The Exeter Advocate, 1920-5-20, Page 1THIRTY-THIRD YEAR
Depositing ,of 161st B. Colors
in Trivitt Memorial Church.
Baseball—Crediton, vs. Clinton,
and afternoon
The Murless Players at Night
Opera Howse ie.
"The Misleading Lady"
Lots of i1iusic a<l day,
Local News
COLE the druggist, is having au.-
okhere cent can c zn s e— ,
a1 nowv—T
on tl
h rS
day Friday and Saturday—Big Bar-
Mr Percy Hewitt, through Mr. Ct
W. Robinson„ on Moanday, sold his
btzusc on Gidley street tq< Mr. Fred,
Wells, who gets immediate possession,
The Su allay School Convention of
Exeter ,District was heId $a Maul -St.
i4fetbodist Church on Friday, when
several instructive addresses were
given ton Sunday School work.
W. J, McCallum, the well-known
Shorthorn Dealer ,of Braanpton, Ont,
attends visiting the Exeter• dtsstrict
shortly. Sere his advertisement in
another column. Ma;' McCallum pur-
chaseJ quite a a number of Shorthorns
in this District last year,
Mr. Gordon Wells, while engaged, in
operating; a planer at Mr. Rabt, Gil-
lies' box factory, had the misfortune
of getting his ,hand into the knives,
with the :result that the index finger
cif the right had wasconsiderably
and he is m;ow taking an en-
forced Crest.
We take pleasure in congratulating
Mr. Leon Treble, soot of Mr. and Mrs,
Ed. Treble, who,last week, passed his
first year examinations in the Ontario
College', of Arts at Toronto, winning
two scholarships, "Warren Scholar-
ship for Design;" ankl the "0. C. A.
Scholarship for Commercial Art" Be-
ing unable to take both he chose the
framer and took "honorable mention"
in the latter. Leon has a bright fu-
ture in this ]nae of work,
Correspondents will ,please .get the
budget.; of sews to The Advocate of-
fice not later than Tuesday, and we
hope always on Tuesday morning. It
is necessary tea that the half holiday
be observed on Wednesday far t he
summer months.
Pftioae 81a
Yes, we sell Rain,' oats, guaraait•e+ed
to protect you in snow, sleet, rain and
storm. It is a real weather - proof
gasrmeat that will give you 1oing and
satisfactory everyday service, Get
your . quality shirts, nsnd•erwear, neck
wear, hosiery, etc at this shop,
SUITS $20 to $,40.
OVERCOATS $20 to 05
RAINCOATS $15 to $00
W. W. iTarnan
Tailor& Furnisher
Mr 0 F. Hooper as re,cavering
nicely from ,las recent illness:. `'
You will notice that the Budget tells.
us that the war has to be paid fox..
Monday ntext is May 24th—a public
holiday Come to Exeter for the
Mr. John. Willis, jr,, cut anasty gash
is his righthand last week when tak-
ing the trop ofe a sealer of fruit,
Master George Beavers sang a pleas-
ing .solo, "Step Out for )'esus,,, at
the District ieetutng of the Walla,
at Woodham last ,Thursday,
Thi; is Salvation Army week. We
understand a canvas is to ;be. made in
Exeter to erase $500, Committees are
being formed. See advertisement on
'another page,
The Advocate regrets that the
abnormal pressure of advertising this
week bas made it necessary to write
news items in es short and concise a
form as possible,
Mr, .Daniel rSclrroewler of Stephen
who sold his farm ,recently, has pur-
chased the fine 125 were farm owned
by Mr Alfred Sandal of Baliytuote,
six ,miles from Landon, market,
The work on. the road • is progressing'
this week. A rditclaung machine is
digging the ,drays for the laying of
tile for drajrn.;:ng the street en each
side; the 'roadbed is being dug upp and
the gravel ,being placed on the back
streets: while a big roller has been
brought over from Mitchell and is
busy preparing ;the road for the lay•
ing of the cement.
The League of Jamas Street Church
the last two •evenings took on the form
of a town council non nation anrt el-
ection, said was very interesting. The
young eeople who were nominated did
not hesitate to say what they thought.
