The Exeter Advocate, 1919-9-18, Page 1THIRTIt-SECOND YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO,' THURSDAY , SEPT. 18 1919 SANDERS CREEcl Local News 1'fr. Jamey Weekes, wlkt -for many year has been- conducting a marble works here with .hia brother, the late W. I). W,e'ekee, last week disposed of the tlusines;s .t :Messrs., Waiter Cun- ningham and Thos. Preale of London. Possession to be gieere Jany 1st. lir. Weekes has not yet decided as to his future occupation, but • we un- derstand that he is not thinking of leaving town. .The show ,team of horses belong- ing to Mr. John, Decker, Sr., of Flay township threatened serious results white he was driving them on Main street lair day, they having become unmanageable nand broke away from him. He was dragged a considerable distance, but let go :the lines in time' to save himself from serious injury. After getting away from their driver they ran into Mr Ro'ley Squire's buggy, breaking the shafts and other- wise dm aaging the rig. They • were then raptured. Mr. Decker's rig was else considerably :lamaged. Mr. Austin Hewitt is visiting at his home; -here. Mr. John Baker of Kintore was a visitor here this week. Miss Mildred Sara). of. "i'oronta visiting -relatives here. Will Crocker of Toronto is visit- ing with relatives in town. airs. Stanbury of Bayfield is visit- ing with her non,, Mr. J. G. Stanbury Mrs. (Dr..) D. A. Anderson of Win- ipeg is visiting auto ng friends in ;xeter. • Mr A. J.'Royl,irta and son. Fred of Detroit spent a :day or two at Mr. W. May's. Mr. G. W. Holman and two ,*tins and Ira. Qwerte of Gosterieh were visit- ors h,e this week. airs. R, J. Fuke ,of Chicago is vise ;ting with ;ler- aster,. Mrs. J. FI. Grieve and other relatives here. Mrs. Thos. KeiIy returned, to De- oit Wednesday after visiting firs. E Sanders and other relatives. Mrs. Buckinghant, after some weeks"' visit with re -leaves here, has returned to her home in Kansas City. air. 'Wm. Dew of Wales,N. I)ak:, is shaking hands with many of his o14 friends in an.i around Exeter. Messrs Seldon, Ewell, Taman and Neaman went to Sarnia \\ednie.lay g to tabse part in a bowling tourney, liessr._,. Alex. Stewart, Wm. Sweet, Latimer Grieve err. Perkins and wife \1r, Branton area wife, of Landon, vis- ited here Fair Day. PHONE 81a TAMAN'S Summer Goods Summer is haeme. Sete our stock -- UMMER SHIRTS UMMER NECKWEAR' UMMER HATS. MMMER CAPS ER. CLOTHING And all kinds of N'S WEAR FOR SUMMER ered and Ready -to `wear Clothing. OLD SLUES AND OLD SLACKS EDS, *MISTED%, SIG STOCK OIF READY-TO- UrTS, AND PAN'/'S- W Taman Exeter Fair Another Big Success BIG CROWD—FINE DISPLAY OF EfHIBITS -GOOD RACES- BABY SHOW, ETC., ETC. Thera could be, no two opinions, as to the success of 'the Fair here on Tuesday. The cr eather was ideal for such an event anal one of the largest crowd; that has ever been on the grounds was in attenaancee, The ex- hibits in the different departments were <iuite up to (the standard pf other years and in manyianstarnes were of superior merit. The ladies' work brought forth much favorable eaatnme>n( as did also the handi„hvork of the boys, which embraced models of a aeroplanes and other mechanical devices The School Garden was * so hnterest//eg feature and T those took part in;this attractive lfea- ture are to be eommendetl: The gate receipt; amounted to over $750.00,the Larges. in many years.; Following is the prize list Nene ST1.1.10M BABY SHOW A 4•,0` action was started in .Che judge.a stand to be