The Exeter Advocate, 1920-4-22, Page 8RXE PER AAlmonATk , 1111111B611.11.7Y, APR. Sa., 18.20 Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday Fall Wheat rare.,. 1.95 Oats Barley erre.. 1,45 to 1.65 Feeley Flour , .,... 1.,._,. 6.85 Feel Flour per cwt. 4.00 Shorn ............... .:56;00 Brea_ Evers- 44 Janes. 1,10 i., 4.. 45.00 Local Doings Tried Nest's Bread yet? Havey & Harvey, Tho automobile repair places are busy spots just nose. Mr. John: Cornish of esondon Road South, has disposed of his brick pause : e prceserty to Mr. Henry Butter ... arra... ....... 55 to58 Farmer, have commenced to work Creamery Butter ,,,...,.. 68 the laud—getting ready to do the Lard arra 35 spring seeding. Ee . toy , 4.50 to 4.75 A, eanee will be held in eicDonell 's Hay per tet .,rear 20.00 to 22.00 Hall, Exeter, on Frjjday evening, April Hos _.-arra. 19.50 23r.1,1920. The music w' be supplied leheeretY MEETING. Ths ennui: Vestry Meeting .of tiw Trivet Slettreral Chur. h was he3+l In the Seeoot feel est Tuesday ev;ping. with the reee sr, Rev, A. A. Trumper in the .lea r . ho gave 3 review of laic ctutie , , : pa:Zh Blur ng tilei ast year. lit eta of a iced .t five near_ idg re'= a'�:" = •I nli in candidates dates for Cunt rann'.t tit, It.,5:.. iv;; £n±anis, c- ff :e; 7.4"1.a.:4$, administered 14 private C ratnunio .s and made. 514 lis t� s et of t e in ecce the a ti qPv tone to ° C quite ssresfas nee A repot C'.. tnc: sonlies' Gued was ,;,ass genre, whiz„ stowed teat they had hid tate most sueeessfut ti'Zr in their listory, the total receipts being S4,17.31 a;tt exp atlitute a. $.3;2.3$, leaving a bas- :ewe,of S4.93. alcssrs. Thome& H. Newell endAetna Case were re-ries° ed wardens; Mr. Geo. Crawley, Lav relegate to till' :`y:.a'.:, with Mr, R. U`tni:v as steo .ntee \It,,r . E. \\ J. etlrey else T. r \\"carts ,.s emit tern far ti., pressen year anti Me,:;srs. C. 1'-i. Sealers .incl 'r . e. Wood f ear the following year. The amount$.10 was vetee to ;assist the Rector arta Lay d 'e ste in. raying expenses' white atten lens the synod Hearty s, tea thanks were teedcred the Rector, Wardens, Organist and the son eu s arc; mese- ons of the church. The nn cone; w,jeumed to meet again' hcive—April 27th, JUNIOR FARMERS' MERS' IMPRO1E- MENT ASSOCIATION Do they hawgoed meetings? ranyoue of they nt s to karst Come and see for your c i', '.. meet inSeat- ioe's Hall the last Wednesday of every month at !e o`aiuelt p.m. All young farmers welcome. -4 feature a April 28th meeting will he an ad- dress by Mr. J.Itateliffe. Elgin E. Row elute, President. W. H. Shapton. Secretary, $ FOR SALE Pony, 'harness, rubbcr•aire bu ,gy; a1- so two steel -tire buggies.�Grilsoa & Sims, Exeter, FOUND—In Exeter,• small locket anti chain. Call at the Advocate Office. COW FOR SALE. Apply to R. B. Quante. William St. CARS FOR HIRE—Wilson, & Simms Phone 5.6. FOR SALE. One 14 -plate Drs :sr , Harrow, out- toty, in good rcpa r and worth .price as1;e +. Wm. Ward. WANTED Smart boy to lean hardware; also one to learn plumbing and tinsmithang. Heaman's Hardware, CALVES FOR SALE Anybody wisher g- to get good Dur- ham urhm calves should apply to L. 3. Wil- lert, R. R. No. 2, Doshwoo.i, or phone 34r20. WOOD PUMPS REPAIRED.If your puma needs sexing we are -t ready to do the job now before other work commences. We do turning of all kin& Saws gummed, etc. S J. V. CANN Phone 115 Successor to A. Cottle Corn Contracts The Canting Co. is prepared to con- tract with growers of coal, .for the factory for 1920. tbe price per ton increaser) to $12.00. Choice seed corn has been secured from the same source and wilebe sold at same price as last year to growers for the fac- tory ONLY. VIOLIN Lessons taught by Mrs. E. j, We+hey, Andrew St. Apply after - [Loons (except Thursday) 4 to 6; ev- enings 7 to R. EXETER AGRI, SOC1i TY Will hold a FIELD CROP COMPETITION IN FALL WHEAT AND OATS Stephen and lfsborne Townships are each a .warding special prizes for Baby. Beef competitions, For particulars apply to the sec- retary, R. G. SELDON. FARD1 FOR . SALE—"Evergreen Farm" consisting of Lot 11,Con. 14, Tp, of Hibbert, County of Perth, 100 acres imediately north of Far- quhar. Up- to- date brick dwelling large bank barn, with water all thro it supplied from never failing we11 with windmill, A second windmill and well on back of farm. New up to date hen and hog house large new drive house. Good orchard of apples and squall, fruit, 8 acres of bush, 50 acres mostly double - ploughed and ready for crop. t Bal- ance in grass. This is' a choice farm, well fenced, well drained and in a high state of .cultivation. A lovely home and must be sold as the proprietor has bought a- larger farm. Easy terms of payment: Apply. on premises to Thos. Rundle, or Thos. Cameron, R. R. No. 1,. Kirk ton. by the four piece Lyric azz Orches- tra ,of London:_ errs. John Goodison, mother of 4r. W. T. (;oa.diso:t of Sarna, son-in-law of Mrs. D. Johns or Exeter, died sud- en y at her home in Sarn3.a on Thur, - ':41% everxng last. `r T .. 