They criatized, the town for dust the
crowding of .sidewalks, the lazy -day
workmen theexcessive charge for
garbage removal,, the idle roller, school
children bei. g out of school, the town
clock, the lack of curfew, etc. The
electedcouncil meet in session Tuesday
o.ight next.
A Girls' and Leaders' Conference of
the Sunday Schools of South Huron
was held in Exeter On Saturday and
Sunday. when Miss Trotter and Miss
i leTaggart of Toronto gave appro-
priate addresses, Sessions were held
in Slain -St. church Saturday afternoon
and evening, in Caven Church Sunday
afternoon, and in James ,Street Sun-
day 'evening, on which, occasion ` the
other ,churches were closed. Saturday
at 6 p.m the delegates were tender-
ed a banquet in. James St, Church.
A profitable and ,enjoyable time was
spent during the conference.
]lir. Redrnond, an expert examiner
from the ]loyal Academy of Music,
England, visited at Mrs. Gambrill's
studio for the purpose of examining
and :criticizing the work of two of
her advanced pupils in vocal and piano
who are training for university teach-
ers. Mr. Redmond, is a touring exam-
iner and has visited Africa, A.uatral,ia,
Egypt and ,most all the countries of
the world, and considers it a great
privilege to hear the splendid work
of the world's expert teachers. As an
enthusiast she spoke many times of the
greatness (of this country, regretting
his visits ;were of such a passing na-
ture only, that he ,could enjoy so little
of the beautiful scenery of the dis-
tricts. Hi.s destination, on. this trip
was Vancouver.
After an illness of several. weeks
from anaemia the death occurred on
'Thursday, May lath of James Bever-
ley, aged 67 years, 17 days, Two
years ago he was very ill, but recover-
ed and was able• to be about again] as
usual 'tette his last illness, Mr. Bev-
erley was a former business man of
Exeter, having sold his undertaking
an4ed furniture business a few years ago
to •,aIr, M. E. Gardiner. Previous to
that he. was in business in Hensall
and Branford. He was highly re-
spected. a member of Main Street
Methodist Church, of Hensall Oddfel-
laws Lodge and of Exeter Masonic
Lodge under which auspices his re-
mains were interredin Exeter Ceme-
tery loin Sunday afternoon. 'The late
Mr. Bevei:ley was born near Napanee
and at .different times he resided in
Port Hope, Creditor, Dashwood, Hen-;
'sail, Brantford and Exeter. He is sur-
vived by his wife. .formerly Alinda
Short. end one daughter, Miss Ariel of
Toronto, who have the sympathy .of
their many friends. A nephew, Mr.
George l{'. Beverley, of Canton, Ohio,
attended the funeral.
Mr, Young Creech of Detroit is
visatitar his ,grandmother, Mrs, James
Creech ••
Reeve ]leavers attended the funeral
of the. late Mr, .Patterson at Goderich
nn Tuesday.
The sawmill owned and operated by
Mr .Wm; ,Sweit'zer was' totally de-
stroyed .by fire during Tuesday bight:
Also a large quantity of insane
lumber The ]origin, of the Eire is st p
posed to have been from sparks .from
the boiler ,as the mill was in opera --
eon the day before. As 1VLr. Sweitzer
carried lno ,insurance the loss will be
a heavy ane and it will be qu(te a
loss the community.
Mr. aln:d'Mrs. Fred Parsons and niece
Miss. I10: Whyte of Exeter; spent Sun -
lay at Mr. T. hiunkiaals'.-tM,iss Violet
Stewart of London Normal spent the
week ,end at her home here.—M=r, and
Mrs. Wilt-Pasem4orer and family of Ex-
eter spent Sunday at \llr, C. Borland's
—We are very pleased to report' that
Miss Gertrude 1Stcwaat and Master
Charlet Stewart are both improving
Rev. Sinclaax and Rev. Baker, Cred-
iton ;exchanged pulp.':ts last Sunday
morning, while each conducted their
own. service en the evening.
