The Exeter Advocate, 1919-7-17, Page 5A SIMPLE METHOD TO REMEDY RHEUMATISM AGE DOES NOT, INTERFERE 'IF TRRATIIIZNT I8 I'ROPERLX FOLLOWED Many persons contend that there is no sure remedy for Rheumatism, Soiat- ica, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Neuritis, or their kindred diseases, but' don't be biased: draw your own conclusions from the proof submitted. Over two years ago, William Nesbitt, of 113 John St., Toronto, Ontario, was attacked by Rheumatism. Mr. Nesbitt was 53. y are of age at the time and he feared the wont. After trying many remedies and prescriptions without ob- taining r-licf he tool: a friend's advice Mier a-edl Tetrpleton'.: Rheumatic Cap - suits, Result—to-clay Mt Nesbitt sues Ae hasn't t lost a day's work since nor fear, Rheumatism any more." Mr. Nesbitt gives the entire credit for his recovery to T,R„ O.'S. Profit by his experience. Try them BROWNING'S DRUG STORE Optical Rooms and Sta.tioiery Sole Agent's far Exeter tla:l $1e14 to this acldreet or to rent lepton',, 142Ding W., Taranto, and e. ill be sent p.tstnaid. FALL FAIRS Ailsa t';:tie lilt tit Exeter Forest Klekten Gr ie : •;t. Lon ie Mitchell ell Parkhill St. Mates Seaforth Thedfo: ti Toronto West McGillivray Winghatn Zurich Sept ?3 44 Sept 22 23 Seta .15•••16 Oat. 1-2 '*r 13 ,r Oat. ?..3 Sept t. l3 Sept 2321 Sept I; Pi Sept le -19 Sept 1 ; Sept }..25 Aug 23 -`alit t^ Oct 2 Oct $-y Sept, 17-18 ADVERTISING R, TES Display Advertising—Made known on application, Stray Animals—One insertion 50c, three n;,•e tx l r ons $L00. Farm or Real Estate for sale 50. each insertion for one month of four insertions, 25e. for each subsequent insertion Miscellaneous articles of not more than five line,, For Sale, To Rent, or Wanted Loet, Found, ete,, each in- sertion. 25c. Local Reading notices, etc., 10c. per tulle pet insertion, No notice .cess then 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal advertising 10c. and 50. a lime Auction Sales' $2 for one insertion &rid $3 for two insertions if moderate size. Professionatl Cards not exceeding 1. inch -16 per year. Notice to Creditors sw. In the matter of the Estate) of Xavier Ziler, late of the Township of Ste- phen, in the County of Huron, far- mer, deceased. Pursuant to Sec. 56 of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims or dem'u cls against the estate of the said Xavier Ziler, who dried on or about Dectember 31st, 1918, are required on or before the 15th day of August; 1919, to send by post prepaid or de- liver to H. Eilber & Son, at Crediton, Ontario, their Christ- ian names and surnames, addresses and dle4ctriptions, the full particulars of their chaims, a statement of theirac- c ounts and the nature of the secur- ities if any, held by them, duly, ver- ified by affidavit. And take notice that after said last mentioned date the said Execu- tors will proceed to disttrllbute the assets of tile' deceased among, the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the said Exlecutors will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof, toany pexsor or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by t em rat the \time of such distrib- utiete Daniel Ziler and Cyrus Vincent Extelcuttors Dashwood P.O, Bated June 30th, 1919. Zurich Mr, and 'Mrs, Daniel Steinbach - of Detroit are visiting relatives here,— Mrs, John J. Smith recently visited relatives et • Croswell, Mich.—Mrs. -bei Schilbe and daughter .of 'Water- loo, attended the funeral Of the late Mr. J. C. Kalbfleisch.--Among those who attended the funeral ofthe late lir. J C. Kalb£lteitsch were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kalbfleisch, Mr. and Mrs. George ' Kalbfleisch and Mr. Adolph l albfleisch, all of .Detroitl.-Mr. John Fausts and family of'Pontiac,. Mich. visited at the home. of Miss L. Faust,— Mrs. Pauline Faust of Chicago is vis - Wag at the honie eat Miss L. Faust anti other relatives,—Mrs, Maggie Mc- Cormick and two sans John, and. Albert, of Detroit visited relatives: and friends. ;durin,", tfee past week, -- The returns co the Registrnr-Gen.er- al of elle Valls deaths and marriages for the second quarter for Hay Town- ship are as follows; B r:hs Z4 17 male:; an) fetus -See; deaths a, 4 males an.l 1 female; . 