The Exeter Advocate, 1920-3-25, Page 8EXETER ABI/1113.211'11. '1'HUItSIIAY, MAR. 25 1820 Exeter Markets t hanged each Wednesday Fall Wheat Oats Barley Family Flour .................: Feel Flour p: r cwt. Shorts Bran Eggs Dairy Butter 1,95 1,05 1.45 to 145 6.85 4.00 ,,,,, 56,00 �,. 48.00 �48 55 .to 581 Creamery Butter ......... ....... 68 the i 35 Potatoe ,,,350 to • 3.75 Hay per 'nn 20400 to 82.00 Hogs p , :r:. ....- 19.25 A to v be plbmittce l to the the town „ot Clint on for the pu a -a of :.riding in. the estab- lishnica , .'lax mill in that town by 1 T. Nfe r.:,,,Nr. 1'., and his brother Mr. Edward F. Nier:4,4, The by-law asks for the exemption. of taxations far ten yearn en-eptng school rates, al- so to _rant them a supply of water} not to ext e,1 3000 gallons a day. The mote w71 ta'ne place April 5th. CARD OF THANKS. `Ir. Chester P. Harvey ,desires to thank the fr',arnds• for kindness and sympathy shown during the illness and subsec,ueaar ..Leath of the late Mrs. Harvey SPRING MILLINERY OPENINGS, You ,are cordia,ly invited to attend our d3spay of Pattern Hats and Nov- elties, Commencing March 20. E. T. Vt, CURLISS WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETING The Women's Institute will meet on Friday March 26, instead of Good Friday, April 2, at Public Library 3 pro. DURHAM BULL FOR SALE Seventeen months old, roan, first- aclass pedigree; Apply to W. H. Dear- ing, 2nd Con. Stephen, Exeter P.O. oar,win woo GOBBLERS FOR SALE. Two fine gobblers..., Apply at this caffice, Will the .ovent;rs of the gobbk:rs kindly phone the Advocate as the ad- dress has b,:... FOR SALE. One outside ,gas pump, Bowser style, Apply, Sims Garage and Cartage. Co., 86 May, Windsor, Ont„ S. J. Sweit- zer Prop, .�sww WANTED Smart boy to learn hardware.; also one to learn plumbing and tinsmithing, Heaman's Hardware, CALVES FOR SALE Anybody wishing to get good Dur- ham calves should apply .to L. J. Wil- lert, R. R. No, 2, Dashwood, or phone 34r20. PROPERTY FOR SALE. One and a half storey frame house, eight rooms ,in good repair. One half acre of land. Good stable with water- works in, stable„ Centrally located in Exeter. Apply to I. R, CARLING, Solicitor, Exeter. —r DR. JOHN WARD, CHIROPRACTOR Corner William and: Sanders Streets, Tues., Thurs., and Sat, 10.30 a. m; to 4.30 p. m. SEED OATS AND PEAS FOR SALE A quantity of regenerated Banner Oats—clean and oaf good quality; also a quantity of peas, perfectly free from weavel, and good sample; at reason- able prices. Orders may be left at Advocate Office, Exeter, or at farm, Lot 22, Cosa 2, Stephen. W. D. SANDERS. PROPERTY FOR SALE Goon frame house, containing nine rooms, situate on Mari Street, Exeter North. There are three good jots of land ,an which are, good frame; stable, driving shed, a good well and other cionv1eniiences Property of Mrs. W. Davis. Apply at Gardiner's Furni- ture Store, Exeter._ NECKIOKES, WHIFFLETREES. Farmers or teamsters having suit- able wood bring it to the O. K. Cider Mi II, and I will turn it a standard, or any length or size you wish,.also saws gummed, etc. S J. V. CANN Phone 115 Successor to A. Cottle CORN CONTRACTS. The Canning Co. is prepared to con- tract with growers of corn for the factory for 1920.s the price per town same as last year,' Choice seed corn has been secured from the same source and will be sold at same price as last year to growers for the fac- tory ONLY.. VIOLIN Lessons taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey,Andrew St. Apply after- aoons (except Thursday) 4 to 6; ev- eniags 7 to 8. FARM FOR .SALE ---"Evergreen Farm" consisting of Lot 11,Con. 14, Tp, ;of Hibbert, County of Perth, 2,0Q a:cre§ amdai;ltsls nerge of Tar - inhale Up- to- date brick cdweli g large bank barn, with water all thro It supplied from never failing well with windmill. A second windmill and well on back of farm. New