A number from here went over to
Whalen Sunday where a sermon was
preached to Oddfelfows in the after-
afr. C' ,O'Brien and also Mr. Bruee
:Mitchell have treated themselves to
n;ew. cars.
Severa,,of the ladies were at Wood-
ham W. m.. S. Gonvientiionu Mrs. W.
Oke and Miss. Viola, NeLI were dele-
Mrs. Sinclair` ,event to. Toronto, this
week to eget medical advice in that city
]Miss Rowlands, who hes beers very
ill at the home of her brother here, is
Miss iiabel Elliott, who has been in
Taxon -to for some time, as at her home
here again,
vlr, W ,H+o lg1ns, who ccndueted the
blacksmith shop here for sometime,
has .sola the business and We house
to a Mr Dobbs of London,
Mr, and Mrs, K WrrVickert,elrs. C.
H. Wilson; and Hugh of Parkhill were
visitors with friends here on Sunday,
—Quite a number from here attend-
ed the District W. M. S. eeratention
at Wcwdham last Thursday. During
the afternoon session the delegates
hapored their superintendent, Mrs. A.
\I. Wilson by presenting her with an
r, preelative address and a well tilled
:nrse. She also 'received a beautiful
•auquet of flowers; --We are sorry to
report \1rs. Foster ill at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. J. Gdii, Grand Bend.
—Arthur :Yellin has returned from Lon
don and is working with bis father,
who has several, contracts for the
summer —Mr. and Mrs, J. Sherritt and
Miss Lydia, who has recently return. -
ed fron China, made several calls in
sur burg on lfonday, Miss Lydia's,.
mann friends are very pleased to wel-
come her home after nearly six years'
absence.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Cliffe of
Thedford spent the week end with Mr
and Mrs. W. England.—Mr. W. Mellin.
had a successful wood bee Saturday.
Mount Carmel
Mr. James Quarry of Stratford vis-
ited his parents Mr, and Mrs, J. Gs
Quarry ,for a few flays last week. —
Mrs. John Roberts of South Dakota
is visiting her nephew John Walker of
Iahlve.—Ur Tillman made a call here
an Friday.—Mr:, Jerry Campbell is 4
smiles et the atsuvarler a baby girl on
May llth.—Miss Regan. and
Mrs Walter Neil remain quite ill at
their homes shear here.—Mr. Basil Sul-
livan of Sandwich College visited his
home for a few days last week,—Mr,
Frank Coughlin and Mr. Joseph Guinan
were in London last ,week on busi-
usiness.—Mr Mack McDonald of Detroit
arrived ,home last week.
U. F. O. C eiebratioaa.—The U. F. O.
purpose holding a big celebration in
Kirkte n •an June 11th, when Premier.
Drury. Hon. Peter Smith, Prov,-Treas.
and !Andrew Hicks; 1M.L,A„ will be
present arid deliver addresses. Every-
body welcome. Fuller announcements
Grand Bend
.(intended for last week.)
Mr. an,d Mrs. Millman. of Thedferd
visited at Asaph 'Gravelle's Sunday.--
unday,—Mr. John Hayes was taken to London
lai3+t week, lowing to the young man's
leg becoming disjoiated at the frac-
ture, "It hes been reset three times,
hence the attending physician advised
his removal to the hospital. ---Mr. Ab-
ner Mollaird took his son Russell to
to London hospital°Monday.—Mr, Jos.
Lawson has ra gang of men working
an the temporary bridge, -Revs, and
and lairs. Baker of Crediton were
here Saturday moving some of the
furniture, [from Mrs, Follick's clottage
which they purchas:ed from the estate
of the late Mrs. Gilt. While here
they visited. Mr. and Mrs Ed Gill, Sr.
—A dog belonging to Mr. H. Hami1-
ilton severely bit Edna Gull en Fri--
ri-day afternoon.