6 uwirriages — Another ,ot the well known citizens of this seetioa liaise i suddenly away on the 30th alt., .n the tremens of John C. Kaibfie'sch. He was stricken with heart disease and died almost inured- ately. He came to Hay Townh'pes a lad and conducted a saw m'li for maty years. He was twice married, aril fits sons survive, Fred C. of this piece, Charlet,, Adolph, Edelen(' and Georg.e of Detroit, also the sec:031J w ts„-M s, Ed. Siebert of Detroit is v:.Sitin r at the home ofMr., \\ , L. Sic-, b:t t.•- Mr \V L, Siebert has been epiointe." a magistrate. ERIC 1 1 EI D --Pte Sandy Foote, a n t' ve ot air v !lege, fatly 1': d of lea, Win!, se Quenelle, S:tsk, He e:at oat t the first Canadian ca etine n eat turned to his hem at t et,;r1 i:t' the war, after vvhah ,ta.taken to the tuberculous has- p. . at tot e: polls„ He leaves a wife t :he., It'idren and a brother. Rib:. ,�loesejaw, John Fc'tte, of ' in %burn, is his uncle. He left Be :e :URI when quite a bay. ,EAP ORTll—Mr. Con. Eekart has field hit fine one hundred acre farm t. McKillop, adjoining the corporation of Se:devih on the north, to \iI•. Jas. Rivers oil this town, the consideration ben€; $12,000.—Afamiliar figure in Scafo:-th passed away at the home of his nephew, alit Colin 'McDonald, in Hallett, y ullE 't . out. Saturday last in .ht, per- son o1' Alexander McA0011er, in his eighty -filth year Mr. McArthur was born in. Saatland, but camel to Canada a; a young mato AUCTION SALE OF SHORTHORNS Me 5 5. 2v1erner ,M. P., of Seaforth, who recently purchased the melee herd of Scotch and Scotch -topped Shorthorn of A. R. 'McLachlan of Renfrew, has decided to sell by pub- lic auction ton WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1919 At the Fair Grounds, Seaforth, 'the following : — rNonupariels, Matchless, Crimson Flower, Wedding Gifts, Fan- ny B tend other straight Scotch sorts and an. array of good Scotch topped cows, seldom found in: one auct ons. These cattle have size and su:bstaunce, in gaol breeding condition, right off the grass} 25 )cows sell with calves tat foot (mostly got by a Clapper bull) and rebred. 20 cows and heifers, all ' of breeding age, and 3 young bulls. You will. be surprised at the quai- 1 lity of .this .offering. Catalogue by writing Mr. Merrier at Seaforth, Ont. T, E. Robson, Frank Taylor, C. W. Robinson and Thos. Brown, Auct:lan,. eers. TO CORRESPONDENTS Write on one side of the paper only. !Check off this list, it asap, assist you to remember an isnparlia¢rt item: Deaths Marriages, Births.' Accidents, Church News, Suppers or Presentations, Removals, Visitors, Lodge News, tFirrs, Public Improvements, - Law Cases, The Claps, School Matters. Avoid all items reflecting on per- sonal character, but . send ALL THE NEWS. Sliok)2r0) oriaCe eer2CUPP "SMOOTHER TI -IAN VELVET" Let the children name their favorite dessert. It will be ice cream every time. It is popular with old_ and young alike. If it's Silverwood's, itis pure—purepasteurized cream-- homogenized—pure flavor -giving extracts, and cane sugar. There is a distinctiveness about our bricks that you will Like. Among our many flavors you, will find your favorite. SILVERWOOD'S LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. Bricks in all Flavors. Look for the Srlveriwood's Sign 16 For Sale by Wilson & Simms NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy World'sHappenings Care- fully Compiled and Put roto Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our •Paper _e A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. TUESDAY. Parliament was prorogued at 3 Monday .afternoon. The Metagama passengers w landed at Quebec and 11(tont,�yea1. Jahn York, a cheesetea,k r in S ney, was drowned while swimmi the Bay of Quinte, President Poincar n the Cross of the Legionor the city of Rheims. Jaynes A, Macf, gene agent of the New Y ante Co,, died at his le o The Ontario Gover ed the intended purchaseu bred live stack for the farm. Sandwich, Windsore burg Railway employ n strike, and have ince minds. Ernest Raymond, t reported "hissing," e dead," walked into announced. Four hundred 'muses v course of erection inas result of the passing si legislation. Entrance of Argentinat League of Nations w ry tions has been approvedA gentine Senate. There are six huutlr s tending the Summer Guelph, and an over conducted at Whitby. Quiet has been re el ence, but riots against00 of living have occurreda several other cities. The revised Austria ea will.. not be delivered t ri delegation before th t