up- to- date hen and hog house large new drive house. Good orchard of apples and small fruit, 8 acres of bush, 50 acres mostly double- ploughed and ready for crop. Bal- ance in grass. This is a choice farm, well fenced, well drained and in a high state of • cultivation. A lovely home and .must ere. sold ,as thero rietor` has p r bought ,a.larger farm: Easy terms of payment. Apply on premises to Thos. Rundle, . or Thos. Cameron, R. R. No. 1, Kirk- ton. Local Doings Oh, ,tkiose beautiful' spring days. Mr. Newton Balder is slowly . proving. This week kits been beautiful Spring Nvetatlte. May it cloy ti(aue, Mrs. Percy Aijlli.(es and children of Sarnia are visiting relatives here. i.1r. Gee, Ford last week sold his farm, Lake Road, to Mr. H, whO occupies the adjoining farm, Ur, Wesley Jones of McGillivray on Monday" purchased' Reeve Beavers' residence -on Main, Street, paying' therefor $.3600.00, Mr. an lir . John irtliienifeldt, who have been residing in Usborne far some years, have purchased a farm near t -r omarty„and are moving :there: Mrs. George. Windsor received word on Saturday of the death at Parkhill o a Fri,�day of her sister, Mrs. Shep- herd, the funeral takino% place on, Mon - ay afternoon at Parkhdl.. Mrs. James Pickard received word .O.n Thursday last of the serious ill- ness at Brantford of her step - son, Mr. Richard Pickard who .left Exeter abouit thirty years ago, and has since been living ip Duluth. - Mrs. \V. J. Bissett received word last week of the serious illness of her sister, Airs, McDowell, at L4towel. Her husband, Dr. McDowell, and the two children were, also .ill. Latter word says they have improved somewhat. At the auction sale of Mr. Cicero Aylward: on Saturday, the, house and four lots, and also ,the four lots a lit- tle north of the bridge on Main street were purchased by Mr. Wes. Stone who recently returned from the West. The price paid was $1300.00. Exeter will have the privilege .on Sunday next of hearing about the work of the Brotherhood movement, in its local, national and world-wide aspects. Speakers from Toronto, Brantford and London, will deliver illum:hating and inspiring messages. Mr, and Mrs, P. H. McEwen are hay- ing their furniture packed and mak- ing preparations to move to Renfrew, wher: they intend making their future home, Mr, McEwen being a traveller his new house will be better suited for his duties. The best wishes of their friends will accompany them, Mr. Harry Bierling, who recently dis- posed of his store .business in Exeter North, on Thursday last purchased Mr, Janne;. Dearing's fifty -acre farm on the Lake Road; The price paid was $6000;0& • Possession to be given in April. This is an excellent farm and is capable of producing heavy craps. C. A. TEBBUTT DEAD, The death took plaice March 18th of Charles A. Tebbutt, youngest son of the late F. W. Tebbutt of Goder- ich Township. The deceased had never recovered from a severe attack of influenza which, he suffered last year, but had spent the summer and winter on the homestead in. the hope of regaining his health. The end came =expectedly, although it was known that at acoiuld ,not be averted forlong, Mr. Tebbutt was a former teacher in Exeter and in. Stephen, and latterly had been teaching manual training in New Ontario. CELEBRATED GOLDEN WEDDING Fifty years ago Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ford, Huron street, were; mktrrined.. Through the journey of their married life the, sands of time ,have; been; len.- lent towards them and both are en- joying remarkably good health, and it was appropriate that the golden op- portunity be celebrated.' Accordingly the immediate relatives of the family were invited in and the event was fit- tingly celebrated on Thursday; There is not ono who knows them but what will pay tribtjte to their worth and will wish them happy returns of th e anniversary and hearty enjoyment of them. Trivitt Memorial Church Sunday services as usual. SUBJECTS: Morning—"The Great Question," Evening—"The Prophecy of Amos.'' REV. A.' A. TRUMPER, Rector. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN O URCH Rev..Fames Foote, B. A., Minister 11 a.m.—Rev. W. G. Howsen, of London. 7 p.m.—"Elijah meets Ahab on Mt. Carmel." The acid test. Rev. Dr. S. Banks Nelson coming to preach, Sunday, April 18th and lecture on Ireland and the Sein Feiners Monday, April 19th. JAMES ST. •METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson,, B.A. 11 la. ne—Evan'g.ejils't R Mel -lardy. 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 P. na`— R evi, W. G. Hpwsbn ,London 8.30 p.m.—Union Masi Meeting of Ex- eter Churrclhep, Address—Evangeyist McHardy Music--fes,.'s Chorus. - -- MAIN ST. ,A W' BETHANY hxinister, Rev. Dr. Medd Main St, next Sunday 11 a.m.—Rev. A, I. Snyder. Bethany next Sunday, 2.30 P.M.— The Minister. Main St. next Sunday 7 p.m.—The Minister. Theme: Perils of our day, or did the war retard the progress of Christianity? Hear this. Immediately following the Easter period the • minister will preach a series of sermons on`lionSunday ,even- ings"'u the upon ,.., fe• �a,n<cf ;character of an eminent woman of the *Bible. Good Friday and Easter 'services will be of exceptional .interest. An- nouncements next week. "' M. :G, J Dion, s'lii{pnejd cagloads of horses to Taranto and ,Montreal this week, Mr. J. GI. Joules is nuovinkg into Mr. A E. Andrews” house, while his new residence is being built, Mr. Jos. Hawkins sustained a nasty injury .to has hank' the other day when sthhe.arp.bac;cboaof rd, it was jammed,, against a Mrs,, DeJeoiri land family are prepar- ing to move to Harrow to jour, Mr, iaeJean, who ha&been there for some !months. Mn.• George Arnisbrong and family have been gonfited to their home for several days through, illness, but all are now On the. mend. Your attention is celled to en, ad- vertisement in, this issue regarding in- come tax returns, Read it over care- fully and act promptly. Exeter High School and. Lucan Idi,gh School hockey teams played a game here on Saturday afternoon, on soft ice, the.locals.winning 5-4. B. W.. F. ,Beavers has purchas- ed the Pickard property o,. Malin street opposite i17r, E. Jt Chrxstite's home and will erect two residences thereon. • Mrs. Albert E. Andrews, nee Olive Treble, prior to theitr jea,ving for the West, was presented with an address and cheque by the Trultee Board of James Street Church. She was a, vanlue.1'nember of the choir for several years, Mr, T, H, Race, ,the. one, time editor of the hlttchell Recorder, but now the Government lecturer ontuberculousis was in. town Monday., He did not, de- liver a lecture "this' time sowing to some misunderstanding in sending out has announcement for a meeting here, At the regular meeting of the Loyal Temperance Legion, held in Main street school room last Fri- day, lantern slides were shown and attracted a large number of the boys and girls, sixty-tltree children being in attendance. Also several attults. The collection taken amoun- ted to 3.40, which was to be sent to the Children's Shelter, Goderielt, The boys and girls are going to col- lect old rubbers next Saturday to get more funds for this worthy cause, and also, the Children's Hos- pital. Keep your old rubbers and have them ready for the boys next Sitturday and encourage them to be helping other needy children, R. E. BEAVERS, Supt. L.T.L. DEATH OF MRS. CROCKER. The 'death occurred at Ottawa on Saturday, March 20th of Mrs. Margar- et E. Crocker, a former resident of Exeter, aged 72 years Deceased had been ams failing health, all winter.? Mrs, Crocker was formerly Miss Whimster and was born at St. Marys. Later she resided 'in Exeter for many yearsand about •twenty years ago she went