Mr Hermaa Kyle attended the Ex-
eter District sneetdjng at Granton on
Tuesday last.—Mrs. Geo, Jaques and
Miss Vera Gower attended the Girls'.
aoneerence at Exeter and report a
good time,—Mr. Wellington Batten in-
tends_ro resen.g his barber shop on Sat-
urday'''evening, May 22nd,—The Sun.-
shiq>,e Suedes,- Schaal purpose holding
their rant ersary lore June 20 find 21,
—Mr. Frank Cornish has received a
ca,r load of cedar posts from New .On -
McGillivray Council
The Council of McGillivray met in
the Tolyl'_ Hall, May 3, as per adjourn-
ment Ali members preseiat. Minutes
iaf last meeting were react and signed.
On motion of Lewis and Maguire ac-
counts amounting : in all. to: $3467,55
evere ordered to be paid.
Rosser -Dixon -That the Court of
Revision be held Saturday, June 5th,
at 4 o'clock,
Maguh e—Rosser--T,hat the Clerk be
instructed to notify Guy Teaball, own-
er of clot 29, con. 5, w. C. i ., to have
fence rein+averl from road allowance
The c,oun,cil adjoenned to meet
an June 5, alt one o'clock,
J, se, Deammanee .nese . where quality is higher than price..
Grp .eeries,—We have opened a groc-
ery department in connectia:u with our
c,onfeetionery. Our stock is fresh,,
an•1 we will always keep weaning but
the best Butter and eggs :taken in
.exchange. Fred White.
Died Mather Suddenly -.-A rather
sudden death Occurred in oar midst
en Wednesday, May 12th, when Mrs.
Dante; Schafer nasse-d away, atter
only a short illness from heart trouble
Funeral services .were conducted at
the home Thursday evenn by Rev.
P, Graupper, and Friday rnora'ag the
remains were taken to Clifford, • Mrs,
Scbafe?s Fold home, tor burial.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. i leinstiver, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Geiger and Mrs. 'Wm.
Stade spent Sunday in St. Themes.—
Misses. 0, Edmsots L. Hartle'b and
A. Pfaff mere delegates ates to the Girl's
Q•onferenee at Exeter last vv eek —Mr,
J. W. Gray biel and sister attended the
funeral of a -relative in Saginaw, Mich.,
this week. -.-Mrs. Arelette Willert bas
moved to Zurich, where she intends
making her future h•ome.—Rene+, , nd
Mrs.Yager -are visiting in Stratford the
week,—Mr. and Mrs. Kent spent Mon-
-day in Lendori,—Mrs, l i, Graurner re-
turned t:. her home in V•enedy, ?ll.,
after seending the past month at the
Lutheran parsonage.—Mrs. 1re!smd end •
son Orlands, of Stratford vis ted at
the ]some of E. Tiernan en 'urday,—
Messrs Chas. and Melvin Guenther
add J. semith of Belmont, spent Sun -
;lay Est town.
rhe taat?t •ocet rred at the home t'f
this daughter, Mrs. (Reve W. 5, 'him
C merman. in Seberingville, on May 11,
r +
e rt. Wilkes, . I.on3 � s Lr who r
lid, hrN was born at
: avistarl• on Nov. 8, 1866. During
the past eight years he resoled with
his daughter, Mrs. Zimmerman, He is
survived by his wife and daughter.
Burial was made here. 40 years rtgo
he was in the flax business here, and
is a brother -in. -law of Herman. Oes-
The members ref the Methodist
Chard. C weir and Circle met at the
home of Miss Sylvus Jones on Mon -
clay evening .and presented her with
a miscellaneous ,shower prior to her
marriage shortly.
The Junior Y. P. A. had a social
gathering in the Institute room en
Monday evening. It was the closing
event of a spirited contest between
sides chosen •to rase money for mss-
s�,.:,•bite +e" wyvart pleasantt
snent in, games and !other amusements,
following which a dainty luncheonwas
served by the losing side.
The entire teaching staff of the
Public School have been re-engaged
for another term, The very best of
satisfaction has been given by the
present teachers.
The +differ"ent committees in charge
of our June .3rd ,celebration are busily
engaged in, filling their respective du-
ties. This pnomises to be one of the
best day's sport held in this district
for years. The baseball diamond has
been put in shape this week and the
boys are getting dawn to practice in
earnest. The Band has been, trying
their stepson the march and are doing
splendidly. They gave us a band con-
cert on Sunday afternoon which. was
much enjoyed.