week, it is now stated. The Ontario bowls opened at Niagara -on- o day, The Woodstock se son's champions, were , Two men are dead a o ly injured as a result e of an engine and twelveca on the O,N.R., near O Two persons were f ally and another seriouslyd all residents of Noyan he a train crashed into bi near Burlington, Vt, WED NESD Forest fires are spr in Alberta and in Northern F. A, McDonald, m in he Foster Mine at Cob killed y a blast. Toronto teamsters in andling freight res the Wise order. Good rainfalls have rospects in South A rItt askatchewan. Meats are said to b est n price in Winnipeg t have ever been there. A New York soldier,ed ith the C. E. F., was at he K. of C. Hostel, To Two Toronto rinks, the nada Club, qualified the emi-finals for the O. B At the request of the all- ay Co. the Ontario rd turned control of the the rpany. Mai. -Gen. Sir David cons - ander of the First C vi- on,.was tendered a c on Quebec. The Allies have approvedan a concerted attack ad y Finnish troops and of dmtral Kolchak. H. A. Harrington,, el ommissioner for Ont ed dustrial establishmentsin al supplies at once. Alfred Cuddy, chief of algary, and formerly to, s been appointed Co of e Alberta Provincial The British Govern a ofit of approximate) 0 0 unds from premiums war k insurance during t Marquis of Bute has t- ries in Wales and has be owner of coal mines, o sposed of .several d terests. The receipts for t d- empsey bout fell far x stations, Tex Rickarded Toledo that the attendanceas ,000 and the returns ,30 ere id- ng in ted to ral ur nto. un0- re- ard rst- on de - on, ved in a ng he ti at - at be 01 st nd ty an he ent n- a- u5 ek rs fa e has press of Hon •dden, York Life ins home in Tor nment antro of p e New List & Aral se are again eased thein of Learning then heli itis lionxe ses are now Ontario of the hat into without res by the ed teacher School overflow has to stored in r the high at Milan n Peace Tr ea the Aust e end of ng tournaln the -Lake M rink, last eliminated and one seri of the wr freight noway, Alta killed, one injure , Que.,—w an automc AY: ending still Ontario. ins captain alt, was engaged responded to improved c Iberia and e the high hat they b who sere found dead ronto, both from to play in A. trophy Toronto Ra Railway Boa system to Watson, co Canadian Di civic reception the p1 on I'etrogr the forces Assistant Fu Ontario, warn to get constable of Toronto, mmissioner Police. Government made y 16,000,0 shipping the war. sold his co ceased to He has also of his lap he Wiilar short of e appoint w $454,000,. THURSDAY. The 36th Regiment has formed association. Premier Massey of New Zealand ent Wednesday in Toronto. Brig. -Gen. Victor Odlum urges the mation of a Canadian air force. The Canadian adfan loan for $75,000,000 s quickly oversubscribed in New rk, About 5,000 morphine tablets re found on a batch of 'soldiers at ngston. Rev. John A. Morrison died in To- to of blood -poisoning contracted m a barber's razor. Samuel Gompers will sail for Eu - e this week to take part in the ades Union Congress. City of Toledo charity funds de- ed : $30,000 from the Willard mpsey bout held on July 4. Bolshevik literature was distribut- in dark spots. on streets of Fred- eton to crowds leaving a circus; ormance. erman and Austrian aliens in the ited States on parole will be re - sed from all parole ' obligations en peace is proclaimed. ev. P. C. L. Farris, well. known an agent of the Children's Aid iety at Guelph and in Toronto, d at Santa Rosa, California. uicide among She German officers nereasing to an alarming extent: causes are, said to' be patriotic spam and loss of social position. eH military special, with New u"yiswick inen off the Olympic, was ailed about 48 miles west of Tru - but no one was very seriously t b h s p s 1 w t Ca s w re c:. m si at of b A c in Qo C ha th pr po ris le an. di in D pe at 20 le an sp for wa Yo we �$f Fon fro rop Tr riv ed cell perr Un lea wh R as Soc die is S The des Br der ro, hurt erses Mal. -Gen. Gwatltin, Chief of Staff of the Canadian Militia, who returns shortly to the Imperial army, is to be succeeded by Maj. -Gen. J. II. Elmsley, FRIDAY. The Government announced the appointment of enumerators for the coming referendum.. Steven Marcoso was instantly kill- ed' by the caving in of a tunnel in the Waikerviile coal yards, Mayor Church, City Council and civic officials of