awarded for a Baby. Show and :,00n quite a sum was subscribed and the announcement made. Soon there were between twenty: five and thirty mothers with babies •tn their arms in the stand and a former Exeter Old Boy,Mr. Robt. Coates of the London Shoe Co. Lon- don assisted by Mrs. l+IeEwen of Ex- eter. an, charge of the judging, The task was nn easy one, a, they were as fine . lot of babies as ever assembled. They were arranged in twa el-asses— boys and girls -with the following re- ultF, tan ing in order of merit:— Mrs Joseph >oOrthcott Hay Mrs Percy I) } t , Tp. uansfoar 1, Hay Tp,. lairs. Alvin Esser, Usborne Tpt, GIRLS Mrs,. Joseph Green, Exeter North. Mrs. Milton Russell, Hay Tp. Mrs. Cecil Welker, Stephen Tp. Being that every baby exhibited was a worthyspecimen the judges awarded a prize ;to to each and .ev- cry one present, RACES The races as usual attracted many of the large crowd and the 2.30 trot or pace was watched with a great deal Of interest. The '240 class had to be called off owing to lack of entries. There were lira i 1, the '30 class and they ,were a pretty evenly matched buneh. J J. aLitter's Gentry DeFor- est furnished considerable amusement for , rt' hecrowd in the first fnrst heat,ow- ing to not having had him hobbled, but the old fellow proved a winner in the end, demonstrating remarkable "laying qualities. It took six .heats to finish the race. Following is the sum- mary ; Gentry de Forest, Miller 5 3 2 1 1 1 Teddy Grattan, Yearley 12 1 2 .2 2 Irish Bill, Taylor 2 1 4 3 3 dr Rhoda Mack, McFarlane 3 5 3 4 dr Silver Eel, Hodgins 4 4 dr ~ SPECIAL PRIZES D. Russel,l's for draft foal, T. N. Forsyth; Grigg's for butter, H. Ford; R, N ,'Mowe's for butter, H. Ford; The Bank of Commerce medal, for draft. team, G. J. Dow; Harvey Bros. for bread, W. H. Dearing; Heaman's hard ware for grade cow, J. Delbridge; W, Rivers' for pen of bacon hogs, Wm. Decker; Wm. Andrew for halter broke foal handled by boy, C. Truem- ner W. Decker, J. Hey, jr,, G. Hey- wood;. W. J. Statham for heavy breed birds and chicks, J. McCullough & Son J. H. Greivd's for light breed birds and chicks, Battler & Son, Statham Ls Quance; H. Eilber's for 1919 calf, R. D. Hunter; S. Martin & San's for lady driver 4. Hiilop, J Lawson's for and for lady, driver, F. Anderson; J. Sen- ior's for fancy children's articles, G. Belton; W. J. Beer's for roadster foal, I. Armstrong. Dr. Browning's for landscape painting, Miss M.Faflick Bankers' Special, Re D. Hunter. HOP,SES General Purpose—Mare, A. Hooper Manson. & Son; J. Hey, jr.; foal, A. Hooper, J. Hey jr., G. Heywood; 3 -yr old, also 2 -yr. o}d, W. Decker; 1 -yr. old A. Hooper; team, W. Decker, G Penhale, G. Thompson; diploma, G. Penhale. Agriculture -Mare, T. N. Foesyth, J, Ratcliffe; foal, J. Ratcliffe, A. Buch- anan; 3 -yr old, W. A,exan,der, C. ;rxuemner, 1 -yr. old, J. Allison, Wm Alexander; team, Jas. Hay,_ C.Truem- ner; diploma, 5.Ratcliffe. Heavy Draugt-Mare, A.Buchanan, W. McAllister & Son. 2 and 3; foa11 T. N. Forsyth, McAllister &Son, C. A. Bean; 1 -yr old, J. Allison; team and diploma, G. J. Dow. D, Willoughby, judge. Carriage—Mare, J. Decker, jr.; foal. J, Decker 1 and 2; 3 -yr. old, W. , 0. Pearce; 1 -yr Bald, G. Thompson; sin- gle, F. Anderson, W. 'Kuntz, William Grieve; team, J. •rtwein, diploma, F. A,rnderson, Roadster—Mare, J. Decker, Jr., 1 & _2; C. "T7u1n ner; foal, I. Armstrong, J :Deeker, jr., W. Decker, 2 -year old, Wm. Decker ; 1 yeaar' old, C. Tram- per, G. Thompson, W. Decker; team, Wm. Decker; single, H. Copeland, R, Hislop, J. McIver, D. McDonald; Sip- loma. J. .Armstrong. John Beatty, Chesley, judge, ,'CATTLE SHORTHORN Aged cow, R. D. Hunter,;. 