1 * ie Circle of Cavell. Pres- +tvteri:a .Church held' a su4cessfte bazaar et the Town Hall o:t Saturday last. \1anv of the ladies etended .stn: over Sol) was realized. Sea girth Bowling Tournaments will b.: ;dot Jitele 9 for the :Siemer', Tio- lee tine July 21 end 22 for the Free Press ret.: Stewart Trophies. Both to . Berner and Stewart tropies are Inc+3 in Exeter, bating been won last year Icy W. J. Ileaman and R. N. Creech. Wardeat Petty of Hensali was here list week in connection with the roads celestial/. On behalf of the county he that day took over that portion of the Iain street from the bridge to the r� tit boundary: This will he paved .i c. riling to by-law anct the county will pay snit per cent. of the cost. lir, Fred. Elierinton attended the Ieberd Conservative party meeting at TTrontc.. on Friday last. The meeting .1ecideci to hold a Province -wide ct+n- ventio:t at the party in Toronto next fall. The meeting was marked with n u.'h enthusiasm and. with :ire excels - eine of. three each riding was person- ally represented. In the City of Si. Louis aloe, ten saes ':enrr.d on Saturday, tate .a est of which was at the Storage .arte !ef G. G. Gibson ,` Son. :are Ave, the senior partner of :vhiela firm is our old friend and subscriber, teneerly of. Themes Real In cite flat ef the Storage was stolen, large &At wes blown open on enothst flat en.l. the contents scattered, in- ludiql, a cashier's t.hcque for $450, F.ntl .Y smeller Safe was also blown open. The Treasurer of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives desires to aeknowiedge the following coatribti� tions recesved in Exeter by the Field `ecretary,—$5 amounts, Jones & May,• I. R. Carling, T S. Woods; $3, J. W. Powell, Jos. Senior; $2, J. G. Stan- bury, T. Hardy Dr. hinsman, ,.pr. Rottlston, Jas. Lawson, S. Martin. & Son. Rev. Wilson E. J. Wetbey, ;Miss J. .Medd, Miss S. L. Gregory, W. J. Russell, W. J. Heaman, 1. Armstrong, B. W. F Beavers, Rev. Itiestle; $1.90 W. S, Howey, John Hind,. P. Frayne, Grigg. Stationery, Sid. Davis, Harvey, & Harvey, G. A. Hawkins, W, S. Cole G. W. Das -is, R. N. Rowe, Rev. Trum- per, M. E. Gardiner, Wm, Ward, W, W. Taman, M. Snell, J. Taylor, H. Rt we, Total $68.00. NARROW ESCAPE. While unloading freight at the de- pot her Thursday afternoon, Brake- man Thos. ;Manning of the Grand Trunk had a narrow escape from death when a steel plate between the plat- form of the freight shed and a box car fell upon him. Manning stepped upon the steel plate which alid into the car, precipitating him to the ground, between the car and the plat- form and the heavy plate Fell upon his chest bruising him severely. First aid was rendered to him by those present, and he was afterwards taken to his home in London, and at the time of writing it is hard to tell the full extent ief his injuries. CHURCII SERVICE. Oddfellows .are requested to meet in. the Hall at 6.30 p.m. on Sunday, April 25th, for the purpose of attend- ing divine service in Trivitt Memorial Church.— T. Walper, N.G. Trivitt Memorial Church Services as usuaL REV. A. A. TRUMPER, Rector. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister Cavell church. 11 a.m.—"A Place for the Pro- phet." 7 pan.—"The High Cost of Liv- ing." JAMES ST, METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Willson, B.A. Secrament Service, Excellent and appropriate music. A hearty welcome. All seats free. M&t? ST. AND BETHANY lefinister, Rev. Dr. Medd MAIN STREET CHURCH 1.1, Public W,oeshap' 3. Sunday School 7. Sarah, Wife ;or Abraham BETHANY—S. S. AT 1.30. Public warship at 2.30 Yee are cordially incited to attend. A cordial welcome waits you. The Presbytery ,of Huron purpose o balding a summer school in Goderieh this summer, commencing on Monday,, July 19th: Mr. Albert Kernick last week dis- posed of his hundred acre .farm on tbe Thames Roae, being Lot 7, to Mr. Ezra \\filler° of Hay. Mr.,. T Nestle last week staid his house ;On lfaiz. Street .to air, Medd of the Exeter creamery. Dir, IvIedd'.s mother and sister will move to Exeter and reside in the house. Representatives, sof Lambton, and Huron County Councils met at the Middlesex County buildings las week and opened tenders for the construc- tion of a new bridge over the Aux Sauble River at Grand Bend.t The e,antract for steel superstructure was awarded to the Canadian Bridge Build- ing Co, of \\ralkenelle, at $16,849. Engineer. James A. Bell of St, Thom. as. will supervise the work, which is to commence .soon. A