to Ottawa to live with her daughters: The remains were brought to. St. 11Iarys for interment, the funeral tak- ing place from the ,depot on Monday afternoon, Besides her daughters,nfrs. King and Miss L. ,S. Crocker, she is survived by two sisters, Mrs. D. Johns of Exeter and Miss Marjory Whimster of Aurora. PURCHASES CONNOR 11IACHINE. BUILDING Mr. J. G. Cochrane, of town, has recently purchased the Connor Machine building which he has been occupying. Mr. Cochrane is a re- turned man,` having spent three years in France with the Canadian Engineers and carries a few wounds. Exeter certainly needed a machine shop before Mr. Cochrane took hold of it as he has found out by the business that is conning Anis way, He has installed the latest ma- chinery and is an expert mechanic himself. He has taken the agency for the Fairbanks -Morse gasoline engine as you will notice by an add on an- other page. DEATI-I OF WILLIAM PARSONS, Last week on union was made :in these columns of the iillmless of NIr. Wiiifarn Parsons, and this week it is our duty to record ,his death, he hav- imp• dived in the. Hamt{iton Hospital, on Monday ,evening at 8 d'glock,; Mr. Parsons had ,beiein in poor health for some time suffering from lung trouble but ;no Arson, thioughit the; andso intear He was! aged 58 years, 5 mon- ths and .23 days;;Up to the tithe of the inceptionof his titaness he, possess- ed a strong, robust constitution, and scarcely* knew what a day's sickness meant Deceased was bsornl on the 3rd concession of Stephen Township, but the greater part of this life 'was spent 3n Exeeerf The 'late Mr. Pasrsioirvs married Maggie McFar- lane wbe- preldecleasied him .about year and a half, He io survived -by one daughter, Mrs. I. S. Clubine of Hamilton, and one, son, Henry4off Chatham. He aisla leaves four broth - e rs, Henry, Johini afrid, Jaynes, of Exeter. Frerl of Centralia, and one sister, Mrs.. John Webber of Cea trajiican The re- mains',wcpl be brought here for burial, the funeral to be ,private to the Exp eter cemetery to -'lay (Thursday), at 2 p. tm. Mr. W. J. B iissett was in Listowel over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T H. Newell spent Friday ar London. Mr. and Mrs. G1adm` n wefe' in Lon- don on. Wednesday. Mr. C. W. Robilnsoi+wa;s in Stratford on business Monday. Inspector Johan Torrance of Clinton was iin, town on Tuesda, Mrs. Nightnrgadae of Lonldion is vis- iting Mrs. W. G. Bissett, Mrs. W. t H'eaman was in London over Saturday rand Sunday. 2trs 8` Atkinson is in London Town' shin attending the funeraa'af arelative. Mrs A. Stewart art atl. Dony�asl returned -firom Tor .. ,, . onto -.113a a might Missoff. J nstoai °rtiur�el ', d Betty Deleon were in London over Sunday. Miss Jessie Dewey left Saturday fpr London, where she intends remainingv, PHONE 32 JONES & MAY • neee ee --Mai PHON S' 32 sates' Models in $uits, boats, Drosses for faster Make Your Selections Now While our Stock is Large OUR SUITS ARE, IN ALL WOOL SERGES, GABERDINES AND TRICO TINES. DRESSES IN SER -GES, : SILKS, POPLIN, ETC, COATS IN ALL WOOL SERGES, COVERTS, VELOURS, ETC. .1 1 WQrtin CoMIHENTS NEW MODELS IN CORSETS. You will require new corsets for your Easter Suit or Dress. 'We have the very latest models in front lace styles, also 3m the more staple lines. also the newest styles in bras;sierest GLOVES FOR EASTER We are prepared for the. Easter requirements with a splendid 'stock of both silk and kid gloves, We han-elle the, celebrated Kayser and Niagara Maid brands of silk ;loves, also Perrins' Kitt Gloves, guaranteed as low a; 2,2S pair, ; ' SILK HOSIERY,—Exceptional values in. all popular :colors. MEN'S FURNISHINGS FOR EASTER. New Easter Ties: Gloves, Shirts, Fancy Socks, Shoes, Clothing, Etc•„ at very attractive prices. BUY YOUR RUGS, LINOLEUMS, CONGOLEUMS, ETC., NOW. I$, Ileums all. at last season's prices, New