Rev, Parnaby of Elimville circuit and
Rev. Baker of the ]Methodist Church
will exchange pulpits next Sunday.
At the special meeting held in the
School house on Friday evening it was
decided to install the ,steam heating
system in the school this coming sum-
mer. The trustees are inviting tend-
ers to +complete the job, and hope to
have everything in shape when the fall
term begins.
Mrs, Wilson and family .have arriv-
ed from Galt. We welcome them to
our midst.
Quite at number Of our people at-
tended the special session of the Girl's
Conference ' held. in Exeter last Sat-
urday and Sunday.
Rev, S. M. Hauch is in Chicago' and
Naperville, Ill., this week in connec-
tion ' with ,business: 'of, the Trustee
Beard of the Northwestern College.
During his absence next Sunday Rev.
Schmitt of Iitchenelr will preach in
of meat that comes from our shop,
you are`never disappointed at the
apnearai ice of it,i It is always .red
tender., fresh looking and juicy— al-
ways ;palatable and wholesome, tno
matter what cut or kind of -meat it.
may be,. For this is the quality meat
shop of Exeter.
B. Makins,
the morning and Rev. Stephenson c>x
Stratford, representing the Lord's Day
Alliance, wall +occupy the pulpit in the
On Sunday morning two a_utce arn-
ing from, the west caused consider
able ,excitement. Just as they passe~;
ed the street intersecteen they start-
ed to sane One car gen- out to far
with. the ,r salt that itt hitting :the
ceossing a little three years old
eras thrown ,out onto the road. For-
tunately the child wasn't huri very •
much other than having a bru'sed
heart. It might have been a fatal ac-
cident, It is high, time that some-
thing was dome around here to show
these drivers that there es a law to
make them drive carefully and not be-
come a menace to public safety;
Mr. and Mrsa Ed. Sweitzer, Thorne
dale, pl'e'at Senday visiting, the leater'e:
father, I1iee ae1 Fiatkbe er,
Weal 1 Brown, was ia. Detroit l:ri
day attending the funeral of the late '
Jahn. Wind.
Our people are getting in, their sup-
e_ 1y of fuel for the come* waster. •
House -cleating time is at hand. It is
quite a savable= .for the -ala man to
find hes. hat and shoes these day,..
,therington--In Usborne, un May 13tts.
to Mr aril. Mrs. Albert Etheriugtree
a ,hur. hter
vericy—I.n Exeter, ae alas, .!!etas.
James I3everiey, aged 67 years, 97,"
Automobile Owners
AUTO MECHANICS. p'erties ', ith s'e -1. fo '
Soultier & Foote
Ford Garage
Eat More Bread
It is still the best value you can. find.
USE M0AEE, FLOUR if 4,ou want Breal with . t':a
nutty flavour.
Never have we heard so mani,
flour, as of late.
We give substantia; reductions on flour in large germ
We have Bran, Shone, Feed Fiour, 011 Cake, Tani:e t
Chop, Ete., also some nice Seea Peas.
d re;a *rte :.hat'+tit
Wanted—Wheat, Oats, Barley and nil kinds of grain.
Phone 16
A Few Real Bargains in Pure Wool
Serges for Ladies' Suits & Dresses.
Soft pure wool Serge; close even weave; pure dye in
Black, Brown, Navy and Green.— ..... ... ...Per Yard. $3.00
Pure Botany Wool Serge, g weight, perfect weave, clear
bright color an Navy, Black, Bi own and Green—Per yard $3,75
Our Big Leader
Pure all wool imported Serge-Svvell for Ladies' Suits—Pere
feet Dye; Navy, Black, Green and Heather Brown—Per yard $4,
Our Big 3
Three Extra, Bargains in Black Duchess and alessaline Sulk
36 in, wale: Every thread pure soft silk -perfect bright. Black
at 4; ., per yard $2,75, $3,00, $3:90
Buy your silk now and save money,
SCOTCH LINOLEUMS-2 and 4 yards wide,
J. A. STI • 7 ART