1st, and, 3,.; Two year old heifer, R. D. Hun- ter; One year old heifer, R. D. Hun- ter.; Heifer calf, Wm. Pepper, R. D. Hunter, 2nd and 3rd; Bull calf,Wm. Pepper, R. D. Hunter; Herd consis- ting four females and a bull, R. P. Hunter; Diploma for best animal in class R. D. Hunter. lor& Furnished HEREFORDS Aged cow, Jobn,Dinlbrige, lst, 2nd 3rd; Two year old heifer, John Del bridge,; One year old heifer, John. Delbrige, 1st and 2nd; Heifer calx John Delbridge, 1st 2nd, 3rd; Bul calf, John Delbridge; Herd consist- ing four females and mull, John Del - bridge; Diploma for best aninnal in class, John Delbridge, JERSEY Aged cow, Taos. Brock, and 2nd; Heifer calf, Thos. Brock; Diploma', for best animal in class, Thos. Brock GRADES Aged cow, ow, John Delbridge, R. D. Hunter, A. Fisher; Two year old heifer, R. D, Hunter, John Delbridge One year old heifer, 'J,Delbridge,2nd and and;, Heifer calf, R. D. Hueter, W. Essery; Two year old steer, J. Delbridge, 1st and and; One year old steer, W. Essery, J. Delbridge, 2nd and 3rd; Steer calf, W. Essery, lst and 2nd:. J, A. Manson; Diplopia tor best au]mal any age, R. D. Hun- ter. Judge. WMi. CHARTERS. Seaton)). bers .,Ed, Westcott. George .Anderson, Judge. MISCELLANEOUS Oa canned i'ruj't, J. Depker, . +r.; Col. home. -made wines, J. .Decker, R SHEEP Dorset Horned, W. C. Price took tour firsts in this class. Shropshire - downs ---Aged ravel, A. la. Doupe, lst and and; Shearling ram, A. H.Doupe lst and 2nd; Ram lamb; A. 13, Doupe J. A. Mannon and son; Ewe having raised lambs in 1919. A. II. Doupe, 1st and and; Shearling ewe, J. A, Manson and son, 1st and and; Ewe lamb, A. H. Doupe, 3. A. Manson and son; Lincolns ---G. Penbale swept the list; Leicester—Wm. nieAllister and Sous took all prizes. Glass 16— Pen of sheep, any breed, G. Penbele, W. McAllister and Son. ROBT. BELL, Judge. HOGS Yorkshire—G. W. Miners took all the prizes. Berkshire—W. C. Pearce and Daw- son Bros. took all pa:izes. Tamworth—J. A. Manson & San took all the prizes. Chas. Harvey, judge. POULTRY Light Brahamas chicks, C. Truem- ner; Silver Gray Dorkings, J. Mc- Cullough and Son, H. Roweliffe;A,O. \'. Dorkings, chicks, H. Rowcilffe,W IL Dearing; A.O.V. Orpingtons, H. Rowclifl'e, Wan. Bowden; Sussex Speckled, chicks, Statham 4 Quance istand 2nd; Barred Plymouth Rocks s J. McCullough and Son, T. Laing, chicks, McCullough, 1st and 2nd; A.O.V. Plymouth Rocks, J. McCul- lough, C. Truemner; White Wyan- dottes; T. Brock; Welts. J. G. Stan - bury, T. Brock; A.O.V. Wyandottes, J. McCullough and Son, W. 13. Batt- ler attler and Son, chicks, McCullough lst andnd• S.C.2 ,Rhode Island J. McCullough R o and Son, W. 13. Batt- ler and Son, chicks, McCullough, lst and 2nd; R.C. Rhode Island Reds, H. Rowcliffe, chicks, H. Rowoliife; Buff Leghorns, H. Rowcliffe, chicks, Statham and Quance; White Leg - horns, W. Bowden, W. 13. Battler and Son, chicks, W. Bowden, G. Heywood A.O.V. Leghorns, W. H. Dearing; Brown Leghorns, W. 13. Battler and Son, W. H. Dearing, chicks, W. H, Dearing, 1st and 2nd; Black Minor- eas, T. Brock, W. Bowden, chicks, T. Brock; Andalusians, W. H. Dear- ing, W. B. Battler and Son, also chicks same; Anconas, W. Bowden, chicks, H. Rowcliffe• S. S. Hamburgs J. McCullough and Son, W. Bowden, chicks, McCullough, 1st and 2nd; Plymouth Rocks, McCullough and Son, also for