recent court decision handed down at Sarnia re- cuires the two counties to share the cost equally. — CAVEN CHURCH. . Dr. S Banks Nelson of Hamilton preacher in Caren, , Church on, Suaslay last, At the morning service he =- milted a tablet n memory of the late pastor of the church, Rev, S. F. Sharp. Miss Luta Layman of ,London sang at both services, Mr. Nelson. is a taltent- ed preacher and iss Laymon a very pleasing singer, The services were largely attended. On Monday evening Dr Nelson de- llvere,f his well known lecture on "Irelan.t and the Sinai Feiners", which Rev, Trumper illustrated with linne- li;;ht news, Mass Egg leson of Lon - Lien gave several pleasing selections on the violin, ant Miss Jeckell, Pres - Went sof the Guild, presided, A large atelieatts was present„ As a preacher anti lecturer Dr. Nelson is one of the best, and he will always he welcome to an Exeter audience. Mrs Thornton returned to Sarnia on atursiay. hiss Neelham. of Lucan is visit- ing :firs Corsaut. Mrs, (Rev.) Sharp of Sitncoe is vis itng relatives here. Mr, \\'iltri:i Stewart was home t'rom leitehener over Sunday. Mrs O. Southcott wass in Lon- don ones .the week end. Mrs. T. S. Woods is is visiting with friend., eauttort for a few days. Mn aaci Mrs. Chapman and child were in. London over the week end.. airs. Amos and Mrs, R. N. Creech returned last week from a. visit, ie Brantford. Mrs. Ern, Flynn of London visited with relatives for several days dur- ing the week, Mr, Herman Zimmer of Stratford gave the Advocate a pleasant call on Thursday last. Mr, James Sanders, who has been in Windsor during the winter,' returned home last week. Dirs. King ,of Ottawa ' and aiiiss Whimster of Aurora are visiting airs, D. johns rand daughter. Airs, Reg, Elliott returned to her home ie. Norwich, after a few days' visit with relatives here„ Mr. Horation Lee of London visit- ed Mr. Henry Reynolds a few days the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore of Tor- onto are visiting at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. F. W. Gladman. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Hoskin and slaughter late of Kirkton, are staying with Mr, and Mrs, Treble, prior to leaving for London to live. Mrs. M. Delbridge and Mrs, R. Blntchiard of Exeter, and Mr. Win. Wood of Usborne attended the fun- eral of lIr. Blight at Brooklyn, a bro- ther of the. ladies. Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Perrett left on Wednesday for Haai:fa.isa where they will sail on the 23rd for England to reside. Their many friends here wish them "Bon voyage," Mr, James ,Sanders this week pur- the biome and property of Mrs. Geo. Petty ,of Windsor, situated at the north of the village, paying therefor $.800, He has taken possession. in the Spring Time Any fool knows enough to carry :en umbrella when it rains, but the wise man is r• he who carries one when it is only `cloudy. Any man will send for a doctor when he gets bedfast, but the wiser one is he who adopts grez- proper measures before his ills become serious. During a hard winter or the following spring one feels run-down, tired out, weak and nervous. Probably you have suffered from a cold, the Grip or flu, which has left you thin, weak and pale. This is the time to put your system in order. It is time for house-cleaning. A good, old-fashioned alterative and temperance tonic is one made of wild roots and barks, without the use of alcohol, and called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, -in tablet or liquid form. This is nature's tonic, which restores the tone of the stomach, activity of the liver and steadiness to the nerves, strengthening the whole system. First put up by Dr. Pierce over 0 years ago, now procurable at any drug store; or send 10 cents .to Dr. Pierce's Laboratory, Bridge- burg, Ont,, for trial package; PHONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 3Z Out of this season's bewildering dictates of Pashion,ane thought stands clear -*-you must appear natural. Uncorseted? No ! Emphatically No! Certainty frocks and suits never more definitely demanded the founda- tion of a clever corset. When Paris says you should look "uncorseted," Paris means you should wear a cor- set so deftly designed to be a part of yourself that it merely accents the natural beauty of your figure and the most critical observer will not be able to trace your charm to its subtle support. LUCILE, LTD,. to s�\ A3aaater Shoe Dept. pependable Shoes for all. Errppres r Oxfords & Pumps for -Women. Classic Oxfords & Pumps for Women Slater Shoes and Oxfords for Men. Classic. Hurlbut'and Pussy -foot Shoes for Children. Tt1ER is not • the woman but will be interested in what the world -famed House of 'Lucile has, ,to say about