The Exeter Advocate, 1920-5-20, Page 4Are You
One of the Million
owners of Victory Loan Bands? If you are,
you know how easy it is to collect your inter-
yst; and are s;it°kticd that your principal is safe..
But do you .know that Provincial Go'' er•mmnent
and 'Municipal Bonds, which like Victory
Bonds. possess ironclad safeguards,. also afford,
this feature of prompt inntw i �•st last), tnatirz0 The
interest coupons, which are attached to each
bond, can b.' removed and cashed ort• the due
date, while the bund, themselves are readily
accepted by Banks as collateral for loans.
Write us, and wt shall be glad to mail you a
list of these bonds, paying an interest return
of from 5.80% to 7%.
Vood, Gundy 80. Company
Canadian Pacific Railway Building
Mr. Thos. Welsh has purchased the
nnachinery in D. Urquhart's saw null
and has m�o\red it to his null. -lir, Al-
ex. Sparks, near the Landon Road,
sold his residence to Mr. 'Wm, Dote, -
all Sr. lire and. Mrs. Sparks intend
, visiting rejatives tin the West this
summer.-- Kirk Brothers of Exeter
have )opened up a meat .shop in, the
Murdock block, -Mit and Airs. Weir
received word from their sen, Joseph,
of Colorado Springs, of the death of
his little daughter, .Alice, who died on
Thursday £ last week, after a few
weeks' illness. Some weeks ago Mr.
Acheson's wife died of the influueeza
and a few days later his s -On it eAle and
last week his little daughter ,;sassed
away. -.4r, Roy White, who has been
with Hobbs Hardware in Landon for
some time has accepted a pol:itian with
Mr. T. C Ja ynt.-Assessor C. Hudson
has coau;)leted his work :rind eeturn,.1
the reli. The assessment shows as
follows. -Land $84,190. buildiru .;
$265,$75; business assessment $23,-
923; income $2400; total $351,413, be-
ing an ncreas: of $12, 105 over last
year, The total population is 724. -
Mr. George Joynt has graduated as a
dentist, and ha visited his brother', T.
C. Joysit last week. -Rev. Mr. Garrett
and Reeve Petty attended a meeting
Of the•,1 in Brantford last week.
--firs. James Sparks who spent the
winter with her %laughter in...Detroit
has returned, accompanied by her
daughter lire. elcIntyret ---The coun-
cil has had 100 trees planted around
Devizes °staent Wednesday with Mrs. the park, -Mrs, M'nller, hiss Marne amui
John :Stevenson. -Miss Ada Gunning ;fir. Ross of Windsor are visiting Mrs!.
and frieand of St. Mare's were guests at 'miler's ,laughter, Mrs. Thos Sherritt
the home of the eormer's uncle, lir, jr., who is tat present very 1111 -Mr, T,
Thos Gunning ion, Sunday. -Mr. Hugh Hudson has purchased the lots east
Morkin .of Lucan, hay-priesser, is in
this tiicinity at present. -Mr. and Mrs.
Ogden and Harold Fisher of Exeter
were Sunday visitors at the home of
Frank .Squire. -The, W, M. S. will hold
their monthly eneetialg in the church
Lir. Thos. Gunning bas been laid up
.the toast week with lumbago.
ln'.iss nary Deymenof 1'ttekersn ith
n sitin ; her sister, Mrs, George
Squir' J r. -At the annual meeting of
the "Treasure Seekers" Bible Class,
tf,,, following officers were elected for
lira coming year: -Teacher, D. A.
1tb na
}r. Jr.; Assistant Teacher, er, J.D.
tzelwood; President, Miss Tessa
usnating,,Vice-pres., Melville.Gurtaiintg
:,ey Rayme n1 Brooks; Treas., Earl
Jolt:Ison; Organist, Miss Grace Da€
At the annual meeting of the Mission
Band toe following officers were of
e'te t for the coming year: -Leaders,
Mee. Frank Gunning and Mrs. John
'Steve -neon; President, Mervint, Johnson;
Vie -ares„ Morris Brooks; Recording
S•e,;retary Vera Hazelwood;. Cor•-
:Sd 'y Laverne Morley;
etTreas., Flor-
n e Pollen;; Supt. of Systematic Git-
iitz , Kenneth Stevenson; Supt. of'.
-Mite Boxes, Mary B. Duffield.
[qr. and Mrs, John Morley and
daughter, Clara, .moved to their home
in Woo,lham last week. -Mr. and Mrs.
"m, Archer of London visited the
tstter's sister, Mrs, Thos, Morley,, last
'week. -Mrs, Clarence Gunning has been
(quite all this last week, suffering from
nt severe attack of appendicitis., -Mr
;cud Mrs Wm;. Hodgson were in Lu-
eeei. art Sunda'p.-A large number from
'he.-.: attended the annual \V, Ji, S.