Torontoinspected the power plant at Chippewa. Sir Augustus Nanton and Mr. A. W. Austin were made vice-presi- dents of the Dominion Bank. Leonard Macklin, of Goderieh, 18 Years old, son of Dr. A, H, Macklin, was drowned while canoeing in Lake Huron. Sergt. Ha ey Davison, 71st Bat- talion, 28 years old; and recently married, was electrocuted at his bro- ther's home in Woodstock, Nazzerino Tonassin, an Italian carpenter, was killed by a fall to a cement floor while at work on the Hydro Canal construction. Securities valued at $2,000,000 belonging to former King Ferdinand. of Bulgaria have been declared for- feited by the British courts. The Swiss police have discovered that the Bolshevists have been oper- ating a counterfeiting plant at Zur•. tele. ,'t number et arrests have been made, 1.1. Hartley D:'wart, Rae., the Lib - teal leader, addressing South Toronto I.i'aee tI eondennned the practice of trait.g enumerators in compiling the voter:-' Iist.t. Isar: P,rttish Gavc'rn',,ent hes •decide c4 to apoint a Parliamentary body to report on :scene measure for legisla- te e evolution along til e lines of fo•1 1 It::tet. The striking Windsor carmen re- jc teed the offer of 56 cents maximum meae by the Ontario Railway Board, Ehlers took over ties S., W. & A. Ry, Ay t m in the morning. The ocean liner Grampian on Tile ;:lay collftlee with an iceberg off t',:p, rare. Two of the crew were killed and two injurred. The steam- ship was badly damaged, but made hes way to St. John's, Nfld. SATURDAY. London, Ont., is to have a U. S, consular nine representative. There is a movement in North To- ronto to secede from the city. The Provincial Normal School ex- amination results were announced. Vancouver Trades and Labor Coun- cil has endorsed the Otte Big Union. The Empress of Britain brought more titan three thousand soldiers to Quebec. Foreigners in Welland and vicinity are curtly refusing good offers of em- ployment. The Dominion Trades and Labor Congress is set for the 22nd Sep- tember at Hamilton. London 'Street Railway Company inaugurated higher fares, with scarcely any serious protest. Three allied waiships have been despatched to Fiume to assist in maintaining order in that port. Mrs. Angus Mackenzie, wife of a Yarmouth farmer, was found drown- ed in Pinafore Lake, near St. Thotatas. •The Celtic arrived at Halifax with a number of officers and nursing sis- ters, but very few private members of the C.F.F. In the first Varsity cricket game played since 1914, Oxford yesterday defeated Cambridge at the famous Lord's enclosure. Robert Earle Johnston, aged 3, was killed by an auto, being the se- cond member of the family to meet death in that way. Trade between the United States and Germany, Acting Secretary Polk of the U. S. State Department states, will be resumed immediately. Maxiniiliin Harden, editor of Die Zukunft, Berlin. will probably be ap- pointed German Ambassador at Washington, a despatch from Ham- burg states. Windsor n sor Street Railway employes refused the Ontario Railway Board's offer of the entire earnings of the company, saying they will stay out for the 50 to 60 cent rates. It now seems possible that owing to the existence of a clause in the. new German constitution the Allies may de.ua-ed the ratification of the Peace Treaty by suchstates as Bavaria. MCI`,P. Y. Tony Nieque was killed in Toronto when a motor car turned turtle. John VerraI died at. Hamilton as a result of a motoring accident. Nine thousand Orangemen walked in Toronto in the annual 12th of July parade. Australia is hoping to pay her war debts, out of= the indemnities paid to the Allies. r` An official reception was given to No. 4 General Hospital by the Uni- versity of Toronto. e The Italian delegation at the Peace Conference is asking for a concession at Tientsin, China. Joe Matis, a Hungarian, was drowned at Owen Sound when an old. punt sprang a leak. Capt. Martin of Calgary qualified to compete in the final for the Lon- don Daily Graphic first prize. Orange celebrations were held in many centres on Saturday, with much enthusiasm and large crowds. Five men were arrested by an Oak- ville constable, after a wild chase, on a charge of stealing a motor car. President Wilson has vetoed the Agricultural Bill because of its pro- vision repealing the daylight-saving law. The first Chamber of the Dutch Parliament has adopted a motion to introduce woman suffrage in Hol- land. The French gunboat La Somme ar- rived at Montreal to take part` in the celebration to -day of the Fall of the Bastille. A. sixth barn in the township of Gleneig has been burned within a short period, and the incendiary is yet uncaught. St. Catharines and surrounding towns. and villages are threatened withh'a bread famine owing to labor troubles with the bakeries and bread drivers. 