chicks; Campines, Sil- ver, J. McCullough and Son, W. B. Battler and Son, chicke. J. McCul- lough, 1st and 2nd; Sile ar Polands, Statham and Quance, chicks, W. B. Battler and Son; A.O.V. Polands,W. Battler and Son; B.B. Red Ga ne,W. B. Battler and Son; A.O.V, name, Statham and Quance; Bantams game J. McCullough and Son, Battler and Son; A.O.V. Bantams, W. Bowden, McCullough and Son, chicks, T.Brock Turkeys—Bronze Turkeys, W. Bow- den, chick*, W. Bowden, 1st and 2nd; Geese—Touleouse geese, Battler and Son, chicks, Battler and Son; A.O.V. geese, H. H. Brown, W. Bowden, chicks, H. H. Brown; Ducks—Rouen ducks, Battler and Son, W. Bowden; chicks, Battler and Son, W. Bowden. Guinea fowls, W. H. Dearing, chicks W. H. Dearing, 1st and 2nd, A.O.V. rabbits, E. Willis, 1st and 2nd,Guin- ea pigs, Foster Ingram, E. Willis. . DAIRY PRODUCTS. Five lbs. butter, E. J. Hogarth, J. „pecker, Sr.; 10 lbs, butter, H. Ford, J. Decker; pound ra11s, ;E, J. Ho- garth' W. B. Battler & Sion; best ar- ranged plate butter, E. J. Hogarth ; cheese, private, C. Truemner. -- W.-G. W -G. Medd, Judge. VEGETABLES Any variety potatoes, C. Truemner, J. Hey, Jr., C. Truennner; blood. beets J, Cottle; Galotie beet, ,Mrs. C. Bir- rney, C. Fisher; Sugar ,beets, W. H, Dearing R. D. Hunter; Sugar beet ma,tngolds, Sid Sanders, W. H. Dear- ing : bang mangalds, Sid Sanders, W. H. Dearin; Globe mangolds, W. If, Dearing; Internyediate, WL H. Dear - ng, E. Wesitoott:; early horn carrots, B. S. Phillips, E. Wielsjciott; Nantes, C. Fisher E. Weaiioott; long orange or red, Sid Sandeirs, T. Smale; white field carrot, W. H. Dearing; sweet corn E. J. Hoga,r'th; Indian. Corn, W. H. ,Deming; water melon,; W. J. Ford E, J. Hogarth; pumpkins , m C. True- ner . L Persons; h _ squas,: Sid Sanders ; "dusk melons; W At Dearing,. W. J. Ford;. Swede turnips, E. Weasteatt, J Hey Jr.; white or,yellaw 'onions, Mrs,. C. Birney; tornatoe"s, Mrs. C. Birney, 13,'.W. F. Beavers; celery, Mrs, H. Neeb; ,citrons, Sid Sanders, Gearbe Etherington; Hubbard squash, W. B at3attles l& Son. E. J. Hogarth ; table. squash Sid Sanders, Mrs. (Dm.) Sweet fall cabbage, T. Laing ;,,col. vegetables Sid Sanders, E. 7. Hogarth; cucurn- Darling; Col. ,pickles, J Decker; Col. canned . v ct etables, J. _ Decker, Mrs. (Dr,) Sweet; home-made buns, E, 'Weatcott : home-made bread, W. H. Dearing. E. 7. Hv ;arth; Baker'; braid ars, E. Iaignate; cured ham, J. Deck- er, W. H. Dearing; cured meat., J. Decker, W. H. Dearing; eggs from light breed 'hen, H. H. Brown, W. B, Battler & San; eggs from heavy breed hens, E. J. Hogarth, W. B.Bat- tier Sc Son; special—maple syrup, H. Strang. FLOWERS Begonias --Tuberous, W. H. Learing ferns, J. Ford; foliage, J. Hunter 1st and 2nd; geraniums, J. Ford; hanging nbasket,oveltym5. n, ruFord;ntscol,,:firsflow. C. ers,BirnJ. Feyord , J.; Ford; Special—Begonia, Thos. Lain,; Potted plant, Mary Andrew. CUT FLOWERS Asters, Mrs..C. Burley, J. pecker; Dahliae, standard, Dahlias, cactus, Dah- liae, bouquet and Dahlias, display, Cottle; Gladiolus, I)r,. Hyndman; Nas- turtiums, John Ford; Carnations, W. H Dearing; Petunias, single, airs. E. 0:gnan, W. H. Dearing; Phlox Drum- meatdi, W. H. Dearing; Stocks, J. (ot- tic, B. W. F..Be avers ; sweet peas, Dr. Hyndman, Miss J. Murray; Ver benas, W.13. Dearing; Zinnias, J. Cot tier; best basket, J. Ford; best arcing. ed for table, Jas. Anderson; Col. an aunts .J, Cottle; design for funeral, J. Ford; bride's bouquet, J. Ford; \ovelty, Mss 13 Mack, H. E, Huston; PhiP:.nsyllips. ,Miss