, nos vention at Woodham• which terov-
nel. to he a great success. -Mr. George•
.Squire, Sr., bas purchased a new Cheer:.
• '�t gar from A. J. Clatworthy of
c atoru.-Mrs. Sam. Stevenson of
of thc ozat.meal milli seven in number,
from lir. A. Urquhart.
The past week has been fine and
ig a g R
next Thursday a£t•eraniaaa at 2.30 p.m 1 thef,even, is be�.ainnn� to look croon.--'
-The Independent Order of Oddfel- . _iss Mary Hern was in London vn
lows' attended divine service in the Friday. -Mr. Wellington Skinner has
church Item on Sunday, Rev. `vain+Mair the -,
a new Ford car, -A number
Drenching to a large congregation, of our young people attended the con-
Saecial music awas rendered by the vention held in. \Vaodham e n Thurs-
their anti ,the service was very much day May 13. --`len. John.,Brock is pre-
enioyea by all present. paring to ,remodel his barn this sum -1
utter, -lar Wesley Heywood, Sr„ is
going to build a foundation under his
barn this summer, -The boys are plan-
ning to organize a baseball team for
the season,
(Intended for last week.)
The weather has been: favorable for
the fanners to finish seeding,= -Mr.
Enos Rertiman has purchased a new
Port car. --Misses! Edna. Pym and Ed-
itth Herr were aipp;o!nhed as delegates
to represeet our Sunday Schoch at the
Girl Conference -Sunday being Moth-
ers' I)ay a large congregation attend-
ed the services which were conducted
by ear own pastor. Rev. Mr. Parnaby.
Mr. \Vm, • Stewart of Toronto and
Mr. and Mrs,. John Stewart, 'Jr., and
family of Farquhar, •and Miss Green
of Hay, visited Mr, and Mrs. John
Glenn an Sunday. -Mr, and Mrs. N.
13 Horton, Mr:. John Wren and Mr.
Genre Ayer all left Tuesday morn.-
; the West. Mr. and ` Mrs. Hor
ton. intend gangto Moose Jaw to vis-
it their daughter, Mrs. John Bonthr.ere
eir, Ayer has gone for the benefit of
his health anel to .get treatment from
Dr. Tike a specialist in Minneapolis,.
-Miss Olive Fairburn, who has been
spending a few days 'on the Boundary
has returned to Hensall.-Wedding
bells are still ringing in Lumley.
EWPPEN.-A 'car in, wVch were Ted
and Gordon, sans of Wesley Harvey,
ran into the ditch and turned turtle;.
when the 'steering,. gear failed to work.
Gordo was piamed beneath the seat,
and considerably injured, but is ex-
pecte.? to recover in ai few weeks.
Mr. Chas. Bilber of Kitchener, who
was very ill of pneumonia, is conval-
escing tnicely,-Mrs, Ed. Wurm left
for Crediton Thursday, where she in-
tends staying for some time, --Mrs, J.
Wing of K tchlen;er spent the week
at the home of her mother, Mrs, P;
Haugh. -Mr. and Mrs. Jt Preeter, Mr.
and Mr;. W. L. Siebert" attended the
funeral -of., a relative. at Tavistock, -
sir. Oliver Davis, who has been em-
oloyed •in the Molsons Bank here far'
some four ,years, was transferred to
the branch , not the Maisons Bank at
Waaereao,-Mr. Ed. Wurm• left for
Sini.aoe the latter part of last week,
where he has a few speedy horses, in
teeini nee Mr. Wurni will be greatly
cnisietIneZurich, as he took a deem
intere't in, the ,general welfare Of the
Is Your Mouth Tender?
Are Your Gums Sore or Bleeding?
Are Your Teeth Loosening?
If so, you have "Riggs" Disease, Pyorrhea, or Trench Mouth, and
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Riggs Remedy for .Riggs Disease
Why suffer when you can easily treat yourself in the comfort and
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which will give you immediate relief ? Write
Pyorrhea Specialists 144 Carlton Street, Toronto, Ont.
Big Auction Sale
Offers you the first real chance to become an owner of your summer home
instead of a renter, as lots will be sold on easy terms, or cash. Choi- ce
• of lots on lake ,front street front or in rear of grove; ;all lots in shade.
lapid developement means good investment c Sales starts at 1 p.m., .sharp
Opening Dance at the Cassino at night, London 4 -piece orchestra.