Rugs, Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Blinds, Con ;oleums, Etc., ,now ready for spring. NEW WALL PAPERS Big assortment to choose from, and the price is go higher than last year. New ,patterns, arriving each week. Tapertries, Chintz, Stripes or Plain, Papers, We, invite you to come hem] see how reasonable our new Spring Papers are, , MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS See our new .Spring Suits and Coats for Men and Boys. Our new Felt Hats are also inow re stock. STYLISH SHOES FOR sPRING Ladies' Oxfords, Pumps or high lace shoes in black, ,brown and grey. Men's Stylish Brown & Black Shoes Classic Shoes for Children. JONES & MAY Mrs. R, G; Seddon and Miss Mar- jory visited in London over Sunday. Miss Gadys A. Ford ,of Buffalo is spending a few clays, at her home here. Mr. and E. E. ,Irwin of London visited here, Mrs; Irwin restraining for a few 'nays. Miss Ada Virgo of Sarnia was the guest of Miss Gladys Ford a few days during the week. Mrs.. Wm. Welsh and her daughter, Mrs, H W. W'hilte• of London, visit- ed with friends: 3tia flown o+ni Friiay, Mrs, Willie Motz of Crediton spent a few days last week wilth her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jforney, Mrs. McTavish of Shakespeare vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor and on hear return Mrs. Taylor accompanied her. DR, HENRY A. • CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Offiice-Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister S�aln,ciitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the. Mai- sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office—Mann Street,' Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition, Geldings 5 ysari old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up:Mares from 4 years- old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK TAYLOR Lic,e'nsed Au'ctnbnleer for Counties of Hui on and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Crediton, — Ontario. ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE We giive thorough courses. We give i tlnvrdual inetinetione We have no .su a . ,v cati ' ,.. t •de ts. _ , m,}h� x •,. • a, S ,w ,n may enter .at any time •.Comrnie,ace your course BOW. • We place ,graduates -in positions, ,Write Or our free \catalogue. D A. McLachlaian:'Principal. MONEY TO LOAN We have a urge amount of private funds to loan on farm, and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over GIadman & Stanbury's Office, Mahn Street, Exeter MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night Office— Dr. Sweets old ,office;, Phone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cocksbutt Waalerooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main, Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed. Wednesday afternoons, Loaded Again Our rooms axe filled with all kinds of, Furniture which we are selling at a very small margin;, Be sure and see us before buying as we have sone' bargains'. R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Phone 20 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will cont in- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT BROS. Brighten Up Your Home This Spring WE ARE SHOWING A BEAUTIFUL RANGE OF WALL.. BARS: "and we would lake for you to see then': Inside the 'cover Orauf Y 41eN. Telephone Directory you .will • fad three cuts of papers we handle'; Ani' time you have a few mit ttes to spire lest us, show ,you our new lied of, Papers for this Season, If not convenient for you to get up town we will gladly take bur books to your bonne Men's .,_ .,.;.:. ,. .,R'. u•,: b.b eroare' the1asNwe can get, to sellath.prr�e. Get n p '•to. `-d4,!aa ,. 1. .Y.1 . $5,.00 have ,00have24 airs of -D ,io�'Rubber.Bogts that aid' .1aMeed,YOU *ILLNE,''A PAIR ,THISWET ,SLOPI�WEATHER. aW;, h.. nde .Wtt Brox Buotohtosox.00 •