J. Murray;, fern, 13. S. Or. Sweet, Judge, MAN UFACTL"RES & IMPLEMENT:, llornestic abode, \\x. \ti. '1`anaan, 1"s. t1 ailing : wool blankets, J -Decker, sr; E. Darling; woollen yarn, E. Darling Mrs. FI, Neeb; rag carpet, E,Darling Mins N. Tom; sewing; machines, E.Dar- ling 1 and 2;, organ. -'E. Darling, 1 and 2; sallied bards, Mrs. Dr. Sweet 1, and 2; tailor Custom suit, W. Taman Southcott Bros; general goods, South- cott Bros.; tr+r'lor's goods, W. Taman; boots and shoes,. Southcott Bros. ; factory tweeds, also assort. tweeds, W. Taman; ladies' boots, also gents'', boots, Southcott Bras.; furniture spec Mal, M F .Gardiner; phonograph :nee-', ial J. W Povveli. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Fall wheat, ..white, C. Trueturter, James Shapton. Spring wheat, W. 13. -Battler and son. Two bus,,,.) row ed barley, C.Tr'tte- ner, W. B. Battler and son. Two bus. hulless barley, W. H. Dearing. Two bus, white oats, W. H. Dear- ing and James Sheldon. Two bus. Timothy seed, W. B. Battler and son. Merchant's flour, Harvey Bros. One bus. Clover seed, C. Truem- ner. Collection of grain in ear W. H. Dearing, Mrs. H. Neeb. Ensilage corn stocks and ears, 12 stocks, Jas. Shapton, Thos. Laing. Speltz, W. H. Dearing. Two bus. small peas, Conrad True- mner. G. ANDREW, Judge. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS APPLES Best- plate 12 winter apples any variety, H. Strang, Rhode Island Greenings, H. Strang T. Laing. Northern Spies, A. H.Doupe, C. Truemner. Roxboro Russetts, A. H. Doupe.C. Fisher. Spitzenburgs, H. Strang. Baldwins, Mrs. H. Neeb. H. Strang Westfield Seek -No -Further, H. H. Brown. Snow Apples, C. Fisher, H. H. Brown. Gravensteins, H. E. Huston. Fall Pippin, H. Strang, Colverts, A. H. Doupe, Jas. Jeck- ell. +x King of Tompkins, Mrs. H. Neeb, E. Darling. Cantirmed an Page 4 Centralia POULTRY WANTED. Highest prices palid for allkinds of live poultry, delivered on Monday, Tuesday and• Wednesday of each week Parsons'LDaviis Co. A quiet wedding took place an, Sept. 10th at Crediton Methodist parsonage, when Mr. Gordon, Meats of Greenway and Miss Flovica Hill of Centralia were united in merlr,"nege ,by the Rev. C. W. Baker. After the ceremony the happy caaiple left for Toitonto and Niagara Faits., On their return they will reside on. the groom's farm near Greenway. Misses Elva and I3ejlla Brook left for London an Monday to attend Normal. Misses Irene Essery and Geanneivne Davis have gone to Landon to accept rpositianc in that city. , ' Mr. J. Turner of Idiriford is visit-. ing with his son, ,Mr. J. C. Turner. Mr. .Sinclair gave a temperance ad- dress here Sunday evening, and after the ,service a special meeting was held to appoint cainefaslat!✓rs in aid of the liempperiannce cause. to l PROPERTY FOR SALE The property of the late William Weish, .situated on the ,south side .of Mill street, Exeter, a :frame cottage with four . large lots, ,a nev;eir failcitug well of water, a number of good fruit tree. ale is excellent garden land and is in. a nice locality, Apply or write Mrs. Wm Welsh, 448 Ridout Street London .Oat. or to Gladinan.. & Stanbury, Exeter: Crediian t Rev.' Alatheiv Morlock of Columbus, Ohio, visited "his aged parents la.et week for a few days. Irvin Fabner of • Walken.