corsets, There is not the woman but will appre ciate the specialized service of our corset department; a service that offers you. selection from an all -comprehensive stock of the unequalled c Front Lacing andcarefulattention the - of e xpext coxstwt- Teres who will take a personal pride in your° satisfaction. R, r Better Quality Corsets Tbere seems tg be a growing de- mand for better quality corsets. We bave recently secured the agency for the district for the celebrated Gossard make of corsets.. They are moderate- ly priced and are shown in styles to fit every figure. We also have a large stock a Nemo, La Grace, and. & A, brandy If there is a par- ticular style in any of these lines of corsets which we have not 7.31. stock we will be pleased to order them for you. New ,styles in Brassieres now in stock Men's and Boys' Clothing William's Heavy Shoes for Men. men in a variety of cuts,. Stylish Suits and Eaincoats for Bloomer Suits for Boys. SPECIALS A Lull stock on hand of Dr. Scholl's Arch Supports, Bunion Protect. ors, Corn Pads, Etc,° Come in and see us for foot troubles. We give you arch supports on trial SUGAR by the sack or barrel WALL PAPERS—Another big shipment of Rapestry papers for Liv- ing Rooms, Haus, and ,Bedrooms just received. JONES & MAY airs. Egan visited an London last week. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. McFalls who visited here with the Iatter's gents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Luxton., have return - e.1 to their home in Biddulph. Mrs. Luxton has been. quite all, but is im- nrovin g, CAST° R IA For Infants and Children In Use ForOver3OYears Always bears the Signature of DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Offiice—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter. Cans promptly attended to day or ni ght. ISAAC R.. CARLING, B. A. Bannister Solicitor, Notary Public, Cternmissioner, Solicitor for the Mal - sons. Bank, Etc. Mooney to loan at lloweit rates of anterest, Office—Marin Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. .Geldings 5 yeant old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from' 4 years old up, weighting from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff,. write or phone 83 Exeter, G. J. DOW FRA1!1 TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable aatd Satitsfactiw,n Guaranteed. Crediton, Ontario. ONTARIO'S .BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE CENTRAL S'tdTRATFORD., ONT. We give thorough courses. We give individual canmstruction. We have no summer vacatison„ Students may enter. at any tune. Commence your course now.We place graduates in positions. Write for; our free ,catalogue, D A. McLachlan, Principal. MONEY TO LOAN We bare a large amount of private funds to loan 'on farms and village property GLADMANrates 8 STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter , Dr. A. R.. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman Stanbury's Office, Maine Street, Exeter MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sarrders at the,Advecate Qf- See. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET, & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night Mice— Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR 'for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Walherooms, nett door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over, Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Loaded Again Our rooms axe filled with all kinds of Furniture which we are selling at a very small margiinit Be sure and see us before buying as we have some bargaiins. R. N. ROWS THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Phone 20 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and evert - thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. . Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCQI'T BROS.. Shoes ! Shoes ! Shoes ! For every member of the faand1y Smart Styles Lor the lietl'e Tots English styles in dark brown kidterthe girls. Black or brown learth.er Neolin t r leather sowers for boys,, and a ;splendid .range of Oxford and high' Shoes for ladies and mere Dionit overlook us s h'en yogi want new shoe Dor the spring; NEW SPRING SHIRTS NEW FEET HATS Whets >you see thein you wid.1 say they 'are smart. The patterns arenew and are .sure to ,plcase you Prices, $150, $2.00, $3.00, $.5.00. NEW SPRING CAPS In the styles end shades the young yI ttv y ig. fellows afire looking for. Come in boys' and look them over. Very smart styles plus view colors for Spring. Better drop in, this week and get your pewv hat • All Colors • "4.50 NEW SPRING NECKWEAR Brand 'new, [tiesfor Springjust op- ened Riad ready for your sectiOni Priced at ' p ' ' , $1.00 to. $2,25,. Southcott Bros.