CrEO. 'E ECCLESTON, Proprietor E. N. COOPER, Auctioneer
Grand Bend,. Ont. London,
The McLaughlin Car
S. M: Sanders Dealer.
Alex. Purdon,, Sales Manager
is the root of nearly all digestive
evils, If your digestion is weak or
out of kilter, better eat toss and use
the ° new aid to better 'dieitiai
Pleasant to take—effective. Let
Ki-tnaida help straight,* out your
digestive troubles,
NADC lar scar -ca. aowNs
Meroceles Or *coma cMutstott
tfuc„unitrated in 1854
OA l'lT:1l, RESERVE $9,000,( 00
01. er 110 Branches
Systematic saving strengthens character by inducing self-
denial and creating independence.
The leafiest method of saving is by deposrtiin,g a certain Por
tion of your earnings regularly in THE MOLSONS BANK, With
the addition, of interest at current rates a substantial sum is
soon an uired,
Small accounts receive the same attention as larger ones --
efficient courteous service to ail.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business Jaily.
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch.
Are you willing --
To forget what you have done for other people; and to remember what
other people have done far you ? To ignore what the world owes you, and to
think what you owe to the world? To put your rights in the baokground,
your duties in the middle distance, and your chances to do a lithe more than
your duty in the foreground ? To sei`that your fellowmen are just as real as
you are, and try to look behind their faees to their hearts, hungry for joy?
To close your book of eomplaints and look around you for a plane where yon
can sow a few seeds of happiness?
Then you are ready for -Self-Denial.
Are you willing --
To stoop down and consider the needs and the desires of little children;
,to remember the weakness and loneliness of people who are growing old; to
stop asking how much your friends LOVE YOU, and ask yourself whether
you LOVE THEM enough? To bear in mind the things that other people
have to bear on their hearts ; to try to understand what those who live in the
same house with you really want, without waiting for them to tell you? To
trim your lamp so that it will give more light and less smoke, and to carry it
in front so that your shadow will fall behind you ? To make a grave for your
ugly thoughts and a garden for your kindly feelings, With the gate open?
Are you willing to do those things, even for a little while ? ' r
Then you_ are ready tor Self -Denial.
Are you willing
To believe that love is the strongest thing in the world—stronger than
hate, stronger than evil, stronger than death --and that the blessed life whioh
began in Bethlehem nineteen hundred and twenty years ago is the image and
brightness of the Eternal Love?
Then you are ready for Self -Denial.
(With acknowledgments to Dr. Henry Van Dyke.)
Salvation Army
Jubilee Self -Denial Appea
to 22. Objective $500.00
Aa at 80th No,embcr, ,1919.
Cath and`Bank: Balances $ 90,757,510
Other Quick Assets - - 129,154,213
Loans - - . - 283,870,274
Deposits •- - 393,605,156
Total Assets — - ., 479,644,205
PAID--e,•UF C.\rP,ITr L - $15,000,000
RE.:gre.. FUND $15,000,000
: XI;TEit BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager.
tfuc„unitrated in 1854
OA l'lT:1l, RESERVE $9,000,( 00
01. er 110 Branches
Systematic saving strengthens character by inducing self-
denial and creating independence.
The leafiest method of saving is by deposrtiin,g a certain Por
tion of your earnings regularly in THE MOLSONS BANK, With
the addition, of interest at current rates a substantial sum is
soon an uired,
Small accounts receive the same attention as larger ones --
efficient courteous service to ail.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business Jaily.
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch.
Are you willing --
To forget what you have done for other people; and to remember what
other people have done far you ? To ignore what the world owes you, and to
think what you owe to the world? To put your rights in the baokground,
your duties in the middle distance, and your chances to do a lithe more than
your duty in the foreground ? To sei`that your fellowmen are just as real as
you are, and try to look behind their faees to their hearts, hungry for joy?
To close your book of eomplaints and look around you for a plane where yon
can sow a few seeds of happiness?
Then you are ready for -Self-Denial.
Are you willing --
To stoop down and consider the needs and the desires of little children;
,to remember the weakness and loneliness of people who are growing old; to
stop asking how much your friends LOVE YOU, and ask yourself whether
you LOVE THEM enough? To bear in mind the things that other people
have to bear on their hearts ; to try to understand what those who live in the
same house with you really want, without waiting for them to tell you? To
trim your lamp so that it will give more light and less smoke, and to carry it
in front so that your shadow will fall behind you ? To make a grave for your
ugly thoughts and a garden for your kindly feelings, With the gate open?
Are you willing to do those things, even for a little while ? ' r
Then you_ are ready tor Self -Denial.
Are you willing
To believe that love is the strongest thing in the world—stronger than
hate, stronger than evil, stronger than death --and that the blessed life whioh
began in Bethlehem nineteen hundred and twenty years ago is the image and
brightness of the Eternal Love?
Then you are ready for Self -Denial.
(With acknowledgments to Dr. Henry Van Dyke.)
Salvation Army
Jubilee Self -Denial Appea
to 22. Objective $500.00