- le Jabots; for his holidays. Miss. Muriel Nicholson left for Len don on Monday to attend the Normal school. We wish her every success in her studies. Our people too' advantage of the Fair: in Exeter and Zurich this week and. went to see ,the exbibZ,ts. Out school received a ho'iday an Tuesday, or he purpo.c of -allowing our tea- chers and scholars to•atten'.i the Fair at Exeter. Miss z Stock of Ta' storkaand Mils t.lire'n el are again; ire charge of the, millinery departments of Zwicker and Faists - - Ar a ud Mrs. Orme entertained the member., of the 3,Iethotl`sz Church to .'ern roast at their cottage at •Grand /Bend. - Wouldn't Hydro be, a fine thing for our streets these dark nights? :Nig - elms are frequently use,:] to find thee way home. Since Constable Whiteside's visit to our village, aur auto owners are taking precautions to keep. their ,lights lit ar e ordnb to lave, Mrs. Robert Sweet is et present in poor health and under the De' tor',; care. Mrs,. W. j. Nichols of Strathroy vis ited her mother Mrs. Finkbeiner on Sunday. Lorne Brown has r;,tu; reed home after n .short holiday in Kitchener and Toronto Theta is some teak of holding a s, h oo'_ faiir in the near future,,, Let u give the teachers and trustees weer en our agement so that there %via be 31 goodis number of ea1ibits and a gzot turn. out. The annual Rally Day of the Evan- gelical Sunday School will be heli next Sunday afternoon at 2.30. This is a. red letter day at'h year and each aucceeding rally exceeds the preceding one in enthusiasm and at- teitdenee. The r.•ally next Smalley promises to be a better one. The ser- vices Cel Rev. Yager of Dashwoxl have been secured to address the member.. ot the Home Department; Mrs. Wilson of Greenway will speak to the mothers of the children in the. Cradle Roll Department, and Rev. Tayarn:,n, Presiding Eller of the Jap- aneee Conference, will be present to address the school. at large. Special ,prize.; will be given ;ta the 'class and +udr'aJua; scholar daing the best work. Everybody cgme , :utd enjoy. the treat in store. Mrs Lara Ewald returned to Tor- onto aftei visiting Mrs. August Ewald for a few weeks. EzraO t ''c r e�s r+•i he has received his 1920 Model Maxwell, We are in- formed this is the first car of this model to come into Huron Ceunty. Oestreicher Bros. 'sold some el their thoroughbred stock to buyers from Oklahoma recently for a high figure. It pays to breed goad stock when these fancy prices ,can be ob- tained. • Dashwood Don't forget the Black Bush Perm -- ere Club Meeting in. Zimmer's 14a11 on Thursday night. Mr. and airs. -Art Doan of Thea; ford -called an friends in. town Sunday Mr. Chas. Guenther of Tavistock visited with his family a few days this week. lir, and Mrs, S. Ireland of Stratford spent Sunday at the home of E. Tic: man. Mrs. Otterbein. and Mrs. Ehlers have returned from n visit in Detroit. Mr. and airs, R. Goetz, Mr. and Nrs. C. Finkbeiner and alias Cathera spent the weekend in Sarnia. Mr. M Oestreicher returned to Naperville Monday after spending his vacation. with his parents. . Mr. and Mrs, 5. Dietrich of Shipka Mr and Mrs. Jack Eidt of Ailsa Craig and Sir and Mrs. Heirman Eidt of Forest spent Sunday with Mr. and a•Tr i. Stade. Miss Beattie is this week visiting Mrs. A. Oes!treicher. Mr. and Mr& D. Mclsaac and Wand alas. C. Haistt of Crediton, spent Sun- day in town. Mrs A. J. Brunner has , retulrned to her home in Chicago after pend- ing the past month with her nareats Mr. and Ars. G. Oestreichen Mr. Carl Ashman and sister Velma. spent v. few days at the home cr£ E. • 0 Kraft last week, Greenway :,'Ir and Mrs, Robt. McPherson of Buffalo and Mr. and Mrs. 13. Gillespie Detroot vi, ted at Mr. E. McIher- son's hast nxek.