1he1'roitie a YorRal l'ferndoe AVefetabl pa► t rsindlatitlgttie WC .tin4thetStcmaCjls ls' '! INF1N1-s AIi1LDBB TheraylkontotingDitesti GlieertufnessandllestGenlaio ncittterOppluVL 0CPhiinen' Mineral.NoT INAROOT1G DaPeofillrIBZWILWIPOR A:wain Awe'AUSCona a AfarSorlielaSaftsPod anisi 8u -a' iftwa aranaPire .Altelpfullkinedyrfor rfl.; Constipatio andDias' nyet,, i and Eevel''lshness a C e SAS ;DFS EOP i, °zee',tlfingt4 erefro.A, talafaaC;: t 17e- Staisle g%ytieterc of t: eloarrRn z :c:i . CASTOR A For Infants and Chien, Mothers Know That Genuine Cas -a Al -ways Bears the Sig nature of. • Exact Copy of Wrapper, see esxrnuu A914YAMx. NRvf YORK Cline.. Patriotism end Profit in June Cost s-i.DS ljir War Savings 5fenaps can 1,e. bout'at mhtr- cver this -raga is di.,player'. It is patriotic to buy War "wings Stamps because Canada must have money for reconstruction. But it is also profitable to buy War Savings Stamps because you are in- vesting in Government Bonds yielding over 41/2%. You don't need to be a capitalist. You can start with 25 cents. Buy a Thrift Stamp for a quarter. When you have sixteen of them, exchange them for a War Savings Stamp, and you will Crave. laid the foundation of a solid invest- ment with your odd savings. You can add to this investznnent as often as you save $4.00, and in 1924 the Government will pay $5.00 fcr every War Savings Stamp you buy now or $4.00 odd. This is to biggest opportunity ever af- forded to wage earn= to become in-, vestars. 1::'__2 Savl.xas Serve Fel r, zd ire = ^ ..c�::',L y_Invest Hensall Mr Garnet Case has returned from England -Mr, and Mrs. J. 17iller of Detroit are visiting at Rabt. Bon- thron's.—M is Amy Lammie of Taran- to is spending a couple weeks' vaca- tion at her home.—The trustees of the Public School have granted a bonus of lone month's salary to each of the teacihers„—Mr. Ernrest Carlisle of In- d' In- dian Head,Sask., is here visiting his father, Me Rot a 's e who C rlul, jha is very illi.—Mr. Andrew Johnston has been. visiting his dangiiters, Mrs, Shortt of Windsor and Mrs. Ferguson of Minneapolis, arud Is now with his son James lof Ryley, Alta.—Mr. Dent of Sault Ste. Marie is visiting, his sis- ter, Mrs. James Sutherland Miss Mary Murdoch taf Winnipeg ,is visiting with her father, Mr, Wm. Murdoch.—Mr. and Mrs. Vermilll6ia of Tioran'ta are spending a couple weeks with Mrs Vermillia's parents, Ma and vIrs. John Datnsdale.—Mrs. Couch, Who is at present vitsitiuvg'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty, was taken to Dr. A TWO -FOLD DUTY Many thou. mothers first give their r ! ! n Scoll's Emulsion regularly=•and then take it themselves. It is, a tonic -food that contains elementsas! needful to an adult as to,a child. •Buil4 up your strength - try Scott's. Scott st nowne, Toronto. Ont. 19-4 Hy ndtttan's hospital at Exeter, where an operation was performed for pleur- isy, She i., now recovering nicely. - Mr. Ben. Caldwell of Carberry, Man., ,is spending a short vacation in Hen salt and vicinity, renewing acquaint- ances. -While opening a battle of sada water one day last week Harry Price had his hand severrely cut by the bot- tle breaking,—A fire broke out at the rear of the building occupied by the Steele Brigs Cot one day last week. Luckily it . was discovered by Mrs (Dr.) Moir, who informed the Doctor before it had gai,n•ed much headway, thus averting a serious cianflagratiar;, The .origin of the fire was a mystery. ST. MARYS-Margaret McLarkey widow sof James Kelly-, passed away Tuesday after a few days illness of pneumonia. fiollowing influenza, at the age of 59. years. THE DOUBLE TRACK.ROUTle Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexc,eliied ' dieting car service Slet'epinng cars ort night trains and Parlor cars on principal ipal day trains_ .Futil information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or 'C. E. Horn- ing .District Passenger Agent, Toronto Phone 46w, N. J. DORF, Agent, Exeter