'i Te$t i l trio 1'
. Nein 'Ter i S.A.,
• A Dyspepsia. Here
i M.D.;advises; "Persons who
Buffer from severe indigestion e
and constipation can cure them. •
•' selves by taking fifteen to a
• .
thirty drops of Extract of Roots
• • after each' meal; and tit. bedtime. ; +
Thih in
re ed fig new s'. Olio'
n It1
is o. 4 1
3 el r !� rn r` C
s Ca a ve 5 ill{ tits d u
+) trade," «het the genuine. 10e.
• and $:1:40 Bottled. ' B ®a�'
(g'w1lst+brei®.+s+sot stitla+
vers+el+++^yes• on+�+o+
!SaleE No, '20—'20,
birds of Passage. '
Mistress: "atew do you do? f3o
good of you to Colne!"
The New Cook: "Don't mintion it.
Sure, rill as fond av • a walte-in,d in '
the countbry as sane' one,"
Expected a Denial,
"So you broke the engagement.
What's up?
"She's too conceited. I remarked
one evening that else was too good for
me and she did not deny it."
A Real Surprise,
Where are you goin', ma?" asked the
youngest of five children.
"I'm going to a surprise party, nay
dear," answered the mother.
"Are we all goin, too?"
"No, dear, you weren't invited."
After a few moments' deep thought:
"Say, ma, then don't you #bink
they'd be lots more mina -Mei if you
!ltd take us all?"
Quito Necessary.
"We milst leave the wedding at 2,
not 4, dearest."
"But, Fred, I wished it at 4. Why
"Your father Is going to give us a
check for a wedding 1g niu nese t, isn't
"Yes --but what has that to do with
".Why, darling, don't you know that
lite banks close at 3?"
A Dominion Express Money Order
for five dollars costs three cents.
Exports of butter from the Com -
noun -wall of Austral:a during De-
cember amounted to 8,327,800 pounds,
being 3,204,264 pounds shipped from;
Victoria, and 123,536 pounds from
South .Australia. The quantity of
beef exported amounted to 11,542,889
pounds, lamb 17,919,508 pounds, and
mutton 26,708,709 pounds.
Mk for Minard'a and take no other.
"Discouraging thoughts wilt come.
You are not bound to retain them.
Force them out with a larger and bet-
ter thought. Make this declaration
(and mean it):. 'I will not yield to
discouragement.' " — John Darnell
Do not think to inherit ease with
money; he who keeps money earns it.
Look at tongue! Reprove poi.
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Classed Advert1sement a p
r+QDxas WADTDD. ' 4
• and light sewing at home, whole er:
spare time; good pay work sent any 4�1.qar
tance, charges paid. Send etanln ! l r.
particulars. National' llfanufactur n.
Co.. Montreal. ,
ii�C��tt will;,.,Pay .you.,. George $tevena,,,
Peterborough.. Qnrto,
awl fob printing plant in Ealtrin
Ontario Instit-does 'carried 31.500. '1v
wo for 11.200 on• -quick sale Pox Iilr
lison rbblishine Co.. I4td.. Toronto.
8oPT !rax WANTED.
C+ OFT 3331.M WANTED, 2 IN. ,AND
1� thicker, shipped ^green from saw.
Do not sell until you communicate with.
us, Keenan Bros, 1 -invited, Owen Sonnet;
4,tiCtit, Tendons. F.uaaes. NM'
▪ internal and externsi, cured without
ppaair! by otu Rlome trsattnent V!'rtts ua
ostore too lata Dc Bellmaa �ieto4.
Oo., I.imtted, C;oltittgwood. Ont.
Bright girl for general house wort!,
Gaod pouts, Good wages.
128 Weimer Rd., Toronto
iou'll find that coins are just like
Said wise old Mr. Booth;
We have no use for either when
Tliey lack the ring of truth."
Buy Thrift 'Stamps.
Gr1s1 A mass of lone
thick, gleamy tresses.
Let'"Danderine" save your hair and
double its beauty. You can have lots
of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair.
Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scrag-
gly or fading. Bring back its color,
vigor and vitality.
Get a 35 -cent bottle of delightful
"Danderine" at any drug or toilet
counter to freshen your scalp; check
dandruff and falling hair. Your hair
needs this stimulating tonic;• then its
life, color, brightness and abundance•
will return—Hurryn
Accept "Caliteral Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless Iaxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels. Child.
ren love its deliclons fruity taste. Full
directions for child's dose on mints bot
tie. Give it without fear,
Mother! You mutt say "California:'
Wash Out Your Pores
With Cuticura Soap
And have a clear sweet, healthy skin with
little trouble and trifling expense. Con-
trast this simple wholesome treatment
with tiresome massaging and other fads.
On retiring smear the face with Cuticura
Ointment on the end of the finger, wash
off in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and
hot water, using plenty of soap, best ap.
plied with the hands which it softens,
andcontinuebathingafewmoments. Rinse
with tepid water and dry gently.
Soap 2$c, Ointment 25 and 50c. Sold
throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot:
L mans, Limited, St. Paul St., Mentreal.
--hitt Cuticura $caps shares without mos.
Not -Aspirin at All without the "Bayer C:rpss'
The. name "Bayer" identifies, •t$`8 contailiap�`opCi dirdctiolgs fol° Colds,
.Aspirin,—.the Aspirin ri
p IZeadach
e, 7o0
he Earache,
by physiciansfor overnine- ralgia, Lumbago, Itl:onma:tistn, Neuxi-
teenyexrs 7rv. made in
Canada. ada. tis, Joint Paine; . and Pain n generally,Always buy an inna.oxen �-ay,�ge bOTes of 12 tablets cosh but
of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin
which a few' seats. Larger "Bayer" packages.
Tlaoae Is only one As»ireatee"Mayer"•.-Wau must say "lifxsaer»
Aspirin is the trade math . (regis'ered in'Canada) of Bayer manufacture of 'Moro,.
aceticacidester of Sattcylleaeid. White it if well known that Asptrin'nieans Bayer
meanuiacture, to assist the public' against imitations, tate Tablets or, Bayer Company
will be stamped With their general trade mark, the ''l3ayor Cross,"