—\\rilLe Cliffe and Mani:rd Belling had an accident with the forrner's car on. Sunday evening. Tae farmer's arm was hurt ;end the car considerably damaged.—Mr. and . ru- R. \\']ebb and Mr. and Mfrs. A. . Wiesen motored to Varna last Thurscley to visit Rev. R. L. Wilson ivies i- recovering from Lds recent i ness.—Mr and Mrs. W. j Englanei were in I.au;doa last week fora few das,.--:4r ami Mrs. Goet'dort biensa (raee alas F. Wall returned n Tues trona their honeymoon. We extend congratulations. --The W. M. S, mein- ber: oi Exeter District sent 4 post- cal t• saower to their Superinten.ient, Mrs. A. M. Wilson, on her 70 th birth- day. Mrs. Wilson appreciated the. kindly thought very much --Miss Sara 1la:igme entertained a few frlo:aa,ds Lea Saturday everting to a birthday party. --Prayer kneeling wail be .held every Wednesday evening at 8 ostioek itn the Methodist church. Everyone velc,ona Lumley Mr and Mn. Frugh Norris, Sr., of ;eta:fa a est Mrs. Henaersan a_', near Whitechurch, a sister of Mrs. Norris, visited tricredS on the boundary Sun. 'ty.---a t Harry Anacreon bought a number of cattle on the btu adary .'. aturd..y which he attends to feed next winter.—Quite a number from tide. neighborhood attended the fun- eral of the late Mrsviaaed McTag- t 44?c'elr too': p:a e !act Saturday fo MeTaggart's Cemetery. Mrs Mc- Taggart was an. old pioneer of this neighbor hoo3 BIRTHS. Xewmen—At Kingston on Sept. 13 to Mr, end Mr. Frank Newman, net Jean Seiclon, a ;oct. Greive—In Exeter on Sept. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Latimer Grease, a daughter iiad•burn—At Staffa, on Sept. 9th, to the Bate James Henry Harburn and airs, ]Iarburn, a daughter. Marriages Prouty—Gree;.,—A Byfield, on ani Sept. byRev. E. LAsde Andereon, ,Iaaet E. Green, to T. Clayton Prouty of Exeter. Livingstone—Brown.—In S eaforth, un Sept 3, Marion, second ,:Iaughter of Rev and Mrs. F. ,H. Brawn of Sea - forth, to Dr. Ga C. Livingstone of Toronto Ulene—Hill—At Crediton, on Sept.10 Gordon Ulens, Greenway, to Flov- ica Hill of Centralia. asa Deaths Ford—In Detroit, an. Sept. 15, Min- nie Blanche Ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Ford, of U,set borne Tp., aged 23 years, 4 months and 4 days. Acheson—At Byron. Sanitarium, on, Sept. 14, Templeton. W. Acheson of Henaaall aged 24 years, 10 months. aleT;aggar t—At Hensall, on Sept. 10 Sarah Bowerman, ,wife of Al',`z'ed McTaggart, aged 82 years. Harburn.—At Staffa, on Sept. 7, James Henry Harburn, aged 40 years, • 9 month.; and 23 days. 13etl—At Ailsa tcrarg, on Sept. 14th., Mary beloved wife of William Bell in her 67th year. Small—lit Clinton, as Sept 6, Alice Small, daughter ,of Mrs. Susan Smith Noble—La Clinton, tan Sept. 8, Mary Ann Birn:ey, trelect of ,the late Jer- rate Noble, aged 77 years. A nnrarn, ;.,ever realizes the superiority .of a woman asaa much as when he is %stewing a button. on , wj,th tit, a thimble, pushing a needle against the wall to get it half way through and Pulling it through the other half by hanging on .to it tw[th the teeth. Kirkton Fair October ' 2nd & 3rd, 1919. Speeding in the Ring Foot Races Lady Drivers Boy Drivers Girl Drivers under 18 years + ld Prize Ribbons for Horses Stamped in gold $10.00 for Best Draught Team $55.00 for the Baby Beef Competition. Hen'derion's Pipe Band of London 4111 be in .Attendance, Every pHolidayerson take 'a and attend the Fair. Write or phone the Iiieeretary for prize list. John Cole, President Amos Doupe Secy. Treas.